受 awesome 列表的啟發。
## 目錄
Smashing Magazine:Smashing Magazine 的用戶體驗部分;
UX Booth:用戶體驗社區的出版物。
UX Movement:一個 UX 博客,發表文章,展示好的和壞的界面設計實踐如何影響用戶行為。
InvisionApp 博客:invisionApp 的博客。
Designmodo:關於 UX 學科的博文。
UX Mag:關於 UX 的虛擬雜誌。
UX Pin:UX Pin 博客。
Johnny Holland:Johnny Holland 的博客;
Inspire UX:inspireUX 關注用戶體驗對人、企業和世界的影響。
Akendi 博客:Akendi 的官方博客。
Fool Proof:觀察新行為並分享我們所學
Usability Geek:一個宣傳網站可用性重要性的博客。
Usabilla:Usabilla 的博客。
52 Weeks of UX:關於為真人設計的過程的論述。
Usability Post:Dmitry Fadeyev 對設計和用戶體驗的思考
UX Apprentice:對 UX 設計的過程感興趣嗎?想學習基礎知識?就是這兒!
UX DesignEdge:UXDesignEdge的博客;
## 工具
UXPin:敏捷的 UX 在一個地方:設計系統、原型設計和文檔在一起。- 網站線框:Mockingbird
UX 項目清單:用作 UX 項目指南的清單;
Pagereview: https://github.com/pelmenept/awesome-ux.git
UX Stack Exchange:一個關於 UX 的論壇;
Designer Hangout:UX 社區的鬆懈;
[不要讓我思考史蒂夫克魯格](http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Me-Think-Usability/dp/0321344758) -【誘惑交互設計】(http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321725522/)
[情感設計:為什麼我們喜歡(或討厭)Don Norman 的日常事物](https://www.amazon.com/Emotional-Design-Love-Everyday-Things/dp/0465051367)
## 靈感
Tindddle: Dribbble 的火種
GUIPorn:令人興奮的 GUI;
Little Big Details:您每天的設計靈感。
Abduzeedo:Abduzeedo 是個人作家的集體,分享有關建築、設計、攝影和用戶體驗的文章。
[Really Good UX] (https://www.reallygoodux.io):整合、分類 - UX 最佳實踐
Graphic Burger:精心製作的美味設計資源
Google Material Design:Google 的 Material Design 風格指南。
[作為以用戶為中心的設計方法的一部分,我如何招募潛在客戶來影子?](https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-recruit-prospective-customers-to-shadow-as -a-part-of-a-user-centered-design-approach/answer/Dana-Chisnell);
[數據驅動設計研究角色和角色 DNA 概況。(幻燈片)](http://www.slideshare.net/toddwarfel/data-driven-design-research-personas/10-As_a_design_research_tool)
User Experience Design is when we develop things caring about how user will interact with it. Basically, the User Experiences cares about the users happiness and cares about give better conditions to who are behind the creation. Missing something in this list? Contribute with us.
Inspired by the list thing.
[Really Good UX] (https://www.reallygoodux.io): Consolidated, categorized - UX best practices
: The UX section of Signal v. noise site.
: An UX section of Smashing Magazine;
: A publication by and for the user experience community.
: An UX blog that publishes articles showing how good and bad interface design practices affect user behavior.
: A blog by invisionApp.
: Blogposts about UX disciplines.
: A virtual magazine about UX.
: UX Pin blog.
: Johnny Holland's Blog;
: inspireUX focuses on the impact that User Experience has on people, business, and the world.
: The Official Akendi's blog.
: Watching for new behaviours and sharing what we learn
: A blog to evangelize about the importance of website usability.
: A blog by Usabilla.
: A discourse on the process of designing for real people.
: Thoughts on design and user experience by Dmitry Fadeyev
: Intrigued by the process of UX design? Want to learn the basics? This is the right place!
: A Site by USA government about usability;
: A blog by UXDesignEdge;
: A Software for digital product design, design workflow and team collaboration.
: A Software for digital product design, design workflow and team collaboration based on production ready code with easy handover for developers.
: A Software for digital product design, design workflow and team collaboration.
: A Software for digital product design.
: Agile UX in one place: design systems, prototyping, and documentation together.-
: A checklist to use as guide for an UX project;
: https://github.com/pelmenept/awesome-ux.git
: A forum about UX stuff;
: A slack for the UX community;
: Tinder for Dribbble
: Exciting GUIs;
: Your daily dose of design inspiration.
: Abduzeedo is a collective of individual writers sharing articles about architecture, design, photography and UX.
: A hand-picked directory of the best free resources for creatives.
: Tons of resources for designers, free and premium.
: Tasty design resources made with care for each pixel
: A styleguide for material design by Google.