Community name that is currently listed:
Describe the issue: Is there an invite link that is invalid, or notable channels need to be updated?
Expected: What do you want to replace the community with regarding the aforementioned issue?
Additional context:
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Public or private harassment
Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at this address. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.
Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.
Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.
Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder.
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.
Answers to a few common questions that may come to your mind while exploring this awesome list:
From Wikipedia:
Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for creating communities ranging from gamers to education and businesses. Discord specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers. As of 21 July 2019, there are over 250 million users of the software.
Or as I once heard from a critique:
Discord is just IRC with extra features.
A server in Discord mainly refers to the community itself.
It has been raised many times about the awful privacy control, being a potential spyware, criticism by Richard Stallman, and risks of online predators on a national newspaper. As much as I'd like to hate Discord because of this, it's hard to deny the wonderful growing communities that are no less productive than their counterparts in another privacy-focused platform. That alone encouraged me to create this list.
Discord has a spiffy guide for staying safe in communities and for your teenage kids. Like any other platform, Discord is often targeted for malicious attacks, but with a little caution, you'll be safe as houses.
You may have come around websites that are known for listing Discord communities for showcasing and promotional purposes. This list is not one of them. Each community here is hand-picked, reviewed by a maintainer, and meets certain criteria, e.g., activity vs. productivity ratio, the support channels dedicated to users, friendliness -- before they can be accepted, whereas the listing websites often require servers to link closed-source bots that may collect user data and no manual review against possible toxic communities.
Neither I nor any part of this project is affiliated with Discord in any way.
It was intentional since the very first commit. Unlike other listings in Awesome lists, Discord communities are much more diverse, asymmetrical, and miscellaneous. E.g., the community Game Dev League and Game Dev Network are both independent and prominent, neither of them offers only one type of support. Rather, any general support relating to game development. A one-liner description would seem vague to the users. The differences that stand between the two servers are their channels and the spoken languages that they offer. This is true for 53% of all communities, but the channels don't always necessarily explain "what this community is." It was the biggest challenge to making this list. Instead of a description to define a community alongside its channels, languages, and at the same time to not condense the list -- badges were adopted, notably, the home badge, which on click takes you to the community-owned website. Other badges serve relevant features as well. Feel free to open an issue if a new submission doesn't fit within this structure.
Refer to the contributing page. As for now, the pull requests aren't automated.
If you have found a typo or maybe an invalid invitation link, you can open a new issue here, I'll try to fix it soon as possible.
I understand CC-BY-4.0 isn't the best open-source license, the only restriction is: it requires the user to attribute the owner. By mentioning the name awesome-discord-communities
(along with its GitHub link) anywhere on a separate attribution page or on the same page where you have used the list is enough and meets the proper validity in my eyes.
By participating in this project you agree to follow the contributor code of conduct. From here on, the word server and community will be used interchangeably and will mean the same thing.
To include a community to the list, fork this project and add your server under a section or subsection, or you can include a new section if need be, then create a pull request. Make sure your proposal meets these requirements below, if you've Python installed you can take advantage of this script.
✅ Each community follows this template
✅ Community icon is optimized with WebP, with 75% lossy quality, and at least 128x128
pixel in resolution with moderate PPI
✅ Community name does not contain any emoji (discouraged)
✅ Invite link is permanent, generated from Discord platform itself, or URL whose domain is owned by you that eventually with or without captcha verification redirects to Discord invite page. No third-party URL domain allowed that isn't owned by your community, this includes link shorteners.
Allowed: https://discord.com/invite/123abc
by community A
Allowed: https://b-community.com/discord-invite
by community B when B owns b-community.com
Not Allowed: https://discord-links.com/community-c-invite
by community C when C doesn't own discord-links.com
✅ Badges are properly placed and aligned
If you're unsure about whether a badge applies to your community, leave it excluded. After PR submission, a reviewer will let you know about missing badges, or ask the reviewer.
✅ Notable Channels
contain the most important and active channels, no off-topic or informational channels, and does not necessarily take up too much space.
, #rules
, #roles
, etc., are informational channels and common across all communities, therefore they shouldn't be included.
, #chat
, #tech-talk
, etc., casual conversation channels can be included if they aren't meant for off-topic discussions.
Support channels: #help
, #support
, #beginners
, etc., should be included. If there are multiple support channels with character suffix/prefix, e.g.: #help-1
, #help-2
, #help-3
-- instead of including them all, just enter #help
. But if the suffixes present clear distinction between their topics, i.e., #help-software
, #help-hardware
-- software and hardware represent two different topics, then both of them can be included.
Channels that have barely any activity shouldn't be included, even if they're on-topic. E.g., if #help-software
has regular activity, but #help-hardware
has little to no activity, then only #help-software
should be included.
Off-topic channels: #off-topic
, #water-cooler
, #random
, #memes
, etc., shouldn't be included.
Moderation channels, bot channels, feedback channels shouldn't be included.
Events or events discussion channels can be included.
✅ Language
only contains spoken written languages that the community has active channels for
English: If only English language is encouraged
English, Deutsch, español: If there are active channels for all three languages
Deutsch: If only German language is encouraged
Don't include languages that has little to no conversation activity in any channel
✅ Moderation team is regularly active
✅ Community is active on a daily or semiweekly basis
✅ All public channels follow Discord community guidelines and ToS
Awesome Discord Communities list hosts the server icon images in its own repository. This allows reduced time to cache and faster rendition by the browser. Discord hosts the icon files as png
which can take quite a lot of space and make the README page a lot heavier. Thus, webp
was adopted. You can convert your png/jpg
icon in the any of the following ways:
Easy WebP Conversion: Drop or paste your png/jpg
icon on Sqoosh. Squoosh is open-source and does image compression on the client-side. Once loaded, by default, the original image preview is on the left side of the draggable vertical bar, and the compressed image preview is on the right. From the right 'Compress' sidebar select 'WebP', and drag the 'Quality' slider to 75. You can now download the image.
CLI WebP Conversion: If you prefer command line WebP conversion, you can use native cwebp
by Google. It does require installing the library to your system. Use -q
option with value 75
If you've found an issue with an existing server or have a suggestion to make to improve this list, feel free to file an issue here.
Review policy is meant for reviewers, not necessarily for contributors. There is no real metric provided by Discord that can be used by anyone to evaluate a server. However, a maintainer will manually review the community for a period of time (1-4 days) before it can be accepted.
As an initial requirement, only technical or technology-related communities are considered. A community that is meant for people to hang out with no real active support channel will not be considered as technical. There are certain categories a technical community can be attributed to. Generic, Niche, and Project. There are a few distinct requirements for each of them.
Generic servers try to address multiple-technical-domains-in-one instead of a single specific domain, i.e., a server that offers support for all programming languages vs. a server that offers Java only. These communities are most likely to attract a lot of people in a short period, and more likely to be short-lived as it gets more and more difficult to maintain over time. For this reason, a stricter requirement, a generic server needs to be at least a year old with active moderation and messaging activity on a daily basis (excluding the off-topic channels). This specific precondition affects generic servers only.
Niche servers are the opposite of Generics, they're geared toward a smaller domain. The required minimum age is six months. Communities related to cryptocurrencies are often prone to the risk of getting hacked, for this reason, for now, only open-source owned official cryptocurrency servers will be allowed.
Project servers are part of associated communities of open-source projects or content creators (e.g., Twitch streamers, YouTube creators). Since the activity and growth of the server depend on the creators' contents, they can be accepted as soon as there is daily or semiweekly activity. If you maintain an open-source project you might also be interested in Discord's own open-source recognition.
Icon mockup is made by Darius Dan.
Servers are assigned one or more badges that they conform to. Some badges may redirect to external links that the servers own and generally refer to, e.g., a homepage or official repository. A badge doesn't necessarily mean that the server is better than the others; it is to represent a server's validity, activity, and wiki. Badges selected for a server doesn't relate to .
The server is owned or moderated by an established and registered organization, a company, project members with sufficient headcount. The points to its identity.
The server is owned and moderated by moderators of a preexisting forum, though not all subreddit moderators may be involved. The server is officially recognized as an associate community by the subreddit.
Official website of the server, it's a clickable badge. The webpage may contain helpful information about the server, knowledgebase, donation information, social media links, et cetera.
The server has an open git repository, may contain useful resources, Discord bot source code, and other developments. This clickable badge redirects to the hosted repository e.g., GitHub, Gitlab.
Some servers contain these tags. Tags are nothing but a reference to something generic to save content space.
so much more
A community with a wide range of topics, each of them is equally productive in activities. It has so many active channels that it's impossible to squeeze in all of them in Notable channels
A curated list of awesome Discord communities for developers, game engineers, hackers, hobbyists, mathematicians and tech enthusiasts. Discord at heart, is a community-oriented instant messaging, voice and video call application. This is not a Discord listing, promotional, or affiliated site!
If you're familiar with other popular awesome lists, you may find this list a little anomalous. For starters take a look at the available badges. Notable channels
are exploratory, and can be used for looking up a particular topic. A community may offer channels dedicated to more than one spoken languages that Language
is there for. You can start contributing from here. Read this FAQ about Discord's privacy policy and answers to other frequent questions.
A quick lookup from browser ctrl + f
may help to find communities by a topic
Some Discord counterpart communities to Stack Overflow.
Programmers Palace
Notable Channels: #recruitment-hiring
, #java
, #python
, #c_langs
, #lua
, #web-dev
, #php
, #other-support
Language: English
Discussions on the concepts behind modern, and classical computing and its kin.
Discussions on bare-bones circuit boards, microprocessors, and bleeding edge hardware.
Amulius - Engineering & Chill
Notable Channels: #general
, #electrical
, #civil
, #mechanical
, #software
, #chemical
, #aerospace
, #industrial
, #engineering-lobby
, #student-lobby
, #careeer-advice
, #projects-showcase
Language: English
Amulius - Embedded Engineering
Notable Channels: #general
, #arm
, #c-cpp
, #esp32-espressif
, #linux
, #pic
, #rust
, #risc-v
, #rtos-gpos
, #projects-advice
, #career
, #dsp-machine-learning
, #fpga
, #pcb
, #protocols-rf
Language: English
Raspberry Pi
Notable Channels: #tech-talk
, #i-need-help
, #python-dev
, #projects-chat
, #show-off-your-ideas
, #project-ideas
Language: English
From fixing broken parts of various computer hardware to discussions on CPU, GPU, keyboards, mice, phones, tablets, smartwatches, headphones, and other related gadgets.
Notable Channels: #fitbit
, #fitbit-coding
, #fitbit-design
, #fitbit-animation
, #fitbit-widgets
, #fitbit-typescript
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #purchase-advice
, #showcase
, #activity
, #smartwatch-by-brands
Language: English
Official Commodore 64
Notable Channels: #general
, #hardware
, #emulation
, #programming
, #support
, #other-commodore-machines
, #other-classic-computers
Language: English
Programming languages used in embedded systems, web frameworks, automation and mobile apps.
Programming Language Development
Notable Channels: #langdev
, #programming
, #projects
, #resources
Language: English
Low-Level Programming
Notable Channels: #rust
, #assembly
, #c-lang
, #c-cpp
, #wasm
, #compilers
, #embedded
, #game-dev
, #hardware
, #os-development
Language: English
Assemblers Assemble
Notable Channels: #x86
, #arm
, #z80
, #6502
, #jvm
, #mips
, #m68k
, #brainfu*k
, #nand-nor
, #other
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #clojure
, #clojurescript
, #emacs
, #editors
, #interop-therapy
, #boot
Language: English
Notable Channels: #new-to-css
, #intermediate-users
, #blog-posts
, #less
, #sass
, #scss
, #native-css-feature
, #tailwind
Language: English
JS Programming Language Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #beginners
, #nodejs
, #web-dom
, #react
, #vue
, #gatsby
, #webassembly
Language: English
Notable Channels: #collaboration
, #code-review
, #help
, #react
, #angular
, #vue
, #svelte
, #jquery
, #gatsby
, #node
, #graphql
, #electron
, #threejs
, #webgl
Language: English
Notable Channels: #clojure
, #common-lisp
, #emacs-lisp
, #racket
, #scheme
, #lisp-gamedev
, #beginner-questions
, #algorithms
, #compiler-theory
Language: English
Lua Scripters
Notable Channels: #scripting
, #creations
, #roblox
, #gmod
, #wow
, #fivem
, #luajit
, #lua-c
, #terra
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginners-chat
, #project-ideas
, #help
, #devops
, #code-review
, #frontend
, #backend
, #rails
, #sinatra
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wwdc
, #general
, #swift
, #swiftui
, #firebase
, #xcode
, #general-ios
, #general-macos
, #general-watchos
, #interview
Language: English
The back-end of web, from single static page to complex web applications; usage of diverse frameworks, modules, linters, components, package managers, builders, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), everything that fuels the modern web.
WebAssembly↰ • Web Frameworks↰
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #gutenberg
, #hosting-discussion
, #themes
, #plugins
, #woocommerce
, #ecommerce
, #professional
, #marketplace
Language: English
WordPress Chat
Notable Channels: #security
, #general
, #devops
, #plugin-development
, #theme-development
, #coding-questions
, #css
, #wp-cli
, #seo
, #beginner-help
, so much more
Language: English
Sketchbooks for software engineers; IDEs, text editors, modular editors, GUI terminals, emulators, or maybe a development utility so complex that can't be described in simple words?
All about design systems, graphical illustrations, user interface and user experience.
Adobe Systems Community
Notable Channels: #work-in-progress-critique
, #photoshop
, #premiere-pro
, #after-effects
, #illustrator
, #animate
, #indesign
, #xd
, #lightroom
, #other-programs
Language: English
The underlying kernels that are responsible for managing application processes.
Operating System Development
Notable Channels: #osdev
, #programming
, #beginner
, #bootloader-dev
, #wiki
, #projects
, #resources
Language: English
Unsupported Macs
Notable Channels: #barrykn-patcher
, #bensova-patcher
, #dosdude1-patchers
, #big-sur
, #catalina
, #mojave
, #high-sieraa
, #sierra
, #el-capitan
, #yosemite
, #mavericks
, #mountain-lion
Language: English
Arch Linux [unofficial]
Notable Channels: #news
, #home
, #arch-support
, #other-distros
, #programming
, #ricing
, #wallpapers
Language: English
Manjaro Linux
Notable Channels: #kde
, #xfce
, #gnome
, #manjaro-arm
, #help-general
, #help-installation
, #programming
, #customizations
Language: English
ReactOS Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #working-programs
, #working-hardware
, #debugging
, #teaching-room
, #reactos-youtube
, #git-highlights
Language: English
Continuous development, discussions on network management and infrastructure, IT homelab, containers, APIs, Kubernetes and applications that run on them.
Amazon Web Services (AWS Cloud)
Notable Channels: #general-aws
, #aws-rage
, #ask-for-technical-help
, #cloud-automation
, #cloud-security
, #getting-hired
Language: English
Data Engineering
Notable Channels: #general
, #show
, #help
, #career
, #data-science
, #architecture
, #cloud
, #databases
, #etl-workflow
Language: English
Data Engineering
Notable Channels: #general
, #show
, #help
, #career
, #data-science
, #architecture
, #cloud
, #databases
, #etl-workflow
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #tech
, #share-your-setup
, #pi-hole-setup
, #other-support
Language: English
Everything red and blue teams are leaglly allowed to do; securty asssessment, reverse engineering, loopholes in networks, vulnerability research and so on.
InfoSec & Coding
Notable Channels: #general
, #questions
, #programming
, #hacking
, #webdev
, #opearting-systems
, #ctf
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #windows-os
, #unix-family
, #mac-os
, #ethical-hacking
, #ctf-discussion
, #job-discussion
, #networking
, #cryptography
, #mobile-devices
, #web-dev
, #python
Language: English
Whitehat Hacking
Notable Channels: #cyber-news
, #hacking
, #mac-os
, #windows
, #linux
, #ios
, #android
, #hardware
, #coding
, #malware-analysis
, #training
, #c-re-arm-x86-help
Language: English
The open-source development of cryptocurrencies and applications of blockchain.
Computationally model natural or supernatural phenomena using the rigorous laws of physics and mathematics in your favorite application environment.
Coders Craft
Notable Channels: #general
, #xpl-res
, #dev-chat
, #lua
, #c-cpp
, #microsoft-flight-simulation-dev-chat
, #modeling-texture
Language: English
Making of games, how to rasterize or real time ray tracing, the complexities behind each object movement, everything before publishing in the marketplace.
OpenVFX: The Blender Hub
Notable Channels: #cgi-general
, #resources
, #3d-printing
, #animation-rigging
, #coding
, #grease-pencil
, #materials
, #modeling
, #physics
, #rendering
, #roblox
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, português, español, Nederlands, suomi, Magyar, svenska, dansk, हिन्दी
Linux Gaming
Notable Channels: #support-general
, #support-hardware
, #support-gaming
, #new-to-linux
, #tech-general
, #coding
, #unixporn
, #original-content
Language: English
Notable Channels: #news
, #general
, #irc
, #requests_and_feedback
, #lutris_support
, #linux_support
, #installer_creation
Language: English
Developing for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality; the head-mounted displays that stimulate our perception of a whole new world. The applications of VR are endless.
Virtual Reality
Notable Channels: #vr-dev
, #tech-advice
, #oculus-quest
, #oculus-rift
, #oculus-go
, #valve-index
, #pimax-vr
, #htc-vive
, #windows-mixed-reality
, #playstation-vr
, #vr-flightsims
Language: English
Data manupulation and visualization, machine learning frameworks and artificial intelligence.
Notable Channels: #quick-questions
, #machine-learning-projects
, #resources
, #math-questions
, #programming-questions
, #andrew-ng-coursera-machine-learning
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tf-general
, #ai-ethics
, #tensorflow-javascript
, #tensorflow-python
, #convolutional-neural-network
, #recurrent-neural-network
, #generative-adversarial-networks
Language: English
Data Science
Notable Channels: #general
, #machine-learning
, #math
, #programming
, #career
, #visualization
, #resources
, #colab
, #papers
Language: English
The Data Share
Notable Channels: #machine-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #analytics
, #programming
, #data-engineering
, #visualizations
, #community
Language: English
Discussions on interview challenges, resume reviews, job opportunities in the field of programming.
All the utilities needed in your tool bag to build a Discord bot or automation through their APIs. However, this list is quite long and diverse that it calls for its own awesome list. You can read this official wiki about the notable development kit.
Badge icons are made by Freepik and Pixel Buddha.
To attribute this awesome list (as restricted by the license) see how to attribute.
Notable Channels: #looking-for-dev
, #challenges
, #python
, #javascript
, #java
, #html-css-web-js
, #databases
, #hosting
Language: English
Notable Channels: #javascript
, #frontend
, #backend
, #php
, #mobile
, #design
, #devops
, #career
, #code-review
, #webtopic
, #desktopic
, #community-projects
, #paid-work
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linux
, #c-cpp-csharp
, #python
, #go-rust
, #js-ts-node-deno-html-css
, #java-kotlin
, #julia-ruby-swift
, #datascience-sql
, #os-hardware-robotics
, #networking-security-mods
Language: English
Garbage Collectors
Notable Channels: #python exercises
, #code feedback
, #collaboration
, #csharp
, #c and cpp
, #web
, #mobile
, #security
, #algos and ds
, #networking
, #resources
, #machinelearning
Language: English
Notable Channels: #data-science
, #graphics-programming
, #dev-tools-and-ops
, #unix-like
, #web-dev
, #security
, #c-language
, #java-jvm
, #javascript
, #odin-lang
, so much more
Language: English
Programming Discussions
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #interview-prep
, #java-and-jvm
, #ai-and-ml
, #asm-and-systems
, #cs-theory
, #databses
, #software-architecture
, #shells
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #html-css
, #javascript
, #php
, #java
, #python
, #csharp
, #c-cpp
Language: English
The Coding Den
Notable Channels: #general
, #cil-and-runtime
, #kotlin
, #android
, #ios
, #nodejs
, #ruby
, #php
, #web-frameworks
, #algorithms
, #regex
, #systems-and-servers
, so much more
Language: English
The Odin Project
Notable Channels: #odin-general
, #creations-showcase
, #ubuntu-help
, #virtualbox-help
, #git-help
, #html-css-help
, #javascript-help
, #nodejs-help
, #rails-help
Language: English
The Programmer's Hangout
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #javascript
, #java
, #kotlin
, #ruby
, #ai-and-ml
, #career-advice
, #databases
, #gamedev
, #ux-and-ui
, #shells
, #version-control
, so much more
Language: English
webdev and web_design
Notable Channels: #dev-help
, #dev-chat
, #app-feedback
, #user-experience
, #html
, #css
, #javascript
, #typescript
, js-framework
, #react
, #vue
, #php
, #dot-net
, #devops
, so much more
Language: English
CP Community
Notable Channels: #beginner-questions
, #general-cp
, #problem-spoilers
, #ioi
, #math
, #errichto-yt
, #vplanet
Language: English
Computer Science
Notable Channels: #computer-science
, #resources
, #algorithms-and-data-structures
, #information-and-coding-theory
, #cryptography
, #artificial-intelligence
Language: English
Notable Channels: #lectures
, #scratch
, #hello
, #cash
, #credit
, #readability
, #caesar
, #substitution
, #plurality
, #runoff
, #tideman
, #c-to-python-sentimental
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #prealg-algebra
, #calculus
, #linear-algebra
, #probability-statistics
, #discrete-math
, #abstract-algebra
, #questions
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #questions
, #undergrad-physics
, #graduate-physics
, #astronomy-and-cosmology
, #computational-physics
, #engineering
, #challenges
Language: English
Biological Sciences
Notable Channels: #biology
, #questions
, #resources
, #molecular-biology
, #microbiology
, #anatomy-and-physiology
, #bioengineering
, #bioinformatics
, #ecology
, #medical-sciences
Language: English
Notable Channels: #highschool-chemistry
, #general-chemistry
, #introductory-organic
, #tech
, #laboratory
, #physical-chemistry
, #inorganic-chemistry
, #organic-chemistry
, #biochemistry
Language: English
Climate Science
Notable Channels: #general
, #climate-questions
, #resources
, #climate-activism
, #environmental-science
, #environmental-policy
Language: English
Homework Help
Notable Channels: #challenges
, #math
, #post-calculus
, #chemistry
, #physics
, #english
, #social-science
, #history
, #computer-science
, #studio-art
, so much more
Language: English
Science and Technology
Notable Channels: #astronomy
, #biology
, #chemistry
, #environment
, #mathematics
, #geometry
, #calculus
, #physics
, #psychology
, #technology
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #homework
, #college-101-and-applications
, #academics-and-teaching
, #research
, #jobs-resume-finance
, #hobbies-and-projects
Language: English
Aerospace & Mech Eng
Notable Channels: #general-engineering
, #events
, #questions
, #astronautics-aeronautics
, #mechanics
, #structural-analysis
, #mechatronics
, #design
Language: English
Electrical Engineering
Notable Channels: #electrical-engineering
, #questions
, #computer-engineering
, #power-engineering
, #signal-controls
, #mechanical-engineering
, #robotics
Language: English
Real Engineering Discord
Notable Channels: #the-library-discussions
, #study-and-career-help
, #sustainable-engineering
, #bioengineering
, #mechanical-engineering
, #aero-and-astronautical
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #arduino-discussion
, #product-help
, #coding-help
, #pcb-help
, #show-off-your-ideas
, #project-ideas
Language: English
Notable Channels: #circuitpython
, #arduino
, #3dprinting
, #radio
, #wearables
, #robotics
, #help-with-projects
, #iot
, #events
Language: English
DIY Tech
Notable Channels: #programming
, #hardware-help
, #software-help
, #project-showcase
, #audio-tech
, #retro-tech
Language: English
/r/Home Automation
Notable Channels: #suggestions
, #smartspeakers
, #smarthub
, #lighting
, #security
, #iot-dev
, #buy-sell-trade
Language: English
Home Assistant
Notable Channels: #homeassistant
, #support
, #automations
, #frontend
, #devices
, #templates
, #add-ons
, #apps
, #cameras
, #diy
, #node-red
, #voice-assistants
, #zigbee
, #development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #homekit
, #ui
, #config
, #raspberry-pi
, #raspbian-image
, #macos
, #bwindows
, #docker
, #verified-plugins
, #plugins
, #homebridge-beta-testing
, #plugin-development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #homekit-discussion
, #hk-showcase
, #hk-questions-help
, #homepod-discussion
, #hp-questions-help
, #homebridge-discussion
, #hb-plugin-showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #appdaemon
, #hadashboard
Language: English, Deutsch, Nederlands
Notable Channels: #advice
, #device-issues
, #home-assisstant-issues
, #setup-issues
, #other-issues
, #phoscon
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #devs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #issues
, #3d-prints-and-cnc
, #projects-gallery
, #deals-and-promotions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #release-branch
, #development-branch
, #installation-hassio
, #installation-docker
, #zigbee2mqtt
, #zigbee-shepherd
, #documentation
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #laptop-suggestions
, #gaming-laptops-suggestions
, #phones
, #keyboards-mice
, #desktops
, #tablets
, #vehicles
, #deals
, #tech-support
Language: English
Electronics Repair School
Notable Channels: #projects
, #tools-and-parts
, #networking
, #automotive
, #solar-energy
, #beginners-area
, #diy-arduino-rpi-stm32
, #laptops
, #pc-repair
, #phones
, #consoles
, #tablets
Language: English
LTT Official
Notable Channels: #tech-chat
, #tech-support
, #my-rig
, #overcloaking
, #creative
, #development
, #crypto-currency
, #networking
, #audio
, #vr
Language: English
Monitor Enthusiasts
Notable Channels: #monitors-discussion
, #ultrawide-discussion
, #mounts-and-desks
, #help
, #setups-and-battlestations
Language: English
Notable Channels: #build-help
, #tech-support
, #overclocking
, #programming
, #linux
, #mac-os
, #content-sharing
Language: English
Xiaomi Community
Notable Channels: #mi_a_series
, #mi_mix_series
, #mi_max_series
, #mi_note_series
, #mi_series
, #redmi_k_series
, #redmi_series
, #poco_series
, #mi_wearables
, #mi_notebook
, #mi_pad
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tech-support
, #pixelography
, #themes
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ios-beta
, #what-should-i-buy
, #jailbreak
, #dev
, #software-support
, #hardware-support
, #homescreen
Language: English
Notable Channels: #oneplus
, #oneplus-n10-n100
, #oneplus8t
, #oneplus-nord
, #oneplus8-series
, #oneplus7t-series
, #oneplus7-series
, #oneplus6-6t
, #legacy
, #accessories
Language: English
Notable Channels: #samsung
, #purchase-advice
, #accessories
, #roms
, #support
Language: English
The Rebble Alliance
Notable Channels: #pebble
, #rebble-help
, #app-dev
, #rockyjs
, #smartstraps
, #rebble-grants
, #firmware
, #hardware
, #mobile-apps
, #appstore
, #web-services
, #bipdev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #firmware
, #cli
, #configurator
, #via
, #toolbox
, #webhooks
, #configurator_log
, #hardware
, #ergonomics
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ace
, #milkytracker
, #sdl
, #website
, #scummvm
, #68k-arm
, #python
, #arexx
, #amos
, #c-and-cpp
, #amiga-68k
, #amiga-ppc
, #aros
, #morphos
, #warpos-sonnet
, #vbcc
Language: English
Official Commodore Amiga
Notable Channels: #general
, #amigashell
, #next-gen
, #emulation-and-fpga
, #hardware
, #multimedia
, #coding
, #accessory-port
Language: English
Functional Programming
Notable Channels: #haskell
, #tooling
, #lisp-beginners
, #clojure
, #dependent-types
, #agda
, #coq
, #idris
, #scala
, #elm
, #f-sharp
, #elixir
, #purescript
, #type-theory
Language: English
Notable Channels: #assembly
, #c-language
, #gpu
, #audio
, #build-systems
, #cpp
, #embedded
, #learning
, #security
, #tooling
, #2d-graphics
, #clion
, #catch2
, #qt
Language: English
C++ Help
Notable Channels: #cpp-questions
, #help
, #advanced
, #gamedev
, #project-showcase
Language: English
Together C & C++
Notable Channels: #c_general
, #cpp_general
, #assembly
, #code_review
, #gamedev
, #graphics
, #audio
, #programming_environment
, #collaboration
, #unix
, #other_langs_help
, #math
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general_csharp
, #beginner_questions
, #projects
, #code-review
, #career-talk
, #web
, #gui
, #game-dev
, #database
, #architecture-and-tooling
, so much more
Language: English
C# Inn
Notable Channels: #projects
, #mentors
, #learning-discussion
, #questions
, #architecture
, #code-review
, #web
, #python
, #ui-ux
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #variants
, #unity
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #development
, #showcase
, #showcase-discussion
Language: English
Tailwind CSS
Notable Channels: #help
, #tailwind-css
, #core-dev
, #plugins
, #docs
, #tailwind-ui
, #design
, #development
, #showcase
Language: English
Elixir Language
Notable Channels: #elixir
, #erlang
, #ecto
, #nerves
, #phoenix
, #absinthe
, #alchemy
, #frontend
, #jobs
Language: English
Discord Gophers
Notable Channels: #golang
, #job-market-only
, #go-art-only
, #go-news-only
, #discordgo
, #disgord
, #dca
, #arikawa
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #show-your-work
, #tools
, #flixel
, #heaps
, #kha
, #nme
, #haxepunk
, #react
, #haxe-ui
, #lix
, #coconut
Language: English
Notable Channels: #question-of-the-week
, #share-knowledge
, #community-jam
, #resources
Language: English
Together Java
Notable Channels: #geek-speak
, #java-help
, #android-help
, #framework-help
, #c_cpp_help
, #algorithms_help
, #architecture-help
, #code_review
, #ui_ux_help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #help
, #dev
, #rust-libs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #electron-builder
, #electron-forge
, #electron-packager
, #fiddle
, #security
, #reactjs
, #vuejs
, #jobs
, #projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tsc-meetings
, #general
, #help
, #lookwhatimade
, #developers
, #season-of-docs
Language: English, 日本語
Notable Channels: #general
, #reasonconf
, #native-development
, #bucklescript
, #job-openings
, #react
, #ocaml
, #reason-dojo
, #reason-core-dev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #lua
, #luvit
, #luvi
, #luv
, #lit
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chitchat
, #support
, #extensions
, #extend
, #internals
, #docs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #theming
, #development
, #documentation
, #plugin-requests
, #social
, #testing
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #cashier
, #envoyer
, #forge
, #help
, #homestead
, #horizon
, #hype
, #internals
, #lumen
, #meetups
, #nova
, #passport
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #brewery
, #coding
, #support
, #internals
, #multi-tenant-support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #python-virtual-labs
, #azure
, #data-science
, #iot
, #postgres
, #vscode
Language: English
Notable Channels: #python-discussion
, #careers
, #help
, #async
, #computer-science
, #database
, #data-science
, #dev-ops
, #discord-py
, #game-development
, #security
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #your-projects
, #dev
, #python-for-android
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #suggestions-for-improvements
, #users-gallery
, #kivymd-studio
Language: English, русский
Notable Channels: #resources
, #drones
, #space
, #general-aviation
, #rtos
, #osal
, #splice
, #godwit
, #ideas
, #books
, #conferences
Language: English
Rust Programming Language Community Server
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #code-review
, #dev-tools
, #black-magic
, #macros
, #async
, #crypto-and-security
, #games-and-graphics
, #lang-dev
, #net-and-web
, #os-dev
Language: English
Tauri Apps
Notable Channels: #webview
, #didathing
, #help
, #gamedevs
, #app-devs
, #vue-cli-plugin
, #testing-core
, #documentation
, #community-projects
, #working-groups
, #cli-node
, #core-rust
Language: English
The Rust Programming Language
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #contribute
, #community-team
, #rustbridge
, #design
, #compiler
, #wg-grammar
, #wg-async-foundation
, #type-theory
, #wg-wasm
, #wg-gamedev
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tokio-users
, #tokio-dev
, #tokio-docs
, #ecosystem
, #butte
, #hyper
, #h3
, #kube
, #mio
, #prost
, #reqwest
, #tonic
, #tower
, #tracing
, #warp
, #loom
, #rdbc
, #metrics
Language: English
Notable Channels: #scala-users
, #scala-contributors
, #scala-js
, #scala-native
, #tooling
, #events
, #jobs
, #akka-users
Language: English
TypeScript Community
Notable Channels: #ts-discussion
, #help
, #vue
, #angular
, #react
, #language-design
, #compiler
, #architecture
, #tooling
, #devops
, #site-localization
, #deno
, #meetups
, #projects
Language: English
The V Language & Apps
Notable Channels: #v-development
, #v-chat
, #help
, #bugs
, #syntax
, #ideas-and-suggestions
, #documentation
, #js-backend
, #x64-backend
, #v-ui
, #volt
, #gitly
, #vid
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 中文, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский, tiếng-việt, italiano
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #built-with-assemblyscript
, #development
, #community-group
, #as-pect
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #beginners
, #cg
, #jobs
, #events
, #summit
, #wasm
, #wasi
, #web
, #standalone
, #generic
, #emscripten
, #javascript
, #rust
, #go
Language: English
Notable Channels: #docusaurus-users
, #docusaurus-dev
, #docusaurus-2-dogfooding
, #docusaurus-2-dev
, #docusaurus-zeit
, #docusaurus-algolia
, #docusaurus-1-to-2-migration
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ember-jobs
, #help
, #ember-clie
, #ember-data
, #topic-a11y
, #topic-addon-development
, #topic-backend
, #dev-meta
, #dev-ember-learning
, #ember-addons
, so much more
Language: English, français, Deutsch, português, pусский, español
Notable Channels: #discussion
, #documentation
, #advanced-questions
, #articles-videos-podcasts
, #showcase
Language: English, español, 中文, русский, português, italiano, Türkçe, Українська
Notable Channels: #general
, #discussion
, #need-help
, #bugs
, #feature-request
Language: English
Pallets Project
Notable Channels: #watercooler
, #get-help
, #sprint
, #flask
, #jinja
, #click
, #werkzeug
, #flask-sqlalchemy
, #flask-rebar
, #wtforms
Language: English
Notable Channels: #svelte
, #support
, #sapper
, #examples
, #updates
, #meetups
, #future
, #showcase
, #nativedev
, #internals
, #gl
, #jobs
, #language-tools
, #sveltesocietyday2020
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #i-made-this
, #ideas
, #uikit-4
, #development
, #html-css
, #less
, #js
, #documentation
Language: English
Notable Channels: #vapor
, #leaf
, #fluent
, #auth
, #async
, #security
, #meetups
, #showcase
, #today-i-learned
, #apple-events
, #deployment
, #red
, #cloud
, #aws
, swift
, so much more
Language: English, čeština, español, русский, Deutsch, 中文频道, Nederlands, 日本語, français, italiano, українська, 한국어
AdonisJS Framework
Notable Channels: #proposals
, #articles
, #showcase
, #general-v5
, #auth
, #database
, #deploy
, #testing
, #validation
, #view
, #websocket
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #nestjs-core
, #nestjs-config
, #nestjs-graphql
, #nestjs-mongoose
, #nestjs-swagger
, #nestjs-testing
, #nestjs-typeform
, #nestjs-cli
, #internals
Language: English
Notable Channels: #bundle-dev
, #core-dev
, #design
, #typescript
, #polymer
, #vue
, #react
, #general
, #post-your-work
, #looking-for-dev
Language: English, 日本語
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #i-made-this
, #news-and-links
, #libraries
, #ops
, #react
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ideas
, #help-blitz
, #help-react
, #help-prisma
, #help-typescript
, #blitz-content
, #blitz-libraries
, #built-with-blitz
, #dev-general
Language: English, 中文, español
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #showcase
, #development
, #starter-kits
, #jobs
, #graphql
, #vuejs
, #data-sourcing
, #markdown
, #drupal
, #craft-cms
, #dato-cms
, #cockpit-cms
Language: English
Invertase OSS
Notable Channels: #notifee
, #apple-authentication
, #general
, #i-need-help
, #i-made-this
, #contributing
, #news
, #modules
Language: English
Notable Channels: Notable Channels: #help-react
, #react-native
, #js
, #styling
, #backend
, #graphql
, #code-review
, #react-router
, #redux
, #react-bootstrap
, #formik
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #feature-request
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #documentation
, #showcase
, #development
, #starter-kits
, #plugin-releases
, #graphql
, #vuejs
, #platforms
Language: English
Notable Channels: #articles
, #general
, #showcase
, #documentation
, #proposals
, #nuxt
, #axios
, #pwa
, #webpack
, #middleware
, #apollo
, #plugins
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, português, русский, italiano, 中文,
Quasar Framework
Notable Channels: #i-made-this
, #ideas
, #jobs
, #conferences
, #upgrading
, #app-extensions
, #components
, #cli
, #spa
, #ssr
, #pwa
, #umd
, #cordova
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, français, Türkçe, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Vue Land
Notable Channels: #vuex-store
, #vue-router
, #code-help
, #vue-cli
, #vue-i18n
, #vuepress
, #composition-api
, #vue3-discussions
, #vue2-internals
, #vue-testing
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Vue Material
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #bugs
, #ideas
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #i-made-this
, #issues
, #ideas
, #ssr
, #design
, #discord-help
, #bugs
, #pull-requests
, #responsive
, #proposals
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #beginner-questions
, #bug-reporting
, #updating-versions
, #tooling
, #testing
, #nuxt
, #premium-theme-support
, #women-who-vuetify
, #frontend
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Notable Channels: #app-architecture
, #hooks-and-style
, #devel
, #support
, #showcase
, #documentation
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #development
, #support
, #showcase
, #fetch
, #functional
, #router
, #ssr
, #gloo
, #malvolio
, #trunk
, #ybc
, #yewprint
, #yew-state
, #yew_styles
Language: English, 中文
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #help
, #contribution-guidelines
, #docsify-themeable
, #plugins
, #docsify-labs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ream
, #saber
, #poi
, #cac
, #bili
, #sao
, #codepan
, #docup
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #reactivity
, #ssr
, #tooling
, #typescript
, #articles
, #jobs
, #showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #maintenance
, #design
, #presets
, #documentation
, #addons
, #jobs
, #frameworks
Language: English
Testing Library
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #dom
, #react
, #react-hooks
, #native
, #cypress
, #vue
, #angular
, #svelte
, #preact
, #preact-hooks
, #pptr
, #testcafe
, #nightwatch
, #playground
Language: English
Notable Channels: #contributing
, #prs
, #issues
, #support
, #general
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #themes-and-fonts
, #shortcuts
, #tips-and-tricks
, #general
, #dev
, #design
Language: English
Doom Emacs
Notable Channels: #troubleshooting
, #how-do-i
, #cli
, #emacs-lisp
, #protips
, #project
, #org-mode
, #latex
, #keyboards
, #themes
, #operating-systems
, #hardware
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #design
Language: English
Notable Channels: #configuration
, #docker
, #drone-integration
, #reverse-proxies
, #develop
, #helm-chart
, #tea
Language: English, Deutsch, português, 中文, français, español, Nederlands, русский, Czech
JetBrains Community
Notable Channels: #general-os
, #ideavim
, #intellij-idea-community
, #kotlin
, #mps
, #appcode
, #clion
, #datagrip
, #datalore
, #dotcover
, #phpstorm
, #pycharm
, #resharper
, #rider
, #rubymine
Language: English
MS Paint IDE
Notable Channels: #support
, #ide-development
, #newocr-development
, #share-your-projects
, #java
Language: English
Notable Channels: #discussion
, #terminal-setups
, #tech-support
, #code
, #suggestions
, #wiki-rewrite
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chat
, #feedback
, #collaboration
, #fydo-tiles
, #pixel-art
, #palettes
, #voxel-art
, #low-poly-3d
, #textmode
, #chpitune
, #programming
, #in-game-builds
, #events
, #jobs
Language: English
Pixel Art
Notable Channels: #pixelart
, #gamedev
, #pixel-challenges
, #featured-gallery
, #art-gallery
, #gallery-discussion
, #pixelart-feedback
, #animation-feedback
, #tutorials
Language: English
The Design Collective
Notable Channels: #challenge
, #design
, #illustration
, #ui-ux
, #photo-film
, #animation
, #dev
, #3d
, #general-one
, #client-area
, #collab
Language: English
The Spot
Notable Channels: #the-spotlight
, #discussions
, #critique
, #showcase
, #tech-help
, #resources
, #inspiration
, #traditional
, #illustration
, #photography
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #rom
, #general
, #flutter
, #kotlin
, #firebase
, #dependency-injection
, #rx
, #design
Language: English
Notable Channels: #root
, #custom-roms
, #theming
, #development
, #magisk
, #twrp
, #substratum
, #support-room
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #general
, #android
, #ios
, #web
, #desktop
, #app-showcase
, #hiring
Language: English
Android Discord
Notable Channels: #android
, #whatphone
, #tech-support
, #phone-questions
, #themes
, #phonetography
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-tech
, #help
, #development
, #theming
, #devices
, #google-general
, #huawei-general
, #oneplus-general
, #samsung-general
, #nokia-general
Language: English
/r/Hackintosh Paradise
Notable Channels: #hackintosh-help
, #laptop-prebuilt
, #smbios
, #macos
, #linux
, #windows
, #retro-gaming
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #big_sur_discussions
, #development_discussions
, #b550_development
, #install_support
, #post_install_support
, #gpu_support
, #networking_support
, #hardware_discussion
Language: English
Apple Betas
Notable Channels: #releases
, #general
, #ios
, #ipados
, #macos
, #watchos
, #tvos
, #xcode
, #development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #apple
, #purchase-advice
, #shot-on-iphone
, #homescreen
, #ios-ipados
, #macos
, #watchos
, #xcode
, #services
, #jailbreak-info
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #common-issues
, #jailbreak
, #general
, #themes
, #legacy
, #unc0ver
, #tvos-jailbreaks
, #checkra1n
, #chimera
, #flex
, #ncontrol
, #support
Language: English
Hackintosh x86 & Tech
Notable Channels: #app-fixes
, #hackintosh-help
, #benchmarks-and-desks
, #hack-art
, #linux
, #useful-files
, #coding
, #efi-database
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #shorcut-sharing
, #help-and-support
, #shortcast-info
, #shortcasts-content-suggestions
Language: English
Microsoft Community
Notable Channels: #general-chat
, #insiders-chat
, #tech-support
, #purchase-advice
, #development
, #it-pros
, #servers
, #surface
, #office
, #unix
Language: English
*nix nest
Notable Channels: #home
, #dev-random
, #support
, #unixporn
, #programming
, #media
, #hardware
, #gaming
Language: English
Discord Linux
Notable Channels: #tech
, #customization
, #programming
, #support-linux
, #support-distro-installs
, #support-games
, #support-discord
, #support-non-linux
Language: English
Linux Café
Notable Channels: #tips-and-links
, #news
, #tech
, #de-and-customization
, #programming
, #linux-support
, #support-other
Language: English
Linux For All
Notable Channels: #linux-news
, #general
, #linux
, #gaming
, #suggestions
, #developers
, #themes
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #ricing-theming
, #tools
, #wallpapers
, #tech-support
, #programming
, #hardware
Language: English
Fedora Linux
Notable Channels: #home
, #man-pages
, #silverblue-containers
, #server-rhel-centos
, #arm-raspberry
, #showcase
, #gaming-general
, #hardware-for-linux
Language: English
Gentoo Linux
Notable Channels: #chat
, #support
, #screenshots
, #general-development
, #ebuilds
, #resources
, #containers
Language: English, 日本語
Linux Mint Community
Notable Channels: #support-mint
, #support-lmde
, #support-other-os
, #support-nos
, #general
, #tech-talk
, #user-created-content
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #chat
, #project
, #packaging
, #factory
, #admin
, #artwork
, #docs
, #gnome
, #xfce
Language: English, français, Deutsch, italiano, polski, español, Nederlands
Ubuntu Hideout
Notable Channels: #tech-talk
, #coding-cave
, #system-installation
, #software-installation,
, #hardware-drivers
, #networking
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chromeos
, #chromium
, #crostini
, #purchase-advice
, #dev-mode
, #enterprise
, #android
, #gaming
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #sysadmin
, #help
, #security
, #scripting
, #microsoft
, #linux
, #career-advice
, #networking
Language: English
Eddie Jaoude Community
Notable Channels: #opensource
, #first-timers
, #help
, #livestream
, #hackathons
, #careers
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #labpics
, #homelabquotes
, #code
Language: English, Deutsch, français, Nederlands
Notable Channels: #general
, #graql
, #grakn
, #grabl
, #build
, #buildbuddy
, #troubleshoot
, #workbase
, #biograkn
, #kglib
, #nlp
, #ideas
, #events
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #maintainers
, #account
, #users
, #database
, #storage
, #web
, #flutter
, #react-native
, #ios
, #android
, #servers
, #unity
, #electron
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #feedback-suggestions
, #commands
, #api-support
, #public-development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #graphql-engine
, #new-to-graphql
, #contrib
, #look-what-i-built
, #preview
, #3factor-apps
, #deployment-help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #contributions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #cryb
, #getting-started
, #support
, #tech-support
, #updates
, #community
, #interests
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-support
, #docker-support
, #heimdall
, #linux-chat
, #other-support
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #software
, #hardware
, #media-suggestions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #devel
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #customization-theming
, #groups
, #organizr-support
Language: English
Շђє ๓คภץ ђคՇร Ċ̵͕l̶̀͘u̸̍͝b̵͌͐
Notable Channels: #infosec-general
, #technical-chat
, #student-zone
, #blue-team-zone
, #ctf
, #malware-phishing
, #cyber-threat-intel
, #digital-forensics
Language: English
CyberSecLabs Lounge
Notable Channels: #support-labs
, #challenge-labs
, #ctf
, #technical-help
, #red-teaming
, #networking
, #cryptography
, #programming
Language: English
DEFCON Notable Channels: Will open on August 5-8, 2021 Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #hacking-resources
, #questions-and-answers
, #hacktivity
, #hackthebox
, #mother-ctfs
, #h1-2006-ctf
, #ctfs
, #a-little-something-to-get-you-started
Language: English
Reverse Engineering
Notable Channels: #help
, #ctf
, #starting-out
, #mobile
, #exploits-and-vulns
, #hardware
, #malware
, #tools
, #software-protections
Language: English
The Cyber Mentor
Notable Channels: #web-app-course
, #zero-to-hero
, #red-teaming
, #reverse-engineering
, #linux
, #web-apps
, #htb
, #tryhackme
, #forensics
, #job-postings
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #development
Language: English, русский
Notable Channels: #general
, #issues
Language: English
Notable Channels: #core-crypto-dev
, #layer-2-dev
, #any-dev
, #eth-dev
, #web3-dev
, #solidity-dev
, #vyper-dev
, #evm-dev
, #tools-and-resources
, #events
, #jobs
, #bounties
, #contribute
Language: English
Go Ethereum
Notable Channels: #general
, #light-client
, #abigen
, #clef
, #puppeth
, #rinkeboy
, #progpow
, #firefly
, #devp2p
, #mobile
Language: English
LBRY Foundation
Notable Channels: #general
, #ideas-and-feedback
, #content
, #help
Language: English, język polski, Rumanian, 한국어, Deutsch, 中文, italiano, português, 日 本語, français, español, Türkçe, Nederlands, русский, हिन्दी, বাংলা, Czech, bahasa Indonesia, Pilipino
Cardano Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #learning
, #trading
, #yoroi-general
, #yoroi-support
, #daedalus-general
, #daedalus-support
, #dev-general
, #cip
Language: English, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, Nedarlands, português, español, Czech
EtherGem / EGEM & SFRX
Notable Channels: #egem-chat
, #sfrx-chat
, #mn-talk
, #docker-mn-talk
, #otc-market
, #trading-talk
, #mining
, #zero-coin
, #dev-talks
, #bounties
Language: English, português, 中文, français, Deutsch, русский, 日本語, 한국어, español
Metrix Market
Notable Channels: #metrix-discussion
, #day_trading
Language: English, Nederlands, עִבְרִית, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, português, español français, italiano, 한국어, русский, Türkçe, język polski
Notable Channels: #general
, #documentation
, #development
, #decentralization
, #graphic-design
, #business
, #events
, #integration
, #protocol
, #roadmap
, #support
Language: English, español, русский, bahasa Indonesia, italiano, Deutsch, 中文, français, português, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt
Vertcoin - Official
Notable Channels: #general
, #trading
, #marketing
, #development
, #mining-help
, #mining-rig-discussion
Language: English, 한국어, русский
Notable Channels: #3blue1brown
, #manim-help
, #python-help
, #math-discussion
, #manim-dev
, #projects
, #docs
Language: English, español, português, français, Deutsch, русский
Notable Channels: #rapier
, #bevy_rapier
, #rapier-js
, #parry
, #salva
, #nalgebra
, #simba
, #nphysics
, #simba
Language: English
FlyByWire Simulations
Notable Channels: #help
, #aviation-chat
, #hardware-chat
, #a32nx-chat
, #a380x-chat
, #dev-support
, #atsu-api
, #lighting
, #modeling
, #sound
, #your-controls
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tutorials_and_articles
, #unity
, #programming
, #mobile
, #code_optimization
, #shaders
, #game_jams
, #art
, #audio
, #game_design
, #marketing
, #collaboration
Language: English
Game Dev League
Notable Channels: #events
, #unity
, #unreal-engine
, #gamemaker-studio
, #open-source
, #löve-dev
, #monogame-and-libgdx-dev
, #godot
, #web-dev
, #cryengine-dev
, #vr-dev
, so much more
Language: English
Game Dev Network
Notable Channels: #gamedev-talk
, #career-advice
, #gamejam
, #work-in-progress
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #gamemaker
, #stride-xenko
, #roblox
, #ui-ux
, #3d-modeling
, #sound
, #looking-for-work
Language: English
Notable Channels: #osu-lazer
, #osu-framework
, #osu-dev
, #difficulty-osu
, #difficulty-taiko
, #difficulty-catch
, #difficulty-mania
, #osu-wiki
, #modding
, #mappers-guild
Language: English
Reddit /r/gamedev
Notable Channels: #gamedev-general
, #show-off-your-stuff
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #lhtml5-javascript
, #c-cpp-csharp-java
, #opengl-vulkan
, #gamemaker
, #retro
, #audio
, #visuals
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #digital-game-design
, #tabletop-game-design
, #game-development
, #music-and-art
, #find-people
, #get-found
, #current-projects
Language: English
Graphics Programming
Notable Channels: #mathematics
, #questions
, #ray-tracing
, #techniques
, #directx
, #gpu-compute
, #opengl
, #unity-unreal
, #vulkan
, #web
, #algorithms
, #bikeshed
, #engine-dev
, #low-level
Language: English
Notable Channels: #shader-programming
, #beginners
, #mathematics
, #showcase
, #live-coding-streams
, #resources
Language: English
TTRPG Design and Playtesting
Notable Channels: #business
, #game-design
, #math
, #mechanics
, #playtesting
, #visual-design
, #world-design
, #writing
, #game-critique
, #mechanics-critique
, #projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #logic
, #art
, #showcase-team
, #gamejam
, #engine-general
, #bikeshed
, #review-request
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #editor
, #rendering
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 日本語, русский, 中文, dansk
Notable Channels: #armory
, #armor-paint
, #general
, #armory-dev
, #haxe
, #logic-nodes
, #showcase
Language: English, français
Bevy Engine
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #code-review
, #showcase
, #tutorials
, #dev-general
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #ui
, #rendering
Language: English
Construct Community
Notable Channels: #general
, #feedback
, #ask
, #js
, #tips
, #tools
, #job-offers
, #addons
, #effects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #licensing
, #general
, #showcase
, #ask-for-help
, #coding
, #art-and-assets
, #animation-and-physics
, #audio
, #shaders-and-rendering
, #vfx-visual-effects
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #gamedev
, #technical
, #game-design
, #3d_in_gamemaker
, #shaders
, #netcode
, #beta_2_3
, #help
, #gamemaker_showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wip
, #art-and-assets
, #finished-games
, #game-jam
, #general
, #quick-questions
, #engine-development
, #javascript
, #extension
, #wiki
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, português, русский, italiano
Godot Engine
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #beginner-help
, #help
, #programming
, #visual-script
, #shaders
, #networking
, #engine
, #mobile-dev
, #gnative-dev
, #plugins
, #xr
, #3d
, #ui
Language: English, عربي, español, polski
Official Unity Discord
Notable Channels: #general-unity
, #game-jams
, #completed-projects
, #unitytips
, #general-code
, #editor-extensions
, #dots
, #shaders
, #mobile
, #machine-learning
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #renpy
, #ontopic
, #todayidid
, #social
Language: English
Twine Games
Notable Channels: #central-planning
, #sugarcube
, #harlowe
, #chapbook
, #snowman
, #twine1-formats
, #compilers
, #general-twine-talk
, #writing-discussion
, #testing-and-released
, #resources
Language: English, Deutsch, español, français
Unity Developer Community
Notable Channels: #unity-help
, #general-programming
, #advanced-programming
, #physics-maths
, #networking
, #art-2d
, #art-3d
, #ui-design
, #audio-engineering
, #projects-showcase
, #udc-jam-week
Language: English
Unreal Slackers
Notable Channels: #unreal-engine
, #design-chat
, #game-jams
, #work-in-progress
, #graphics
, #animation
, #audio
, #cinematics
, #level-design
, #paper2d
, #visual-fx
, #niagra
, #blueprint
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #dx-developer-day
, #dx12-developers
, #dx9-dx11-developers
, #pix
, #showcase
, #bug-reports
, #feature-requests
, #dx-gaming-questions
, #getting-started-guides
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wordedit
, #worldguard
, #craftbook
, #commandbook
, #enginehub
, #api
, #dev-team
, #git-log
, #showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #fawe-support
, #fawe-developer-chat
, #ps-developer-chat
, #hv-general-chat
, #is-web
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linuxgsm
, #linux
, #game-server
, #general
, #battlestations
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #madewithraylib
, #help
, #game-design
, #raspberry-pi
, #raylibtech
, #rayfork
, #raylib
, #raygui
, #rres
, #challenges
, #raylib-bindings
Language: English
Notable Channels: #rpcs3
, #help
, #development
, #media
Language: English
Steam ROM Manager
Notable Channels: #srm_discussion
, #parser_support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #technical-help
, #scripting-help
, #content_discussion
, #bug_reports
, #development
, #suggestions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #d3d9-users
, #d3d9-dev
, #d3d11-users
, #d3d11-dev
, #wine
, #proton
, #vkd3d-users
, #vkd3d-dev
, #winehackers
, #trivial-anti-cheetah-users
, #easy-anti-lobster-dev
, #builds
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linux-gaming
, #proton-steamplay-gaming
, #wine-gaming
, #cloud-streaming-stadia
, #tech-support
, #emulation
, #developer-stuff
, #hardware
, #vr_and_ar
, #your-content
Language: English
ProtonDB Official Server
Notable Channels: #protondb-website
, #proton-game-support
, #proton
, #linux
, #linux-support
, #general-game-support
Language: English
Project North Star
Notable Channels: #build-planning
, #northstar3-2
, #jenson-redesing
, #triton
, #exii-raspberry-pi
, #cad
, #eye-tracking
, #calibration
, #steamvr
, #mechanical
, #firmware
, #troubleshooting
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 韓國語
Notable Channels: #udon-questions
, #vrchat-development
, #avatars
, #avatar-rigging
, #animation
, #shaders
, #3d-modeling
, #worlds
, #world-lighting
, #oculus-quest-development
, so much more
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Artificial Intelligence
Notable Channels: #questions
, #machine-learning
, #deep-learning
, #reinforcement-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #systems-neuroscience
, #computer-vision
, so much more
Language: English
Notable Channels: #__main__
, #help
Language: English
Data Version Control
Notable Channels: #q-and-a
, #need-help
, #general
, #dev-talk
, #dev-docs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #dataviz
, #datascience
, #looking-for-help
Language: English
CS Career Hackers
Notable Channels: #big-n-discussion
, #experienced
, #resume-review
, #career-questions
, #ask-a-manager
, #students
, #meetups
, #programming-challenges
Language: English