一組插件、入門主題和工具,使 WordPress 開發更容易。
## 目錄
Cortex - Cortex 是基於 FastRoute 的 WordPress 路由系統。
控制器 - WordPress 軟件包,用於在將 Blade 與 Sage 一起使用時啟用控制器。
WP Emerge - 一個微型框架,通過提供實現 MVC 等的工具,將 WordPress 現代化為 CMS 開發。
wp-api-base - 用於構建附加 WordPress API 的抽象 PHP 類。
wp-api-tester - 用於幫助開發 API 和其他 PHP 插件的插件。
wp-google-cloud-source-api - Google Cloud Platform 的 Cloud DNS API 集成。
wp-uptime-robot-api - 正常運行時間機器人 API 集成。
wp-slack-api - Slack 消息傳遞 API 集成。
wp-keycdn-api - KeyCDN 內容分發網絡 API 集成。
wp-amazon-s3-api - Amazon Web Services 的簡單存儲服務 (AWS S3) API 集成。
wp-deploybot-api - Deploybot API 集成。
wp-packagist-api - Composer 的 Packagist API 集成。
更健康的選項 - 曾經有一個笨拙的選項表會減慢你的速度並導致瘋狂的錯誤?也許你有,但不知道?更健康的選項可幫助您的選項表恢復原狀。
AceIDE - AceIDE 是一個 WordPress 代碼編輯器,其長期目標是成為編碼/開發 WordPress 主題和插件的終極環境。
添加管理 CSS - 用於輕鬆定義要添加到所有管理頁面的附加 CSS(內聯和/或通過 URL)的界面。
前端管理菜單 - 查看站點時允許顯示管理菜單。
Admin Select Box To Select2 - 此插件用於將所有簡單的 Select 框轉換為 Select2。
高級選項編輯器 - 從 WordPress 儀表板編輯 WP 選項。
高級 iFrame - 此插件將任何網頁作為短代碼包含在高級 iframe 中或直接嵌入內容。
ACF 到 REST API - 在 WP REST API v2 中公開高級自定義字段端點。
高級批量操作 - 高級批量操作是一個 WordPress 插件,可在帖子、頁面和用戶概述的管理面板中添加新的批量操作。
高級 Cron 管理器 - 調試和控制 - 查看、暫停、刪除、編輯和添加 WP Cron 事件。
高級表單處理器 - 將表單處理器添加到高級表單插件。
高級密碼安全 - 強制您的管理員和/或選擇角色在設定的時間後將其密碼更新為新密碼。
管理欄 - 在 WordPress 管理面板中管理和組織帖子、用戶、評論和媒體列表中的欄。將 WordPress 管理屏幕轉換為漂亮、清晰的概覽。
管理員菜單編輯器 - 管理員菜單編輯器允許您手動編輯儀表板菜單。您可以重新排序菜單、顯示/隱藏特定項目、更改權限等。
Admin Trim Interface - 此插件結合使用 WordPress 鉤子、CSS(如果可能)和 Javascript(最後的手段)來刪除指定的管理員界面元素。
管理 - 可視化壓縮管理元框,以便最初可以看到更多管理頁面內容。該插件可讓您從 WordPress 管理菜單中為您安裝的所有角色隱藏“不必要的”項目。您還可以在編輯區域隱藏帖子元控件以簡化界面。可以為所有角色簡化不同的管理員。
允許多個帳戶 - 允許創建、註冊和更新具有相同電子郵件地址的多個用戶帳戶。
Amr 用戶 - 通過元鍵和值、評論計數和帖子計數可配置用戶列表。包括顯示、包含、排除、排序配置和導出到 CSV 的選項。
Amuga Ajax 日誌 - 記錄 admin-ajax 命中以進行故障排除。
附件 - 附件可以將任意數量的媒體庫項目附加到頁面、帖子和自定義帖子類型。
ARI Adminer - 這個插件連接 WordPress 和 Adminer 數據庫管理工具。可以使用 MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQLite 數據庫。
Ascendoor Metadata Manager - 查看和管理帖子、術語、用戶和評論元數據。
自動上傳圖片 - 自動上傳和導入帖子的外部圖片到Wordpress上傳目錄和媒體管理。
AJAX Action Wrapper - 這個幫助庫可以更輕鬆地處理 WordPress 插件中的 AJAX 請求。
AutomatePlus – Mautic for WordPress - 將註冊的 WP 用戶和評論者添加到 mautic 聯繫人。
Banhammer - 監控流量並禁止不受歡迎的訪客。
生產中的 BE 媒體 - 在可用時使用本地媒體,其餘部分使用生產服務器。
BEA – 清理文件名 - 從上傳文件的文件名中刪除所有標點符號和重音符號。
Better Font Awesome - WordPress 的終極 Font Awesome 圖標插件。
更好的搜索替換 - 將 WordPress 站點移動到新域或服務器時,您可能需要運行搜索/替換數據庫上的一切正常工作。
更好的 WordPress 管理 API - 為您的插件/主題構建管理頁面和選項的更好方法。
壞機器人的黑洞 - 通過將壞機器人困在黑洞中來保護您的網站免受壞機器人的侵害。
塊邏輯 - 添加條件塊屬性塊邏輯以控制塊顯示到“高級”控制面板。
BRAD - 更好地圍繞可發現性負責。
BrowserStack for WordPress - 此插件支持 BrowserStack 產品的集成,以便在真實設備上測試您的內容。
批量操作全選 - 所有帖子的批量操作在 WordPress 管理員的帖子概覽中添加了一個選項以選擇“所有帖子” . 默認情況下,WordPress 只允許您選擇當前頁面上的帖子。
批量塊轉換器 - 快速將所有內容轉換為 WordPress 5 塊。升級到 WordPress 5 Gutenberg 編輯器時非常有用的工具。
批量更改角色 - 將所有用戶從一個角色轉移到另一個角色。
Carbon Fields - 適用於所有類型 WordPress 內容的 WordPress 自定義字段的面向開發人員的庫。
碳場:顯示複選框 - 碳場的顯示字段擴展。顯示“是”而不是 1 以顯示複選框值。
Cavalcade - 一個更好的 wp-cron。水平可擴展,與多站點完美配合。
CF7 to Zapier - 使用聯繫表 7 作為 Zapier 的觸發器。
子主題配置器 - 基於現有主題生成子主題,甚至將您的所有設置從父主題遷移到子主題(像小部件和菜單)。
經典小部件) - 在外觀 - 小部件和定制器中啟用經典小部件設置屏幕。禁用塊編輯器管理小部件。
[清理多站點數據庫表(WP-CLI 自定義命令)](https://github.com/shawnhooper/delete-orphaned-multisite-tables) - 使用 WP-CLI 查找和刪除 WordPress 多站點網絡中的孤立表。
CMB2 附加帖子字段 - 自定義元框和 WordPress 字段的自定義字段,用於將帖子附加到頁面。
CMB2 代碼片段庫 - 這是一個社區維護的代碼片段存儲庫,可幫助修改 CMB2 的默認行為。
CMB2 Conditionals - 用於在 CMB2 元框中的字段之間建立條件關係的插件。
CMB2 帖子搜索字段 - CMB2 的自定義字段,它添加了一個用於搜索/附加其他帖子 ID 的搜索後對話框。
CMB2 群組地圖 - 此 CMB2 插件允許您使用 CMB2 群組字段來管理自定義帖子類型條目。
CMB2 Markdown - 為可用的 CMB2 字段添加一個啟用 Markdown 的文本區域,並提供實時預覽。
CMB2 Metatabs 選項 - 添加具有多個元框的管理選項頁面 - 並將這些元框放入可選選項卡中。需要 CMB2。
CMB2 相關鏈接 - 允許用戶添加相關鏈接重複字段組的特殊 CMB2 字段。
CMB2 選項卡 - CMB2 選項卡是 CMB2 的擴展,它允許您將字段組織到選項卡中。
CMB2 術語選擇 - 選擇與您的內容相關聯的術語。
更改用戶名 - 更改用戶名插件允許您以簡單有效的方式更改 WordPress 用戶的用戶名。
經典編輯器 - 啟用 WordPress 經典編輯器和舊式編輯帖子屏幕佈局(TinyMCE、元框等)。支持擴展此屏幕的舊插件。
經典編輯器插件 - 默認情況下經典編輯器插件不會刪除古騰堡。這個插件改變了這一點並做出了更多的改變。有關詳細信息,請參閱 readme.txt。
Co-Authors Plus - 通過“輸入時搜索”輸入框為帖子、頁面和自定義帖子類型分配多個署名。
Cookie 同意 - 您唯一需要的 cookie 同意插件。
條件塊 - 出於任何原因有條件地顯示或隱藏任何古騰堡塊。
Cron Logger - cron 運行的日誌。
自定義帖子 - 通過定制器管理帖子和 postmeta。
自定義字段套件 - 以可視方式將自定義字段添加到您的 WordPress 編輯頁面。
自定義字段套件選項屏幕 - 由自定義字段套件提供支持的註冊選項屏幕。
自定義字段套件 Yoast 分析 - 在 Yoast WordPress SEO 分析中集成自定義字段套件內容。
自定義佈局 - 構建任何帖子類型的列表或網格佈局。使用我們強大的拖放模板編輯器設計佈局中每個項目的外觀。
自定義插件管理器 - 在自定義器中管理插件(實驗性)。
Debug Bar ElasticPress - 添加調試欄面板以檢查 ElasticPress 查詢的 WordPress 插件。
DebugPress - DebugPress 是一個易於使用的插件,實現了用於調試和分析當前加載的 WordPress 驅動的網站頁面的彈出窗口,支持攔截 AJAX 請求。
調試對象 - 列出過濾器和操作掛鉤、緩存數據、定義的常量、查詢、包含的腳本和样式、php 和內存信息以及條件返回標籤僅供管理員使用,用於調試、信息或學習目的。
調試快速查看 - 創建管理欄鏈接以查看或清除調試日誌文件。
調試工具包 - 代碼調試變得更容易和更愉快。一套幫助您調試代碼的工具。
專用瞬態 - 用於將瞬態存儲重新路由到專用表的 WordPress 插件。
Dev Content Blocks - 這個插件添加了 HTML、JS 和 CSS 塊的內容塊,可以使用簡碼調用。
Digital Ocean Spaces Sync - 這個 WordPress 插件將您的媒體庫與 Digital Ocean Spaces Container 同步。
單獨禁用管理員通知 - 禁用管理員通知插件使您可以選擇在管理面板中隱藏更新警告和內聯通知。
禁用評論 - 如果評論不符合您網站的目標,可以輕鬆關閉您網站上的評論。
禁用電子郵件 - 阻止 WordPress 發送任何電子郵件。
禁用 Gutenberg - 完全禁用 Gutenberg Editor 站點範圍或特定帖子類型。
禁用 Gutenberg Blocks - 從 Gutenberg Block Inserter 中刪除不需要的塊。
禁用 Gutenberg 儀表板 - 禁止在 WordPress 4.9 中顯示 try Gutenberg 儀表板小部件。
Dismiss "try Gutenberg" Nag Dashboard Widget - Dismiss 'try Gutenberg" nag,dashboard widget,當被激活時,或自動,當戴上時mu-plugins 目錄。
禁用隱私工具 - 禁用核心的隱私工具,包括用於導出/刪除個人數據的工具。
Dobby - Dobby,友好的管理員精靈,負責處理所有(不需要的)管理員通知。
Dovedi - WordPress 的基於時間的一次性密碼驗證。
複製菜單 - 輕鬆複製您的 WordPress 菜單。
複製文章 - 輕鬆複製(克隆)WordPress 中的任何博客文章、自定義文章或頁面,然後以草稿模式保存,為您節省大量的時間和頭痛。
複製頁面 - 使用單擊複製帖子、頁面和自定義帖子。
Easy Query - Easy Query 是構建和顯示 WordPress 查詢的最快、最簡單的方法,無需編寫任何代碼。
編輯作者標籤 - 允許管理員(或有能力的用戶)編輯用戶的作者標籤,並更改作者庫。
Extended CPTs - 為 WordPress 自定義帖子類型提供擴展功能的庫,允許開發人員快速構建自定義帖子類型,而無需再次編寫相同的代碼和再次。
擴展分類法 - 為 WordPress 自定義分類法提供擴展功能的庫,允許您快速構建自定義分類法,而無需一次又一次地編寫相同的代碼。
過期密碼保護頁面 - 此插件將要求訪問者在每次訪問受密碼保護的頁面時輸入密碼。如果有人在公共計算機上輸入密碼,這也將阻止該頁面的訪問。
過期用戶 - 設置用戶登錄的過期日期。
FakerPress - FakerPress 是一種為您的 WordPress 安裝生成虛假數據的干淨方式,非常適合需要測試的開發人員。
FastDev - 為 WordPress 開發者提供有用的信息和功能,使開發更快。
Favorites - 適用於任何帖子類型的簡單靈活的收藏按鈕。
FluentSMTP - WordPress 的終極 SMTP 連接插件。
Fresh Plugins - 一個簡單的插件,允許從 WordPress.org 重新安裝新插件。
GDPR 數據請求表 - 集成 WordPress 核心 4.9.6 GDPR 工具,允許用戶/訪問者請求個人數據導出/刪除前-結束形式。
Gitium - 將所有代碼保存在 git 版本控制系統上。
Glance That - 將內容控制添加到儀表板上的概覽。
Gutenberg Ramp - 允許主題作者控制 Gutenberg 編輯器加載的情況。選項包括“加載”(1 一直加載,0 從不加載)“post_ids”(特定帖子的加載)“post_types”(特定帖子類型的加載。)
隱藏 wp admin 中的所有通知 - 使用 CSS 隱藏標準 WordPress 管理員通知。
隱藏後端通知 - 隱藏管理員通知插件為每個管理員通知添加了“永遠隱藏通知”鏈接。單擊此鏈接,插件將過濾此通知,您將永遠看不到它。
HookPress - HookPress 將您的 WordPress 內部掛鉤變成 webhook。可能的用途包括生成推送通知或使用非 PHP 擴展 WordPress。
非活動註銷 - 非活動註銷提供了註銷任何空閒用戶定義的指定時間顯示消息的功能。也適用於前端。
不安全內容警告 - 防止編輯者在編輯器中添加不安全內容。
無效登錄重定向 - 無效登錄重定向是一個 WordPress 插件,允許您指定用戶在重定向到之前可以輸入無效憑據的次數您選擇的自定義頁面。
Laps - 輕量級 WordPress 分析器。
Laravel DD for WordPress - 在你的 WordPress 項目中使用 Laravel 的 dd() (die dump) 功能。
機車 - 從 WP 管理員運行自定義批處理。
Loco Translate - 直接在 WordPress 中翻譯主題和插件。
記錄棄用通知 - 此插件記錄棄用文件、函數和函數參數的使用情況。它標識了已棄用功能的使用位置,並在可用時提供替代方案。
Lorem 用戶生成器 - 將隨機生成的用戶添加到 WordPress 的簡單方法。
CMB2 的鏈接選擇器 - 使用 CMB2 的鏈接選擇器控件,您可以從您的 WordPress 站點中選擇一個鏈接,或手動輸入一個關聯。
Machete - Machete 是一套簡單的工具,可以使用盡可能少的資源解決常見的 WordPress 煩惱。
保留 MainWP 連接 - 保留 MainWP 的連接詳細信息,以免被 Delicious Brains 的 WP Migrate DB Pro 覆蓋並在推送或拉動時斷開連接。
管理通知電子郵件 - 這個插件讓您可以選擇禁用一些由 Wordpress 發送的通知電子郵件。這是一個簡單但有效的插件。
來自生產的媒體 - 在可用時使用本地媒體,並使用生產服務器進行休息。
Meta Box - Meta Box 插件是一個強大的專業工具包,供開發人員創建和處理與 WordPress 的自定義元框和自定義字段相關的所有內容。
Meta Box - FacetWP Integrator - 將 Meta Box 自定義字段與 FacetWP 集成。
MB 評論元 - 為評論添加自定義字段(元數據)。
MB 自定義帖子類型 - MB 自定義帖子類型可幫助您在 WordPress 中輕鬆創建和管理自定義帖子類型和自定義分類法,提供簡單的- 管理區域中的使用界面。
Meta Box for WordPress SEO - Meta Box for WordPress SEO 是 Meta Box 插件的免費擴展,允許開發人員將自定義字段的內容添加到 Yoast SEO內容分析以獲得更好的SEO分數。
MetaShortcode - 在帖子內容中使用自定義字段作為簡碼。
MB Rest API - MB Rest API 是 Meta Box 插件的擴展,它從帖子、頁面中提取所有自定義字段的值(元值) ,自定義帖子類型,術語到 'meta_box' 鍵下的 WordPress REST API 響應中。
MB 自定義分類法 - MB 自定義分類法通過在管理員中提供易於使用的界面,幫助您在 WordPress 中輕鬆創建和管理自定義分類法區域。
[Meks Quick Plugin Disabler]https://wordpress.org/plugins/meks-quick-plugin-disabler/) - 通過單擊暫時禁用(並恢復)所有當前活動的插件。該插件的主要目的是快速找出您網站上最近遇到的任何問題是否與當前活動的插件之一有關。
Meta Pixie - 列出、過濾、排序和查看 commentmeta、postmeta、termmeta、sitemeta 和 usermeta 記錄,甚至序列化和 base64 編碼值。
最小特色圖片尺寸 - 設置特色圖片所需的最小尺寸。
移動管理員菜單項 - 將管理員菜單項移動到概覽菜單頁面。
我的簡單空間 - 顯示您網站的磁盤空間和內存使用情況。
多站點增強 - 為不同主題的網絡管理員增強多站點。
Multisite Post Duplicator - 將任何單個頁面、帖子或自定義帖子類型從您的多站點網絡上的一個站點複製/複製/克隆到另一個站點。
Multisite Post Duplicator Auto Post - 在保存帖子時自動將帖子復製到選定範圍的站點。
新用戶批准 - 允許管理員在用戶註冊後批准用戶。只有獲得批准的用戶才能訪問該站點。
NinjaDB - 用於 WordPress 的查詢生成器數據庫包裝器,由開發人員為開發人員構建。
Parsedown Party - WordPress 的 Markdown 編輯。
PAP Texturize - 修補包含內聯 HTML 標籤的文本的插件。
永久鏈接管理器精簡版 - 最先進的 Wordpress 永久鏈接實用程序。它允許批量編輯永久鏈接和永久結構並重新生成/重置您的 Wordpress 實例中的所有 URI。
PHP 設置 - 這個插件提供了一個簡單的用戶界面和一個代碼編輯器來編輯你的本地 php.ini 設置。
插件 Git SVN 同步腳本 - 使用零配置 bash 腳本將插件的 Git 存儲庫與 WordPress SVN 存儲庫無縫同步。
Pods - 使用 Pods 框架在一個位置管理所有自定義內容需求。
Pollux - Pollux 是一個與主題無關的 WordPress 腳手架插件。
帖子 2 帖子關係 - 帖子、頁面和自定義帖子類型之間的高效多對多連接。
Postmenu - 重複的帖子、頁面、菜單、菜單鏈接(菜單項)。
Post Meta Inspector - 一種查看與任何給定帖子相關的帖子元的快速簡便的方法。激活後,此插件會在帖子元框中打印您的帖子元鍵和值。
帖子類型切換器 - 這個插件在帖子編輯器界面添加了一個簡單的帖子類型下拉菜單,允許您將任何帖子重新分配給新的帖子類型。
Piklist - 可用於 WordPress 的最強大的框架。
PWA - 將 Progressive Web App (PWA) 功能引入核心的功能插件。
Public Post Preview - 允許您在發布之前向匿名用戶提供任何帖子類型的公開預覽鏈接。
WordPress 的快速清除調試 - 添加快速清除調試日誌文件的方法。
One Call – WP REST API Extension - 通過一次來自 WordPress 的調用即可獲取特色圖片、類別、標籤、分類法、自定義字段和作者詳細信息等rest api 以減少響應時間。
一次性回調 - 啟用 WordPress 操作和過濾回調以僅調用一次。
Options Pixie - 列出、過濾、排序和查看選項記錄,甚至序列化和 base64 編碼值。
覆蓋評論選項 - 在 WP 討論設置中啟用“自動關閉對早於帖子的評論”選項的覆蓋。
重定向前端登錄 | Headless WP - 將所有前端頁面重定向到登錄頁面,最適合構建無頭 WP REST API 後端.
Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced - 當您在您的網站上安裝具有不同的新 WordPress 主題時,Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced (RTA) 插件會派上用場圖像尺寸。
報告 API - WordPress 插件,用於通過報告 API 端點接收瀏覽器報告。
刪除 WP 元標記和鏈接 - 這是一個非常輕量級的插件,用於啟用、禁用或刪除不需要的元標記和鏈接源代碼。
刪除 WP Update Nags - 免費的 WordPress 插件,可刪除所有 WP Update Nags,如果您想繼續使用 WP 4.9.x,非常適合並且不想被不斷地“提醒”。
刪除類別庫 - 從 WordPress 生成的所有 URL 中完全禁用類別庫,以便存檔永久鏈接上不顯示類別段,等等
刪除受保護的 - 這個小插件會從您受密碼保護的頁面上的標題名稱中刪除“受保護:”。
REST API 多種帖子類型 - 查詢默認帖子路線上的多種帖子類型。
REST API 分類框 - 更新默認的 WordPress 分類元框以使用 Backbone.js 和 REST API。
REST API 工具箱 - 允許輕鬆調整多個 REST API 設置。
按角色限制內容 - 限制具有某些用戶角色的用戶訪問某些內容和子內容,無論是公開的還是在WordPress 儀表板(WP 管理員)。
按角色限制儀表板 - 限制具有某些用戶角色的用戶訪問 WordPress 儀表板(WP 管理員)。
按角色限制密碼 - 限制具有某些用戶角色的用戶更改或重置其密碼。
Rest Routes - 激活由另一個插件或主題註冊的自定義帖子類型的路由。訪問設置菜單並單擊“REST Routes”菜單項。
Re-slug 更新 - 這個 WordPress 插件允許您在更改帖子標題時生成新的永久鏈接。
Revision Strike - 通過 WP Cron 定期清除舊的帖子修訂。
Revisr - 允許用戶使用 Git 存儲庫管理 WordPress 網站的插件。
Salt Shaker - 一個改變 WP 鹽值的插件。
Safe SVG - 一段時間以來,WordPress 禁止上傳 SVG,因為很難檢測到其中包含惡意代碼的內容。好吧,一個人終於找到了一種對它們進行消毒的方法,所以他編寫了這個插件,最終通過他的消毒劑傳遞 SVG 上傳。此 SVG 啟用程序是唯一值得信賴的啟用程序。
搜索正則表達式 - 添加跨帖子、頁面、評論和元數據的搜索和替換功能,並具有完整的正則表達式支持。
ShortPixel Image Optimizer - 免費增值圖像優化。有損,有光澤,無損失。圖片備份、WebP 交付、圖片調整大小、批量優化。
SEO 框架 - 一個功能齊全但不那麼臃腫的 Yoast 和一體化 SEO 的替代品。
ServerMonitor - 一個簡單的插件,用於查看服務器資源使用情況(ram、cpu、磁盤)、檢查 PHP 錯誤日誌等。
發送系統信息 - 顯示系統信息以進行調試。該信息可以通過電子郵件發送和/或通過唯一 URL 顯示給支持人員。
服務器狀態 - 有關服務器操作系統、CPU、RAM、平均負載、內存使用情況、IP 地址、主機名、時區、磁盤空間的有用統計信息、PHP、MySQL、緩存等。
Show IDs by 99 Robots - Show IDs by 99 Robots 是超輕量級的,不需要任何配置或單獨的選項頁面。
簡單的自定義 CSS 和 JS - 使用出色的編輯器輕鬆將自定義 CSS 或 JS 添加到您的網站。
站點健康管理器 - 站點健康管理器允許您自定義信息數據的可見性。
站點健康工具管理器 - 控制哪些測試出現在站點健康工具中。
站點地圖 UI - 在管理 UI 中配置 WP 核心站點地圖。
Slash Admin - Slash Admin 可讓您更改 WordPress 網站中的各種不同選項,即使您切換主題也能保持它們處於活動狀態,並幫助您創建更友好的您和您的編輯的管理面板。
SQL Buddy - WordPress 數據庫管理的一站式解決方案。使用簡潔明了的用戶界面編輯表格數據。
停止電子郵件 - 停止由 WordPress 核心、插件和主題生成的外發電子郵件。按照使用 wp_mail() 的最佳做法發送的所有電子郵件都將被停止。如果代碼直接使用 PHP mail() 函數,這個插件不會停止發送電子郵件。
Stream - 使用 Stream,您永遠不會對 WordPress 管理員活動一無所知。
樣式工具欄 - 將管理工具欄更改為儀表板中選擇的配色方案。
抑制 WHIP 通知 - 抑制由 Yoast SEO 和類似插件生成的 WHIP 通知。
用戶臨時訪問 - 插件可用於為用戶提供臨時訪問。我們也可以禁用用戶以臨時為基礎。
主題切換 - 主題切換正確。
切換 wpautop - 允許在逐個帖子的基礎上禁用 wpautop 過濾器。也可以按帖子類型或全局啟用切換。
Transients Manager - 提供一個 UI 來管理您網站的瞬態。您可以隨意查看、搜索、編輯和刪除瞬變。
TranslatePress - 體驗更好的 WordPress 網站翻譯方式,全面支持 WooCommerce 和網站建設者。
Trigger Happy - 使用 Trigger Happy 連接您的插件並自動化您的工作流程 - 一個強大的基於流的可視化腳本和自動化工具。
雙因素身份驗證 - 使用兩因素身份驗證保護您的 WordPress 登錄表單 - 包括 WooCommerce 登錄表單。
用戶會話控制 - 在自定義管理屏幕中查看和管理所有活動用戶會話。
Unyson - 一個免費的拖放框架,帶有一系列內置擴展,可幫助您快速輕鬆地開發高級主題。
用戶會話控制 - 在自定義管理屏幕中查看和管理所有活動用戶會話。
用戶切換 - 在 WordPress 中的用戶帳戶之間即時切換。
Vevida Optimizer - 為每個WordPress組件配置自動更新,優化mySQL數據庫表。
查看管理員身份 - 以不同的角色或訪客身份查看 WordPress 管理員,在用戶之間切換,臨時更改您的功能,為角色設置默認屏幕設置.
網站文件更改監視器 - 一種輕鬆獲取 WordPress 網站上文件更改警報並提高安全性的方法。
What The File - What The File 向您的工具欄添加了一個選項,顯示用於顯示您當前正在查看的頁面的文件和模板部分. 您可以單擊文件名直接通過主題編輯器進行編輯。支持 BuddyPress 和 Roots 主題。
Where - 在管理欄中顯示您的 WordPress 站點的環境類型。
小部件選項 - 額外的小部件選項可更好地控制小部件。
Wordfence - 頂級免費 WordPress 安全插件。真正的基於軟件的 WAF(Web 應用程序防火牆)。
WP-API 響應修改 - 使來自 WP API 的響應 JSON 變得合理。
WP 後台處理 - WordPress 中的異步請求和後台處理。
WP Browser - 一組 WordPress 特定的 Codeception 擴展。
WP Codeception - 註冊允許您執行 Codeception 測試的 WP-CLI 命令。
WP Crontrol - WP Crontrol 可讓您查看和控制 WP-Cron 系統中發生的事情。
WP Dashboard Cleaner - 管理員可以從您的 WordPress 儀表板中刪除不需要的小部件/部分。
WP 數據訪問 - 可直接從 WordPress 儀表板獲得的本地和遠程數據管理、發布和應用程序開發工具。
WP 部署流程 - 部署到遠程環境和從遠程環境部署。
WP_Model - 一個簡單的嵌入式抽像類,用於創建 WordPress 帖子的活動記錄風格雄辯的模型。
WP Widget Disable - 使用易於使用的界面禁用側邊欄和儀表板小部件。只需使用外觀 -> 禁用小部件下提供的複選框,然後選擇您要隱藏的小部件。
WP Easy Updates - 通過 EDD 軟件許可或通過 github 輕鬆更新插件。
WP 強制小寫 URL - 將大寫 URL 重定向到小寫。
WPFront 用戶角色編輯器 - WPFront 用戶角色編輯器插件允許您輕鬆管理站點內的 WordPress 用戶角色。
WP Hammer - 這個插件添加了一個 wp-cli ha 命令來清理你的環境,並通過刪除 Personally Identi.fiable 信息來準備登台/開發。
WP Hide & Security Enhancer - 使用智能技術隱藏和提高 WordPress 網站實例的安全性。您的服務器上沒有更改任何文件。
WP Inspect - WordPress 調試插件。
WP Media Metadata Fix - 修復媒體庫中圖片的元數據。
WP Migrate DB Anonymization - WP Migrate DB 和 WP Migrate DB Pro 的擴展,可匿名化用戶數據。
WP Monitor - 從站點收集重要數據並將其顯示在儀表板上。
WP 通知中心 - 向 WordPress 添加通知中心,不再有雜亂的通知頁面。
WP 原始媒體路徑 - 更改 WordPress 上傳文件夾的位置。
WordPress-Gear - 為 WP 開發者準備的一堆工具。
WP 查詢控制台 - 方便開發人員快速測試各種 WordPress 查詢(WP_Query、WP_User_Query、WP_Comment_Query、WP_Term_Query、WP_Network_Query、WP_Site_Query)的工具。只需提供您的參數數組並選擇您要測試的查詢類型。
WP REST API 緩存 - 為 WordPress REST API 啟用緩存並提高應用程序的速度。
WP Rest API Customizer - 自定義 WP REST API 端點,通過在 JSON 響應中添加或刪除對象來提高您的應用程序速度和性能。
WP REST 允許所有 CORS - 允許對 WordPress 站點的 REST API 的所有跨源請求。
WP Reset - 它將您的數據庫重置為默認安裝並且不修改文件。刪除 wordpress 的所有自定義和內容。
WP Rollback - 像老闆一樣回滾(或轉發)任何 WordPress.org 插件或主題。
WP 安全模式 - 用於調試 WordPress 問題的安全模式,不會為其他訪問者破壞您的網站。
WP Site Replicator - 從 WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) 導出文件快速創建大型生產網站的副本。
WP Sitemaps Config - 提供控制由 WordPress 核心生成的所有 XML 站點地圖的選項。
WP Site Monitor - 提供額外的 WP REST API 端點來幫助遠程管理站點。
WP SmartCrop - 允許您直接從媒體庫設置任何圖像的“焦點”,然後裁剪圖像以匹配您的 css 規則_ (不再有壓扁的縱橫比)_,不僅使焦點保持在視野中,而且盡可能靠近圖像中的“三分法”位置。
WP Plugin Git SVN Sync - 用於發布 WordPress 插件的 Git 存儲庫與 SVN 的零配置同步。
WPTerm - 一個類似 xterm 的插件,用於運行非交互式 shell 命令。
WP Tools (wpt) - wp-tools (wpt) 是一個命令行界面,用於減少處理 WordPress 插件/主題項目時的無聊任務發佈到 wp.org。
WP API 菜單 - 使用 WordPress 菜單路由擴展 WP API。
WP 用戶組 - 將用戶與分類法和術語一起分組。
WordPress 日誌查看器 - WordPress 調試日誌查看器插件。
WordPress MU 域映射 - 將 WordPress 網站上的任何博客映射到另一個域。
WordPress Sentry - 一個(非官方的)WordPress 插件,用於向 Sentry 報告 PHP 和 JavaScript 錯誤。
WPOnion - ~ 輕量級和靈活的 WP 選項和快速開發框架 ~
Yoast SEO:搜索索引清除 - 盡快從 Google 的索引中刪除附件 URL,以防止內容過少的處罰。
Yeoman WordPress 插件生成器 - WordPress 插件的 Yeoman 生成器。
Yeoman WordPress 插件生成器 - WordPress 插件的 Yeoman 生成器。
Unlist Posts & Pages - 禁止在網站上的任何地方顯示帖子,只能通過直接鏈接訪問帖子。
通過代理上傳 - 如果在開發環境中缺少圖像,則從生產站點加載圖像。
New Project Boilerplate - 使用 Composer 和 WPStarter,此存儲庫用於啟動新的 WordPress 項目並安裝 WordPress、Genesis、我的 Genesis 入門主題和常用插件(免費和高級)。使用 SatisPress 提供高級插件。
Sage - 具有現代開發工作流程的入門主題。使用 Sass、ESlint、Webpack、imagemin、Browsersync 和 Blade 模板構建。包括 Bootstrap、Foundation、Bulma、Tachyon 和 Tailwind 的集成。
下劃線 - 嗨。我是一個名為 _s 或下劃線的入門主題,如果你願意的話。我是一個用於黑客攻擊的主題,所以不要將我用作父主題。相反,試著把我變成下一個最棒的 WordPress 主題。
WP Emerge 主題 - 圍繞 WP Emerge 框架構建,具有路由、中間件、控制器和多個模板引擎等功能。由 Webpack 4、ES6 和 SASS 提供支持,具有大量面向開發人員的工具,例如 browsersync、自動精靈生成、用於 PHP、JS 和 CSS 的 lints 等等。
A collection of plugins, starter themes and tools to make WordPress development easier.
Cortex - Cortex is routing system for WordPress based on FastRoute.
Controller - WordPress package to enable a controller when using Blade with Sage.
WP Emerge - A micro framework which modernizes WordPress as a CMS development by providing tools to implement MVC and more.
wp-api-base - Abstract PHP class to build additional WordPress APIs.
wp-api-tester - A plugin for aiding development of APIs and other PHP plugins.
wp-google-cloud-source-api - Google Cloud Platform's Cloud DNS API integration.
wp-uptime-robot-api - Uptime Robot API integration.
wp-slack-api - Slack messaging API integration.
wp-keycdn-api - KeyCDN content delivery network API integration.
wp-amazon-s3-api - Amazon Web Services' Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) API integration.
wp-deploybot-api - Deploybot API integration.
wp-packagist-api - Composer's Packagist API integration.
A Healthier Option - Ever had an unwieldy options table slow you down and cause crazy errors? Maybe you have, but don't know it? A Healthier Option helps your options table get back into shape.
AceIDE - AceIDE is a WordPress code editor with the long term goal of becoming the ultimate environment to code/develop WordPress themes and plugins.
Add Admin CSS - Interface for easily defining additional CSS (inline and/or by URL) to be added to all administration pages.
Admin Menu in Frontend - Allows to show admin menu when viewing site.
Admin Select Box To Select2 - This plugin is used to convert all simple Select boxes to Select2.
Advanced Options Editor - Edit WP Options from the WordPress Dashboard.
Advanced iFrame - This plugin includes any webpage as shortcode in an advanced iframe or embeds the content directly.
ACF to REST API - Exposes Advanced Custom Fields Endpoints in the WP REST API v2.
Advanced Bulk Actions - Advanced Bulk Actions is a WordPress plugin that adds new bulk actions to your admin panel on the posts, pages and users overviews.
Advanced Cron Manager – debug & control - View, pause, remove, edit and add WP Cron events.
Advanced Forms Processors - Adds form processors to the Advanced Forms plugin.
Advanced Password Security - Force your admins and/or select roles to update their password to a new one after a set amount of time.
Admin Columns - Manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments and media lists in the WordPress admin panel. Transform the WordPress admin screens into beautiful, clear overviews.
Admin Menu Editor - Admin Menu Editor lets you manually edit the Dashboard menu. You can reorder the menus, show/hide specific items, change premissions, and more.
Admin Trim Interface - This plugin uses a combination of WordPress hooks, CSS (when possible), and Javascript (last resort) to removed specified admin interface elements.
Adminimize - Visually compresses the administrative meta-boxes so that more admin page content can be initially seen. The plugin that lets you hide 'unnecessary' items from the WordPress administration menu, for all roles of your install. You can also hide post meta controls on the edit-area to simplify the interface. It is possible to simplify the admin in different for all roles.
Allow Multiple Accounts - Allow multiple user accounts to be created, registered, and updated having the same email address.
Amr Users - Configurable users listings by meta keys and values, comment count and post count. Includes display, inclusion, exclusion, sorting configuration and an option to export to CSV.
Amuga Ajax Log - Log admin-ajax hits for troubleshooting purposes.
Attachments - Attachments gives the ability to append any number of Media Library items to Pages, Posts, and Custom Post Types.
ARI Adminer - This plugin connects WordPress and Adminer database management tool. Can work with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
Ascendoor Metadata Manager - View and manage posts, terms, users and comments metadata.
Auto Upload Images - Automatically upload and import external images of a post to Wordpress upload directory and media management.
AJAX Action Wrapper - This helper library makes it easier to handle AJAX requests in WordPress plugins.
AutomatePlus – Mautic for WordPress - Add registered WP users and commentors to mautic contacts.
Banhammer - Monitor traffic and ban unwanted visitors.
BE Media from Production - Uses local media when available, and uses the production server for the rest.
BEA – Sanitize Filename - Remove all punctuation and accents from the filename of uploaded files.
Better Font Awesome - The ultimate Font Awesome icon plugin for WordPress.
Better Search Replace - When moving your WordPress site to a new domain or server, you will likely run into a need to run a search/replace on the database for everything to work correctly.
Better WordPress Admin API - A better way to build admin pages and options for you plugins/themes.
Blackhole for Bad Bots - Protects your site against bad bots by trapping them in a blackhole.
Block Logic - Adds a conditional block attribute Block Logic to control block display to the "Advanced" control panel.
BRAD - Better Responsibility Around Discoverability.
BrowserStack for WordPress - This plugin enables the integrations of BrowserStack products for testing your content on real devices.
Bulk Actions Select All - Bulk Actions For All Posts adds an option to the posts overview in the WordPress Admin to select “All Posts”. By default, WordPress only allows you to select the posts on the current page.
Bulk Block Converter - Quickly convert all content to WordPress 5 blocks. An extremely useful tool when upgrading to the WordPress 5 Gutenberg editor.
Bulk Change Role - Transfer all users from one role to another.
Carbon Fields - Developer-oriented library for WordPress custom fields for all types of WordPress content.
Carbon Field: Display Checkbox - Display Field extension for Carbon Fields. Displays "yes" instead of 1 for displaying checkbox values.
Cavalcade - A better wp-cron. Horizontally scalable, works perfectly with multisite.
CF7 to Zapier - Use Contact Form 7 as a trigger to Zapier.
Child Theme Configurator - Generates a child theme based on an existing theme, and even migrates all of your settings to the child theme from the parent (like widgets and menus).
Classic Widgets) - Enables the classic widgets settings screens in Appearance - Widgets and the Customizer. Disables the block editor from managing widgets.
Cleanup Multisite DB Tables (WP-CLI Custom Command) - Finds and delete orphaned tables in a WordPress Multisite network using WP-CLI.
CMB2 Attached Posts Field - Custom field for Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress for attaching posts to a page.
CMB2 Code Snippet Library - This is a community-maintained repository of code snippets that help modify the default behavior of CMB2.
CMB2 Conditionals - Plugin to establish conditional relationships between fields in a CMB2 metabox.
CMB2 Post Search field - Custom field for CMB2 which adds a post-search dialog for searching/attaching other post IDs.
CMB2 Group Map - This CMB2 addon allows you to use CMB2 group fields to manage custom post type entries.
CMB2 Markdown - Adds a Markdown enabled textarea with a live preview to the available CMB2 fields.
CMB2 Metatabs Options - Add admin option pages with multiple metaboxes--and place those metaboxes into optional tabs. Requires CMB2.
CMB2 Related Links - Special CMB2 Field that allows users to add a related links repeating field group.
CMB2 Tabs - CMB2 Tabs is an extenstion for CMB2 which allow you to oragnize fields into tabs.
CMB2 Term Select - Select terms to associate with your content.
Change Username - The Change Username plugin allows you to change the usernames of your WordPress users in an easy and effective way.
Classic Editor - Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen layout (TinyMCE, meta boxes, etc.). Supports the older pluhins that extend this screen.
Classic Editor Addon - The Classic Editor plugin doesn't remove Gutenberg by default. This addon changes that and makes some more changes. See readme.txt for more details.
Co-Authors Plus - Assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types via a search-as-you-type input box.
Cookie Consent - The only cookie consent plugin you'll ever need.
Conditional Blocks - Conditionally show or hide any Gutenberg Block for any reason.
Cron Logger - Logs for cron runs.
Customize Posts - Manage posts and postmeta via the Customizer.
Custom Field Suite - Visually add custom fields to your WordPress edit pages.
Custom Field Suite Options Screens - Register options screens powered by Custom Field Suite.
Custom Field Suite Yoast Analysis - Integrate Custom Field Suite content in Yoast WordPress SEO analysis.
Custom Layouts - Build a list or grid layout of any post type. Design the look of each item in the layout using our powerful drag and drop template editor.
Customize Plugin Manager - Manage plugins within the customizer (experimental).
Debug Bar ElasticPress - A WordPress plugin that adds a Debug Bar panel to examine ElasticPress queries.
DebugPress - DebugPress is an easy to use plugin implementing popup for debugging and profiling currently loaded WordPress powered website page with support for intercepting AJAX requests.
Debug Objects - List filter and action-hooks, cache data, defined constants, queries, included scripts and styles, php and memory information and return of conditional tags only for admins, for debug, information or learning purposes.
Debug Quick Look - Creates an admin bar link to view or purge the debug log file.
Debug Toolkit - Code debug made easier and more enjoyable. A suite of tools to help you debug your code.
Dedicated Transients - WordPress plugin to re-route transient storage to dedicated tables.
Dev Content Blocks - This plugin adds content blocks with HTML, JS, and CSS blocks to be called by using a shortcode.
Digital Ocean Spaces Sync - This WordPress plugin syncs your media library with Digital Ocean Spaces Container.
Disable admin notices individually - Disable admin notices plugin gives you the option to hide updates warnings and inline notices in the admin panel.
Disable Comments - Easily turns off comments across your site if it doesn't fit well with your site's goals.
Disable Emails - Stop WordPress from sending any emails.
Disable Gutenberg - Completely disable Gutenberg Editor sitewide or for specific post types.
Disable Gutenberg Blocks - Remove unwanted blocks from the Gutenberg Block Inserter.
Disable Gutenberg Dashboard - Disable the try Gutenberg dashboard widget from showing in WordPress 4.9.
Dismiss "try Gutenberg" Nag Dashboard Widget - Dismiss 'try Gutenberg" nag, dashboard widget, when is activated, or automatically, when put on mu-plugins directory.
Disable Privacy Tools - Disables core's privacy tools including tools for exporting/erasing personal data.
Dobby - Dobby, the friendly Admin Elf, takes care of all your (unwanted) admin notices.
Dovedi - Time-based One Time Password authentication for WordPress.
Duplicate Menu - Easily duplicate your WordPress Menus.
Duplicate Post - Easily duplicate (clone) any blog post, custom post, or page in WordPress which are then saved in Draft mode, saving you tons of time and headache.
Duplicate Page - Duplicate Posts, Pages and Custom Posts using single click.
Easy Query - Easy Query is the fastest and simplest way to build and display WordPress queries without writing a single line of code.
Edit Author Slug - Allows an Admin (or capable user) to edit the author slug of a user, and change the Author Base.
Extended CPTs - A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress custom post types, allowing developers to quickly build custom post types without having to write the same code again and again.
Extended Taxonomies - A library which provides extended functionality to WordPress custom taxonomies, allowing you to quickly build custom taxonomies without having to write the same code again and again.
Expire Password Protected Pages - This plugin will require visitors to type in the password each time they are visiting a password protected page. This will also prevent the page from being accessible if someone types in the password on a public computer.
Expire Users - Set expiry dates for user logins.
FakerPress - FakerPress is a clean way to generate fake data to your WordPress installation, great for developers who need testing.
FastDev - Provides helpful information and functions for WordPress developers to make the development even faster.
Favorites - Simple and flexible favorite buttons for any post type.
FluentSMTP - The Ultimate SMTP Connection Plugin for WordPress.
Fresh Plugins - A simple plugin to allow fresh plugin re-installation of plugins from WordPress.org.
GDPR Data Request Form - Integrates WordPress Core 4.9.6 GDPR tools to allow users/visitors to request Personal Data export/erasure with front-end forms.
Gitium - Keep all your code on git version control system.
Glance That - Adds content control to At a Glance on the Dashboard.
Gutenberg Ramp - Allows theme authors to control the circumstances under which the Gutenberg editor loads. Options include "load" (1 loads all the time, 0 loads never) "post_ids" (load for particular posts) "post_types" (load for particular posts types.)
Hide all notices in wp admin - Uses CSS to hide standard WordPress admin notices.
Hide Backend Notices - The Hide admin notices plugin adds “Hide notification forever” link for each admin notice. Click this link and plugin will filter this notice and you will never see it.
HookPress - HookPress turns your WordPress-internal hooks into webhooks. Possible uses include generating push notifications or extending WordPress with non-PHP.
Inactive Logout - Inactive logout provides functionality to log out any idle users defined specified time showing a message. Works for frontend as well.
Insecure Content Warning - Prevent editors from adding insecure content in the editor.
Invalid Login Redirect - Invalid Login Redirect is a WordPress plugin that allows you to specify the number of times a user can enter invalid credentials before being redirected to a custom page of your choosing.
Laps - Light WordPress profiler.
Laravel DD for WordPress - Use Laravel's dd() (die dump) function in your WordPress projects.
Locomotive - Run custom batch processes from the WP admin.
Loco Translate - Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress.
Log Deprecated Notices - This plugin logs the usage of deprecated files, functions, and function arguments. It identifies where the deprecated functionality is being used and offers the alternative if available.
Lorem User Generator - straightforward way to add randomly generated users to your WordPress.
Link Picker for CMB2 - Using the Link Picker for CMB2 control, you can choose a link from your WordPress site, or manually enter a link.
Machete - Machete is a simple suite of tools that solve common WordPress annoyances using as few resources as posible.
Preserve MainWP Connection - Preserve MainWP's connection details from being overwritten by Delicious Brains' WP Migrate DB Pro and severing the connection when pushing or pulling.
Manage Notification E-mails - This plugin gives you the option to disable some of the notification e-mails send by Wordpress. It's a simple plugin but effective.
Media from Production - Uses local media when it's available, and uses the production server for rest.
Meta Box - Meta Box plugin is a powerful, professional toolkit for developers to create and handle everything related to custom meta boxes and custom fields for WordPress.
Meta Box - FacetWP Integrator - Integrates Meta Box custom fields with FacetWP.
MB Comment Meta - Add custom fields (meta data) for comments.
MB Custom Post Type - MB Custom Post Type helps you to create and manage custom post types and custom taxonomies easily in WordPress by providing an easy-to-use interface in the admin area.
Meta Box for WordPress SEO - Meta Box for WordPress SEO is a free extension for Meta Box plugin which allows developers to add content of custom fields to Yoast SEO Content Analysis to have better SEO score.
MetaShortcode - Use custom fields as shortcode in post content.
MB Rest API - MB Rest API is an extension of the Meta Box plugin which pulls all custom fields' values (meta value) from posts, pages, custom post types, terms into the WordPress REST API responses under 'meta_box' key.
MB Custom Taxonomy - MB Custom Taxonomy helps you to create and manage custom taxonomies easily in WordPress by providing an easy-to-use interface in the admin area.
[Meks Quick Plugin Disabler]https://wordpress.org/plugins/meks-quick-plugin-disabler/) - Temporarily disable (and restore) all currently active plugins with a single click. Main purpose of the plugin is to quickly find out if any recent issue you are having on your website is related to the one of currently active plugins.
Meta Pixie - List, filter, sort and view commentmeta, postmeta, termmeta, sitemeta and usermeta records, even serialized and base64 encoded values.
Minimum Featured Image Size - Set the minimum size required for featured images.
Move Admin Menu Items - Move admin menu items to an overview menu page.
My Simple Space - Shows the diskspace and memory usage of your site.
Multisite Enhancements - Enhance Multisite for Network Admins with different topics.
Multisite Post Duplicator - Duplicate/Copy/Clone any individual page, post or custom post type from one site on your multisite network to another.
Multisite Post Duplicator Auto Post - Auto duplicate posts to a select range of sites on save of post.
New User Approve - Allow administrators to approve users once they register. Only approved users will be allowed to access the site.
NinjaDB - Query Builder Database Wrapper for WordPress, Build for developers by developers.
Parsedown Party - Markdown editing for WordPress.
PAP Texturize - Patch-as-plugin that texturizes text containing inline HTML tags.
Permalink Manager Lite - Most advanced Permalink utility for Wordpress. It allows to bulk edit the permalinks & permastructures and regenerate/reset all the URIs in your Wordpress instance.
PHP Settings - This plugin provides a simple user interface with a code editor to edit your local php.ini settings.
Plugin Git SVN sync script - Seamlessly synchronize your plugin's Git repository with the WordPress SVN repository with a zero config bash script.
Plugin Installer Speedup - Speedups: dont't load featured plugins, make Search Plugins button visible, skip plugin install confirmation. Plugin Load Filter - Although have installed a lot of plugins, if you do not want to activate for all of the pages, you will be able to deactivate unnecessary plugins of each individual page.
Pods - Manage all your custom content needs in ONE location with the Pods Framework.
Pollux - Pollux is a theme-agnostic scaffolding plugin for WordPress.
Posts 2 Posts Relationships - Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages and custom post types.
Postmenu - Duplicate Posts, Pages, Menus, Menu Links (Items of Menu).
Post Meta Inspector - A quick and easy way to see post meta associated with any given post. When activated, this plugin prints your post meta keys and values inside of a post meta box.
Post Type Switcher - This plugin adds a simple post-type drop-down to the post editor interface, allowing you to reassign any post to a new post type.
Piklist - The most powerful framework available for WordPress.
PWA - Feature plugin to bring Progressive Web App (PWA) capabilities to Core.
Public Post Preview - Enables you to give a link to anonymous users for public preview of any post type before it is published.
Quick Purge Debug for WordPress - Add ways to quickly purge the debug log file.
One Call – WP REST API Extension - Get featured images, categories, tags, taxonomies,custom fields & author details etc all together by one call from WordPress rest api to reduce responsed time.
One-time Callbacks - Enable WordPress actions and filter callbacks to be called exactly once.
Options Pixie - List, filter, sort and view options records, even serialized and base64 encoded values.
Override Comment Options - Enables override of "Automatically close comments on posts older than" option in the WP Discussion Settings.
Redirect Front-end to Login | Headless WP - Redirects all front-end pages to the login page, best for building a headless WP REST API backend.
Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced - Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced (RTA) plugin comes in handy when you install a new WordPress theme on your site that has different image sizes.
Reporting API - WordPress plugin for receiving browser reports via a Reporting API endpoint.
Remove WP Meta Tags and Links - It is a very lightweight plugin for enable, disable or remove the unwanted meta tags and links from the source code.
Remove WP Update Nags - Free WordPress plugin that removes all WP Update Nags, great for if you want to stay on WP 4.9.x and do not want to be constantly "reminded".
Remove Category Base - Completely disables the category base from all URLs generated by WordPress so that there is no category slug displayed on archive permalinks, etc.
Remove Protected - This small plugin will remove "Protected: " from your title names on pages that are password protected.
REST API Multiple Post Types - Query for multiple post types on the default post route.
REST API Taxonomy Boxes - Update the default WordPress Taxonomy Meta Boxes to use Backbone.js and the REST API.
REST API Toolbox - Allows easy tweaks of several REST API settings.
Restrict Content by Role - Restrict users with certain User Roles from accessing certain pieces of content and sub-content, both publicly and within the WordPress Dashboard (WP Admin).
Restrict Dashboard by Role - Restrict users with certain User Roles from accessing the WordPress Dashboard (WP Admin).
Restrict Passwords by Role - Restrict users with certain User Roles from changing or resetting their password.
Rest Routes - Activate routes for custom post types that were registered by another plugin or theme. Visit the settings menu and click on the "REST Routes" menu item.
Re-slug Updated - This WordPress plugin allows you to generate a new permalink when you change a post title.
Revision Strike - Periodically purge old post revisions via WP Cron.
Revisr - A plugin that allows users to manage WordPress websites with Git repositories.
Salt Shaker - A plugin that changes the WP salt values.
Safe SVG - WordPress has disallowed SVG uploading for some time because detecting one with malicious code inside it is hard to do. Well, one guy finally figured out a way to sanitize them, so he wrote this plugin that finally enables SVG uploads by passing them through his sanitizer. This SVG enabler is the only one that should be trusted.
Search Regex - Adds search & replace functionality across posts, pages, comments, and meta-data, with full regular expression support.
ShortPixel Image Optimizer - Freemium image optimization. Lossy, glossy, loseless. Images backup, WebP delivery, image resize, bulk optimization.
The SEO Framework - A full-featured, yet less-bloated, alternative to the likes of Yoast and All-in-One SEO.
ServerMonitor - A simple plugin to view server resource usage (ram, cpu, disk), check your PHP error log, and more.
Send System Info - Displays System Info for debugging. This info can be emailed and/or displayed to support personnel via unique URL.
Server Status - Useful statistics about the server OS, CPU, RAM, load average, memory usage, IP address, hostname, timezone, disk space, PHP, MySQL, caches, etc.
Show IDs by 99 Robots - Show IDs by 99 Robots is super light-weight and does not need any configuration or separate options page.
Simple Custom CSS and JS - Easily add Custom CSS or JS to your website with an awesome editor.
Site Health Manager - Site Health Manager allows you to customize your info data visibility.
Site Health Tool Manager - Control which tests appear in the the Site Health Tool.
Sitemap UI - Configure WP core sitemaps within the admin UI.
Slash Admin - Slash Admin lets you change various different options in a WordPress website, keeps them active even if you switch your theme and helps you create a friendlier Admin Panel for you and your editors.
SQL Buddy - Your one-stop solution for WordPress database management. Edit your table data with a clean and straightforward user interface.
Stop Emails - Stops outgoing emails generated by WordPress core, plugins, and themes. All emails sent following the best practice of using wp_mail() will be stopped. If code uses the PHP mail() function directly, this plugin will not stop the email.
Stream - With Stream, you’re never left in the dark about WordPress Admin activity.
Style the Toolbar - Changes the admin toolbar to the colour scheme selected in the dashboard.
Suppress WHIP Notification - Suppresses WHIP notifications generated by Yoast SEO and similar plugins.
Temporary Access for users - Plugin is usefull for provide temporary access to user. Also we can disable the user to temporary based.
Theme Switcha - Theme switching done right.
Toggle wpautop - Allows the disabling of wpautop filter on a Post by Post basis. Toggle can also be enabled on a Post Type by Post Type basis or globally.
Transients Manager - Provides a UI to manage your site's transients. You can view, search, edit, and delete transients at will.
TranslatePress - Experience a better way of translating your WordPress site, with full support for WooCommerce and site builders.
Trigger Happy - Connect your plugins and automate your workflow with Trigger Happy - a powerful flow-based visual scripting and automation tool.
Two Factor Authentication - Secure your WordPress login forms with two factor authentication - including WooCommerce login forms.
User Session Control - View and manage all active user sessions in a custom admin screen.
Unyson - A free drag & drop framework that comes with a bunch of built in extensions that will help you develop premium themes fast & easy.
User Session Control - View and manage all active user sessions in a custom admin screen.
User Switching - Instant switching between user accounts in WordPress.
Vevida Optimizer - Configure automatic updates for each WordPress component, and optimize the mySQL database tables.
View Admin As - View the WordPress admin as a different role or visitor, switch between users, temporarily change your capabilities, set default screen settings for roles.
Website File Changes Monitor - A hassle-free way to get alerted of file changes on your WordPress site & boost security.
What The File - What The File adds an option to your toolbar showing what file and template parts are used to display the page you are currently viewing. You can click the file name to directly edit it through the theme editor. Supports BuddyPress and Roots Theme.
Where - Display your WordPress site's environment type in the admin bar.
Widget Options - Additional Widget options for better widget control.
Wordfence - The top free WordPress security plugin. A true software-based WAF (web application firewall).
WP-API Response Modify - Makes response JSON from the WP API sensible.
WP Background Processing - Asynchronous requests and background processing in WordPress.
WP Browser - A WordPress specific set of extensions for Codeception.
WP Codeception - Registers WP-CLI commands which allow you to execute Codeception tests.
WP Crontrol - WP Crontrol lets you view and control what's happening in the WP-Cron system.
WP Dashboard Cleaner - The Admin can remove unwanted widgets / sections from your WordPress Dashboard.
WP Data Access - Local and remote data administration, publication and app development tool available directly from the WordPress dashboard.
WP Deploy Flow - Deploy to and from remote environments.
WP_Model - A simple drop-in abstract class for creating active record style eloquent-esque models of WordPress Posts.
WP Widget Disable - Disable Sidebar and Dashboard Widgets with an easy to use interface. Simply use the checkboxes provided under Appearance -> Disable Widgets and select the Widgets you'd like to hide.
WP Easy Updates - Update plugins provided by EDD software licencing or via github with ease.
WP Force Lowercase URLs - Redirect uppercase URLs to lowercase.
WPFront User Role Editor - WPFront User Role Editor plugin allows you to easily manage WordPress user roles within your site.
WP Hammer - This plugin adds a wp-cli ha command to clean your environment and prepare it for staging / development by removing Personally Identi.fiable Information.
WP Hide & Security Enhancer - Hide and increase Security for your WordPress website instance using smart techniques. No files are changed on your server.
WP Inspect - The WordPress Debug Plugin.
WP Media Metadata Fix - Fixes the metadata of the images in the Media library.
WP Migrate DB Anonymization - An extension to WP Migrate DB and WP Migrate DB Pro that anonymizes user data.
WP Monitor - Collects important data from site and displays it on the dashboard.
WP Notification Center - Adds a notification center to WordPress, no more pages that are cluttered with notifications.
WP Original Media Path - Change the location for the uploads folder for WordPress.
WordPress-Gear - A bunch of gear for WP developers.
WP Query Console - Handy tool for developers to quickly test various WordPress queries (WP_Query, WP_User_Query, WP_Comment_Query, WP_Term_Query, WP_Network_Query, WP_Site_Query). Simply provide your arguments array and select the query type you would like to test.
WP REST API Cache - Enable caching for WordPress REST API and increase speed of your application.
WP Rest API Customizer - Customize the WP REST API endpoints to improve your app speed and performance by adding or removing objects fron JSON response.
WP REST Allow All CORS - Allow all cross origin requests to your WordPress site's REST API.
WP Reset - It’s Resets the your database to the default installation and does not modify files. Deletes all customizations and content of wordpress.
WP Rollback - Rollback (or forward) any WordPress.org plugin or theme like a boss.
WP Safe Mode - Safe mode for debugging WordPress issues, without destroying your site for other visitors.
WP Site Replicator - Quickly create replicas of large production websites from WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) export files.
WP Sitemaps Config - Provides options to control all XML sitemaps generated by the WordPress core.
WP Site Monitor - Provides extra WP REST API endpoints to help manage sites remotely.
WP SmartCrop - Allows you to set the ‘focal point’ of any image right from the media library, then crops your images to match your css rules (no more squished aspect ratios), keeping that focal point not only in view but as near as possible to a ‘rule of thirds’ position in the image.
WP Plugin Git SVN Sync - Zero config synchronizing of Git repository with SVN for publishing WordPress plugins.
WPTerm - An xterm-like plugin to run non-interactive shell commands.
WP Tools (wpt) - wp-tools (wpt) is a command line interface to reduce boring tasks when working on WordPress plugin / theme project that will be published to wp.org.
WP API Menus - Extends WP API with WordPress menu routes.
WP User Groups - Group users together with taxonomies & terms.
WordPress Log Viewer - WordPress debug log viewer plugin.
WordPress MU Domain Mapping - Map any blog on a WordPress website to another domain.
WordPress Sentry - A (unofficial) WordPress plugin to report PHP and JavaScript errors to Sentry.
WPOnion - ~ Lightweight & Flexible WP Options & Rapid Development Framework ~
Yoast SEO: Search Index Purge - Remove attachment URLs from Google's index as fast as possible to prevent thin content penalties.
Yeoman WordPress Plugin Generator - Yeoman generator for WordPress plugins.
Yeoman WordPress Plugin Generator - Yeoman generator for WordPress plugins.
Unlist Posts & Pages - Unlist Posts from dispying anywhere on the site, only access the post with a direct link.
Uploads by Proxy - Load images from production site if missing in development environment.
New Project Boilerplate - Using Composer and WPStarter, this repository is used to kick off new WordPress projects and installs WordPress, Genesis, my Genesis starter theme and common plugins (free and premium). Premium plugins are made available using SatisPress.
Sage - A starter theme with a modern development workflow. Built to use Sass, ESlint, Webpack, imagemin, Browsersync, and Blade templates. Includes integrations for Bootstrap, Foundation, Bulma, Tachyons, and Tailwind.
Underscores - Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there.
WP Emerge Theme - Built around the WP Emerge framework with features such as routing, middleware, controllers and multiple template engines. Powered by Webpack 4, ES6 and SASS with a multitude of developer-orientied tools like browsersync, automatic sprite generation, lints for PHP, JS and CSS and more.