Awesome AdTech 由 AirGrid 創建和維護,但歡迎社區對此列表的貢獻!只需編輯 README.md(本文檔)並將更改作為拉取請求發送,指南可用 [此處](contributing.md)。
## 內容
📖 閱讀有關 adtech 的所有信息!
AdExchanger - AdExchanger 提供專門針對數據驅動營銷領域的新聞、分析和活動。
ExchangeWire - 跟踪廣告交易和 Exchange 市場。
The Drum - 營銷和媒體行業的新聞,包括故事、求職資源、活動列表。
Digiday - Digiday 創建促進媒體和營銷變革的內容、服務和社區。
✉️ 及時了解直接發送到您收件箱的廣告技術新聞!
AdProfs - 每週日發送一封電子郵件,在 15 分鐘內掌握重要的廣告技術新聞。
🎙️ 所以你是在告訴我你還沒有嘗試過傾聽,並在睡覺時夢想著廣告技術?
ExchangeWire 播客 - ExchangeWire 播客,與他們富有魅力的首席執行官 Ciaran O'Kane。
AdExchanger Podcast - 探索數據驅動的數字媒體和營銷的演變。
👪 通過深入了解廣告技術的人之間的公開討論,探索並學習新事物!
Reddit /r/adops - 一個很棒的 subreddit,有一些精明的討論和超過 13k 的訂閱者。
Reddit /r/adtech - 一個小的 subreddit,有大約 1k 的讀者。
Programmatic Heads - 一個開放的 slack 小組,圍繞 DSP、DMP 等進行了大量討論。
#### 推特
AdExchanger Twitter 目錄 - adtech 相關 Twitter 帳戶的目錄。
展示廣告 - 超過 6 萬粉絲。
## 研究
🔬 通過閱讀最前沿的信息,保持領先地位!
eMarketer - eMarketer 是為需要為未來工作做好準備的商業專業人士尋找數字數據和研究的第一個地方。
OpenSource Mindshare - 目前僅託管一篇關於增強調查數據的研究論文。
LUMA Content - 市場併購活動新聞資源,涵蓋 AdTech 和 MarTech。
🤓 通過從結構化資源中學習來提升您的專業知識!
Jounce Media Black Book - 一套很棒的免費廣告技術入門,但確實需要共享您的電子郵件。
📅 正如任何堅定的行業資深人士所知道的那樣,AdTech 活動主要是關於大量飲酒。下面的列表不是該規則的例外。
💻 AdTech 並不以生產許多開放技術而聞名,但有一些寶石有待發掘!
#### 技術
EdgeKit - 開源、無 cookie 和注重隱私的受眾創建和貨幣化。
Nameles - 基於熵的無效流量檢測和投標前過濾。
Prebid.js - 流行的標頭投標包裝器。
RTB Kit - RTBkit 是一個開源軟件包,允許您為展示廣告創建和部署實時投標人。
Revive Adserver - 世界上最流行的免費、開源廣告服務系統。
BidMachine Ad Exchange - 開源移動廣告交易平台。
#### 數據
Terabyte Click Logs - 訓練大規模學習點擊率 (CTR) 預測模型的 ML 模型。
反事實學習數據集 - 訓練和評估從記錄的用戶交互數據中學習的反事實模型,以構建交互式系統,例如搜索引擎和推薦系統。
Kaggle 點擊預測 - 從小於 50 MB 的數據集預測展示廣告的點擊率。
第三方腳本 - 描述哪些第三方實體對網絡上過度執行 JavaScript 負有最大責任的數據。
## 隱私
🛡️ AdTech 是一個相當侵入性的行業,但目前的趨勢是更加註重隱私的產品和方法。
谷歌隱私沙盒 - 隱私沙盒項目的使命是“創建一個尊重用戶和默認隱私的繁榮網絡生態系統。”
Google FLOC - 最先進的沙盒提案,旨在取代跨站點行為受眾。
A curated list describing the technology behind advertising!
Whilst advertising is a broad field, this awesome list describes specifically the technology behind it. In this list, expect to learn about the software, datasets, and other technology that brands and agencies use to perform their digital advertising activities!
Awesome AdTech was created and is maintaned by AirGrid, but contributions from the community to this list are welcome! Just edit the README.md (this document) and send the changes as a pull request, guidelines are available here.
📖 Read about all things adtech!
AdExchanger - AdExchanger provides news, analysis and events dedicated to the data-driven marketing space.
ExchangeWire - Tracking Ad Trading and the Exchange Marketplace.
The Drum - News for the marketing and media industries, with stories, job search resources, events listing.
Digiday - Digiday creates content, services and community that foster change in media and marketing.
✉️ Stay up to date with ad-tech news sent directly to your inbox!
AdProfs - Stay on top of important ad tech news in fewer than 15 minutes with one email every Sunday.
🎙️ So you're telling me you haven't tried listening, and dreaming about adtech as you sleep?
ExchangeWire Podcast - ExchangeWire podcast, with their charismatic CEO Ciaran O'Kane.
AdExchanger Podcast - Explore the evolution of data-driven digital media and marketing.
👪 Geek out and learn something new, with open discussions between those deeply into ad-tech!
Reddit /r/adops - A great subreddit, with some shrewd discussion and > 13k subscribers.
Reddit /r/adtech - A small subreddit, with ~1k readers.
Programmatic Heads - An open slack group, with plenty of discussion around DSPs, DMPs, etc.
AdExchanger Twitter Directory - A directory of adtech related twitter accounts.
Display Advertising - Over 60k followers.
🔬 Stay ahead of the game, by reading from the bleeding edge!
eMarketer - eMarketer is the first place to look for data and research on digital for business professionals who need to be prepared for the work ahead.
OpenSource Mindshare - Currently hosting just a single research paper on augmentation of survey data.
LUMA Content - The go to resource for market M&A activity news, covers both AdTech & MarTech.
🤓 Level up your expertise, by learning from structured resources!
Jounce Media Black Book - A great set of free adtech primers, but does require sharing your email.
📅 As any hardened industry veteran would know, AdTech events are mainly about copious consumption of alcohol. The list below is not an exception to that rule.
ad:tech - A trade show happening across the globe each year.
Mobile World Congress - Mobile focused event in Barcelona.
Advertising Week - Global event, with strong lienup of speakers and great parties.
💻 AdTech is not known for producing many open technologies, but there are a few gems to uncover!
EdgeKit - Open source, cookie-less and privacy focused audience creation & monetisation.
Nameles - Entropy based invalid traffic detection and pre-bid filtering.
Prebid.js - Popular header bidder wrapper.
Index Wrapper - Header bidder wrapper released for verification by the community rather than usage.
RTB Kit - RTBkit is an open-source software package that allows you to create and deploy a Real Time Bidder for display advertising.
Revive Adserver - The world's most popular free, open source ad serving system.
BidMachine Ad Exchange - Open source mobile ad exchange.
Terabyte Click Logs - Train ML models that learn click-through rate (CTR) prediction models at scale.
Counterfactual Learning Dataset - Train and evaluate counterfactual models that learn from logged user-interaction data, to build interactive systems such as search engines and recommendation systems.
Kaggle Click Prediction - Predict CTR on display ads, from a dataset < 50 MB.
Third Party Scripts - Data describing which third party entities are most responsible for excessive JavaScript execution on the web.
🛡️ AdTech is a fairly intrusive industry, but the current trend has been towards more privacy focused products and methods.
Google Privacy Sandbox - The Privacy Sandbox project’s mission is to “Create a thriving web ecosystem that is respectful of users and private by default.”
Google FLOC - The most advanced of the Sandbox proposals, aims to replace cross site behavioural audiences.