Copy # 1. CSS 的三種宣告方法
p { font - size : 120 % ; color : dimgray; }
p .smallcaps { font - variant : small - caps; }
< p class = "smallcaps" >Your paragraph here.</ p >
< p style = "color: #333;" >Your paragraph here.</ p >
Copy # 2. CSS Example to Change Character Case
p { font - size : 120 % ; color : dimgray; }
p .smallcaps { font - variant : small - caps; }
< p class = "smallcaps" >Your paragraph here.</ p >
text - transform : uppercase; text - transform : lowercase; text - transform : capitalize;
Copy < p class = "important" >Your important paragraph here.</ p >
p.important { border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; border-color: purple; }
< p id = "important" >Your important paragraph here.</ p >
p.important { border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; border-color: purple; }
Copy # 3. Easy CSS to Change Link Colors
a : link { color : gray; }
a : visited { color : green; }
a : hover { color : purple; }
a : active { color : teal; }
a : link , a : visited , a : hover , a : active { background - color : green; color : white; padding : 10px 25px; text - align : center; text - decoration : none; display : inline - block; }
Copy # 4. Remove Link Underlines With This Sample CSS
a { text - decoration : none; }
a : hover { text - decoration : underline; }
Copy # Center - Align Elements With Basic CSS Code
.center { display : block; margin : auto; }
img { margin : auto; }
.centertext { text - align : center; }
< p class = "centertext" >This text will be centered.</ p >