Contribution Guidelines

Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:

If you forget any of these I will nicely ask you to change it in the pull request.

NOTE: Just because the library isn't in the file doesn't mean it can't be in the file


  • Always keep lines aligned vertically to make it easier to edit.

  • Feel free to edit/add in the Column Key.

  • If adding or removing a mark from the table please acknowledge why you made that decision in your pull request description.

    • If adding, put the **X** left aligned in the box.

  • If adding a library make sure it is in alphabetical order.

    • Also make the name linked to the libraries' main page.

  • If adding a column you need to do the following:

    • Make sure it is placed in alphabetical order.

    • add the spaces to each row for that column (Alt+Shift in Notepad++ takes care of that easily).

    • Add in the Column Key in the alphabetical order and give description for what that column means.

    • Use the [Category](#category) format to link it to the Column Key.


  • Always keep lines aligned vertically to make it easier to edit.

  • All items in cell are left aligned.

  • If adding a library make sure it is in alphabetical order.

    • Also make the name linked to the libraries' main page.

  • All sizes are listed as either:

    • MB with 2 decimal places.

      • (Example: 3.23)

    • KB as MB with leading zero and 3 decimal.

      • (Example: 0.304)

MATH NOTE: 400KB != 0.400MB

You need to divide by 1024

So 400KB is 400 / 1024 = 0.332MB

How to contribute from

  • Make sure you have a free account and you are logged in.

  • Find an appropriate topic category in the file to add it under, or add your own if you think it is needed.

  • Click the 📝 button Edit link on the top right-hand corner of the This will do two things:

    • Fork the repository to your account.

    • Create a new branch so you can send your changes in a pull request.

  • Add your changes.

  • Scroll down to the Propose file change box and write a commit message and optional extended description.

  • Click the Propose file change button.

NOTE: this works the same for any of the files

Last updated