## 內容
## 社區
Themer - 一個 Figma 插件,旨在讓您在來自不同已發布庫的同名樣式之間進行交換。
figma-plugins-on-github - 已在 GitHub 上共享的 Figma 插件列表。
Figlight - Figma 的代碼高亮。
FigmaThird - 在 Figma 中導入、點亮和使用 3D 模型。
svg-to-jsx - Figma 插件將 svg 複製為一個反應組件。
figma-latex-complete-plugin - 將 LaTeX 放入 Figma 文檔中。
system.colors - 從流行的設計系統導入調色板。
figma-speech-recognition - 嘿 Figma 語音識別。
FigmaToCode - 在 Tailwind、Flutter 和 SwiftUI 上生成響應式頁面和應用程序。
html-figma - 將 HTML 導入 Figma 圖層的插件。
tailwindcss-figma-plugin - TailwindCSS 的 Figma 插件。
design-tokens - Figma 插件,用於以亞馬遜風格的字典兼容格式將設計令牌導出到 json。
react-figma - 將 React 組件渲染到 Figma。
figma-jsonrpc - 利用 JSON-RPC 在 Figma 插件和 Figma UI 之間進行通信。
figma-api-stub - Figma API 存根。
figplug - Figma 插件生成器。
figma-messenger - 類型安全的 iframe - 主線程通信。
figma-plugin-helpers - 一組有用的幫助函數,可導入到您的 Figma 插件項目中。
create-figma-plugin - 用於開發 Figma 插件的綜合工具包。
figx - 一個全面可靠的 figma 實用程序庫。
free-figma-bootstrap-5-ui-kit - 通過一系列具有強大自動佈局功能的預構建 Figma 組件加快設計速度和調整約束。
figma-plugin-ds - 一個用於 Figma 插件的小型輕量級設計系統。
figma-ui-components - 一組非官方的 Figma UI 組件。
figma-styled-components - Figma UI 風格的組件。
tailwindcss-figma-kit - TailwindCSS 的 Figma 套件。
storybook-addon-figma - 在故事書面板中嵌入 Figma 設計。
figma-assets-export - 從 Figma 導出資產並將其下載為本地文件。
figma-api-demo - 該項目包含使用 Figma API 的演示應用程序。
Figma.js - Figma API 的簡單 JS 包裝器。
figma-graphql - Figma API 的 GraphQL 連接器。
Figma-To-Pdf - 使用 API 從 Figma 導出 pdf 的簡單演示。
figma-theme - 從 Figma Styles 生成開發就緒的主題 JSON 文件。
figma-to-flutter - 將 Figma 組件轉換為 Flutter 小部件的 Dart 代碼生成器。
Figma to web - 該存儲庫將收集與 Figma 與 Web 集成相關的所有開發。
figma-and-production - 如何同步 Figma 和生產的示例。
Figma Asset Downloader - 優化並直接將資產下載到您的計算機。
figma-slack-updates - 從 Figma 文件的版本歷史中發布更新到 Slack。
figma-tools - 幫助您以編程方式與 Figma 文件交互的工具。
figma-export - 命令行實用程序,用於將顏色、排版、圖標和圖像從 Figma 導出到 Xcode / Android Studio 項目。
figma-lottie - Figma Lottie 集成。
Figmac - 一款超輕量級的 Figma 桌面應用,提供更自然的 Mac 體驗。
figma-app-ubuntu - Figma,Snap Package(非官方)。
figma-linux - Figma 電子應用程序(非官方)。
Aeux - 輕鬆將 Figma 設計移動到 Adobe After Effects。
Figma to Sketch/XD Converter - 允許您在 Sketch 和 Adobe XD 中轉換和打開 Figma 設計。
Figma is the first interface design tool with real-time collaboration.
A curated list of awesome Figma stuff that focused on integration Figma and development, e.g. Figma Plugins, Figma Rest API.
Found something cool? Please, contribute!
Themer - A Figma plugin designed to allow you to swap between styles named the same from different published libraries.
figma-plugins-on-github - A list of Figma Plugins that have been shared on GitHub.
Figlight - Code highlighter for Figma.
FigmaThird - Import, lit and use 3D models right there in Figma.
svg-to-jsx - Figma plugin to copy svg as a react component.
figma-latex-complete-plugin - Put LaTeX into your Figma documents.
system.colors - Import color palettes from popular design systems.
figma-speech-recognition - Hey Figma Speech Recognition.
FigmaToCode - Generate responsive pages and apps on Tailwind, Flutter and SwiftUI.
html-figma - Plugin to import HTML into Figma layers.
tailwindcss-figma-plugin - Figma Plugin for TailwindCSS.
design-tokens - Figma plugin to export design tokens to json in an amazon style dictionary compatible format.
react-figma - Render React components to Figma.
figma-jsonrpc - Leverage JSON-RPC to communicate between your Figma plugin and your Figma UI.
figma-api-stub - Figma API Stub.
figplug - Figma plugin builder.
figma-messenger - Type-safe iframe - main thread communication.
figma-plugin-helpers - A collection of useful helper functions to import to your Figma plugin project.
create-figma-plugin - A comprehensive toolkit for developing Figma plugins.
figx - A comprehensive and reliable figma utilities library.
free-figma-bootstrap-5-ui-kit - Design faster with a collection of prebuilt Figma components with powerful auto layout and resizing constraints.
figma-plugin-ds - A small lightweight design system for use in Figma Plugins.
figma-ui-components - An unofficial set of Figma UI components.
figma-styled-components - Figma UI styled components.
tailwindcss-figma-kit - Figma Kit for TailwindCSS.
storybook-addon-figma - Embed Figma designs in a storybook panel.
figma-assets-export - Export assets from Figma and download them as local files.
figma-api-demo - This project contains demo apps using the Figma API.
Figma.js - A simple JS wrapper for the Figma API.
figma-graphql - A GraphQL connector for the Figma API.
Figma-To-Pdf - A simple demo of exporting pdf from Figma using the API.
figma-theme - Generate development-ready theme JSON files from Figma Styles.
figma-to-flutter - A Dart code generator that converts Figma components to Flutter widgets.
Figma to web - This repository will collect all developments related to the integration of Figma to Web.
figma-and-production - An example of how you can sync Figma & production.
Figma Asset Downloader - Optimize and download assets directly to your computer.
figma-slack-updates - Post updates to Slack from a Figma file's version history.
figma-tools - Tools to help you programmatically interact with your Figma files.
figma-export - Command line utility to export colors, typography, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio project.
figma-lottie - Figma Lottie integration.
Figmac - A super lightweight Figma desktop app that delivers a more natural Mac experience.
figma-app-ubuntu - Figma, Snap Package (unofficial).
figma-linux - Figma electron app (unofficial).
Aeux - Easily move Figma designs to Adobe After Effects.
Figma to Sketch/XD Converter - Allows you to convert and open Figma designs in Sketch and Adobe XD.