Plugins and code snippets for your WooCommerce store.
Product Reviews and Ratings for WooCommerce - Collect product reviews on autopilot and boost conversions & increase organic CTR with star ratings in Google.
WC Map Guest Orders and Downloads - Maps WooCommerce guest orders and downloads to an account with the same e-mail on account creation or login.
Quantity Before Add to Cart and Product Update - Quantity Before Add to Cart and Product Update.
How to Find Product by SKU in WooCommerce - How to Find Product by SKU in WooCommerce.
Indexing and Searching WooCommerce Product Variation SKUs - Indexing and Searching WooCommerce Product Variation SKUs.
WooCommerce Custom Product Redirects - Configure checkout redirects for your products. Can be configured globally and individually per product with a priority.
WooCommerce Customizer - Customize WooCommerce without code! Easily change add to cart button text and more.
WooCommerce Confirm Password - Check the password and confirm password fields match before allow checkout to proceed.
Remove the password strength meter on the checkout page - You can completely remove the strength meter and restore the checkout process as it was before.
WooCommerce International SKU - Add a secondary SKU to products that is used for orders shipping outside of the base country of WooCommerce (international orders).
Woocommerce Global Cart - This allows users to maintain a single shopping cart across all subsites in a multisite install.
Custom code snippets and examples for SkyVerge-built WooCommerce extensions - Welcome to the wc-plugins-snippets repository! This repository stores code snippets related to SkyVerge WooCommerce plugins to modify or add onto plugin behavior.
WooCommerce Subscriptions Importer and Exporter - Import or export subscriptions in your WooCommerce store via CSV.
Woocommerce disable email notifications - Woocommerce disable email notifications.
WC Multiple Email Recipients - Allows for multiple recipients for WooCommerce Emails.
Quick Tracking Conversion Codes for WooCommerce - Create any tracking code you'd like and attach to links. When someone clicks the link to your site they will be tracked for purchase.
WPE Ecommerce Toolkit for WooCommerce - A toolbox of performance tweaks and reporting extensions for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Continue Shopping - Provides the ability to choose where the 'Continue Shopping' button on the WooCommerce Checkout takes you.
Empty Cart Button for WooCommerce - This plugin is for use to empty whole cart using single click from cart.
Delete Expired Transients - Delete old, expired transients from WordPress wp_options table.
Display Order Details - This plugin displays the list of items in an order in the WooCommerce->Orders page.
WooCommerce External Product Embed - Provides a shortcode to embed products from another store.
WooCommerce Product Fees - Add additional fees at checkout based on products that are in the cart.
Bulk Delete - Bulk delete users and posts from selected categories, tags, post types, custom taxonomies or by post status like drafts, scheduled posts, revisions etc.
NC Size Chart for Woocommerce - This plugin allow you to use size charts to products on woocommerce.
WC Hide Shipping Methods - This plugin automatically hides all other shipping methods when "Free shipping" is available during checkout. It also includes an option to keep "local pickup".
WC Restore the Purchased Items Column in Orders Page - This plugin restores the "Purchased Items" column in the orders page.
WC Password Strength Settings - Allows administrators to set the required password strength or disable it entirely from the WooCommerce Accounts menu.
WC Quick Customer Redirects - This plugin lets you set custom page redirects for customers after registration, login, logout actions.
Order / Coupon / Subscription Export Import Plugin for WooCommerce (BASIC) - Export and Import Order detail including line items, From and To your WooCommerce Store.
Woo Product Recommendation Wizard) - Woo Product Recommendation Wizard let customers narrow down the product list on the basis of their choices. It enables the store owners to add a questionnaire to the product page. The product recommendations are then rendered according to the answers, given by the users. You can showcase ‘n’ number of products, matching the answers and query.
Disable WooCommmerce Status - Completely disables the WooCommerce Status widget in the WP Admin dashboard to greatly improve backend performance on high traffic WooCommerce shops.
WooCommerce Custom Availability - Custom availability strings for products.
WooCommerce Facebook Conversion Pixel - Set up the Facebook conversion pixel and event tracking for WooCommerce.
How to Create WooCommerce Refunds Programmatically - WooCommerce refunds can be created using their own API function wc_create_refund.
Metorik Helper - Provides some fixes & extensions for WooCommerce, required by Metorik.
WooCommerce Calculate Shipping In Product Page - Calculate shipping before adding the product to the cart with avaialable shipping methods.
WooCommerce Product Bundles - Min/Max Items - WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin that allows you to define min/max bundled item count constraints.
PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit - PW WooCommerce Bulk Edit is a powerful way to update your WooCommerce product catalog. Finally, no more tedious clicking through countless pages making the same change to all products.
WooCommerce variations Select2 - A simple plugin that enables Select2 for WooCommerce variations select boxes.
WooCommerce Order Cancel for Customers - A tiny plugin that will enable customers to cancel woocommerce order within a certain amount of time.
WC Search Orders By Product - A simple plugin that helps you search your WooCommerce orders by product.
WooCommerce Order Search Admin powered by Algolia - Search for WooCommerce orders in the admin at the speed of thought with Algolia..
Motif Woocommerce Qty Field Shop Page - To allow woocommerce customer to buy their products from shop page with their desire quantity.
Facebook for WooCommerce - Grow your business with Facebook for WooCommerce! This plugin will install a Facebook Pixel and optionally create a shop on your Facebook page.
WooCommerce SEO Addon - Plugin expands the capabilities Yoast Seo.
WooCommerce Permalink Manager - Premmerce WooCommerce Permalink Manager allows you to change WooCommerce permalink and remove product and product_category slugs from the URL.
Custom Related Products for WooCommerce - Select your own related products instead of pulling them in by category.
Multilingual Comments - Shows Multilingual Comments & Reviews.
Quotes for WooCommerce - This plugin allows you to convert your WooCommerce store into a quote only store. It will hide the prices for the products and not take any payment at Checkout. You can then setup prices for the items in the order and send a notification to the Customer.
WooCommerce Digital Checkout - Hide Billing and Shipping Checkout Fields For Virtual/Download Products.
WooCommerce Checkout For Digital Goods - This plugin will remove billing address fields for downloadable and virtual products.
Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - Manage your WooCommerce checkout fields. Change order, labels, placeholders and add new fields.
WooCommerce Product Variations Popup - This plugin provides the functionality to select product options on the product listing page in a popup.
Conditional Shipping for WooCommerce - Disable shipping methods based on shipping classes, weight, categories and much more.
WP WooCommerce Redirect - WP WooCommerce Redirect is a WordPress plugin to redirect your WooCommerce website after register or login! You can set any custom page or custom redirect according to user role.
WooCommerce Global Cart - WooCommerce Global Cart plugin facilitates a single shopping cart across all stores, a unique checkout process for products from different shops in a MultiSite environment.
WooCommerce Software License - WooCommerce Software License provides the ability to manage license keys, activation and maintenance via your store.
WooCommerce Extended Coupon Features - Additional functionality for WooCommerce Coupons: Apply certain coupons automatically, allow applying coupons via an url, etc.
WooCommerce Putler Connector - Track WooCommerce transactions data with Putler. Insightful reporting that grows your business.
Disable WooCommerce Reviews - Disable WooCommerce reviews on all products.
WC Shipping Rates Importer - Export and import Woocommerce Shipping Rates.
Printify for WooCommerce - Live shipping rates for Printify products.
WooCommerce Bookings add-on - Woobooking Recurring Bookings by Week is an add-on for the paid plugin WooCommerce Bookings. It allows you to tag products as a re-occurring course over a set number of weeks.
WooCommerce Bookings Dropdown - Swaps the date picker for a dropdown of dates.
WooCommerce – Mailerlite - Mailerlite integration for WooCommerce.
Nav Menu Roles + WooCommerce Memberships Bridge - Add WooCommerce Membership Plans to Nav Menu Roles.
WooCommerce Frontend Manager - WooCommerce is really Easy and Beautiful. We are here to make your life much more Easier and Peaceful.
Disable WooCommerce Styles - Completely disables all of the CSS stylesheets that are loaded by WooCommerce in order that styling can be better managed by a single style.css file.
Woo Update Variations In Cart - WooCommerce Update Variations In Cart.
WooCommerce Advanced Free Shipping - WooCommerce Advanced Free Shipping is an plugin which allows you to set up advanced free shipping conditions.
Refer A Friend for WooCommerce - Simple yet powerful referral system for WooCommerce. Each customer has referral link that rewards them with a coupon after someone makes a purchase through their link.
Colissimo Delivery Integration - Easy Colissimo Services with WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Pre-Orders Fix - Sell pre-orders for products in your WooCommerce store, multiple pre-order cart add-on.
Coupon Generator for WooCommerce - Easily generate millions of unique coupons for your online store. Use all the coupon settings you are familiar with.
Advanced Shipping Validation for WooCommerce - Setup shipping validation rules based on your own conditions. Show customers a specific message why they can't continue to checkout.
WC Duplicate Order - Adds a duplicate link to Woocommerce on the order actions to duplicate the existing order.
WooCommerce Bookings Order Item Meta Addon - This addon is a WooCommerce Bookings helper which will make it so future booking orders have meta data saved within the order as they did with version 1.9.12 and below.
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Table - Displays a pricing discount table on WooCommerce products, a user role discount message and a simple category discount message when using the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing plugin.
WooCommerce Discounts Per Payment Method - Adds discounts on specific payment methods in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Returnado - WC Rest API extension for Returnado system and widget interface providing order returning functionality. Includes bypassing loggin on purchasing for non-guest mode.
Order Simulator for WooCommerce - Automate orders to generate WooCommerce storefronts at scale for testing purposes.
OnSale Page for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Onsale Page is an extension for Woocommerce. We developed this plugin because Woocommerce has onsale widget and shortcode but it lacks paging, sorting and filtering which you can usually find on regular Woocommerce catalog page.
WooCommerce Pay for Payment - Setup individual charges for each payment method in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Customers Manager - This plugin extends the standard user list and the edit user page in WordPress and adds the customer data from WooCommerce.
Client Admin Message After Purchase for WooCommerce - This plugin allow users chat with shop manager after checkout. Admin can also reply.
WooCommerce Coupon Restrictions - Allows coupons to be restricted to new customers or existing customers.
Pricing Deals for WooCommerce - An e-commerce add-on for WooCommerce, supplying Pricing Deals functionality.
WooCommerce Checkout Age Verification - This plugin is used to verify the age of customer at WooCommerce checkout.
Woo Flow: Cart Abadonment Analytics - The plugin to track user behaviour in your WooCommerce site and show analytics reports in admin dashboard.
Decorator – WooCommerce Email Customizer - Use native WordPress Customizer to make WooCommerce emails match your brand.
Additional Order Filters for WooCommerce - Adds additional order filters for WooCommerce.
Premmerce WooCommerce Toolkit - Premmerce WooCommerce Toolkit is a versatile set of add-ons and extensions for WooCommerce, developed to add the missing essential tools for e-commerce business to the basic version of WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Ajax Cart Plugin - Change the default behavior of WooCommerce Cart page, making AJAX requests when quantity field changes.
WooCommerce Order Pending To Cancelled Email - Brings back the email when an order status changes from pending to cancelled.
WooCommerce Auto Restore Stock - Auto restore stock when orders are cancelled.
WooCommerce Price Based on Country - Product Pricing and Currency based on Shoppers Country for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Cart Stock Reducer - Allow WooCommerce inventory stock to be reduced when adding items to cart and/or expire items from the cart.
WooCommerce Login Popup and Shortcodes - Simple Modal Login Page & Shortcode for WooCommerce.
Checkout Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce - Allows your customers to autocomplete billing and shipping addresses on the checkout page using the Google Maps API.
Storefront Design Customizer - Add beautiful layouts into your Storefront theme, without having to write code.
WooCommerce Cash On Pickup - A WooCommerce Extension that adds the payment gateway "Cash On Pickup".
WooCommerce Country Based Bank Accounts - Choose in which countries certain BACS gateway bank accounts will be available.
WooCommerce Disable Local Pickup on Ship to Different Address - WooCommerce Disable Local Pickup on Ship to Different Address.
Woo Lightspeed Customizer - An example plugin on how to utilize filter and action hooks for the WooCommerce Lightspeed POS integration plugin to further customize it's functionality.
WooCommerce Better Usability - Improves overall Woocommerce user experience.
One Time Subscription with monthly order generator - Subscriptions to add one time payment with a monthly subscription Order.
Color Filters for WooCommerce - This plugin allows you to filter WooCommerce products by color from sidebar widget.
WooCommerce Live Sales Notification - The best social-proof idea to increase customer's buying confidence and trust on your brand: show live sales notification popups to create the sense of a busy store and motivate customers to start buying.
Up Sell Product Display For WooCommerce - Woocommerce Up Sell product display using Widgets and Shortcode.
Cross Sell Product Display For Woocommerce - Woocommerce Cross Sell product display using Widgets and Shortcode.
WooRef - WooRef is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to view and track WooCommerce sales comes from any referral site.
Woocommerce Google Feed Manager - An easy to use WordPress plugin that generates and submits your product feeds to merchant centres.
WooCom Add Multiple Products - plugin for adding bulk product by SKU or product name to cart when you're in cart.
Zao WooCommerce Wholesale - Generate wholesale orders for WooCommerce.
Zao WooCommerce QuickBooks Online Integration - Integrates QuickBooks Online with WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Force Default Variant - Removes the standard WooCommerce 'Select an Option' from variant Drop Downs and the option to Clear Selection.
Payment Gateway Based Fees and Discounts for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Payment Gateways Fees and Discounts.
SIP Cart Ajax Refresh - This plugin allows you to refresh the WooCommere checkout via Ajax. This is useful when you have the cart and checkout on the same page.
SIP Custom Order Satus for WooCommerce - Allows to create custom order statuses on WooCommerce.
Advanced AJAX Product Filters - Take a look at this fantastic AJAX products filter plugin for WooCommerce. Add unlimited filters with one widget.
Load More Products for WooCommerce - Load products from next page via AJAX with infinite scrolling or load more products button.
iThemes Sales Accelerator - Transform your WordPress dashboard with dynamic reports so you can get detailed data and e-commerce insights about your WooCommerce store.
Disable WooCommerce Status - Completely disables the WooCommerce Status widget in the WP Admin dashboard to greatly improve backend performance on high traffic WooCommerce shops.
WooCommerce Direct Checkout - Allow you to implement direct checkout (skip cart page) for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Subscriptions Product Removed Message - Display a notice on checkout when a product was removed from the cart after a subscription was added.
Groups WooCommerce Completed Customer - This plugin adds customers to the Customer group upon their first completed order.
WooCommerce RRP - WooCommerce RRP allows users to add text before the regular price and sale price of a product from within WooCommerce General settings.
WooCommerce Unit Of Measure - WooCommerce Unit Of Measure allows the user to add a unit of measure after the price on WooCommerce products.
WC City Select - City Select for WooCommerce. Show a dropdown select as the cities input.
WC Variations Radio Buttons - Variations Radio Buttons for WooCommerce. Let your customers choose product variations using radio buttons instead of dropdowns.
WC Extension - Yeoman generator for a WooCommerce extension.
MC Export Bookings WC to CSV - MC Export Bookings WC to CSV provides user ability to Export WooCommerce Bookings to CSV.
WooRewards - Rewarding and Fidelity system for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Software License Manager - Seamless integration between Woocommerce and Software License Manager.
Simple Catalog for WooCommerce - Turn your WooCommerce store into a simple online catalog. You can disable your eCommerce functionality for all users or only for users that aren't logged in.
WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order - Cancel "on hold" orders after a certain number of days.
WooCommerce Customer Care - Customer care system for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Smart Compare - Smart products compare for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Downloadable Product Update-Emails - Inform customers when there is an update to their WooCommerce downloadable product via email.
WooCommerce Product Finder - Woo Product Finder let customers narrow down the product list on the basis of their choices. It enables the store owners to add a questionnaire to the product page. The product recommendations are then rendered according to the answers, given by the users. You can showcase ‘n’ number of products, matching the answers and query.
WooCommerce Add GTIN: UPC, EAN, and ISBN - Add GTIN including UPC, EAN, and ISBN code fields to your WooCommerce product pages and checkout.
WooCommerce Filter Orders by Product - This plugin lets you filter the WooCommrce Orders by any specific product.
Recover Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce – - Recover abandoned carts on WooCommerce using an intelligent Facebook Messenger chatbot.
WooCommerce Product Dependencies - Restrict access to WooCommerce products, depending on the ownership and/or purchase of other, prerequisite products.
WooCommerce Stacked Product Layout - A handy plugin for stacking the add-to-cart section of complex WooCommerce product types below the main product image and summary. Useful if the add-to-cart section of your products appears very narrow or squeezed.
Remarkety – Email Marketing for WooCommerce - Email Marketing automation tool for WooCommerce.
Profit Reports for WooCommerce - Adds Profit Reporting Capability to WooCommerce.
Easy Options for WooCommerce - Access hidden WooCommerce options such as: Disable Confirm Logout, Change Minimum Password Strength, Show Empty Product Categories, Hide Product Category Name/Count, Disable New User Registration from wp-login.php screen.
Robot Ninja Helper - Helper plugin for Robot Ninja users.
WooCommerce Subscriptions - Cancel on Refund - Cancel a subscription when its parent order or last renewal order is fully refunded.
WooCommerce Subscriptions Renewal Timer - Log the beginning and end of subscription renewal events. To view the log file: Go to WooCommerce > System Status > Logs and select the log file with the 'wcs-renewal'
WooCommerce One Page Checkout - Do Not Empty Cart - By default, WooCommerce One Page Checkout will empty the cart for product selection via radio elements or Easy Pricing Tables. This changes that to allow existing cart items to persist.
Product Quantity for WooCommerce - Set minimum and maximum product quantities for cart and order in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Custom Thank You - A WooCommerce extension that allows you to set a custom "Thank You" page on a per-product basis.
Uni CPO – WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Lite - Creates an opportunity to add custom options for products with the possibility to calculate product price based on the chosen options and using custom maths formula.
CartStack for WooCommerce - Brings the power of CartStack to WooCommerce.
Mauticommerce - Send WooCommerce customer information to Mautic Form.
WooCommerce Cart Restrictions - Restricts which items can be added to cart based on whether a specific item is already in the cart or being added to the cart.
Snappic for WooCommerce - Link your WooCommerce store to Snappic.
Razorpay Subscriptions for WooCommerce - Razorpay Subscriptions for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Quantity Increment - WooCommerce Quantity Increment adds JavaScript powered quantity buttons to your cart page.
Crystal for WooCommerce - Crystal for WooCommerce is the smart plug-in to monitor your e-shop, maximize results and boost your business.
WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses - The plugin allows customers have more than one shipping or billing addresses. Customers can switch one to another on checkout or setup a default one in My Account.
RFQ-ToolKit for WooCommerce - Request For Quote For WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Distance Based Fee - This plugin adds fee based on distance.
WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options - Rename default sorting and optionally extra product sorting options.
Woo Cart Fields - Add form fields to the cart page.
Woo Product Addons Cart Editable Fields - Allow the user to edit their addons in the cart.
DHL for WooCommerce - WooCommerce integration for DHL eCommerce, DHL Paket and DHL Parcel Europe (Benelux and Iberia).
Multi Order for WooCommerce - Split your orders in suborders.
WC Custom Add to Cart labels - This plugin lets you change the "add to cart" labels on single product pages (per product type) and archive / shop page (per product type).
Akaunting for WooCommerce - Akaunting is a free and online accounting software. This plugin integrates Akaunting with WooCommerce. Payments for WooCommerce - Take secure escrow payments on your store using
WooCommerce Product Stock Alert - Woocommerce plugin using which a customer can subscribe for interest on an out of stock product. When the product becomes available, subscribed customer will get an alert email.
More Sorting Options for WooCommerce - Add new custom, rearrange, remove or rename WooCommerce sorting options.
Woo Product Suggest - Suggest and link a WooCommerce product to an existing product or bundle with custom notice.
Facebook Pixel by PixelYourSite – Events, WooCommerce & Easy Digital Downloads - Add the Facebook Pixel code into your Wordpress site and set up standard events with just a few clicks. Fully compatible with Woocommerce, purchase event included.
Performance Improvements for WooCommerce - Performance tweaks related to orders on the front-end and the back-end of a store. Will also disable dashboard widgets for reviews and status in WooCommerce.
Premmerce - Premmerce is a must-have toolkit for WooCommerce with a detailed Setup Wizard for your store.
WooCommerce Customer Source - Learn where your customers are coming from. Adds a select field to the WooCommerce checkout screen that asks how new customers found out about the store.
Phone Orders for WooCommerce - Create manual/phone orders in WooCommerce quickly.
Disable email notifications - Disable email notifications on your Woocommerce installation.
Customer Reviews for WooCommerce - Customer Reviews for WooCommerce plugin helps you get more customer reviews for your shop by sending automated reminders and coupons.
WooCommerce Google Sheets Integration - Sync order data from your WooCommerce store to Google sheets automatically. A free alternative to Zapier-WooCommerce integration.
One Time Subscription with monthly order generator - Subscriptions to add one time payment with a monthly subscription Order.
WooCommerce Autocomplete Orders - Would you buy twice from a website that does not give you instanctly access to the product you purchased? Why would you want that for your customer? Take back the ownership of your ecommerce.
Premmerce Woocommerce Wholesale Pricing - Premmerce WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing is a plugin that allows you to add individual wholesale prices or other price types for WooCommerce products to any customers roles.
WooCommerce Product Feed - This plugin generate WooCommerce product feed for Shopping Engines like Google Shopping,Facebook Product Feed,eBay,Amazon,Idealo and many more.
Premmerce Woocommerce Product Bundles - Plugin create product bundles in WooCommerce.
WC REST Payment - WC REST Payment adds in the missing REST API endpoint for process payment in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Square - Adds ability to sync inventory between WooCommerce and Square POS. In addition, you can also make purchases through the Square payment gateway.
Shop as Client for WooCommerce - Allows a WooCommerce Store Administrator or Shop Manager to use the frontend and assign a new order to a registered or new customer. Useful for phone or email orders.
WooCommerce Custom Add To Cart Button - Change the 'Add to Cart' button text in WooCommerce, and optionally add a cart icon.
WooCommerce Stripe fee in Report - Shows Stripe fees in WooCommerce charts. Calculates a correct net total.
Cart REST API for WooCommerce - Provides additional REST-API endpoints for WooCommerce to enable the ability to add, view, update and delete items from the cart.
WooCommerce Cart Product Title - This is a simple plugin for WooCommerce that will change the product title in the cart to help prevent cart abandonment.
HubSpot WooCommerce Integration - A very powerful plugin to integrate your WooCommerce store with HubSpot seemlesly.
Smart Related Products for Woocommerce - By defaualt Woocommerce displays related products by the category. Smart related products for Woocommerce can override this logic and show them by attributes.
WooCommerce Cart Items Bulk Deletion - This plugin allows you to delete all your cart items with on click.
WooCommerce Global Price Options - Add global price options by category to WooCommerce products.
Jet Integration for WooCommerce - JET Integration Plugin, a complete solution for integrating your online store with
Negotiabl for WooCommerce - Sparking instant negotiations over Facebook Messenger.
Sales Notifications for WooCommerce - Increase store trust with social proof to build credibility.
WooCommerce Reviews Admin Sidebar - Adds a dedicated menu item to look at reviews.
WooCommerce Max Quantity - Set a limit for the max quantity of products that can be added to cart, per product. Now with individual product limits.
WooCommerce Move Reviews - Allows you to easily move reviews from one product to another.
Multiple Packages for WooCommerce - A simple UI to take advatage of multiple shipping packages without PHP knowledge.
WooCommerce Quick View by Beeketing - Show Quick View popup when customers click product images on home and collection pages. Show size guide, color swatch and review sections to increase add-to-cart rate.
Square Thumbnails - Making Square Thumbnails without cropping the image.
WooCommerce Manual Payment - Process payments right from the backend. No need to leave the WooCommerce Edit Order screen.
WooCommerce Invoicing Payments w/ Sprout Invoices - A Sprout Invoices payment integration with WooCommerce checkout.
Quantities and Units for WooCommerce - Easily require your customers to buy a minimum / maximum / incremental amount of products to continue with their checkout.
Order Hours Scheduler for WooCommerce - Create Custom Schedules to Automatically Enable & Disable WooCommerce Customer Checkout Functionality.
SEON – Fraud Prevention - SEON API Fraud.
WooCommerce GDPR User Opt Ins - A toolset to allow WooCommerce store owners to create and manage user opt-in data.
Hello Event - Manage events and sell tickets with WooCommerce as easy as Hello World.
WooCommerce Notification - Increase conversion rate by highlighting other customers that have bought products.
Subscriptions for WooCommerce - Sell products with recurring payments in your WooCommerce Store.
Mail Debug for WooCommerce - Mail Debug for WooCommerce allows you to debug WordPress and WooCommerce emails.
Conversio for WooCommerce - Conversio is the all-in-one marketing dashboard for your WooCommerce store.
Feedo - Feedo Plugin for Wordpress WooCommerce products.
WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery - Allows to insert multiple images for per variation to let visitors to see a different images when WooCommerce product variations are switched.
WooCommerce Smooth Generator - A smooth customer, order and product generator for WooCommerce.
Recurring Bookings for WooCommerce - Recurring Bookings for WooCommerce - works with WooCommerce Bookings to create repeated bookings.
WooCommcerce checkout product quantity change - This plugin will allow user to change product quantity on checkout field.
Popup Notices for WooCommerce - Turn your WooCommerce Notices into Popups.
Automatic Expiration for Categories - Set an expiration date for certain categories.
WooCommerce Cart Expiration - Set a time limit on a customer checking out.
WooCommerce Stock Synchronization - Synchronizes stock with sites that are connected to one another, using WooCommerce Stock Synchronization.
WooCommerce Interest In Products - Allow customers to opt-in to notices about individual products.
WooCommerce Birthday Discount Vouchers - This plugin allows you to send discount vouchers to your customers on their birthday
Woo Benchmark Email - Connects WooCommerce with Benchmark Email for syncing customers and abandoned carts.
WooCommerce Shop Manager Admin Bar - This plugin adds useful admin links and resources for the WooCommerce Shop Plugin to the WordPress Toolbar / Admin Bar.
Repeat Order For Woocommerce - Add an "order again" button in Recent Orders list.
WooCommerce Schedule Stock Manager - This Plugin provide you options to manage the stock quantity automatic increase throughout daily, weekly, monthly, hourly and yearly schedule type options of all your woocommerce products.
WooCommerce Ajax Login/Register - Woocommerce Ajax login/register (addon / plugin) is allows you to login and register using Ajax and add jquery validation.
Cart links for WooCommerce - Create links that will populate a cart.
WooCommerce Email Order Digest - Sends out a daily digest of orders placed through WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Advanced Shipment Tracking - Add shipment tracking information to your WooCommerce orders and provide customers with an easy way to track their orders. Shipment tracking Info will appear in customers accounts (in the order panel) and in WooCommerce order complete email.
Smart Image Resize for WooCommerce - Prevent an image from being cutt-off to perfecly fit your website design while preserving the aspect-ratio.
WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin - Wishlist functionality for your WooCommerce store.
CartFlows - Create beautiful checkout pages & sales flows for WooCommerce.
Smaily for WooCommerce - Smaily email marketing and automation extension plugin for WooCommerce (set up opt-in form, client sync and output RSS-feed) for easy product import into template.
Bolt Checkout for WooCommerce - Adds Bolt Checkout for WooCommerce.
Nth Order Discount for WooCommerce - Automatic discounts after every nth order.
WooCommerce Sales Report By Country - This plugin simply adds a report tab to display sales report by country WooCommerce Reports. The plugin adds an additional report tab which display sales report by country. You will find this report available in WooCommerce reports section.
Perfect WooCommerce Brands - Perfect WooCommerce Brands allows you to show product brands in your WooCommerce based store.
Premmerce WooCommerce Variation Swatches - This plugin flexibly extends standard features of the WooCommerce attributes and variations.
Shipping Zones by Drawing for WooCommerce - Define your WooCommerce shipping zones by drawing them on a map.
Facebook for WooCommerce - Grow your business on Facebook! Use this official plugin to help sell more of your products using Facebook. After completing the setup, you'll be ready to create ads that promote your products and you can also create a shop section on your Page where customers can browse your products on Facebook.
WooCommerce Checkout Field Manager - Checkout Fields Manager plugin allow to manage fields on Checkout page. Billing, Shipping, Extra fields etc.
WooCommerce Bulk Order - Woocommerce Bulk Order allows your customers to order multiple products on single page.
Better Reviews For WooCommerce - Like reviews, only way better.
AutomateWoo - Subscriptions Add-on - Advanced actions for automating a subscription's lifecycle with AutomateWoo.
Woomotiv - Powerful and easy to use Woocommerce Plugin that leverages social proof to increase your conversions.
WooCommerce Return and Warranty Management System - An extension for manage return and warranty system for WooCommerce shop.
Retainful – WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails and Next Order Coupons - Drive repeat purchases by sending single-use, unique coupon codes to customers for their next purchase.
Smart Variations Images for WooCommerce - This is a WooCommerce extension plugin, that allows the user to add any number of images to the product images gallery and be used as variable product variations images in a very simple and quick way, without having to insert images p/variation.
Simple Cart - A Cart solution to provide a better user purchasing experience.
Price Drop Alert for WooCommerce - User will notify via email if user's selected product price get down by current price.
Simple Linked Variations for WooCommerce - An add-on plugin for WooCommerce which allows variations to be linked together, and will then toggle dropdowns on the front end based on the links made.
Conditional Add To Cart for WooCommerce - Conditionally disable, customize, or replace "Add to Cart" button for WooCommerce.
Drip for WooCommerce - A WordPress plugin to connect to Drip's WooCommerce integration.
Marketing Tools for WooCommerce - The perfect "All in One". Discover the most complete Google Tag Manager extension on WooCommerce.
Disable Dashboard for WooCommerce - Disables new WooCommerce Dashboard introduced in WooCommerce 4.0. Simply activate the plugin and disable whole Analytics section. No configuration needed.
Gift Up! Gift Cards for WordPress and WooCommerce - The simplest way to sell your own gift cards/certificates/vouchers from inside your WordPress website easily with no monthly fee. Redeemable in your WooCommerce shopping cart.
Limit Orders for WooCommerce - Automatically disable WooCommerce's checkout process after reaching a maximum number of orders.
WooCommerce Payments - Accept payments via credit card. Manage transactions within WordPress. Beta.
Leave At Door For WooCommerce - Let customers request that a delivery is left at the door.
HubSpot for WooCommerce - Integrate WooCommerce with HubSpots free CRM, abandoned cart tracking, email marketing, marketing automation, analytics & more.
Minimum Order Amount for Checkout - Set a minimum order amount for Woocommerce orders. Shows a notice in cart and validates at checkout before order can be placed.
WooCommerce Coupons by Advanced Coupons - Advanced Coupons for WooCommerce (Free Version) gives WooCommerce store owners extra coupon features so they can market their stores better. for WooCommerce - Easily connect WooCommerce to your Platformly CRM, set up abandoned cart campaigns and access detailed customer reporting: lifetime value and more.
Manual Related Products for WooCommerce - Allows you to choose a manual set of products for display under the Related Products section on WooCommerce single product pages.
Delete product images for WooCommerce - Removes product assigned images (featured and gallery only) on product delete.
Checkout Manager for WooCommerce - Manages WooCommerce Checkout, the advanced way.
Woo Custom Stock Status - Write the custom stock status with different colors for each woocommerce product, to show in product details and listing pages.
Product image Lazy Loader for WooCommerce - This plugin lazy loads your WooCommerce product images on the shop and archive pages.
Recapture for WooCommerce - Recapture helps you increase revenue by automatically recovering abandoned carts.
Easyship WooCommerce Shipping Rates - Easyship plugin for easy shipping method.\
TCP Clean Coupons - TCP Clean Coupons is a plugin to clean up expired coupons from Woocommerce. This allows you to free up space and unclutter your coupon list.
Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce - Manage WooCommerce order numbers. Make them follow your site logic.
Woo Manage Fraud Orders - WooCommerce plugin to manage the fraud orders by blackilisting the customer's details.
Paysley - Receive payments using Paysley.
Invoice Gateway For WooCommerce - Provides an invoice gateway for WooCommerce so your customers can check out without immediate payment.
Oliver POS – Points and Rewards for WooCommerce - Oliver POS extension plugin for Woocommerce Points and Rewards.
Leo Product Recommendations for WooCommerce - Recommend products smartly for boosting WooCommerce sales by nice-looking add to cart popup.
Ajax Search for WooCommerce - The most popular WooCommerce product search. Gives your users a well-designed advanced AJAX search bar with live search suggestions.
Stock Triggers for WooCommerce - Automatic product stock increase/decrease actions for WooCommerce.
Split Order By Warehouse for WooCommerce - A store owner might like to see orders related to the warehouse only. This plugin helps split into multiple orders as per the number of warehouses in that particular order.
CartPops – High Converting Add To Cart Popup For WooCommerce - This plugin allows you to show an elegant drawer/side cart each time a new product is added to the cart.
Customer verification for WooCommerce - The Customer verification helps WooCommerce store owners to reduce registration spam by requiring customers to verify their email address when they register an account on your store, before they can access their account area.
WOWRestro - WOWRestro is an Ordering system for WooCommerce.
Easy Email Checkout - Make the email field in checkout process easier for your customers by suggest autocomplete email services.
Integration of Sendy with WooCommerce - Add Customers to Sendy List from WooCommerce.
Conditional Payment Gateways for WooCommerce - Manage payment gateways in WooCommerce. for WordPress - is an email marketing platform tailored for smaller businesses and e-commerce ventures.
Tips, Gratuity, Donations & Fees For WooCommerce - Toolkit for add tip amount during checkout.
WPC Share Cart for WooCommerce - WPC Share Cart is a simple but powerful tool that can help your customer share their cart.
WPC Smart Quick View for WooCommerce - WPC Smart Quick View allows users to get a quick look of products without opening the product page.
WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce - WooCommerce interaction mini cart with many styles and effects.
Swiss Knife for WooCommerce - A well crafted bundle of WooCommerce Utilities.
Pending Payment Reminder for WooCommerce - List orders with pending payment status and send out a reminder email on a button click.
PeachPay for WooCommerce - PeachPay is the fastest checkout for WooCommerce.
WooCommerce PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Labels - Prints Packing List, invoice, delivery note & shipping label.
WooCommerce Zero Orders Alert - Notify store owners when a store has no orders for the previous day.
Multi-Step Checkout for WooCommerce - Nice multi-step checkout for your WooCommerce store.
Editorify – Product Reviews For WooCommerce - Boost Your Sales By Adding Products Reviews, Videos & Images to your product page.
Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce - Provides a Fluid Checkout experience for any WooCommerce store.
WPC Shop as a Customer for WooCommerce - WPC Shop as a Customer allows store administrators to login as a customer on the frontend.
MailerSend - Transactional emails for WooCommerce - Replace WooCommerce's standard transactional emails with your own custom templates, manage them in MailerSend and send them with our API.
Amazon Payment Services - Amazon payment services makes it really easy to start accepting online payments (credit & debit cards) in the Middle East.
Easy Collect And Drop for WooCommerce - Easy Collect And Drop shipping method plugin.
Related Products for WooCommerce - Displays custom related products on the basis of category/tags/products for your WooCommerce store.
Installment Plans for WooCommerce Subscriptions - Extend the Subscriptions plugin for WooCommerce to handle installments.
Checkout Field Customizer - Customize your checkout fields easily.
OpenPath for WooCommerce - WooCommerce plugin for accepting payment through OpenPath.
Donation Platform for WooCommerce - Donation Platform for WooCommerce unlocks the power of WooCommerce for your online fundraising & crowdfunding.
Location Picker at Checkout for WooCommerce - Allow customers to choose their shipping location using a map at checkout.
Action Scheduler Timeout Monitor - Gather additional information about subscription action scheduled events which timeout.
Action Scheduler - Disable WP Cron Queue Runner - Disable Action Scheduler's default queue runner, by removing it from the WP-Cron hook.
Frontend Snippets - Front-end code snippets.
General Snippets - General code snippets.
Theming Snippets - Theming related code snippets.
ElasticPress - A fast and flexible search and query engine for WordPress.
WP Search with Algolia - Integrate the powerful Algolia search service with WordPress.
SearchWP - Instantly improve your site search without writing a line of code.
FacetWP - Advanced Filtering for WordPress.
Relevanssi - This plugin replaces WordPress search with a relevance-sorting search.
FacetWP - Bookings Integration - WooCommerce Bookings support.
Tracking Shopping Cart Abandonment in Google Analytics - We have all heard the statistics; about 70% of your customers are abandoning your shopping cart without actually making a purchase.
Slow WooCommerce with Many Products - WooCommerce is the most used webshop system in the world and its awesome! However, using WordPress as its application framework has some drawbacks.
WooCommerce with Thousands of Products: Workarounds for Slow Admin Panel - It’s the WordPress plugin for webshops, without a question. For a shop that is not running WooCommerce with thousands of products, it has a very nice performance, too. However there are limitations and drawbacks running WooCommerce with many products.
Disable WooCommerce Bloat - Disable unnecessary WooCommerce features and make your shop faster and cleaner.
Disable Cart Fragments - A better way to disable WooCommerce's cart fragments script, and re-enqueue it when the cart is updated. Works with all caching plugins.
您的 WooCommerce 商店的插件和代碼片段。
## 目錄
WooCommerce 的產品評論和評分 - 在自動駕駛儀上收集產品評論並通過 Google 中的星級評分提高轉化率並增加自然點擊率。
WC Map Guest Orders and Downloads - 將 WooCommerce 訪客訂單和下載映射到具有相同電子郵件的帳戶帳戶創建或登錄。
加入購物車和產品更新前的數量 - 加入購物車和產品更新前的數量。
如何在 WooCommerce 中按 SKU 查找產品 - 如何在 WooCommerce 中按 SKU 查找產品。
索引和搜索 WooCommerce 產品變體 SKU - 索引和搜索 WooCommerce 產品變體 SKU。
WooCommerce 自定義產品重定向 - 為您的產品配置結帳重定向。可以按優先級全局和單獨配置每個產品。
WooCommerce Customizer - 無需代碼即可自定義 WooCommerce!輕鬆更改添加到購物車按鈕文本等。
WooCommerce 確認密碼 - 在允許結帳之前檢查密碼並確認密碼字段匹配。
[刪除結帳頁面上的密碼強度計]( - 您可以完全刪除強度計並恢復結帳過程是以前。
WooCommerce International SKU - 為用於在 WooCommerce 基本國家/地區以外發貨的訂單(國際訂單)的產品添加輔助 SKU。
Woocommerce 全球購物車 - 這允許用戶在多站點安裝中跨所有子站點維護一個購物車。
SkyVerge 構建的 WooCommerce 擴展的自定義代碼片段和示例 - 歡迎來到 wc-plugins-snippets 存儲庫!此存儲庫存儲與 SkyVerge WooCommerce 插件相關的代碼片段,以修改或添加到插件行為。
WooCommerce 訂閱導入器和導出器 - 通過 CSV 在您的 WooCommerce 商店中導入或導出訂閱。
Woocommerce 禁用電子郵件通知 - Woocommerce 禁用電子郵件通知。
WC 多個電子郵件收件人 - 允許 WooCommerce 電子郵件的多個收件人。
WooCommerce 的快速跟踪轉換代碼 - 創建您想要的任何跟踪代碼並附加到鏈接。當有人點擊您網站的鏈接時,他們將被跟踪購買。
WPE Ecommerce Toolkit for WooCommerce - WooCommerce 的性能調整和報告擴展工具箱。
WooCommerce 繼續購物 - 可以選擇 WooCommerce 結帳上的“繼續購物”按鈕將您帶到哪裡。
WooCommerce 的清空購物車按鈕 - 此插件用於通過單擊購物車來清空整個購物車。
刪除過期瞬態 - 從 WordPress wp_options 表中刪除舊的、過期的瞬態。
顯示訂單詳情 - 此插件在 WooCommerce->訂單頁面中顯示訂單中的商品列表。
WooCommerce 外部產品嵌入 - 提供嵌入其他商店產品的簡碼。
WooCommerce 產品費用 - 根據購物車中的產品在結帳時添加額外費用。
批量刪除 - 從選定的類別、標籤、帖子類型、自定義分類或帖子狀態(如草稿、預定帖子、修訂等)中批量刪除用戶和帖子.
Woocommerce 的 NC 尺碼表 - 這個插件允許您在 woocommerce 上使用尺碼表。
WC 隱藏送貨方式 - 當結帳時提供“免費送貨”時,此插件會自動隱藏所有其他送貨方式。它還包括一個保留“本地取貨”的選項。
WC恢復訂單頁面中的已購買商品欄目 - 該插件恢復訂單頁面中的“已購買商品”欄目。
WC 密碼強度設置 - 允許管理員設置所需的密碼強度或完全從 WooCommerce 帳戶菜單中禁用它。
WC Quick Customer Redirects - 此插件可讓您在註冊、登錄、註銷操作後為客戶設置自定義頁面重定向。
WooCommerce (BASIC) 的訂單/優惠券/訂閱導出導入插件 - 導出和導入訂單詳細信息,包括訂單項、來自和到您的 WooCommerce 商店。
Woo 產品推薦嚮導) - Woo 產品推薦嚮導讓客戶根據自己的選擇縮小產品列表。它使店主能夠向產品頁面添加調查問卷。然後根據用戶給出的答案呈現產品推薦。您可以展示“n”個產品,匹配答案和查詢。
禁用 WooCommmerce 狀態 - 完全禁用 WP 管理儀表板中的 WooCommerce 狀態小部件,以大大提高高流量 WooCommerce 商店的後端性能。
WooCommerce 自定義可用性 - 產品的自定義可用性字符串。
WooCommerce Facebook 轉換像素 - 為 WooCommerce 設置 Facebook 轉換像素和事件跟踪。
如何以編程方式創建 WooCommerce 退款 - WooCommerce 退款可以使用他們自己的 API 函數 wc_create_refund 創建。
Metorik Helper - 為 Metorik 所需的 WooCommerce 提供一些修復和擴展。
WooCommerce 計算產品頁面中的運費 - 在使用可用的運輸方式將產品添加到購物車之前計算運費。
WooCommerce 產品捆綁 - 最小/最大項目 - WooCommerce 產品捆綁插件,允許您定義最小/最大捆綁項目數約束。
PW WooCommerce 批量編輯 - PW WooCommerce 批量編輯是更新 WooCommerce 產品目錄的強大方法。最後,無需再繁瑣地點擊無數頁面,對所有產品進行相同的更改。
WooCommerce 變體 Select2 - 一個簡單的插件,可為 WooCommerce 變體選擇框啟用 Select2。
為客戶取消 WooCommerce 訂單 - 一個小插件,可讓客戶在一定時間內取消 woocommerce 訂單。
WC Search Orders By Product - 一個簡單的插件,可幫助您按產品搜索 WooCommerce 訂單。
由 Algolia 提供支持的 WooCommerce 訂單搜索管理員 - 以 Algolia 的思維速度在管理員中搜索 WooCommerce 訂單..
Motif Woocommerce Qty Field Shop Page - 允許 woocommerce 客戶從商店頁面購買他們想要數量的產品。
Facebook for WooCommerce - 通過 Facebook for WooCommerce 發展您的業務!此插件將安裝 Facebook Pixel 並可選擇在您的 Facebook 頁面上創建商店。
WooCommerce SEO 插件 - 插件擴展了 Yoast Seo 的功能。
WooCommerce 永久鏈接管理器 - Premmerce WooCommerce 永久鏈接管理器允許您更改 WooCommerce 永久鏈接並從 URL 中刪除產品和 product_category slug。
WooCommerce 的自定義相關產品 - 選擇您自己的相關產品,而不是按類別拉入。
多語言評論 - 顯示多語言評論和評論。
WooCommerce 報價 - 此插件允許您將 WooCommerce 商店轉換為僅報價商店。它將隱藏產品的價格,並且不會在結帳時收取任何款項。然後,您可以為訂單中的商品設置價格並向客戶發送通知。
WooCommerce 數字結帳 - 隱藏虛擬/下載產品的計費和運輸結帳字段。
WooCommerce Checkout For Digital Goods - 此插件將刪除可下載和虛擬產品的帳單地址字段。
WooCommerce 的靈活結帳字段 - 管理您的 WooCommerce 結帳字段。更改順序、標籤、佔位符並添加新字段。
WooCommerce Product Variations Popup - 此插件提供了在彈出窗口中選擇產品列表頁面上的產品選項的功能。
WooCommerce 的有條件運輸 - 根據運輸類別、重量、類別等禁用運輸方式。
WP WooCommerce Redirect - WP WooCommerce Redirect 是一個 WordPress 插件,用於在註冊或登錄後重定向您的 WooCommerce 網站!您可以根據用戶角色設置任何自定義頁面或自定義重定向。
WooCommerce 全球購物車 - WooCommerce 全球購物車插件有助於在所有商店中使用單個購物車,在 MultiSite 環境中為來自不同商店的產品提供獨特的結帳流程。
WooCommerce 軟件許可證 - WooCommerce 軟件許可證提供通過您的商店管理許可證密鑰、激活和維護的能力。
WooCommerce 擴展優惠券功能 - WooCommerce 優惠券的附加功能:自動應用某些優惠券,允許通過 url 應用優惠券等。
WooCommerce Putler 連接器 - 使用 Putler 跟踪 WooCommerce 交易數據。有見地的報告可以發展您的業務。
禁用 WooCommerce 評論 - 禁用所有產品的 WooCommerce 評論。
WC Shipping Rates Importer - 進出口 Woocommerce 運費。
Printify for WooCommerce - Printify 產品的實時運費。
WooCommerce Bookings 插件 - Woobooking Recurring Bookings by Week 是付費插件 WooCommerce Bookings 的插件。它允許您在設定的幾週內將產品標記為重複發生的課程。
WooCommerce 預訂下拉菜單 - 將日期選擇器替換為日期下拉菜單。
WooCommerce – Mailerlite - WooCommerce 的 Mailerlite 集成。
導航菜單角色 + WooCommerce 會員橋 - 將 WooCommerce 會員計劃添加到導航菜單角色。
WooCommerce 前端管理器 - WooCommerce 真的很簡單而且很漂亮。我們在這裡讓您的生活更輕鬆、更和平。
禁用 WooCommerce 樣式 - 完全禁用 WooCommerce 加載的所有 CSS 樣式表,以便可以更好地管理樣式樣式.css 文件。
購物車中的 Woo 更新變體 - 購物車中的 WooCommerce 更新變體。
WooCommerce 高級免費送貨 - WooCommerce 高級免費送貨是一個插件,可讓您設置高級免費送貨條件。
推薦 WooCommerce 的朋友 - WooCommerce 的簡單而強大的推薦系統。每個客戶都有推薦鏈接,在有人通過他們的鏈接購買後,該鏈接會用優惠券獎勵他們。
Colissimo 交付集成 - 使用 WooCommerce 的簡單 Colissimo 服務。
WooCommerce Pre-Orders Fix - 在您的 WooCommerce 商店中銷售產品的預購,多個預購購物車插件。
WooCommerce 優惠券生成器 - 輕鬆為您的在線商店生成數百萬張獨特的優惠券。使用您熟悉的所有優惠券設置。
WooCommerce 的高級運輸驗證 - 根據您自己的條件設置運輸驗證規則。向客戶顯示他們無法繼續結帳的具體消息。
WC 重複訂單 - 在訂單操作上添加到 Woocommerce 的重複鏈接以復制現有訂單。
WooCommerce Bookings Order Item Meta Addon - 這個插件是一個 WooCommerce Bookings 助手,可以讓未來的預訂訂單保存元數據就像他們對 1.9.12 及更低版本所做的那樣。
WooCommerce 動態定價表 - 在使用 WooCommerce 產品時顯示定價折扣表、用戶角色折扣消息和簡單類別折扣消息WooCommerce 動態定價插件。
WooCommerce 每種付款方式的折扣 - 在 WooCommerce 中添加特定付款方式的折扣。
WooCommerce Returnado - Returnado 系統的 WC Rest API 擴展和提供訂單返回功能的小部件接口。包括在購買非訪客模式時繞過登錄。
WooCommerce 的訂單模擬器 - 自動化訂單以大規模生成 WooCommerce 店面以進行測試。
WooCommerce 的銷售頁面 - WooCommerce 銷售頁面是 Woocommerce 的擴展。我們開發了這個插件是因為 Woocommerce 有 onsale 小部件和簡碼,但它缺少您通常可以在常規 Woocommerce 目錄頁面上找到的分頁、排序和過濾。
WooCommerce Pay for Payment - 在 WooCommerce 中為每種付款方式設置單獨的費用。
WooCommerce 客戶管理器 - 此插件擴展了 WordPress 中的標準用戶列表和編輯用戶頁面,並添加了來自 WooCommerce 的客戶數據。
WooCommerce 購買後的客戶管理消息 - 此插件允許用戶在結帳後與商店經理聊天。管理員也可以回复。
WooCommerce 優惠券限制 - 允許優惠券僅限於新客戶或現有客戶。
WooCommerce 的定價交易 - WooCommerce 的電子商務插件,提供定價交易功能。
WooCommerce Checkout Age Verification - 這個插件用於在 WooCommerce 結賬時驗證客戶的年齡。
Woo Flow: Cart Abadonment Analytics - 用於跟踪 WooCommerce 網站中的用戶行為並在管理儀表板中顯示分析報告的插件。
Decorator – WooCommerce 電子郵件定制器 - 使用原生 WordPress 定制器使 WooCommerce 電子郵件與您的品牌相匹配。
WooCommerce 的附加訂單過濾器 - 為 WooCommerce 添加附加訂單過濾器。
Premmerce WooCommerce 工具包 - Premmerce WooCommerce 工具包是 WooCommerce 的一套多功能附加組件和擴展,旨在為電子商務添加缺失的基本工具- 商務商務到 WooCommerce 的基本版本。
WooCommerce Ajax 購物車插件 - 更改 WooCommerce 購物車頁面的默認行為,在數量字段更改時發出 AJAX 請求。
WooCommerce 訂單待取消電子郵件 - 當訂單狀態從待處理變為已取消時返回電子郵件。
WooCommerce 自動恢復庫存 - 訂單取消時自動恢復庫存。
基於國家/地區的 WooCommerce 價格 - 基於 WooCommerce 的購物者國家/地區的產品定價和貨幣。
WooCommerce 購物車庫存減少器 - 在將商品添加到購物車和/或從購物車中過期商品時,允許減少 WooCommerce 庫存庫存。
WooCommerce 登錄彈出窗口和簡碼 - WooCommerce 的簡單模式登錄頁面和簡碼。
WooCommerce 的結帳地址自動完成 - 允許您的客戶使用 Google Maps API 在結帳頁面上自動完成帳單和送貨地址。
店面設計定制器 - 將漂亮的佈局添加到您的店面主題中,無需編寫代碼。
WooCommerce Cash On Pickup - 添加支付網關“Cash On Pickup”的 WooCommerce 擴展。
WooCommerce Country Based Bank Accounts - 選擇在哪些國家/地區可以使用某些 BACS 網關銀行賬戶。
WooCommerce 在運送到不同地址時禁用本地取件 - WooCommerce 在運送到時禁用本地取件不同的地址。
Woo Lightspeed Customizer - 關於如何利用 WooCommerce Lightspeed POS 集成插件的過濾器和動作掛鉤來進一步自定義其功能的示例插件。
WooCommerce 更好的可用性 - 改善了 Woocommerce 的整體用戶體驗。
使用每月訂單生成器的一次性訂閱 - 添加一次性付款的訂閱每月訂閱訂單。
WooCommerce 的顏色過濾器 - 此插件允許您從側邊欄小部件按顏色過濾 WooCommerce 產品。
WooCommerce 實時銷售通知 - 提高客戶購買信心和對您品牌的信任的最佳社交證明想法:顯示實時銷售通知彈出窗口以創造感覺一個繁忙的商店,並激勵顧客開始購買。
WooCommerce 的追加銷售產品展示 - Woocommerce 追加銷售產品展示使用小部件和簡碼。
Woocommerce 的交叉銷售產品展示 - 使用小部件和簡碼的 Woocommerce 交叉銷售產品展示。
WooRef - WooRef 是一個 Wordpress 插件,可讓您查看和跟踪來自任何推薦網站的 WooCommerce 銷售。
Woocommerce Google Feed Manager - 一個易於使用的 WordPress 插件,可生成您的產品 Feed 並將其提交給商家中心。
WooCom 添加多個產品 - 當您在購物車中時,通過 SKU 或產品名稱將批量產品添加到購物車的插件。
Zao WooCommerce Wholesale - 為 WooCommerce 生成批發訂單。
Zao WooCommerce QuickBooks Online 集成 - 將 QuickBooks Online 與 WooCommerce 集成。
WooCommerce 強制默認變體 - 從變體下拉菜單中刪除標準的 WooCommerce“選擇一個選項”和清除選擇的選項。
WooCommerce 基於支付網關的費用和折扣 - WooCommerce 支付網關費用和折扣。
SIP Cart Ajax Refresh - 此插件允許您通過 Ajax 刷新 WooCommere 結帳。當您在同一頁面上擁有購物車和結帳時,這很有用。
WooCommerce 的 SIP 自定義訂單狀態 - 允許在 WooCommerce 上創建自定義訂單狀態。
高級 AJAX 產品過濾器 - 看看這個用於 WooCommerce 的出色 AJAX 產品過濾器插件。使用一個小部件添加無限過濾器。
為 WooCommerce 加載更多產品 - 通過無限滾動的 AJAX 從下一頁加載產品或加載更多產品按鈕。
iThemes Sales Accelerator - 使用動態報告轉換您的 WordPress 儀表板,以便您可以獲得有關 WooCommerce 商店的詳細數據和電子商務見解。
禁用 WooCommerce 狀態 - 完全禁用 WP 管理儀表板中的 WooCommerce 狀態小部件,以大大提高高流量 WooCommerce 商店的後端性能。
WooCommerce 直接結帳 - 允許您為 WooCommerce 實施直接結帳(跳過購物車頁面)。
WooCommerce 訂閱產品刪除消息 - 在添加訂閱後從購物車中刪除產品時顯示結帳通知。
Groups WooCommerce Completed Customer - 此插件在客戶首次完成訂單時將其添加到客戶組。
WooCommerce RRP - WooCommerce RRP 允許用戶在 WooCommerce 常規設置中在產品的正常價格和銷售價格之前添加文本。
WooCommerce 計量單位 - WooCommerce 計量單位允許用戶在 WooCommerce 產品的價格之後添加計量單位。
WC 城市選擇 - WooCommerce 的城市選擇。顯示下拉選擇作為城市輸入。
WC 變體單選按鈕 - WooCommerce 的變體單選按鈕。讓您的客戶使用單選按鈕而不是下拉菜單來選擇產品變體。
WC Extension - WooCommerce 擴展的 Yeoman 生成器。
MC Export Bookings WC to CSV - MC Export Bookings WC to CSV 讓用戶能夠將 WooCommerce 預訂導出到 CSV。
WooRewards - WooCommerce 的獎勵和保真度系統。
WooCommerce 軟件許可證管理器 - Woocommerce 和軟件許可證管理器之間的無縫集成。
WooCommerce 的簡單目錄 - 將您的 WooCommerce 商店變成一個簡單的在線目錄。您可以為所有用戶或僅為未登錄的用戶禁用電子商務功能。
WooCommerce Cancel Abandoned Order - 在一定天數後取消“暫停”訂單。
WooCommerce 客戶服務 - WooCommerce 的客戶服務系統。
WooCommerce 智能比較 - WooCommerce 的智能產品比較。
WooCommerce 可下載產品更新-電子郵件 - 當他們的 WooCommerce 可下載產品有更新時通過電子郵件通知客戶。
WooCommerce 產品查找器 - Woo 產品查找器讓客戶根據他們的選擇縮小產品列表。它使店主能夠向產品頁面添加調查問卷。然後根據用戶給出的答案呈現產品推薦。您可以展示“n”個產品,匹配答案和查詢。
WooCommerce 添加 GTIN:UPC、EAN 和 ISBN - 將 GTIN 包括 UPC、EAN 和 ISBN 代碼字段添加到您的 WooCommerce 產品頁面和結帳.
WooCommerce 按產品過濾訂單 - 此插件可讓您按任何特定產品過濾 WooCommrce 訂單。
為 WooCommerce 恢復廢棄的購物車 – - 使用智能 Facebook Messenger 聊天機器人在 WooCommerce 上恢復廢棄的購物車。
WooCommerce 產品依賴項 - 根據其他必備產品的所有權和/或購買限制對 WooCommerce 產品的訪問。
WooCommerce 堆疊產品佈局 - 一個方便的插件,用於堆疊複雜 WooCommerce 產品的添加到購物車部分在主要產品圖片和摘要下方鍵入。如果您的產品的添加到購物車部分顯得非常狹窄或被擠壓,這很有用。
Remarkety – WooCommerce 的電子郵件營銷 - WooCommerce 的電子郵件營銷自動化工具。
WooCommerce 的利潤報告 - 為 WooCommerce 添加利潤報告功能。
WooCommerce 的簡單選項 - 訪問隱藏的 WooCommerce 選項,例如:禁用確認註銷、更改最低密碼強度、顯示空產品類別、隱藏產品類別名稱/計數,從 wp-login.php 屏幕禁用新用戶註冊。
Robot Ninja Helper - Robot Ninja 用戶的助手插件。
WooCommerce 訂閱 - 退款取消 - 當其父訂單或最後一個續訂訂單全額退款時取消訂閱。
WooCommerce 訂閱續訂計時器 - 記錄訂閱續訂事件的開始和結束。要查看日誌文件:轉到 WooCommerce > 系統狀態 > 日誌並選擇帶有“wcs-renewal”前綴的日誌文件。
WooCommerce One Page Checkout - 不要清空購物車 - 默認情況下,WooCommerce One Page Checkout 將清空通過無線電元素或簡易定價表選擇產品的購物車。這會改變這一點,以允許現有的購物車項目持續存在。
WooCommerce 的產品數量 - 在 WooCommerce 中設置購物車和訂單的最小和最大產品數量。
WooCommerce 自定義謝謝 - WooCommerce 擴展,允許您為每個產品設置自定義“謝謝”頁面。
Uni CPO – WooCommerce 選項和價格計算公式 Lite - 創造一個機會,為產品添加自定義選項,並可以計算產品價格基於所選選項並使用自定義數學公式。
CartStack for WooCommerce - 將 CartStack 的力量帶到 WooCommerce。
Mauticommerce - 將 WooCommerce 客戶信息發送到 Mautic Form。
[WooCommerce 購物車限制](https://gist - 根據特定商品是否已經在購物車中或正在添加到購物車中,限制哪些商品可以添加到購物車中。
Snappic for WooCommerce - 將您的 WooCommerce 商店鏈接到 Snappic。
WooCommerce 的 Razorpay 訂閱 - WooCommerce 的 Razorpay 訂閱。
WooCommerce 數量增量 - WooCommerce 數量增量將 JavaScript 驅動的數量按鈕添加到您的購物車頁面。
Crystal for WooCommerce - Crystal for WooCommerce 是一款智能插件,用於監控您的電子商店、最大化結果並促進您的業務。
WooCommerce 多個客戶地址 - 該插件允許客戶擁有多個送貨地址或賬單地址。客戶可以在結賬時切換一個到另一個,或者在我的帳戶中設置一個默認值。
WooCommerce 的 RFQ-ToolKit - 請求 WooCommerce 的報價。
WooCommerce 基於距離的費用 - 此插件根據距離增加費用。
WooCommerce 額外產品排序選項 - 重命名默認排序和可選的額外產品排序選項。
Woo 購物車字段 - 將表單字段添加到購物車頁面。
Woo 產品插件購物車可編輯字段 - 允許用戶在購物車中編輯他們的插件。
DHL for WooCommerce - 適用於 DHL eCommerce、DHL Paket 和 DHL Parcel Europe(比荷盧和伊比利亞)的 WooCommerce 集成。
WooCommerce 的多訂單 - 將您的訂單拆分為子訂單。
WC 自定義添加到購物車標籤 - 此插件可讓您更改單個產品頁面上的“添加到購物車”標籤(每種產品類型)和存檔/商店頁面(每種產品類型)。
Akaunting for WooCommerce - Akaunting 是一款免費的在線會計軟件。該插件將 Akaunting 與 WooCommerce 集成。
WooCommerce 的 付款 - 使用 在您的商店進行安全的託管付款。
WooCommerce 產品庫存警報 - Woocommerce 插件,客戶可以使用該插件訂閱對缺貨產品的興趣。當產品可用時,訂閱的客戶將收到一封提醒電子郵件。
WooCommerce 的更多排序選項 - 添加新的自定義、重新排列、刪除或重命名 WooCommerce 排序選項。
Woo 產品建議 - 建議 WooCommerce 產品並將其鏈接到現有產品或帶有自定義通知的捆綁包。
PixelYourSite 的 Facebook Pixel – 事件、WooCommerce 和簡單的數字下載 - 將 Facebook Pixel 代碼添加到您的 Wordpress 站點中,只需單擊幾下即可設置標準事件。與 Woocommerce 完全兼容,包括購買活動。
WooCommerce 的性能改進 - 與商店前端和後端訂單相關的性能調整。還將禁用 WooCommerce 中評論和狀態的儀表板小部件。
Premmerce - Premmerce 是 WooCommerce 的必備工具包,為您的商店提供詳細的設置嚮導。
WooCommerce 客戶來源 - 了解您的客戶來自哪裡。在 WooCommerce 結帳屏幕中添加一個選擇字段,詢問新客戶如何發現商店。
WooCommerce 的電話訂單 - 在 WooCommerce 中快速創建手動/電話訂單。
禁用電子郵件通知 - 在您的 Woocommerce 安裝中禁用電子郵件通知。
WooCommerce 的客戶評論 - WooCommerce 的客戶評論插件通過發送自動提醒和優惠券幫助您獲得更多的客戶評論。
WooCommerce Google 表格集成 - 將 WooCommerce 商店中的訂單數據自動同步到 Google 表格。Zapier-WooCommerce 集成的免費替代方案。
使用每月訂單生成器的一次性訂閱 - 添加一次性付款的訂閱每月訂閱訂單。
WooCommerce 自動完成訂單 - 您會從一個無法立即訪問您購買的產品的網站購買兩次嗎?你為什麼要給你的客戶呢?收回您的電子商務的所有權。
Premmerce Woocommerce Wholesale Pricing - Premmerce WooCommerce Wholesale Pricing 是一個插件,允許您為 WooCommerce 產品添加單獨的批發價格或其他價格類型到任何客戶角色。
WooCommerce 產品提要 - 此插件為 Google 購物、Facebook 產品提要、eBay、亞馬遜等購物引擎生成 WooCommerce 產品提要,理想和更多。
Premmerce Woocommerce 產品包 - 插件在 WooCommerce 中創建產品包。
WC REST Payment - WC REST Payment 添加了缺失的 REST API 端點,用於在 WooCommerce 中處理支付。
WooCommerce Square - 添加了在 WooCommerce 和 Square POS 之間同步庫存的能力。此外,您還可以通過 Square 支付網關進行購買。
Shop as Client for WooCommerce - 允許 WooCommerce 商店管理員或商店經理使用前端並將新訂單分配給註冊或新客戶. 適用於電話或電子郵件訂單。
WooCommerce 自定義添加到購物車按鈕 - 更改 WooCommerce 中的“添加到購物車”按鈕文本,並可選擇添加購物車圖標。
報告中的 WooCommerce Stripe 費用 - 在 WooCommerce 圖表中顯示 Stripe 費用。計算正確的淨總數。
WooCommerce 的購物車 REST API - 為 WooCommerce 提供額外的 REST-API 端點,以啟用添加、查看、更新和從購物車中刪除項目。
WooCommerce 購物車產品標題 - 這是 WooCommerce 的一個簡單插件,可以更改購物車中的產品標題,以幫助防止購物車被遺棄。
HubSpot WooCommerce 集成 - 一個非常強大的插件,可以將您的 WooCommerce 商店與 HubSpot 無縫集成。
Woocommerce 的智能相關產品 - 默認情況下,Woocommerce 按類別顯示相關產品。Woocommerce 的智能相關產品可以覆蓋此邏輯並按屬性顯示它們。
WooCommerce 購物車項目批量刪除 - 此插件允許您單擊刪除所有購物車項目。
WooCommerce 全球價格選項 - 按類別向 WooCommerce 產品添加全球價格選項。
WooCommerce 的 Jet 集成 - JET 集成插件,用於將您的在線商店與 集成的完整解決方案。
WooCommerce 的談判 - 通過 Facebook Messenger 引發即時談判。
WooCommerce 的銷售通知 - 通過社會證明增加商店信任以建立信譽。
WooCommerce 評論管理側邊欄 - 添加專用菜單項來查看評論。
WooCommerce 最大數量 - 設置每個產品可以添加到購物車的最大產品數量限制。現在有個別產品限制。
WooCommerce 移動評論 - 允許您輕鬆地將評論從一種產品移動到另一種產品。
WooCommerce 的多個包裹 - 一個簡單的 UI,可以在沒有 PHP 知識的情況下利用多個運輸包裹。
Beeketing 的 WooCommerce 快速查看 - 當客戶單擊主頁和產品系列頁面上的產品圖像時顯示快速查看彈出窗口。顯示尺寸指南、色板和評論部分,以提高添加到購物車的速度。
方形縮略圖 - 製作方形縮略圖而不裁剪圖像。
WooCommerce 手動付款 - 直接從後端處理付款。無需離開 WooCommerce 編輯訂單屏幕。
WooCommerce Invoicing Payments w/ Sprout Invoices - Sprout Invoices 付款與 WooCommerce 結帳的集成。
WooCommerce 的數量和單位 - 輕鬆要求您的客戶購買最少/最多/增量數量的產品以繼續他們的查看。
WooCommerce 的訂購時間安排程序 - 創建自定義時間表以自動啟用和禁用 WooCommerce 客戶結帳功能。
SEON – 欺詐預防 - SEON API 欺詐。
WooCommerce GDPR 用戶選擇加入 - 允許 WooCommerce 商店所有者創建和管理用戶選擇加入數據的工具集。
Hello Event - 使用 WooCommerce 管理活動和售票,就像 Hello World 一樣簡單。
WooCommerce 通知 - 通過突出顯示已購買產品的其他客戶來提高轉化率。
WooCommerce 訂閱 - 在您的 WooCommerce 商店中銷售具有定期付款的產品。
WooCommerce 的郵件調試 - WooCommerce 的郵件調試允許您調試 WordPress 和 WooCommerce 電子郵件。
WooCommerce 的 Conversio - Conversio 是您的 WooCommerce 商店的一體化營銷儀表板。
Feedo - Wordpress WooCommerce 產品的 Feedo 插件。
WooCommerce 變體圖像庫 - 允許為每個變體插入多個圖像,以便在切換 WooCommerce 產品變體時讓訪問者看到不同的圖像。
WooCommerce 平滑生成器 - WooCommerce 的平滑客戶、訂單和產品生成器。
WooCommerce 的定期預訂 - WooCommerce 的定期預訂 - 與 WooCommerce 預訂一起創建重複預訂。
WooCommcerce 結帳產品數量更改 - 此插件將允許用戶在結帳字段更改產品數量。
WooCommerce 的彈出通知 - 將您的 WooCommerce 通知變成彈出窗口。
類別自動過期 - 為某些類別設置過期日期。
WooCommerce 購物車到期 - 設置客戶結賬的時間限制。
WooCommerce 股票同步 - 使用 WooCommerce 股票同步將股票與相互連接的網站同步。
WooCommerce 對產品的興趣 - 允許客戶選擇接收有關單個產品的通知。
WooCommerce 生日折扣券 - 此插件允許您在客戶生日時向他們發送折扣券
Woo Benchmark Email - 將 WooCommerce 與 Benchmark Email 連接起來,用於同步客戶和廢棄的購物車。
WooCommerce Shop Manager 管理欄 - 此插件將 WooCommerce Shop 插件的有用管理鏈接和資源添加到 WordPress 工具欄/管理酒吧。
Woocommerce 的重複訂單 - 在最近的訂單列表中添加“再次訂購”按鈕。
WooCommerce Schedule Stock Manager - 此插件為您提供管理庫存數量自動增加的選項,包括每日、每週、每月、每小時和每年您所有 woocommerce 產品的計劃類型選項。
WooCommerce Ajax 登錄/註冊 - WooCommerce Ajax 登錄/註冊(插件/插件)允許您使用 Ajax 登錄和註冊並添加 jquery 驗證.
WooCommerce 的購物車鏈接 - 創建將填充購物車的鏈接。
WooCommerce 電子郵件訂單摘要 - 發送通過 WooCommerce 下達的訂單的每日摘要。
WooCommerce 高級貨件追踪 - 將貨件追踪信息添加到您的 WooCommerce 訂單中,並為客戶提供一種簡單的方式來追踪他們的訂單。發貨跟踪信息將出現在客戶帳戶(在訂單面板中)和 WooCommerce 訂單完成電子郵件中。
WooCommerce 的智能圖像調整大小 - 防止圖像被截斷以完全適合您的網站設計,同時保留縱橫比。
WooCommerce Wishlist 插件 - WooCommerce 商店的願望清單功能。
CartFlows - 為 WooCommerce 創建漂亮的結帳頁面和銷售流程。
Smaily for WooCommerce - WooCommerce 的 Smaily 電子郵件營銷和自動化擴展插件(設置選擇加入表單、客戶端同步和輸出 RSS 提要)便於將產品導入模板。
WooCommerce 的螺栓結帳 - 添加 WooCommerce 的螺栓結帳。
WooCommerce 的第 N 次訂單折扣 - 每第 n 次訂單後自動折扣。
WooCommerce 銷售報告按國家/地區 - 此插件僅添加一個報告選項卡以按國家/地區 WooCommerce 報告顯示銷售報告。該插件添加了一個額外的報告選項卡,按國家/地區顯示銷售報告。您將在 WooCommerce 報告部分找到此報告。
Perfect WooCommerce Brands - Perfect WooCommerce Brands 允許您在基於 WooCommerce 的商店中展示產品品牌。
Premmerce WooCommerce Variation Swatches - 這個插件靈活地擴展了 WooCommerce 屬性和變體的標準功能。
WooCommerce 繪圖的運輸區域 - 通過在地圖上繪製您的 WooCommerce 運輸區域來定義它們。
Facebook for WooCommerce - 在 Facebook 上發展您的業務!使用這個官方插件來幫助您使用 Facebook 銷售更多產品。完成設置後,您就可以製作宣傳您的產品的廣告了,您還可以在主頁上創建一個商店版塊,讓客戶可以在 Facebook 上瀏覽您的產品。
WooCommerce 結帳字段管理器 - 結帳字段管理器插件允許管理結帳頁面上的字段。計費,運輸,額外字段等。
WooCommerce Bulk Order - Woocommerce Bulk Order 允許您的客戶在單個頁面上訂購多個產品。
WooCommerce 的更好評論 - 喜歡評論,只有更好的方式。
AutomateWoo - 訂閱插件 - 使用 AutomateWoo 自動化訂閱生命週期的高級操作。
Woomotiv - 功能強大且易於使用的 Woocommerce 插件,它利用社交證明來增加您的轉化率。
WooCommerce 退貨和保修管理系統 - WooCommerce 商店管理退貨和保修系統的擴展。
Retainful – WooCommerce 廢棄購物車恢復電子郵件和下一個訂單優惠券 - 通過發送一次性獨特優惠券來推動重複購買客戶下次購買的代碼。
WooCommerce 的智能變體圖像 - 這是一個 WooCommerce 擴展插件,允許用戶將任意數量的圖像添加到產品圖像庫和以非常簡單快捷的方式用作可變產品變體圖像,而無需插入圖像 p/變體。
Simple Cart - 提供更好用戶購買體驗的購物車解決方案。
WooCommerce 的降價警報 - 如果用戶選擇的產品價格低於當前價格,用戶將通過電子郵件通知。
WooCommerce 的簡單鏈接變體 - WooCommerce 的附加插件,允許將變體鏈接在一起,然後切換基於所做的鏈接在前端的下拉列表。
WooCommerce 的有條件添加到購物車 - 有條件地禁用、自定義或替換 WooCommerce 的“添加到購物車”按鈕。
Drip for WooCommerce - 一個連接到 Drip 的 WooCommerce 集成的 WordPress 插件。
WooCommerce 的營銷工具 - 完美的“多合一”。在 WooCommerce 上發現最完整的 Google Tag Manager 擴展。
禁用 WooCommerce 儀表板 - 禁用 WooCommerce 4.0 中引入的新 WooCommerce 儀表板。只需激活插件並禁用整個分析部分。無需配置。
禮物起來!WordPress 和 WooCommerce 的禮品卡 - 從 WordPress 網站內部輕鬆出售自己的禮品卡/證書/憑證的最簡單方法,無需月費。可在您的 WooCommerce 購物車中兌換。
WooCommerce 的限制訂單 - 達到最大訂單數量後自動禁用 WooCommerce 的結帳流程。
WooCommerce Payments - 通過信用卡接受付款。管理 WordPress 中的事務。貝塔。
WooCommerce 在門口離開 - 讓客戶要求將貨物留在門口。
HubSpot for WooCommerce - 將 WooCommerce 與 HubSpots 免費 CRM、廢棄購物車跟踪、電子郵件營銷、營銷自動化、分析等集成。
結帳的最低訂單金額 - 設置 Woocommerce 訂單的最低訂單金額。在購物車中顯示通知並在結帳時驗證,然後才能下訂單。
高級優惠券的 WooCommerce 優惠券 - WooCommerce 的高級優惠券(免費版)為 WooCommerce 商店所有者提供額外的優惠券功能,以便他們進行營銷他們的商店更好。 for WooCommerce - 輕鬆將 WooCommerce 連接到您的 Platformly CRM,設置廢棄的購物車活動並訪問詳細的客戶報告:生命週期價值等.
WooCommerce 的手動相關產品 - 允許您在 WooCommerce 單的“相關產品”部分下選擇一組手動顯示的產品產品頁面。
刪除 WooCommerce 的產品圖片 - 在產品刪除時刪除產品分配的圖片(僅限特色和圖庫)。
WooCommerce 結帳管理器 - 管理 WooCommerce 結帳,先進的方式。
Woo 自定義庫存狀態 - 為每個 woocommerce 產品編寫不同顏色的自定義庫存狀態,以顯示在產品詳細信息和列表頁面中。
WooCommerce 的產品圖片延遲加載器 - 此插件將您的 WooCommerce 產品圖片延遲加載到商店和存檔頁面上。
為 WooCommerce 重新捕獲 - 重新捕獲通過自動恢復廢棄的購物車來幫助您增加收入。
Easyship WooCommerce 運費 - Easyship 插件,便於運輸。\
TCP Clean Coupons - TCP Clean Coupons 是一個用於清理 Woocommerce 中過期優惠券的插件。這使您可以騰出空間並整理您的優惠券列表。
WooCommerce 的順序訂單號 - 管理 WooCommerce 訂單號。讓他們遵循您的網站邏輯。
Woo 管理欺詐訂單 - WooCommerce 插件通過將客戶的詳細信息列入黑名單來管理欺詐訂單。
Paysley - 使用 Paysley 接收付款。
WooCommerce 發票網關 - 為 WooCommerce 提供發票網關,以便您的客戶無需立即付款即可結帳。
Oliver POS – WooCommerce 的積分和獎勵 - Woocommerce 積分和獎勵的 Oliver POS 擴展插件。
Leo 的 WooCommerce 產品推薦 - 通過漂亮的添加到購物車彈出窗口巧妙地推薦產品以促進 WooCommerce 銷售。
WooCommerce 的 Ajax 搜索 - 最受歡迎的 WooCommerce 產品搜索。為您的用戶提供精心設計的高級 AJAX 搜索欄,並提供實時搜索建議。
WooCommerce 的庫存觸發器 - WooCommerce 的自動產品庫存增加/減少操作。
WooCommerce 的倉庫拆分訂單 - 店主可能只想查看與倉庫相關的訂單。該插件有助於根據特定訂單中的倉庫數量拆分為多個訂單。
[CartPops - WooCommerce 的高轉換添加到購物車彈出窗口]( - 此插件允許您在每次將新產品添加到購物車時展示一個優雅的抽屜/側推車.
WooCommerce 的客戶驗證 - 客戶驗證通過要求客戶驗證其電子郵件地址來幫助 WooCommerce 店主減少註冊垃圾郵件他們在您的商店註冊一個帳戶,然後才能訪問他們的帳戶區域。
WOWRestro - WOWRestro 是 WooCommerce 的訂購系統。
Easy Email Checkout - 通過建議自動完成電子郵件服務,使您的客戶在結帳過程中的電子郵件字段更容易。
Sendy 與 WooCommerce 的集成 - 從 WooCommerce 將客戶添加到 Sendy 列表。
WooCommerce 的條件支付網關 - 在 WooCommerce 中管理支付網關。 for WordPress - 是為小型企業和電子商務企業量身定制的電子郵件營銷平台。
WooCommerce 的小費、小費、捐款和費用 - 結賬時添加小費金額的工具包。
WPC Share Cart for WooCommerce - WPC Share Cart 是一個簡單但功能強大的工具,可以幫助您的客戶分享他們的購物車。
WPC Smart Quick View for WooCommerce - WPC Smart Quick View 讓用戶無需打開產品頁面即可快速查看產品。
WPC Fly Cart for WooCommerce - 具有多種樣式和效果的WooCommerce交互迷你推車。
WooCommerce 的瑞士刀 - 精心製作的 WooCommerce 實用工具包。
WooCommerce 的待付款提醒 - 列出具有待付款狀態的訂單,並在單擊按鈕時發送提醒電子郵件。
PeachPay for WooCommerce - PeachPay 是 WooCommerce 最快的結賬方式。
WooCommerce PDF 發票、裝箱單、送貨單和運輸標籤 - 打印裝箱單、發票、送貨單& 運輸標籤。
WooCommerce 零訂單警報 - 當商店前一天沒有訂單時通知店主。
WooCommerce 的多步結賬 - 適合您的 WooCommerce 商店的多步結賬。
Editorify – WooCommerce 的產品評論 - 通過將產品評論、視頻和圖像添加到您的產品頁面來促進您的銷售。
WooCommerce 的流暢結賬 - 為任何 WooCommerce 商店提供流暢的結賬體驗。
WPC Shop 作為 WooCommerce 的客戶 - WPC Shop 作為客戶允許商店管理員在前端以客戶身份登錄。
MailerSend - WooCommerce 的事務性電子郵件 - 用您自己的自定義模板替換 WooCommerce 的標準事務性電子郵件,在 MailerSend 中管理它們並發送它們使用我們的 API。
亞馬遜支付服務 - 亞馬遜支付服務讓在中東開始接受在線支付(信用卡和借記卡)變得非常容易。
WooCommerce 的輕鬆收集和丟棄 - 輕鬆收集和丟棄運輸方法插件。
WooCommerce 的相關產品 - 根據您的 WooCommerce 商店的類別/標籤/產品顯示自定義相關產品。
WooCommerce 訂閱的分期付款計劃 - 擴展 WooCommerce 的訂閱插件以處理分期付款。
結帳字段定制器 - 輕鬆自定義結帳字段。
OpenPath for WooCommerce - WooCommerce 插件,用於通過 OpenPath 接受付款。
WooCommerce 捐贈平台 - WooCommerce 捐贈平台為您的在線籌款和眾籌釋放 WooCommerce 的力量。
WooCommerce 結帳時的位置選擇器 - 允許客戶在結帳時使用地圖選擇他們的送貨地點。
Action Scheduler Timeout Monitor - 收集有關超時的訂閱操作計劃事件的附加信息。
Action Scheduler - 禁用 WP Cron Queue Runner - 禁用 Action Scheduler 的默認隊列運行器,將其從 WP-Cron 掛鉤中移除.
ElasticPress - 一個快速靈活的 WordPress 搜索和查詢引擎。
使用 Algolia 進行 WP 搜索 - 將強大的 Algolia 搜索服務與 WordPress 集成。
SearchWP - 無需編寫任何代碼即可立即改進您的站點搜索。
FacetWP - WordPress 的高級過濾。
Relevanssi - 這個插件用相關性排序搜索替換了 WordPress 搜索。
FacetWP - 預訂集成 - WooCommerce 預訂支持。
## 谷歌分析
在 Google Analytics 中跟踪購物車放棄 - 我們都聽說過統計數據;大約 70% 的客戶在沒有實際購買的情況下放棄了您的購物車。
## 表現
有許多產品的慢 WooCommerce - WooCommerce 是世界上使用最多的網上商店系統,它真棒!但是,使用 WordPress 作為其應用程序框架有一些缺點。
擁有數千種產品的 WooCommerce:管理面板緩慢的解決方法 - 這是 WordPress網店插件,毫無疑問。對於沒有使用數千種產品運行 WooCommerce 的商店,它的性能也非常好。然而,使用許多產品運行 WooCommerce 存在限制和缺點。
禁用 WooCommerce 膨脹 - 禁用不必要的 WooCommerce 功能,讓您的商店更快、更乾淨。
禁用購物車片段 - 一種更好的方法來禁用 WooCommerce 的購物車片段腳本,並在購物車更新時重新排隊。適用於所有緩存插件。