令人愉快的 NoCode / LowCode 應用程序和資源的精選列表。如需更多精彩,請查看 awesome。
谷歌分析 - 免費網站分析。
VisualSitemaps - 在幾秒鐘內自動生成視覺站點地圖和屏幕截圖
簡單分析 - 簡單、乾淨、友好的分析。
Posthog - 開源產品分析。
ActionDesk - 可讓您在一處收集和控制所有數據的電子表格。
Automate.io - 將您的業務置於自動駕駛儀上。連接 100 多個業務應用程序。
Blockspring - 增強您的列表構建、報告和登錄頁面。
Clay - 構建工具和工作流程以增強您的團隊
IFTTT - 使用您喜愛的服務做更多事情。
Integromat - 互聯網的粘合劑。
Linx - IT 專業人員的低代碼開發
Microsoft Flow - 通過集成您喜歡的應用程序來自動執行任務。
n8n - 免費的自託管自動化工具
Nanonets Airtable 模型 - 使用 Airtable 構建無代碼 AI 圖像管理器
Oplim - 使用零代碼在您的網站上自定義任務
拋物線 - 拖放以自動執行您的重複性任務。
Phantombuster - 一個簡單易用的無代碼 API 市場
pipedream - 為開發者打造的集成平台
簡單刮刀 - 網絡就是你的 API
stdlib - 用於將 API 連接在一起的在線 IDE
Tiller Money - 您在電子表格中的財務生活,每天自動更新。
Tray - 用於連接您每天使用的工具的高級集成平台。
Webmerge - 文檔自動化軟件
Zapier - 通過集成您喜歡的應用程序來自動執行任務。
圖表 - 帶有 MongoDB 和 Firestore 的 Nocode 後端 API 構建器。
Outfunnel - 深入、輕鬆地連接您的銷售和營銷數據。
AppSheet - 智能無代碼應用開發平台。
Betty Blocks - 無代碼 - 企業應用開發平台
Budibase - 強大的低代碼應用程序構建器,可在幾分鐘內創建內部工具。
Community.lawyer - 專為法律服務專業人士設計的無代碼應用生成器
DronaHQ - 無需編碼即可構建業務應用程序
Eyelet - 無需代碼即可為您的產品創建交互式指南
Fliplet - 創建自定義應用程序的智能方式
內部 - 控制台即服務,為面向客戶的團隊提供更好的工具
邏輯應用程序 - 將您的業務關鍵型應用程序和服務與 Azure 邏輯應用程序連接起來,無需編寫一行代碼即可自動化您的工作流代碼。
Lowdefy - 一個開源的低代碼框架,只需編寫 YAML 即可輕鬆構建內部工具、Web 應用程序、管理面板、BI 儀表板、工作流和 CRUD 應用程序。
Mintdata - 使用電子表格的全部功能來創建應用程序邏輯。
Ninox - 為 Mac、iPad 和 iPhone 創建商業應用程序。
Nussknacker - 定義和運行實時決策算法的可視化工具。
Plant An App - 軟件開發的秘密武器
Quick Base - 管理數據和自動化流程的最佳方式,讓您可以完成更多工作。
Zoho Creator - 自定義應用程序來運行您的業務。
Botnation - 在 Messenger、Web、Google Home、電話設備上創建聊天機器人、陸地機器人、語音機器人、呼叫機器人。
Botsify - 在線創建您自己的自動聊天機器人。
Chatamo - 在幾分鐘內創建用於營銷、銷售和支持的智能語音和聊天機器人。
Chatfuel - 創建聊天機器人以與您的觀眾通過信使互動
Flow XO - 創建一個需要零編碼技能的聊天機器人
Instabot - 適用於您網站的轉換聊天機器人
It's Alive - 在幾分鐘內創建一個 Facebook 機器人
Landbot - 作為聊天機器人的潛在客戶生成登陸頁面。
Manychat - 創建一個 Messenger 機器人來吸引您的觀眾。沒有編碼!
Rota.rocks - 將您的 Wordpress 帖子轉換為 iOS 應用程序。
rulai - 人工智能聊天機器人提供可擴展的自助服務
Smooch - 無論用戶在哪裡,都可以立即部署您的機器人。
## 合作
Kartra - 輕鬆開展在線業務
Salesflare - 簡單而強大的 CRM,適用於銷售 B2B 的小型企業。
APIFY - 從任何網站提取數據
flatfile - 優雅的 Web 應用導入按鈕
Hunter - 在幾秒鐘內找到電子郵件地址。
Simplescraper - 在幾秒鐘內從任何網站提取數據
Airtable - 數據庫/電子表格混搭
NocoDB - 免費和開源 Airtable Alternative - 將任何 SQL 數據庫轉換為智能電子表格。
Forest Admin - 管理面板框架
Go - 企業數據庫的低代碼
Hasura - 立即獲取實時 GraphQL API
Metabase - Metabase 是您公司中的每個人提出問題和從數據中學習的一種簡單的開源方式。
Motor Admin - 開源、自託管的管理面板和商業智能軟件。
PostGraphile - 用於 PostgreSQL 的可擴展高性能自動 GraphQL API
ResponseVault - 在您的自定義應用程序中使用基於網格的表單構建器。
Tabbli - 管理您的業務數據和自動化流程。
Tadabase - 無代碼數據庫 Web App Builder
Trevor - 無需代碼即可查詢您的實時數據。
## 設計
## 電子商務
Big Cartel - 藝術家和製作人的簡易在線商店
Gumroad - 直接向任何人出售任何東西。
Hingeto - 開始您自己的亞馬遜風格市場。
Monto - Webflow(和 Foxy)的產品評論。
Podia - 輕鬆銷售會員資格、在線課程和數字下載。
Shopify - 建立您的電子商務商店。
Volusion - 電子商務網站商店和購物車軟件
## 電子郵件
BEE - 快速創建精美的電子郵件。
EDMdesigner - 響應式電子郵件設計變得簡單。
Mailchimp - 電子郵件營銷和自動化
明信片 - 通過簡單的拖放創建很棒的電子郵件。
Sendgrid - 電子郵件遞送服務。
Strpo - 免費的電子郵件模板生成器。
Substack - 付費通訊變得簡單
Topol - 輕鬆漂亮的 HTML 電子郵件
## 形式
Convertigo - 無需編碼即可創建基於表單的應用程序。
Dislack - 為現代製造商創建表單。
FlexyForm - 聯繫表單後端即服務
Google 表單 - 來自 Google 的免費表單,可直接連接到 Google 表格。
InteractiveCalculator - 製作無代碼計算器並將其添加到您的網站
Involve.Me - 構建可定制的小部件,如測驗、表格和計算器
Jotform - 在線表單生成器和表單創建器。
Paperform - 感覺像你的美麗表格
Typeform - 創建人們喜歡回答的表格和調查
Tally - 創建像文檔一樣工作的表單的最簡單方法
Construct - 遊戲製作軟件
Yoyo Games - 它擁有從概念到完成遊戲所需的一切。
## 內部的
Contractbook - 高效的合同管理
Nuclino - 部分知識庫,部分協作空間🧠
Retool - 在幾分鐘內構建自定義內部工具。
流語言 - 邁出編程的下一步
Instapage - 登陸頁面,轉化次數最多提高 6 倍。
Landen - 初創公司的網站建設者。
Launchaco - 簡單的啟動頁面
Leadpages - 登陸頁面構建器和潛在客戶生成軟件。
PageXL - 一頁式網站和商店構建器
RIVYT - 視頻創作者網站
Unbounce - 登陸頁面 - 更強大的自定義功能
Destack - 開發人員的可視化頁面構建器
## 營銷
Fomo - 社交證明營銷平台
FORTVISION - 創造可帶來更高轉化率的互動體驗。
Hotjar - 了解訪問者如何真正使用您的網站。
Hubspot - 營銷、銷售、客戶服務和 CRM 軟件的完整平台。
Rewardful - Stripe 的即時聯盟和推薦計劃
Screenzy - 截圖美化器
Ship - Product Hunt 提供的用於運送出色產品的工具包⛵️
Adalo - 無需編碼即可將您驚人的應用概念變為現實!
AppOnboard Studio - 應用創意得以實現的地方。無需代碼。
Appspotr - 無需編碼即可創建史詩級應用
Appstylo - 移動應用構建器製造商
Bravo Studio - 讓您的設計成為真正的原生應用程序
Convertigo - 無需編碼即可為 iOS 和 Android 創建移動應用程序和 PWA
draftbit - 全部從您的瀏覽器創建、自定義和啟動移動應用程序。包括源代碼。
miniAppMaker - 使用 Airtable 製作移動應用程序!
Thunkable - 無代碼應用程序生成器
## 視頻
Loom - Chrome 的無縫屏幕、麥克風和攝像頭錄製
Dark Lang - 在幾個小時內構建一個完整的後端。
graphqleditor - 更好的 GraphQL 方式
煉油廠 - 在不到召開會議的時間內編寫一個功能。
Storyscript Prelaunch - 未來開發者的神奇編碼筆記本。
## 嗓音
Vuix - 在幾分鐘內設計語音應用程序。
Instavr - 在幾分鐘內製作您的 VR 應用
Adalo - 無需代碼即可創建應用。
Boundless - 無需代碼即可創建動態、多邊的 Web 應用程序。
Bubble - 構建生產就緒的網絡應用程序。
雲運河 - 靜態站點 -> 網絡應用
Convertigo - 低代碼無代碼創建Web應用
Corvid - 輕鬆構建高級 Web 應用程序。
OnOut - 一鍵在自己的域上構建區塊鏈 DApp。
SpreadsheetWeb - Excel 用戶的 NoCode 平台
Stacker - 在瀏覽器中構建 Web 應用程序,無需代碼。
Widgetic - 網站構建塊的市場。
appsmith_ - 構建內部應用的前端即服務
Bloggi - 一個簡單的博客平台
書籤 - 使用 AI 創建網站
Grapedrop - 免費和自定義網站和登陸頁面
IM Creator - 免費網站建設者
Jimdo - 您的網站建設者
Linkz.ai - 沉浸式超鏈接預覽,讓訪問者留在您的網站上
會員空間 - 將您的觀眾變成付費會員。
Sheet2Site - 將您的 📗 Google 表格變成 🎨 專業網站
Squarespace - 一站式平台,打造美麗的在線形象。
Strikingly - 在幾分鐘內建立一個網站
Tilda - 無需任何代碼即可創建漂亮的網站。
Udesly - 使用 Webflow 創建 WordPress 和 Shopify 主題
Universe - 用您的手機製作一個很棒的網站。
Versoly - 構建 SaaS 網站的最簡單方法
Webflow - 打破代碼壁壘,更快地建立更好的商業網站。無需編碼。
Webnode - 簡單免費的網站製作工具
Weebly - 建立免費網站或在線商店
Weld - 無需代碼即可發揮創意 - 交互式內容工具
無代碼 - 無代碼網站生成器
Wix - 免費網站建設者
ApexOracle - 構建企業應用程序的速度提高了 20 倍,代碼減少了 100 倍。
A curated list of delightful NoCode / LowCode applications and resources. For more awesomeness, check out awesome.
Google Analytics - Free website analytics.
VisualSitemaps - Autogenerate Visual Sitemaps & Screenshots in Seconds
Simple Analytics - Simple, clean, and friendly analytics.
Posthog - Open source product analytics.
ActionDesk - The spreadsheet that lets you gather and control all your data in one place.
Automate.io - Put your business on autopilot. Connect 100+ business apps.
Blockspring - Supercharge your list building, reporting, and landing pages.
Clay - Build tools & workflows to supercharge your team
IFTTT - Do more with the services you love.
Integromat - The glue of the internet.
Linx - Low-code Development for IT Pros
Microsoft Flow - Automate tasks by integrating your favorite apps.
n8n - Free Self-hostable Automation Tool
Nanonets Airtable Models - Build a no-code AI image organizer with Airtable
Oplim - Custom Tasks on Your Website with Zero Code
Parabola - Drag-and-drop to automate your repetitive tasks.
Phantombuster - A marketplace of simple to use no-code APIs
pipedream - The integration platform built for developers
Simple scraper - The web is your API
stdlib - An online IDE for connecting APIs together
Tiller Money - Your financial life in a spreadsheet, automatically updated each day.
Tray - Advanced integration platform for connecting up the tools you use every day.
Webmerge - Document automation software
Zapier - Automate tasks by integrating your favorite apps.
Diagram - Nocode backend API builder with MongoDB and Firestore.
Outfunnel - Connect your sales and marketing data, deeply and easily.
AppSheet - The intelligent no-code app development platform.
Betty Blocks - No-code - Enterprise Application Development Platform
Budibase - Powerful low-code app builder for creating internal tools in minutes.
Community.lawyer - No-code App Builder designed specifically for legal service professionals
DronaHQ - Build Business Apps Without Coding
Eyelet - Create interactive guidance for your product without code
Fliplet - The smart way to create custom apps
Internal - Console-as-a-service, better tools for customer-facing teams
Logic Apps - Connect your business-critical apps and services with Azure Logic Apps, automating your workflows without writing a single line of code.
Lowdefy - An open-source low-code framework to build internal tools, web apps, admin panels, BI dashboards, workflows, and CRUD apps with ease by simply writing YAML.
Mintdata - Use the full power of a spreadsheet to create application logic.
Ninox - Create Business Apps for Mac, iPad and iPhone.
Nussknacker - A visual tool to define and run real-time decision algorithms.
Plant An App - The Secret Weapon of Software Development
Quick Base - The best way to manage data and automate processes, so you can accomplish more.
Zoho Creator - Custom apps to run your business.
Botnation - Create chatbots, landbots, voicebots, callbots on Messenger, Web, Google Home, Phone device.
Botsify - Create your own automated chatbots online.
Chatamo - Create intelligent voice and chat bots for marketing, sales and support in minutes.
Chatfuel - Create chatbots to engage with your audience on messengers
Flow XO - Create a chatbot with zero coding skills required
Instabot - A Conversion Chatbot for Your Website
It's Alive - Create a Facebook bot in minutes
Landbot - Lead generation landing page as chatbot.
Manychat - Create a Messenger bot to engage your audience. No coding!
Rota.rocks - Convert your Wordpress posts to an iOS app.
rulai - AI Chatbot to Deliver Scalable Self Service
Smooch - Instantly deploy your bots wherever users are.
Fibery - Instead of trying to make scattered tools work, Build your own workspace
Notion - The all-in-one workspace - notes, tasks, wikis, & databases.
Quip - One place for all your team’s work.
Kartra - Online Business Made Easy
Salesflare - Simple yet powerful CRM for small businesses selling B2B.
APIFY - Extract data from any website
flatfile - The elegant import button for your web app
Hunter - Find email addresses in seconds.
Simplescraper - Extract data from any website in seconds
Airtable - Database / Spreadsheet mashup
NocoDB - Free & Open Source Airtable Alternative - turns any SQL databases into smart spreadsheet.
Forest Admin - The admin panel framework
Go - Low-Code for Enterprise Databases
Hasura - Get realtime GraphQL APIs instantly
Metabase - Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.
Motor Admin - Open-source, self-hosted Admin Panel and Business Intelligence software.
PostGraphile - Extensible high-performance automatic GraphQL API for PostgreSQL
ResponseVault - Use a grid-based form builder in your custom app.
Tabbli - Manage your business data and automate processes.
Tadabase - No Code Database Web App Builder
Trevor - Query your live data, without code.
Figma - The first interface design tool with real-time collaboration
STUDIO - Design to live website in one click.
unDraw - Free, open-source illustrations for every project.
Big Cartel - Easy online stores for artists & makers
Gumroad - Sell anything directly to anyone.
Hingeto - Start your own Amazon-style marketplace.
Monto - Product Reviews for Webflow (and Foxy).
Podia - Easily sell memberships, online courses & digital downloads.
Shopify - Build your ecommerce store.
Volusion - Ecommerce Website Store & Shopping Cart Software
BEE - Create beautiful emails, fast.
EDMdesigner - Responsive email design made simple.
Mailchimp - Email marketing & automation
Postcards - Create awesome emails with drag & drop simplicity.
Sendgrid - Email delivery service.
Stripo - Free email template builder.
Substack - Paid newsletters made simple
Topol - Beautiful HTML e-mails easily
Convertigo - Create Forms based applications with no coding.
Dislack - Form creation for the modern maker.
FlexyForm - Contact Forms Backend as Service
Google Forms - Free forms from Google, that connect directly to Google Sheets.
InteractiveCalculator - Make calculators with no code and add them on your site
Involve.Me - Build customizable widgets like quizzes, forms & calculators
Jotform - Online Form Builder & Form Creator.
Paperform - Beautiful Forms That Feel Like Yours
Typeform - Create forms and surveys that people enjoy answering
Tally - The simplest way to create forms that works like a doc
Construct - Game Making Software
Yoyo Games - It has everything you need to take your idea from concept to finished game.
Contractbook - Efficient Contract Management
Nuclino - Part knowledge base, part collaboration space 🧠
Retool - Build custom internal tools in minutes.
Stream Language - Taking the next step in programming
Instapage - Landing pages, up to 6x more conversions.
Landen - The website builder for startups.
Launchaco - Simple landing pages for your startup
Leadpages - Landing page builder & lead gen software.
PageXL - One-page website and store builder
RIVYT - Websites for Video Creators
Unbounce - Landing Pages - More Powerful Customization
Destack - Visual page builder for developers
Fomo - Social Proof Marketing Platform
FORTVISION - Create interactive experiences that lead to higher conversions.
Hotjar - See how your visitors are really using your site.
Hubspot - A full platform of marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software.
Rewardful - Instant Affiliate & Referral Programs for Stripe
Screenzy - Screenshot beautifier
Ship - A toolkit to ship awesome products, by Product Hunt ⛵️
Adalo - Turn Your Amazing App Concept Into Reality Without Coding!
AppOnboard Studio - Where app ideas come to life. No code required.
Appspotr - Create epic apps without coding
Appstylo - Mobile App builder maker
Bravo Studio - Where your designs become real native apps
Convertigo - Create Mobile Apps & PWAs for iOS & Android with no coding
draftbit - Create, customize, and launch mobile apps all from your browser. Source code included.
miniAppMaker - Make mobile apps using Airtable!
Thunkable - The No-Code App Builder
AND CO - Invoicing, Proposals & Expense Tracking
Paypal - Send Money, Pay Online or Set Up a Merchant Account
Trolley - Get paid with no code
Octoparse - Easy Web Scraping for Anyone
Parsehub - Free web scraping.
Spider - Turn websites into organized data without code.
Loom - Seamless screen, mic, and camera recording for Chrome
Dark Lang - Build an entire backend in just hours.
graphqleditor - A Better Way to GraphQL
Refinery - Write a feature in less than the time it takes to have a meeting about it.
Storyscript Prelaunch - Magical coding notebook for tomorrow’s developer.
Vuix - Design voice apps in minutes.
Instavr - Make your VR apps in minutes
Adalo - Create an app without code.
Boundless - Create dynamic, multisided web applications without code.
Bubble - Build production-ready web apps.
Cloud Canal - Static Sites -> Web Apps
Convertigo - Create Web Applications with low code and no code
Corvid - Build advanced web applications, hassle-free.
OnOut - Build Blockchain DApps on your own domain in one-click.
SpreadsheetWeb - A NoCode platform for Excel users
Stacker - Build web apps in your browser, without code.
Widgetic - A marketplace for website building blocks.
appsmith_ - Frontend as a Service to build internal apps
Bloggi - A simple blogging platform
Bookmark - Create a Website with AI
Grapedrop - Free and custom websites and landing pages
IM Creator - Free Website Builder
Jimdo - Your Website Builder
Linkz.ai - Immersive hyperlink previews to keep visitors on your website
Memberspace - Turn your audience into paying members.
Sheet2Site - Turn your 📗 Google Sheets into 🎨 professional websites
Squarespace - All-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence.
Strikingly - Make a website in minutes
Tilda - Create beautiful websites without any code.
Udesly - Use Webflow to create WordPress and Shopify Themes
Universe - Make an awesome website from your phone.
Versoly - The Easiest Way to Build Your SaaS Website
Webflow - Break the code barrier, Build better business websites, faster. Without coding.
Webnode - Easy & Free Website Maker
Weebly - Build a Free Website or Online Store
Weld - Be creative without code – Interactive content tool
Without Code - Code Free Website Builder
Wix - Free Website Builder
ApexOracle - Build enterprise apps 20x faster with 100x less code.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
I am providing code and resources in this repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code and resources is from me and not my employer (Microsoft).
To the extent possible under law, Kai Richard König has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.