Common plugins
relative-numbers - Relative line numbers.
trailing-spaces - Highlights trailing whitespace.
terminal-plus - A terminal package for Atom, complete with themes and more.
vim-mode-plus - Add vim modal control.
ex-mode - ex-mode for Atom's vim-mode.
autocomplete-paths - Autocomplete + paths suggestions
docblockr - A helper package for writing documentation.
open-terminal-here - Open the Terminal (OSX, Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows) in the given directory via context menu or keyboard shortcut.
proton-mode - The same as the spacemacs shortcut keys, very good。
dracula-syntax - Dracula beautiful color。
filecolor - No file type, no color display, convenient search a file。
golden-ratio - Automatically adjust the window size。
local-history - Local file history, can return any time to save the file。
regex-railroad-diagram - Graphical display of regular expressions。
tag - A Sublime Text-inspired Tag menu and functions for Atom.
autoprefixer - Prefix CSS and SCSS.
linter-jshint - Linter plugin for JavaScript, using jshint
atom-html-preview - The built-in Chrome, mobile terminal, is very good。
tree-view-copy-relative-path - You can talk with the current file output, the relative path to the target file for file call each other more。
autocomplete-python - Python packages, variables, methods and functions with their arguments autocompletion in Atom powered by Jedi
linter-flake8 - Atom linter plugin for Python, using flake8.
python-tools - Goto definition, show usages, refactor/rename and more for python files.
PlainTasks - An opinionated todo-list plugin.
sublimelint - A framework for error highlighting. Support AppleScript, C, C++, CSS, CoffeeScript, Go, HAML, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Lua, NASM, PHP, Perl, Python, Puppet, Ruby, XML.
jQuery - Sublime Text package bundle for jQuery.
Underscore - Underscore 1.4 snippets for Sublime Text 2.
DocBlockr - Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, ActionScript, C & C++.
SublimeCodeIntel - Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine.
ColorPicker - A multi-platform color picker plugin.
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js
WakaTime - A plugin for metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.
Seti_UI - A beautiful theme, including file icons.
OmniMarkupPreviewer - Live previewer/exporter for markup files (markdown, rst, creole, textile...).
BracketHighlighter - Bracket and tag highlighter.
Markdown Extended - Markdown syntax highlighter.
Babel - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions.
AutoFileName - Automatically complete the file name。
FTPSync - FTP sync plug-in, local file synchronization with the virtual machine is very convenient。
Color Highlighter - Highlight color key word, very suitable for CSS code。
File History - Local file history, every time modify the file will be history。
JavaScript Completions - Native Javascript completion。
JSON Reindent - JSON formatting。
Git - Comprehensive Sublime does Text Git plug-in function。
GitStatus - Monitoring changes of files and project status in real time。
Gitignore - The Git Gitignore files are generated, commonly used built-in filter file。
vscode-icons - Icons for Visual Studio
Bracket Pair Colorizer - Bracket Colorizer Extension for VSCode
Indent-Rainbow - Shows indentation with a faint rainbow colored background to make them more readable
Trailing Spaces - Allows you to highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash
TODO Highlight - Highlighting todos, fixmes, and any annotations
Code Spell Checker - A simple source code spell checker for typescript and javascript
Document This - JSDoc generator extension for Visual Studio Code
Sublime Text Keymap - Popular Sublime Text keybindings for VS Code.
Git Lens - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
View In Browser - View a html file in system's default browser
SVG Viewer - SVG Viewer for Visual Studio
Auto-Open Markdown Preview - Opening Markdown-preview automatically when opening a Markdown file
Markdown PDF - Convert Markdown file to pdf, html, png or jpeg file.
Debugger for Chrome - Debug your JavaScript code in the Google Chrome browser.
ESlint - Integrate eslint into VSCode.
TSLint - Integrate tslint into VSCode.
Auto Close Tag - Auto Close Tag
Auto Rename Tag - Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag
HTML Snippets - Html snippets
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML - Provides CSS class name completion for the HTML class attribute based on the CSS files in your workspace
HTML CSS Support - CSS support for HTML documents
npm Intellisense - Autocompletes npm modules in import statements
Path Intellisense - Autocompletes filenames
Auto Import - Automatically finds, parses and provides code actions for all available imports.
Code Runner - Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages
Import Cost - Display import/require package size in the editor.
Regex Previewer Test regex and preview
react-beautify - This extension wraps prettydiff/esformatter to format your javascript, JSX, typescript, TSX file.
Reactjs code snippets - Code snippets for Reactjs development in ES6 syntax.
Vetur - Vue tooling for VS Code,support Syntax-highlighting,Auto Completion,Snippet...
WebVim - Vim-based distribution targeting JavaScript and Web development
ivim - An easy & highly customizable vim configuration.
7th-vim - Lightweight & Customizable Vim configuration options.
TabNine - Code autocompletion based on deep learning for all major IDEs / Text Editors for a variety of programming languages and syntax extensions (like JSX)
Neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.
A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
Pull requests with additional tools and projects are more than welcome!
jippi/hashi-ui - Interface for Consul & Nomad by HashiCorp, live stream of data, fast search and resource visualization per cluster or client.
hashicorp/damon - An early stage terminal dashboard for Nomad.
hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler - HashiCorp's official Nomad Autoscaler. Supports scaling allocations within Nomad and scaling nodes on AWS, Azure, GCP, or arbitrary infrastructure via plugins.
jrasell/chemtrail - Chemtrail is a client scaler for HashiCorp Nomad allowing for dynamic and safe scaling of the client workerpool based on demand.
jrasell/sherpa - Sherpa is a job scaler for HashiCorp Nomad and aims to be highly flexible so it can support a wide range of architectures and budgets.
underarmour/libra - Scale Nomad task group counts based on external metrics Graphite or AWS CloudWatch.
Spotinst - SaaS Nomad Cluster autoscaler with option to run the clients on Spot Instances (AWS Only)
trivago/scalad - Scalad is a nomad horizontal scaler that can be setup from each job Taskgroup meta stanza based on external metrics.
dkt26111/nomad-senlin-autoscale - Nomad Autoscaler plugin for OpenStack Senlin.
jsiebens/nomad-droplets-autoscaler - Nomad Autoscaler plugin for Digital Ocean droplets.
lucretius/nomad-elastigroup-autoscaler - Nomad Autoscaler plugin for Spot.io Elastigroup.
getnelson/nelson - Lights-out deployment and lifecycle manager for Nomad (and other pluggable schedulers). Fully integrated with Vault and Consul. Optionally can act as a control plane for your traffic routing teir.
jenkinsci/nomad-plugin - Jenkins plugin to allow using Nomad Jobs to scale out Jenkins build slaves.
jrasell/levant - A templating and deployment tool for HashiCorp Nomad jobs that provides realtime feedback and detailed failure messages upon deployment issues.
ValFadeev/rundeck-nomad-plugin - A Rundeck plugin for authoring and running Nomad jobs by operators or in automated deployment pipelines.
screwdrivercd/nomad - Use nomad to schedule and execute workflows triggered by an scm (github/bitbucket).
fortress-shell - Self-written CI/CD SaaS based on Hashicorp Nomad
trivago/nomad-pot-driver - Plugin for managing FreeBSD Jails with Hashicorp's Nomad
cneira/jail-task-driver - Task driver that uses FreeBSD jails
pascomnet/nomad-driver-podman - A nomad task driver for podman containers
Roblox/nomad-driver-containerd - A nomad task driver for containerd. Documentation on nomadproject.io
JanMa/nomad-driver-nspawn - A nomad task driver to run containers with systemd-nspawn.
hpcng/nomad-driver-singularity - A nomad task driver to run singularity containers.
Roblox/nomad-driver-iis - A nomad task driver to run windows IIS tasks.
cneira/firecracker-task-driver - A nomad task driver for Firecracker micro-vms.
cneira/nomad-zones-driver - Task driver for Illumos zones.
data-science-platform/cluster-broccoli - Cluster Broccoli is a RESTful web service + UI to manage Nomad jobs through a self service application. Jobs are defined based on templates, allowing for a selectable amount of customization.
hashicorp/nomad-pack-community-registry - The official community registry for Nomad Pack templates.
jrasell/nomadfiles A collection of Nomad job files for deploying applications to a cluster.
perrymanuk/hashi-homelab Job files for a small lightweight homelab based on nomad and consul from hashicorp.
seatgeek/nomad-helper - Simple helper binary to allow you to reevaluate all jobs, drain an node (and wait for all allocations to stop), force a garbage collection, export / import job task group counts in YAML format.
seatgeek/nomad-firehose - Go binary that "tails" API endpoints and emit messages for each changed resource to RabbitMQ, AWS kinesis or stdout.
seatgeek/nomad-crashloop-detector - Consuming the RabbitMQ output from seatgeek/nomad-firehose, will detect when allocations restart too fast or too often, outputing the offending allocation to RabbitMQ, AWS Kinesis or stdout.
jrasell/nomad-toast - A tool for receiving notifications based on HashiCorp Nomad events.
axsuul/nomad-event-streamer - A tool for sending events to your favorite destinations such as Discord.
sepulworld/deadman-check - A monitoring companion for Nomad periodic jobs that alerts if periodic isn't running at the expected interval.
blalor/nomad-watcher - A simple service that watches Nomad's nodes, jobs, allocations, deployments, and evaluations, and writes the events to a file. Also includes a utility for tailing events to a console window.
smintz/nomadgen - Define your Nomad jobspecs using Python.
jet/nomad-service-alerter - A tool which provides opt-in alerting for the jobs running on Nomad. It mainly covers Consul Health-check alerts and Restart-Loop (when allocations switch between "pending" and "running" state often due to internal errors) alerts providing integration with PagerDuty.
42wim/nomadctld - Ssh server with ability to exec/attach/logs/tail/stop hashicorp nomad containers.
ataccama/nomad-deploy - Python3 script that renders a Jinja2 template, plans and registers job. Installable as an executable from pypi.org.
ngine-io/chaotic - Choas monkey with integrated nomad support. Runs as batch job or service and kills allocations periodically and randomly.
jsiebens/hashi-up - A a lightweight utility to install Nomad (and other HashiCorp tools) on any remote Linux host.
let-sh/nomad-deploy-result-action - A GitHub action for automating Nomad deploys with GitOps.
koyeb/kreconciler - A library for building operators and reconcilers on top of Nomad (or other schedulers).
Roblox/nomad-node-problem-detector - A tool used to detect problems on Nomad nodes based on user-defined health checks.
hashicorp/nomad-pack - An official templating tool and package manager for Nomad, currently a Tech Preview.
anubhavmishra/envoy-consul-sds - A tutorial on how to get Envoy running on Nomad and using Envoy's SDS(Service Discovery Service) to access Consul API.
kelseyhightower/hashiconf-eu-2016 - Repo from a talk on building out a deployment with GCE/Consul/Nomad/Fabio loadbalancer. Check out the talk on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nosa5-xcATw
pete0emerson/hashipoc - A Vagrant driven example of getting Consul / Vault / Nomad up and running with a sample app deployed
fhemberger/nomad-demo - Vagrant based demo setup for running Hashicorp Consul, Nomad and Vault, including sample apps for Docker, JRE and a basic monitoring setup. Uses Traefik as load balancer to pick up services directly from Consul catalog.
numkem/nomad-spk - spk (Synology package) to install Hashicorp's nomad scheduler into Synology NAS
令人驚嘆的 Nomad 工具和閃亮的東西的精選列表。
jippi/hashi-ui - HashiCorp 的 Consul & Nomad 接口,實時數據流,快速搜索和每個集群或客戶端的資源可視化。
hashicorp/damon - Nomad 的早期終端儀表板。
hashicorp/nomad-autoscaler - HashiCorp 的官方 Nomad Autoscaler。支持在 Nomad 內擴展分配,並通過插件擴展 AWS、Azure、GCP 或任意基礎設施上的節點。
jrasell/chemtrail - Chemtrail 是 HashiCorp Nomad 的客戶端縮放器,允許根據需求動態和安全地縮放客戶端工作池。
jrasell/sherpa - Sherpa 是 HashiCorp Nomad 的工作縮放器,旨在高度靈活,以便支持廣泛的架構和預算。
underarmour/libra - 根據外部指標 Graphite 或 AWS CloudWatch 擴展 Nomad 任務組計數。
Spotinst - SaaS Nomad 集群自動擴縮器,可選擇在 Spot 實例上運行客戶端(僅限 AWS)
trivago/scalad - Scalad 是一個游牧水平縮放器,可以根據外部指標從每個作業任務組元節中進行設置。
dkt26111/nomad-senlin-autoscale - OpenStack Senlin 的 Nomad Autoscaler 插件。
jsiebens/nomad-droplets-autoscaler - 數字海洋水滴的 Nomad Autoscaler 插件。
lucretius/nomad-elastigroup-autoscaler - [Spot.io Elastigroup] (https://spot.io/products/elastigroup) 的 Nomad Autoscaler 插件/)。
getnelson/nelson - Nomad(和其他可插入調度程序)的無人值守部署和生命週期管理器。與 Vault 和 Consul 完全集成。可以選擇充當您的流量路由 teir 的控制平面。
jenkinsci/nomad-plugin - Jenkins 插件允許使用 Nomad Jobs 擴展 Jenkins 構建從站。
jrasell/levant - HashiCorp Nomad 作業的模板和部署工具,可在部署問題時提供實時反饋和詳細的失敗消息。
ValFadeev/rundeck-nomad-plugin - 一個 Rundeck 插件,用於由操作員或在自動部署管道中創作和運行 Nomad 作業。
screwdrivercd/nomad - 使用 nomad 調度和執行由 scm (github/bitbucket) 觸發的工作流。
fortress-shell - 基於 Hashicorp Nomad 自寫 CI/CD SaaS
trivago/nomad-pot-driver - 使用 Hashicorp 的 Nomad 管理 FreeBSD 監獄的插件
cneira/jail-task-driver - 使用 FreeBSD 監獄的任務驅動程序
pascomnet/nomad-driver-podman - [podman 容器] (https://podman.io) 的游牧任務驅動程序
Roblox/nomad-driver-containerd - containerd 的游牧任務驅動程序。關於 nomadproject.io
JanMa/nomad-driver-nspawn - 使用 [systemd-nspawn](https://www.freedesktop. org/software/systemd/man/systemd-nspawn.html)。
hpcng/nomad-driver-singularity - 運行 singularity 容器 的游牧任務驅動程序)。
Roblox/nomad-driver-iis - 運行 windows IIS 的 nomad 任務驅動程序任務。
cneira/firecracker-task-driver - [Firecracker]的游牧任務驅動程序(https://firecracker-microvm.github.io/)微型虛擬機。
cneira/nomad-zones-driver - Illumos 區域的任務驅動程序。
## 自助服務
data-science-platform/cluster-broccoli - Cluster Broccoli 是一個 RESTful Web 服務 + UI,用於通過自助服務應用程序管理 Nomad 作業. 作業是基於模板定義的,允許可選擇的定制量。
hashicorp/nomad-pack-community-registry - Nomad Pack 模板的官方社區註冊表。
jrasell/nomadfiles Nomad 作業文件的集合,用於將應用程序部署到集群。
perrymanuk/hashi-homelab 基於 nomad 和來自 hashcorp 的 consul 的小型輕量級家庭實驗室的工作文件。
seatgeek/nomad-helper - 簡單的幫助程序二進製文件,允許您重新評估所有作業、耗盡節點(並等待所有分配停止)、強制YAML 格式的垃圾收集、導出/導入作業任務組計數。
seatgeek/nomad-firehose - 使用二進制“尾部”API 端點並將每個更改的資源的消息發送到 RabbitMQ、AWS kinesis 或 stdout。
seatgeek/nomad-crashloop-detector - 使用來自 seatgeek/nomad-firehose 的 RabbitMQ 輸出,將檢測分配何時重新啟動過快或過於頻繁,將違規分配輸出到 RabbitMQ、AWS Kinesis 或 stdout。
jrasell/nomad-toast - 基於 HashiCorp Nomad 事件接收通知的工具。
axsuul/nomad-event-streamer - 用於將事件發送到您最喜歡的目的地(例如 Discord)的工具。
sepulworld/deadman-check - Nomad 定期作業的監視伴侶,如果定期未按預期間隔運行,則會發出警報。
blalor/nomad-watcher - 一個簡單的服務,它監視 Nomad 的節點、作業、分配、部署和評估,並將事件寫入文件。還包括一個用於將事件拖尾到控制台窗口的實用程序。
smintz/nomadgen - 使用 Python 定義您的 Nomad 工作規範。
jet/nomad-service-alerter - 一種為在 Nomad 上運行的作業提供選擇加入警報的工具。它主要涵蓋 Consul Health-check 警報和 Restart-Loop(當分配經常由於內部錯誤在“掛起”和“運行”狀態之間切換時)警報提供與 PagerDuty 的集成。
42wim/nomadctld - 能夠執行/附加/logs/tail/stop hashcorp nomad 容器的 Ssh 服務器。
ataccam/nomad-deploy - 呈現 Jinja2 模板、計劃和註冊作業的 Python3 腳本。可從 pypi.org 作為可執行文件安裝。
ngine-io/chaotic - 具有集成游牧支持的 Choas 猴子。作為批處理作業或服務運行,並定期隨機終止分配。
jsiebens/hashi-up - 在任何遠程 Linux 主機上安裝 Nomad(和其他 HashiCorp 工具)的輕量級實用程序。
let-sh/nomad-deploy-result-action - 使用 GitOps 自動部署 Nomad 的 GitHub 操作。
koyeb/kreconciler - 在 Nomad(或其他調度程序)之上構建操作員和協調器的庫。
Roblox/nomad-node-problem-detector - 一種用於根據用戶定義的健康檢查檢測 Nomad 節點問題的工具。
hashicorp/nomad-pack - Nomad 的官方模板工具和包管理器,目前是技術預覽版。
anubhavmishra/envoy-consul-sds - 關於如何讓 Envoy 在 Nomad 上運行並使用 Envoy 的 SDS(服務發現服務)訪問 Consul 的教程API。
kelseyhightower/hashiconf-eu-2016 - 來自關於使用 GCE/Consul/Nomad/Fabio 負載平衡器構建部署的演講的回購。查看 youtube 上的演講:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nosa5-xcATw
pete0emerson/hashipoc - 一個 Vagrant 驅動的示例,通過部署的示例應用程序讓 Consul / Vault / Nomad 啟動並運行
fhemberger/nomad-demo - 基於 Vagrant 的演示設置,用於運行 Hashicorp Consul、Nomad 和 Vault,包括 Docker、JRE 的示例應用程序和基本監控設置。使用 Traefik 作為負載均衡器,直接從 Consul 目錄中獲取服務。
## 其他
numkem/nomad-spk - 將 Hashicorp 的 nomad 調度程序安裝到 Synology NAS 的 spk(Synology 軟件包)
A curated list of awesome Notion related things.
Engine.so - Turn Notion docs into a public self-serve knowledge base for your customers.
Notion Blog - It is a tool that uses Next.js to generate Notion as static blog web pages.
Notablog - Generate a minimalistic blog from Notion table.
Next.js Notion Starter Kit - A starter kit using React Notion X to build into SSG with Next.js.
React Notion Blog - Notion blog boilerplate using React Notion to build into SSG with Next.js.
Notion Dog - The easiest way to build simple, powerful websites with nothing but Notion.
Super.so - Turn Notion pages into fast, functional websites with custom domains, custom paths, fonts, analytics, and more.
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Notelet - Write in Notion, publish to the web. Custom domain, analytics, themes and more.
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Oopy - Write in Notion, It's your website
Notion Enhancer - Extension to Notion that adds numerous highly requested features such as tabs, custom width pages, and themes.
Notion Web Clipper - Chrome extension that lets you bookmark any website into Notion.
Notion Boost - Chrome extension in the vein of Notion Enhancer.
Notion Charts - Create embeddable charts optimized for Notion by linking with google sheets documents.
Notion Icons - A list of embeddable custom icons for your Notion pages.
NotionAI-MyMind - This repo uses AI and the wonderful Notion to enable you to add anything on the web to your "Mind" and forget about everything else.
Notion Backups - Back up your Notion workspaces to a storage provider of your choice.
SparkleForms - A bridge between your forms and your Notion tables.
Notion Tweet - Twitter all-in-one tool for Notion users.
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Joey - 8 powerful blocks to boost engagement for Notion pages.
Notion Draw - Draw thing in Notion
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notioncharts.io - Beautiful charts from your Notion tables.
Evergreen Notes (for Notion) - Sidebar extension for Notion that makes it better as a personal knowledge base.
Notionlytics - Find out who visits your Notion pages.
Wunderpresentation - Create and run interactive presentation slides in no time
Whalesync - Whalesync is the no-code data tool for builders. Automatically create a two-way sync between tools like Airtable, Webflow, and Notion.
Notion.so Faster & Responsive Popup - Have a better notion.so experience, less transitions and responsiveness
NotionQL - Deploy a GraphQL API for your Notion Workspace
Notion Metrics - Your most important metrics, live in Notion pages
Notion Quotes Widget - Get a new quote every time you open Notion
Widget Box - Customizable Widgets for your Notion Pages
Float - Build courses entirely in Notion.
Noggin - Build your course in minutes— with Notion.
Notionvideo - Quickly access videos based on your interest or need here
Apption - Find & Learn Notion friendly Embeddable Widget Apps
Snackthis - Create Beautiful Presentations From Notion.
The:gist - The easiest way to automate your Notion workflows
Whimsical - Collaborative docs, flowcharts, wireframes, sticky notes, and mind maps.
Indify - Level up your Notion docs with widgets. Fully customizable, and seamless to set up.
NotionIntegrations.com - Compilation of community-made Notion Integrations and upcoming integration releases.
r/Notion - Notion subreddit with over 76k notion users.
Facebook - Notion Made Simple - Notion facebook group
Discord - Notion Community - Notion discord group to get help, discuss Notion, and share your creations.
Slack - Notion Hacks - Slack community to discuss, collect and creat various hacks for Notion.
Notion Everything - Website for sharing and browsing Notion templates.
Notion Pages - Share and discover new Notion templates.
Facebook - Notion for Students - A place where students can learn from one another on how to best use Notion.
Notion Hacks - Community to collect, discuss, and create various hacks for Notion
Notion TO (slack) - Notion Canada slack group
Notion New York - Notion community in New York
Notion Answers - Get help from other Notion users
Notion UK - UK Notion meetup group
Advanced CRM - An advanced CRM in Notion that tries to mimic the structure of more advanced CRMs such as Salesforce.
Help Center - A template for your company's internal FAQ and help center.
Data Science Portfolios - Templates to help structure & accelerate building data science portfolios.
Team sync template - Build dashboards in Notion, capture metrics, discussion points and everything else you need for a productive team sync.
Notion Wizard - Your one-stop-shop for templates, tips, tricks and productivity hacks for Notion.
Notionery - Discover the very best Notion templates, products, and more.
The NBA in Notion: A Practical Example of Databases - An article discussing how Notion databases work using an NBA database as an example.
Product-led growth CRM in Notion - A guide to building a robust CRM and driving product-led growth in Notion.
Bringing analytics to Notion - How to build charts over Notion databases and keep your analytics & storytelling all in one place.
Red Gregory - A Notion.so appreciation blog.
Notion Prism Icons - Notion Prism Icons
Notion Icons 4.0 - Currently the pack contains 272 icons. All icons are available in 8 different colors.
React Notion - A React renderer for Notion pages. Use Notion as CMS for blog, documentation or personal site.
React Notion X - Extended version of react-notion project. Support for more blocks of notes and provides more features, such as dark mode.
Vue Notion - A Vue renderer for Notion pages. Use Notion as CMS for blog, documentation or personal site, ported to vue from React Notion.
The Official Notion API - Private beta - Official Notion API, which is still a private beta version.
notion-py - Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so.
notionapi - Unofficial Go API for Notion.so.
ketion-so/go-notion - Unofficial Go SDK for Notion.so API
notion-ruby - Unofficial Notion Client for Ruby.
KNotion API - Unofficial Notion.so API wrapper, written in Kotlin.
Notion API Worker - A serverless wrapper for the private Notion API.
Notion Client - Robust TypeScript client for the unofficial Notion API.
Notion-Api (Node.js) - Unofficial Node.js API wrapper for Notion.so. Work in progress.
notion-sdk-deno - Unofficial Notion Client for Deno.
laravel-notion-api - Effortless Notion integrations with Laravel. Simple access to the Notion API.
Notion Page to HTML - NodeJS tool to convert public notion pages to HTML.
notion2md - Convert your Notion file to markdown - built on-top of notion-py.
notion4ever - Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API. Includes: all nested subpages, markdown files and HTMLs, nice urls.
notion-sdk-php - PHP library for the official Notion API.
notion-exporter - CLI and library for exporting .md and .csv files from any Notion.so page.
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.
GitHub - https://github.com
比特桶 - https://bitbucket.com
GitLab - https://gitlab.com
GitHub 頁面 - https://pages.github.com/
亞馬遜 AWS - https://aws.amazon.com
微軟 Azure - https://azure.microsoft.com
谷歌云 - https://cloud.google.com/
Heroku - https://www.heroku.com/
紅帽的 OpenShift www.openshift.com
AppFog - https://console.appfog.com
BlueHost - https://www.bluehost.com/
DreamHost - https://www.dreamhost.com/
寶塔盒子 https://pagodabox.com/
浪湧 - http://surge.sh/
Netlify - https://www.netlify.com/ 嗨阿黛爾
CloudFlare - https://www.cloudflare.com/
ClouDNS - https://cloudns.net/
讓我們加密 - https://letsencrypt.org/
Pingdom http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt pingdom.com - 網站監控
谷歌頁面洞察 https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights
網頁性能測試 - http://www.webpagetest.org/
GTMetrix http://gtmetrix.com/
Import.io - https://www.import.io/
網絡軟管 - https://webhose.io/scraping-tools
Dexi.io - https://dexi.io/
解析中心 - https://www.parsehub.com/
80 腿 - http://80legs.com/
抓取中心 - https://scrapinghub.com/
Scrapy - https://scrapy.org/
刮板 - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd/related
網絡爬蟲 - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-scraper/jnhgnonknehpejjnehehllkliplmbmhn
崇高文本 - https://www.sublimetext.com/
Microsoft Visual Studio 代碼 - https://code.visualstudio.com/
微軟 Visual Studio (IDE) - https://www.visualstudio.com/
原子 - https://atom.io/
PHPStorm - https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/
WebStorm - https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
NetBeans PHP - http://netbeans.org/
日食 - https://eclipse.org/
CodeAnywhere - https://codeanywhere.com
Cloud9 - https://c9.io
科定 - https://koding.com
JSFiddle - https://jsfiddle.net
Plunker - https://plnkr.co/
CodePen - http://codepen.io/
JSBin - https://jsbin.com/
FileZilla - https://filezilla-project.org/
拉拉貢 - https://laragon.org/
XAMPP - https://www.apachefriends.org
WinScp - https://winscp.net
膩子 - http://www.putty.org/
代碼氣候 - https://codeclimate.com
JSLint - 通常可用作 IDE/編輯器的插件
醬實驗室 - https://saucelabs.com/
瀏覽器堆棧 - https://www.browserstack.com/
MailGun - http://www.mailgun.com , http://www.mailgun.com/google
發送網格 - https://sendgrid.com
MailChimp - https://mailchimp.com
山魈 - http://www.mandrill.com/
AWS SES - https://aws.amazon.com/ses/
郵件陷阱(僅用於測試) - https://mailtrap.io/
前進 - https://headwayapp.co/
谷歌分析 - https://analytics.google.com
熱烈 - https://www.heatlyanalytics.com
新遺物 https://newrelic.com/
檢查 http://www.inspectlet.com/plans
縮放分析 http://zoomanalytics.co/
LiveSession - https://livesession.io/
微軟 OneNote - https://www.onenote.com/
印象筆記 - https://evernote.com/
谷歌保持 - https://keep.google.com/
口袋 - https://getpocket.com
體式 - https://asana.com/
大本營 - https://basecamp.com/
特雷羅 - https://trello.com/
空氣表 - https://airtable.com/
大師任務 - https://meistertask.com
LeanKit - https://www.leankit.com/
關鍵跟踪器 - https://www.pivotaltracker.com
雷克 - https://www.wrike.com/
Wunderlist - https://www.wunderlist.com/(已被 Microsoft Todo 取代)
Microsoft Todo - https://todo.microsoft.com(替換 Wunderlist)
Todoist - https://todoist.com/
我做到了 https://idonethis.com/
任務 - https://www.taskade.com/
Nozbe - https://nozbe.com/
切換 - https://toggl.com/
PrimaERP - https://primaerp.com
ClockIt - https://clockit.io/
Zoho People - https://www.zoho.com/people
Bitrix24 人力資源系統 - https://www.bitrix24.com/uses/free-hr-system.php
番茄工作法 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
WordPress - https://www.wordpress.org
Drupal - https://www.drupal.com
Joomla - https://www.joomla.org
WordPress 的 WooCommerce - https://www.woocommerce.com
Magento - https://www.magento.com
OpenCart - https://www.opencart.com
Prestashop - https://www.prestashop.com
Shopify - https://www.shopify.com
## 會計與金融
Wave 應用程序 - https://www.waveapps.com
HubSpot CRM - https://www.hubspot.com/products/crm
洞察力 - https://www.insightly.com
ZohoCRM - https://www.zoho.com/crm/
鬆弛 - https://slack.com/
微軟團隊 - https://teams.microsoft.com/
最重要的 - https://mattermost.com/
Rocker.Chat - https://rocket.chat/
Zendesk Chat(以前的 Zopim) - https://www.zopim.com/
奧拉克 - https://www.olark.com/
Facebook 信使 - https://web.facebook.com/business/products/messenger-for-business
WhatsApp - https://www.whatsapp.com/
## 社交媒體
臉書 - http://facebook.com
推特 - http://twitter.com
領英 - http://linkedin.com
谷歌+ - http://plus.google.com
Instagram的 - http://instagram.com
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/
YouTube - http://youtube.com
## 銷售與市場營銷:
HubSpot - https://www.hubspot.com/
HubSpot 的網站評分器 http://grader.com
緩衝區應用程序 - https://buffer.com -HootSuite - https://hoosuite.com
TweetDeck - https://tweetdeck.twitter.com
眾火 - https://www.crowdfireapp.com
快速推特 - https://quicktwit.com
優步關鍵字建議 - http://ubersuggest.org/
社交媒體 - http://locowise.com/
視覺網站優化器 - https://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/
Tweriod - http://www.tweriod.com/
我的網站審核員 - http://mysiteauditor.com
Upcity 免費工具 - http://upcity.com/free-tools/seo-report-card
免費流量增加 - http://www.10khits.com/
WooBox http://woobox.com/
添加購物者 - http://addshoppers.com
BuzzSumo - http://buzzsumo.com/
靜態 html 應用程序 - https://statichtmlapp.com/
Hashtagify - http://hashtagify.me/
Ritetag - http://ritetag.com/
標籤板 - https://tagboard.com/
Twitalyzer - http://twitalyzer.com/5/index.asp
趨勢圖 - http://trendsmap.com/
短堆棧 - http://www.shortstack.com
郵政計劃 - http://www.postplanner.com/
可咬的 - https://biteable.com
Powtoon - https://www.powtoon.com
動畫 - http://animoto.com/
Openshot - https://www.openshot.org
Pexels - https://www.pexels.com/
Shopify 爆發 - https://burst.shopify.com/
不飛濺 - https://unsplash.com
放置圖像(圖片生成器)- http://placeimg.com/
Shopify 徽標製作工具 - https://www.shopify.com/tools/logo-maker
標誌喜悅 - https://logojoy.com
Logaster - https://www.logaster.com/
酷文字 - http://cooltext.com/
在線徽標製作 24 - http://onlinelogomaker24.com
免費徽標服務 - http://freelogoservices.com
圖形彈簧 - http://graphicsprings.com
設計曼蒂克 - http://designmantic.com
億萬設計 - http://zilliondesigns.com
標誌製造商 - http://logomaker.com
Pagemodo http://www.pagemodo.com
畫布 - https://www.canva.com
Snappa - https://snappa.com
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Photoshop Express - http://www.photoshop.com/tools
Pixlr - https://pixlr.com/
微軟表達式設計 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-pk/download/details.aspx?id=36180
Fotor - http://www.fotor.com/
創建 GIF - http://gifbrewery.com/
郵票創作者 - http://www.speedystamps.co.uk/
方法繪製(SVG 編輯器) - http://editor.method.ac
AConvert(圖像到 SVG 轉換器) - https://www.aconvert.com/image/png-to-svg/
This is a curated list about tools for everything from productivity to hosting to development tools to designing. These tools are all digital i.e. either app, online service, or downloadable software. Most of them are either free or have limited free option that is enough for startups. Feel free to suggest and contribute in this list.
GitHub - https://github.com
BitBucket - https://bitbucket.com
GitLab - https://gitlab.com
GitHub pages - https://pages.github.com/
Amazon AWS - https://aws.amazon.com
Microsoft Azure - https://azure.microsoft.com
Google Cloud - https://cloud.google.com/
Heroku - https://www.heroku.com/
OpenShift by Red Hat www.openshift.com
AppFog - https://console.appfog.com
BlueHost - https://www.bluehost.com/
DreamHost - https://www.dreamhost.com/
Pagodabox https://pagodabox.com/
Surge - http://surge.sh/
Netlify - https://www.netlify.com/ Hi Adele
CloudFlare - https://www.cloudflare.com/
ClouDNS - https://cloudns.net/
Let's Encrypt - https://letsencrypt.org/
Pingdom http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt pingdom.com - Website monitor
Google Page Insight https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights
Web Page Performance Test - http://www.webpagetest.org/
GTMetrix http://gtmetrix.com/
Import.io - https://www.import.io/
Web Hose - https://webhose.io/scraping-tools
Dexi.io - https://dexi.io/
Parse Hub - https://www.parsehub.com/
80Legs - http://80legs.com/
Scraping Hub - https://scrapinghub.com/
Scrapy - https://scrapy.org/
Scraper - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scraper/mbigbapnjcgaffohmbkdlecaccepngjd/related
Web Scraper - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-scraper/jnhgnonknehpejjnehehllkliplmbmhn
Sublime Text - https://www.sublimetext.com/
Microsoft Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
Microsoft Visual Studio (IDE) - https://www.visualstudio.com/
Atom - https://atom.io/
PHPStorm - https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/
WebStorm - https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/
NetBeans PHP - http://netbeans.org/
Eclipse - https://eclipse.org/
CodeAnywhere - https://codeanywhere.com
Cloud9 - https://c9.io
Koding - https://koding.com
JSFiddle - https://jsfiddle.net
Plunker - https://plnkr.co/
CodePen - http://codepen.io/
JSBin - https://jsbin.com/
FileZilla - https://filezilla-project.org/
Laragon - https://laragon.org/
XAMPP - https://www.apachefriends.org
WinScp - https://winscp.net
Putty - http://www.putty.org/
Code Climate - https://codeclimate.com
JSLint - Usually available as plugin for IDEs/Editors
Sauce Labs - https://saucelabs.com/
Browser Stack - https://www.browserstack.com/
MailGun - http://www.mailgun.com , http://www.mailgun.com/google
SendGrid - https://sendgrid.com
MailChimp - https://mailchimp.com
Mandrill - http://www.mandrill.com/
AWS SES - https://aws.amazon.com/ses/
Mail Trap (for testing only) - https://mailtrap.io/
Headway - https://headwayapp.co/
Google Analytics - https://analytics.google.com
Heatly - https://www.heatlyanalytics.com
New Relic https://newrelic.com/
Inspectlet http://www.inspectlet.com/plans
Zoom Analytics http://zoomanalytics.co/
LiveSession - https://livesession.io/
Microsoft OneNote - https://www.onenote.com/
Evernote - https://evernote.com/
Google Keep - https://keep.google.com/
Pocket - https://getpocket.com
Asana - https://asana.com/
Basecamp - https://basecamp.com/
Trello - https://trello.com/
Airtable - https://airtable.com/
Meister Task - https://meistertask.com
LeanKit - https://www.leankit.com/
Pivotal Tracker - https://www.pivotaltracker.com
Wrike - https://www.wrike.com/
Wunderlist - https://www.wunderlist.com/ (Replaced by Microsoft Todo)
Microsoft Todo - https://todo.microsoft.com (Replacing Wunderlist)
Todoist - https://todoist.com/
I Done This https://idonethis.com/
Taskade - https://www.taskade.com/
Nozbe - https://nozbe.com/
Toggl - https://toggl.com/
PrimaERP - https://primaerp.com
ClockIt - https://clockit.io/
Zoho People - https://www.zoho.com/people
Bitrix24 HR System - https://www.bitrix24.com/uses/free-hr-system.php
Pomodoro Technique - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
WordPress - https://www.wordpress.org
Drupal - https://www.drupal.com
Joomla - https://www.joomla.org
WooCommerce for WordPress - https://www.woocommerce.com
Magento - https://www.magento.com
OpenCart - https://www.opencart.com
Prestashop - https://www.prestashop.com
Shopify - https://www.shopify.com
Wave Apps - https://www.waveapps.com
HubSpot CRM - https://www.hubspot.com/products/crm
Insightly - https://www.insightly.com
ZohoCRM - https://www.zoho.com/crm/
Slack - https://slack.com/
Microsoft Teams - https://teams.microsoft.com/
Mattermost - https://mattermost.com/
Rocker.Chat - https://rocket.chat/
Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim) - https://www.zopim.com/
Olark - https://www.olark.com/
Facebook Messenger - https://web.facebook.com/business/products/messenger-for-business
WhatsApp - https://www.whatsapp.com/
Facebook - http://facebook.com
Twitter - http://twitter.com
LinkedIn - http://linkedin.com
Google+ - http://plus.google.com
Instagram - http://instagram.com
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/
YouTube - http://youtube.com
HubSpot - https://www.hubspot.com/
Marketing: https://www.hubspot.com/products/marketing
Sales: https://www.hubspot.com/products/sales
Website Grader by HubSpot http://grader.com
Buffer App - https://buffer.com
HootSuite - https://hootsuite.com
TweetDeck - https://tweetdeck.twitter.com
CrowdFire - https://www.crowdfireapp.com
QuickTwit - https://quicktwit.com
Uber Keyword Suggest - http://ubersuggest.org/
Social Media - http://locowise.com/
Visual Website Optimizer - https://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/
Tweriod - http://www.tweriod.com/
My Site Auditor - http://mysiteauditor.com
Upcity free tools - http://upcity.com/free-tools/seo-report-card
Free traffic increase - http://www.10khits.com/
WooBox http://woobox.com/
Add Shoppers - http://addshoppers.com
BuzzSumo - http://buzzsumo.com/
Static html app - https://statichtmlapp.com/
Hashtagify - http://hashtagify.me/
Ritetag - http://ritetag.com/
Tagboard - https://tagboard.com/
Twitalyzer - http://twitalyzer.com/5/index.asp
Trendsmap - http://trendsmap.com/
Shortstack - http://www.shortstack.com
Post Planner - http://www.postplanner.com/
Biteable - https://biteable.com
Powtoon - https://www.powtoon.com
Animoto - http://animoto.com/
Openshot - https://www.openshot.org
Pexels - https://www.pexels.com/
Shopify Burst - https://burst.shopify.com/
Unsplash - https://unsplash.com
Place Image (Stock photos generator) - http://placeimg.com/
Shopify Logo Maker - https://www.shopify.com/tools/logo-maker
Logo Joy - https://logojoy.com
Logaster - https://www.logaster.com/
Cool Text - http://cooltext.com/
Online Logo Maker 24 - http://onlinelogomaker24.com
Free Logo Services - http://freelogoservices.com
Graphic Springs - http://graphicsprings.com
Design Mantic - http://designmantic.com
Zillion Designs - http://zilliondesigns.com
Logo Maker - http://logomaker.com
Pagemodo http://www.pagemodo.com
Canva - https://www.canva.com
Snappa - https://snappa.com
Photoshop - http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html
Photoshop Express - http://www.photoshop.com/tools
Pixlr - https://pixlr.com/
Microsoft Expression Design - https://www.microsoft.com/en-pk/download/details.aspx?id=36180
Fotor - http://www.fotor.com/
Create GIF - http://gifbrewery.com/
Stamp creator - http://www.speedystamps.co.uk/
Method Draw (SVG Editor) - http://editor.method.ac
AConvert (Image to SVG Converter) - https://www.aconvert.com/image/png-to-svg/
與 Notion 相關的精彩內容的精選列表。
Engine.so - 將 Notion 文檔變成為您的客戶提供的公共自助知識庫。
Notion Blog - 使用Next.js 將Notion 生成為靜態博客網頁的工具。
Notablog - 從 Notion 表生成簡約博客。
Next.js Notion Starter Kit - 使用 React Notion X 構建到帶有 Next.js 的 SSG 的入門工具包。
React Notion 博客 - Notion 博客樣板使用 React Notion 通過 Next.js 構建到 SSG。
Notion Dog - 使用 Notion 構建簡單、強大的網站的最簡單方法。
Super.so - 將 Notion 頁面變成具有自定義域、自定義路徑、字體、分析等功能的快速、實用的網站。
Potion.so - 在幾分鐘內創建自定義網站。具有自定義域、樣式和出色的 SEO。
Notelet - 用 Notion 編寫,發佈到網絡。自定義域、分析、主題等。
Popsy - 免費使用 Notion 創建網站
Oopy - 用 Notion 編寫,這是你的網站
Notion Enhancer - 對 Notion 的擴展,添加了許多高度要求的功能,例如選項卡、自定義寬度頁面和主題。
Notion Web Clipper - Chrome 擴展程序,可讓您將任何網站添加到 Notion 中。
Notion Boost - Notion Enhancer 中的 Chrome 擴展。
Notion Charts - 通過與穀歌表格文檔鏈接,創建針對 Notion 優化的可嵌入圖表。
Notion Icons - Notion 頁面的可嵌入自定義圖標列表。
NotionAI-MyMind - 這個 repo 使用 AI 和美妙的 Notion 使您能夠將網絡上的任何內容添加到您的“頭腦”中,而忘記其他一切。
Notion Backups - 將您的 Notion 工作區備份到您選擇的存儲提供商。
SparkleForms - 表單和 Notion 表之間的橋樑。
Notion Tweet - 適用於 Notion 用戶的 Twitter 一體化工具。
Notion2Sheets - 您的 Notion 數據庫與 Google 表格同步。
Joey - 8 個強大的塊來提高 Notion 頁面的參與度。
Notion Draw - 在 Notion 中畫東西
Integromat - 自動化使用 Notion 所涉及的重複性任務,讓您的工作更輕鬆。
notioncharts.io - 來自 Notion 表格的精美圖表。
Evergreen Notes (for Notion) - Notion 的側邊欄擴展,使其更好地作為個人知識庫。
Notionlytics - 找出誰訪問了您的 Notion 頁面。
Wunderpresentation - 立即創建和運行交互式演示幻燈片
Whalesync - Whalesync 是面向建設者的無代碼數據工具。在 Airtable、Webflow 和 Notion 等工具之間自動創建雙向同步。
Notion.so Faster & Responsive Popup - 擁有更好的 notion.so 體驗,更少的轉換和響應
NotionQL - 為您的 Notion Workspace 部署 GraphQL API
Notion Metrics - 您最重要的指標, 住在 Notion 頁面中
Notion Quotes Widget - 每次打開 Notion 時都會獲得新的報價
小部件框 - 為您的概念頁面定制的小部件
Float - 完全在 Notion 中構建課程。
Noggin - 使用 Notion 在幾分鐘內構建您的課程。
Notionvideo - 在此處根據您的興趣或需要快速訪問視頻
Apption - 查找和學習概念友好的可嵌入小部件應用程序
Snackthis - 從 Notion 創建漂亮的演示文稿。
The:gist - 自動化 Notion 工作流程的最簡單方法
異想天開 - 協作文檔、流程圖、線框圖、便箋和思維導圖。
Indify - 使用小部件升級您的 Notion 文檔。完全可定制,無縫設置。
NotionIntegrations.com - 社區製作的 Notion 集成和即將發布的集成版本的編譯。
r/Notion - Notion subreddit 擁有超過 76k 的 notion 用戶。
Facebook - Notion Made Simple - Notion facebook 群組
Discord - Notion 社區 - Notion discord 群組,用於獲取幫助、討論 Notion 並分享您的創作。
Slack - Notion Hacks - Slack 社區為 Notion 討論、收集和創建各種 hack。
Notion Everything - 共享和瀏覽 Notion 模板的網站。
Notion Pages - 分享和發現新的 Notion 模板。
Facebook - Notion for Students - 一個學生可以互相學習如何最好地使用 Notion 的地方。
Notion Hacks - 為 Notion 收集、討論和創建各種 hack 的社區
Notion TO (slack) - Notion Canada slack group
Notion New York - 紐約的 Notion 社區
Notion Answers - 從其他 Notion 用戶那裡獲得幫助
Notion UK - 英國 Notion 聚會小組
高級 CRM - Notion 中的高級 CRM,它試圖模仿 Salesforce 等更高級 CRM 的結構。
幫助中心 - 公司內部常見問題解答和幫助中心的模板。
數據科學組合 - 幫助構建和加速構建數據科學組合的模板。
團隊同步模板 - 在 Notion 中構建儀表板,捕獲指標、討論點以及您需要的所有其他內容,以實現高效的團隊同步.
Notion Wizard - Notion 模板、提示、技巧和生產力技巧的一站式商店。
Notionery - 發現最好的 Notion 模板、產品等。
The NBA in Notion: A Practical Example of Databases - 一篇討論 Notion 數據庫的文章以 NBA 數據庫為例。
產品主導的增長型 CRM in Notion - 建立強大的 CRM 並推動產品主導型增長的指南概念。
將分析引入 Notion - 如何在 Notion 數據庫上構建圖表並將您的分析和講故事集中在一個地方.
Red Gregory - Notion.so 欣賞博客。
概念棱鏡圖標 - 概念棱鏡圖標
Notion Icons 4.0 - 目前該包包含 272 個圖標。所有圖標都有 8 種不同的顏色可供選擇。
React Notion - Notion 頁面的 React 渲染器。將 Notion 用作博客、文檔或個人網站的 CMS。
React Notion X - react-notion 項目的擴展版本。支持更多的筆記塊並提供更多功能,例如暗模式。
Vue Notion - Notion 頁面的 Vue 渲染器。將 Notion 用作博客、文檔或個人網站的 CMS,從 React Notion 移植到 vue。
The Official Notion API - Private beta - 官方 Notion API,仍然是一個私有 beta 版本。
notion-py - Notion.so 的非官方 Python API 客戶端。
notionapi - Notion.so 的非官方 Go API。
ketion-so/go-notion - Notion.so API 的非官方 Go SDK
notion-ruby - Ruby 的非官方 Notion 客戶端。
KNotion API - 非官方 Notion.so API 包裝器,用 Kotlin 編寫。
Notion API Worker - 私有 Notion API 的無服務器包裝器。
Notion Client - 用於非官方 Notion API 的強大 TypeScript 客戶端。
Notion-Api (Node.js) - Notion.so 的非官方 Node.js API 包裝器。工作正在進行中。
notion-sdk-deno - Deno 的非官方 Notion 客戶端。
laravel-notion-api - 與 Laravel 的輕鬆 Notion 集成。對 Notion API 的簡單訪問。
Notion Page to HTML - 將公共概念頁面轉換為 HTML 的 NodeJS 工具。
notion2md - 將你的 Notion 文件轉換為 markdown - 建立在 notion-py 之上。
notion4ever - Python 工具,用於使用官方 Notion API 導出 Notion 頁面的所有內容。包括:所有嵌套的子頁面、markdown 文件和 HTML、漂亮的 url。
notion-sdk-php - 官方 Notion API 的 PHP 庫。
notion-exporter - 用於從任何 Notion.so 頁面導出 .md 和 .csv 文件的 CLI 和庫。
The Authority Site System 3.0
Design with better way
relative-numbers - 显示相对行号。
trailing-spaces - 高亮多余的空格。
terminal-plus - 内嵌式全功能控制台。
vim-mode-plus - vim 模式。
ex-mode - vim 模式的拓展。
minimap - 右侧小地图。
autocomplete-paths - 对路径选择进行增强。
docblockr - 编写注释好帮手。
file-icons - 美化编辑器图标。
atom-beautify - 自动美化代码格式。
imdone-atom - 任务列表插件。
open-terminal-here - 在编辑器里快速打开终端。
proton-mode - 与spacemacs相同的快捷键,非常棒。
dracula-syntax - dracula漂亮的配色。
filecolor - 不同文件类型,不同颜色显示,方便查找文件。
golden-ratio - 自动调整窗口大小。
local-history - 本地文件历史,可以返回任何时间保存的文件。
project-plus - 项目管理, 可以快速切换不同项目,多项目同时工作利器。
regex-railroad-diagram - 可以图形化显示正则表达式。
tree-view-search-bar - 文件列表快速查找工具。
Nuclide - 用于编写 React Native,代码提示各种很厉害的样子。
TypeScript - 支持TypeScript编译。
Emmet - 快速编写HTML。
tag - Sublime 风格的 HTML 标签自动闭合。
color-picker - CSS颜色取色器。
autoprefixer - 自动补全CSS前缀。
linter-jshint - JavaScript语法检查。
pigments - 把你文件中的颜色代码展示出来。
atom-html-preview - 内置Chrome浏览器写移动端非常棒。
tree-view-copy-relative-path - 可以跟当前文件输出目标文件的相对路径,适合多文件相互调用。
autocomplete-python - 对Python提示进行增强。
linter-flake8 - Python 语法检查。
python-tools - 一些有用的 Python 开发工具集。
PlainTasks - 一个自以为是的待办事项列表插件。
Emmet - zen coding的升级版,对于前端来说,可是必备插件。
sublimelint - 用于代码的校验,支持 HTML、CSS、JS、PHP、Java、C++ 等16种语言。
JsFormat - 用于JavaScript格式化。
jQuery - jQuery语法提示。
Underscore - Underscore语法提示。
DocBlockr - 快速编写注释。
SublimeCodeIntel - 智能语法分析提示。
ColorPicker - 快速选取颜色。
HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - HTML/CSS/JS 格式化。
Alignment - 用于代码对齐。
WakaTime - 用于记录编程时间。
Seti_UI - 好看的主题,包括文件icon。
OmniMarkupPreviewer - 将MD文件渲染成网页,可以在浏览器中查看。
GitGutter - 显示比对Git的状态。
BracketHighlighter - 高亮显示标签括号。
SideBarEnhancements - 扩展文件编辑右键菜单。
Markdown Extended - Markdown语法高亮。
Babel - ES6语法高亮。
AutoFileName - 自动完成文件名。
FTPSync - FTP同步插件,本地与虚拟机做文件同步非常方便。
Color Highlighter - 高亮颜色关键字,非常适合CSS编写。
File History - 本地文件历史,每次修改文件都会有历史。
JavaScript Completions - 原生JavaScript补全。
Json Reindent - JSON格式化。
Git - Sublime Text Git插件功能比较全面。
GitStatus - 监控更改的文件和项目状态实时提示。
Gitignore - Git的.gitignore文件生成,内置常用过滤文件。
vscode-icons - Code设置vscode图标
Bracket Pair Colorizer - 着色匹配括号。
Indent-Rainbow - 对缩进显示彩虹色作色,使得更加易读
Trailing Spaces - 检测多余空格并高亮
TODO Highlight - TODO备忘插件
Code Spell Checker - js或ts代码拼写检查
Document This - doc注视自动生成
Sublime Text Keymap - 在VScode中添加Sublime Text 热门快捷键。
Git Lens - 增强了内置的Visual Studio代码Git功能。
View In Browser - 在vscode预览浏览器
SVG Viewer - 在vscode内查看svg图标
Auto-Open Markdown Preview - 实时预览markdown
Markdown PDF - 将markdown文档转为pdf、html、png或jpeg
Debugger for Chrome - vscode中调试在chrome的js代码
ESlint - eslint在vscode工具,帮助校验es语法等
TSLint - tslint在vscode工具,帮助校验ts语法等
Auto Close Tag - 自动闭合标签
Auto Rename Tag - 自动重命名标签
HTML Snippets - html代码片段
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML - 基于当前项目css文件,在html中智能提示CSS类名
HTML CSS Support - 在html中智能提示css样式
npm Intellisense - 自动提示npm包的导入
Path Intellisense - 自动提示文件路径
Auto Import - 自动识别解析导入
Code Runner - 支持执行多语言测试代码
Import Cost - 在编辑器中显示import/require包大小。
Regex Previewer - 测试写的正则表达式
react-beautify - 这个扩展封保存自动美化 JS, JSX, typescript, TSX 文件。
Reactjs code snippets - ES6语法高亮,Reactjs开发的代码提示。
Vetur - Vue-VSCode工具,支持高亮代码,自动补全,代码片段等
令人愉快的的精選列表 包和資源. 如需更多精彩,請查看 出來.
在 GitHub 上
, 要麼 (僅適用於 Windows)
VSCode 團隊提供來自流行編輯器的鍵盤映射,使過渡到 VSCode 幾乎無縫且輕鬆.
> Vim 模式 - 在 VSCode 中實現 Vim 功能的相對較新但很有希望的擴展
> Visual Studio Code 的流行 Atom 鍵綁定
> VS Code 的流行 Sublime Text 鍵綁定.
> 用於 VS Code 的流行 Visual Studio 鍵綁定.
> 用於 VS Code 的流行 Intellij IDEA 鍵綁定.
> 與 Visual Studio 和 Resharper 或 Intellij IDEA 一樣
Microsoft 創建了一系列使用 VS Code 和特定技術(主要是 Web)的方法.
如果尚未釋放出令人敬畏的 linting 涅槃: > lint 最初是用於標記 C 語言源程式碼中的一些可疑和不可移植結構(可能是錯誤)的特定 程式的名稱. 該術語現在普遍適用於在以任何電腦語言編寫的軟體中標記可疑使用的工具.
> 語法高亮、片段、轉到定義、簽名助手和程式碼格式化 程式
> Bash 的語言 伺服器
> 基於 bashdb
的 Bash 腳本調試器擴展
> Bash 腳本片段擴展
> 整合 REPL、linting、內聯評估、測試運行 程式等. 由蘋果酒和 nRepl 提供支持.
> 直接從 HTML 中查看或跳轉到 CSS 定義,就像在括弧中一樣!
> 一個 VS Code 擴展,用於在 Chrome 瀏覽器或其他支持 Chrome 調試協議的目標中調試 JavaScript 程式碼.
> 一個 VS Code 擴展,用於在 Chrome 瀏覽器或其他支持 Chrome 調試協議的目標中調試 JavaScript 程式碼.
> 一體化降價外掛(鍵盤快速鍵、目錄、自動預覽、列表編輯等)
> 為 VS Code 的內置 Markdown 預覽添加 emoji 語法支持
這些擴展提供了稍微不同的功能集. 雖然第一個提供更好的自動完成支持,但第二個似乎總體上具有更多功能.
要在 .twig 文件中啟用 Emmet 支持,您需要在設置中包含以下內容:
> Smarty 模板支持格式化、摺疊、片段、語法高亮等.
> 提供 GitHub 工作流支持. 例如瀏覽項目、問題、文件(當前行)、創建和管理拉取請求. 計劃支持其他提供者(例如 gitlab 或 bitbucket).
> 查看和管理 GitHub 拉取請求和問題
Allows you to manage GitHub Gists entirely within the editor. You can open, create, delete, fork, star and clone gists, and then seamlessly begin editing files as if they were local. It's like your very own developer library for building and referencing code snippets, commonly used config/scripts, programming-related notes/documentation, and interactive samples.
> 顯示 GitHub Actions 工作流程和運行
> 遠程瀏覽和編輯任何 GitHub 存儲庫
> 此擴展使用 GitHub api 來監控您的拉取請求的狀態,並讓您知道何時合併或是否有人請求更改.
> 顯示 Azure 資源管理器 (ARM) 模板的圖形預覽. 該視圖將顯示帶有官方 Azure 圖標的所有資源以及資源之間的連結.
> 在 vs 程式碼編輯器中瀏覽你的資料庫
> Azure IoT 開發所需的一切:與 Azure IoT Hub 交互,管理連接到 Azure IoT Hub 的設備,並使用 Azure IoT Hub 的程式碼片段進行開發
> 標記線條並跳轉到它們
> 大型項目或 monorepos 的擴展,可根據當前包為您的選項卡/標題欄著色
> 快速生成測試文件的擴展.
> 用於將工作空間的文件上傳或複製到目的地的命令.
Ability to duplicate files and directories.
> 在線顯示語言診斷(錯誤/警告/...).
> 通過您最喜歡的鍵綁定切換任何 VS Code 設置.
通過快速方式切換 typescript.inlayHints.functionLikeReturnTypes.enabled
> 在 ES7 中提供 Javascript 和 React/Redux 片段
> 輕鬆生成 .gitignore 文件.
> 查看 git 日誌、文件或行歷史記錄
> 自動索引您的 git 項目並讓您輕鬆地在它們之間切換
> 在瀏覽器中轉到當前文件的在線連結並複製剪貼板中的連結.
Provides Git CodeLens information (most recent commit, # of authors), on-demand inline blame annotations, status bar blame information, file and blame history explorers, and commands to compare changes with the working tree or previous versions.
> 活動面板上類似 Atom 的 git 指示器
> 添加 GitLab 側邊欄圖標以查看問題、合併請求和其他 GitLab 資源. 您還可以查看 GitLab CI/CD 管道的結果並檢查 .gitlab-ci.yml
> 在 VS Code 中運行 gradle 任務.
> 流行圖標字體的片段,例如 Font Awesome、Ionicons、Glyphicons、Octicons、Material Design Icons 等等!
> 此擴展將在編輯器中內聯顯示導入包的大小. 該擴展使用帶有 babili-webpack-plugin 的 webpack 來檢測導入的大小.
> 將 Jira 和 Bitbucket 的強大功能引入 VS Code - 使用 Atlassian for VS Code,您可以創建和查看問題、開始處理問題、創建拉取請求、進行程式碼審查、開始建構、獲取建構狀態等等!
> 為 JS/TS 文件中的函數調用提供註解,為參數提供參數名稱.
> 提供快速游標移動,靈感來自 Atom 的同名包.
> 用於 Visual Studio Code 的簡單看板,具有時間跟蹤和 Markdown 支持.
> 為靜態和動態頁面啟動具有即時重新載入功能的開發本地 伺服器.
> 覆蓋常規的複製和剪切命令以將選擇保留在剪貼板環中
> 直接在編輯器中查看和運行您的 .NET Core 測試.
> 適用於 VSCode 的多合一 i18n 擴展
>只需在 vscode 中編輯 markdown 文檔,並在您鍵入時立即在瀏覽器中預覽.
> 在導入語句中自動完成 npm 模塊的 Visual Studio Code 外掛.
> 提供 JS/TS/PHP 文件中函數調用的參數提示.
> 比較(差異)文件內、不同文件或剪貼板中的文本選擇
> 推斷 JSON 的結構並粘貼為許多編程語言中的類型
> 為 Visual Studio 程式碼提供路徑補全.
> 自動完成文件名的 Visual Studio Code 外掛
> 通過基於 Node.js 的腳本或 shell 命令等方式擴展 Visual Studio Code,無需編寫單獨的擴展
> PrintCode 將正在編輯的程式碼轉換為 HTML 文件,通過瀏覽器顯示並 列印.
> 在項目之間輕鬆切換.
> VSCode Project Dashboard 是一個 Visual Studio Code 擴展,可讓您以類似快速撥號的方式組織您的項目. 將您經常訪問的資料夾、文件和 SSH 遠程固定到儀錶板上以快速訪問它們.
> 突出顯示逗號、製表符、分號和管道分隔文件中的列,使用 CSVLint 進行一致性檢查和 linting,多游標列編輯,列修剪和重新對齊,以及使用 RBQL 進行 SQL 樣式查詢.
> 允許用戶打開容器、遠程機器、容器或 Windows Linux 子系統 (WSL) 中的任何資料夾,並利用 VS Code 的完整功能集.
> 允許用戶直接在 Visual Studio Code 中從遠程 伺服器編輯文件.
> 允許您發送 HTTP 請求並直接在 Visual Studio Code 中查看響應.
> 用於文本操作的多合一擴展:過濾 (grep)、刪除行、插入數字序列和 GUID、將內容格式化為表格、更改大小寫、轉換數字等等. 非常適合在日誌中查找資訊和處理文本.
> TODO 註釋的自定義關鍵字、突出顯示和顏色. 以及用於查看所有當前標籤的側邊欄.
> 在單引號、雙引號和反引號之間循環
> TypeScript 語言服務外掛提供了一組源操作,便於對象解構
> 自動時間跟蹤器和生產力儀錶板顯示您在每個項目、文件、分支和語言中編碼的時間.
> 時間轉換器擴展,可將時間戳從/轉換為各種格式,並按需插入或僅顯示它們. 它進一步提供了一個簡潔的懸停提供 程式來立即美化紀元時間戳. 所有功能都是高度可定製的.
> 用冒號(:)、賦值(=,+=,-=,*=,/=) 和箭頭(=>) 對齊程式碼. 它對逗號優先的編碼樣式和尾隨註釋有額外的支持.
> 而且它不需要您選擇要對齊的內容,擴展 程式會自行解決.
> 原生設置,只需將 "editor.linkedEditing": true
添加到您的 settings.json
> 自動重命名成對的 HTML/XML 標籤
> 為 VS Code 美化程式碼
> 將 html 轉換為您的 Visual Studio 程式碼中的哈巴狗,不再需要使用外部頁面.
> 轉換 ECMAScript 字元串文字的引號
> 粘貼帶有「正確」縮進的程式碼
> 按特定順序對文本行進行排序
> 一個簡單而強大的擴展,用於在您的程式碼塊周圍添加包裝模板.
> 用符號或多個符號包裝選擇或多個選擇
> 允許您通過簡單的單擊來打開和關閉格式化 程式
> 自動查找、解析併為所有可用的導入提供程式碼操作和程式碼完成. 適用於 Typescript 和 TSX.
> shell 腳本 & Dockerfile & dotenv 格式
> 在您的程式碼中快速翻譯選定的文本
> VS Code 的瀏覽器預覽使您能夠在編輯器中打開一個可以調試的真實瀏覽器預覽. 瀏覽器預覽由 Chrome Headless 提供支持,並通過在新進程中啟動無頭 Chrome 實例來工作. 這提供了一種在 VS Code 中呈現 Web 內容的安全方式,並啟用了有趣的功能,例如編輯器內調試等等!
> 在您最喜歡的編輯器中播放互動式教程.
Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages: C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, PowerShell, BAT/CMD, BASH/SH, F# Script, C# Script, VBScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Scala, Swift, Julia, Crystal, OCaml Script
> 在 VS Code 中按項目和其他編程指標自動報告時間.
> 在編輯器中突出顯示網頁顏色
> VS Code 輸出面板和日誌文件的語法高亮顯示
> Visual Studio Code 中的 Dash 整合
> 利用您最喜歡的 shell 命令來編輯文本
> VS Code 的編輯器配置
> 自動同步您的工作到遠程 FTP 伺服器
> 突出顯示文件中的匹配標籤.
> 一個簡單的擴展,使縮進更易讀.
> 將選定的 VSCode 主題與 iTerm2 顏色配置文件同步
> 使用我們的生成器工具創建安全密碼. 立即獲取強密碼,幫助防止安全威脅.
> 物聯網開發開放原始碼生態系統:支持350+嵌入式板卡、20+開發平台、10+框架. Arduino 和 ARM mbed 兼容.
> 寶麗來為您的程式碼.
> VS Code 中 JavaScript 和 TypeScript 的快速原型設計遊樂場,可訪問項目文件、內聯報告、程式碼覆蓋率和豐富的輸出格式.
> 直接從 VS Code 運行各種腳本
> 發送消息和程式碼片段,將文件上傳到 Slack
> 提供與 Spotify 桌面客戶端的整合. 在狀態欄中顯示當前播放的歌曲,搜索歌詞並提供用於通過按鈕和熱鍵控制 Spotify 的命令.
> 強大的 SVG 語言支持擴展(測試版). 處理 SVG 所需的幾乎所有功能.
> 在編輯器中查看 SVG 並將其導出為數據 URI 方案或 PNG.
> 同時突出顯示具有不同顏色的多個文本模式. 突出顯示單個文本模式可以使用編輯器的搜索功能完成,但它不能同時突出顯示多個模式,這就是這個擴展派上用場的地方.
> 在編輯器中快速調出有用的 MDN 文檔
> 從 typescript 類快速生成介面定義
Adds JFrog Xray scanning of project dependencies to your VS Code IDE. It allows developers to view panels displaying vulnerability information about the components and their dependencies directly in their VS Code IDE. The extension also allows developers to track the status of the code while it is being built, tested and scanned on the CI server.
如果你有勇氣,至少有兩個 VS Code 的自定義 UI:
賽博朋克 2077 靈感主題
VSCode 主題靈感來自遙遠的星系......
Dark VSCode 主題靈感來自日本傳統色彩和 1000 年前創作的詩歌.
一個基於 Atom 的黑暗主題.
詳細而準確的 Atom One 黑暗主題.
VS Code 主題靈感來自阿拉斯加北極光的平靜色彩.
Yummygum 的官方城市之光套房
Wes Bos 的官方主題.
官方德古拉主題. 許多編輯器、shell 等的黑暗主題.
一個有趣的、基於紫色的粉彩/糖果/白日夢仙女線主題,由sailorhg 製作.
Visual Studio Code 的 GitHub 主題.
Visual Studio Code 的 Jellybeans 主題.
適用於 Visual Studio Code 的優雅多汁的類材料主題.
Visual Studio Code 現在最史詩般的主題.
為專業開發人員提供的精美功能,來自原始 Monokai 配色方案的作者.
夜貓子的 VS Code 主題. 在白天也能很好地工作,但這個主題非常適合我們這些喜歡在深夜編寫程式碼的人. 顏色選擇考慮了色盲和光線不足的人可以使用的顏色. 決策還基於有意義的閱讀理解對比和最佳炫目效果. ✨
一個北極的、北藍色的乾淨優雅的 Visual Studio Code 主題.
320 多個漂亮的語法和 UI 主題的集合.
⚡ 帶有精心挑選和大膽的紫色色調的專業主題,與您的 VS Code 相得益彰. 具有樣式的自定義 VS Code 主題.
Visual Studio Code 的深色語法/工作台主題 - 針對 SCSS、HTML、JS、TS、Markdown 和 PHP 文件進行了優化.
18 個燈光主題的集合,按背景亮度分為 4 組.
VS Code 社區中各種人的 Twitter 帳戶列表
我根據開放原始碼許可向您提供此存儲庫中的程式碼和資源. 因為這是我的個人存儲庫,所以您收到的我的程式碼和資源的許可證來自我,而不是我的僱主 (Microsoft).
Some content has been disabled in this document
Vundle.vim - Vim插件管理工具。
vim-plug - 一个简约的vim插件管理器。
vim-web - 一个前端开发工程师的vim。
Neovim - 提高Vim可扩张灵活性。
vimplus - 一套完全自动化打造Vim开发环境的项目。
與其他一些編輯器不同,VS Code 開箱即用地支持 IntelliSense、linting、outline,並且不需要任何單獨的擴展來運行 linter 包. 一些 linter 已經整合在 VS Code 中,你可以在官方文檔中找到完整的列表, 部分.
- VSC 中豐富的 1С:Enterprise 8 (BSL) 語言支持 - 為 VSC 中的 *.bsl и *.os 文件添加語法高亮,為 1С lang 添加 IntelliSense 和語法助手
- 預覽 C/C++ 擴展 , 讀 詳情
- 使用 clangd 為 VS Code 提供 C/C++ 語言 IDE 功能:程式碼完成、編譯錯誤和警告、轉到定義和交叉引用,包括管理、程式碼格式化、簡單重構.
- 在 GNU Global 工具的幫助下為 C/C++ 提供 Intellisense.
- 使用 C/C++(和 TypeScript、JavaScript、Objective-C、Golang、Rust)提供語義完成 .
- 使用 Clang 命令完成和診斷 C/C++/Objective-C.
- 支持數百萬行程式碼庫,由 libclang 提供支持. 交叉引用、完成、診斷、語義突出顯示等.
- C# extension by , 讀 詳情
- 修正使用/縮進/大括弧/空行的格式
- 為 IDE 提供擴展,以加快您的開發工作流程.
- Lint CSS/SCSS.
解析 CSS、SCSS、LESS 並自動添加供應商前綴.
- 根據工作空間中的 CSS 文件,為 HTML 類屬性提供 CSS 類名稱補全. 還支持 React 的 className 屬性.
- 對 Go 語言的豐富語言支持.
- Groovy lint、格式化、美化和自動修復
- 提供 用於堆棧和 cabal 項目.
- 為在 VS Code 中編輯 HLSL 文件提供豐富的語言支持
- 此擴展提供 AI 輔助開發功能,包括基於對程式碼上下文的理解的自動完成和其他見解.
- 用於 Visual Studio 程式碼的 TSLint(使用 "tslint.jsEnable": true
- 棉絨 .
- 棉絨 .
- 片段 .
- Linter、Formatter 和 Pretty 印表機 .
- Visual Studio Code 的拼寫檢查器(英文). 還通過外部擴展支持其他語言.
- 片段 .
- Vue.js 工具包
- 提供您期望的所有功能 - linting、智能感知、類型工具提示和點擊定義
- Visual Studio Code 的替代 Flowtype 擴展
- 用於 Visual Studio 程式碼的 TSLint.
> 短絨用於 .
- 用於 Visual Studio 程式碼的 Laravel 5 片段
- Laravel 刀片片段和語法高亮支持
- 使用 Laravel 模型片段快速啟動並運行模型.
- Visual Studio Code 中的 Laravel Artisan 命令
- 支持 dotenv 文件語法
- 格式化 PHP 文件中的 HTML. 在保存操作之前運行,因此您仍然可以使用 PHP 格式化 程式.
- Visual Studio Code 的 XDebug 擴展
- 用於 VS Code 的 PHP CS Fixer 擴展、php 格式化 程式、php 程式碼美化工具
- 適用於 Visual Studio 程式碼的 PHP CodeSniffer
- 用於 Visual Studio 程式碼的 phpfmt
- Vision Ray Tracer (POV-Ray) 擴展的持久性,包括常見 POV-Ray 場景元素的語法突出顯示和片段,從 Visual Studio Code 中渲染當前場景
- Linting、調試(多線程、Web 應用 程式)、智能感知、自動完成、程式碼格式化、片段、單元測試等.
- 此擴展包含一組有用的程式碼片段,用於在 Visual Studio Code 中開發 TensorFlow 模型.
- 智能感知、程式碼格式化、重構、程式碼鏡頭等
- Linting、自動完成、程式碼格式化、片段等
- Hashicorp 的 Terraform 的語法突出顯示、linting、格式化和驗證
> ngrok 允許您將在本地電腦上運行的 Web 伺服器公開到 Internet. 只需告訴 ngrok 您的 Web 伺服器正在偵聽的埠. 此擴展 程式允許您控制 從 VSCode 命令面板
> 腳手架項目使用
> 將您的程式碼發送至 .
Monokai 靈感主題 和 .
- 官方 VS Code 推特
- VS 程式碼項目經理
- VS 程式碼開發
- VS 程式碼項目經理
- 開發人員倡導者@Azure. VS Code 發布精彩影片的創作者
- GitLens 創作者
- VS 程式碼開發
- VS 程式碼開發
- VS 程式碼開發
- VS 程式碼開發
- vscode.rocks & JS Parameter Annotations 擴展的創建者
- VS 程式碼開發
- VS 程式碼開發
- JS/WordPress 核心開發. VSCode.pro 課程和紫色主題的創建者
- VS 程式碼開發. Go 擴展的維護者
- VS 程式碼開發. xterm.js 的創建者
- Better Comments 擴展將幫助您在程式碼中創建更人性化的註釋.
- 一種設置/獲取編輯器內容的方法,以及它的選擇. 對於單元測試特別有用.
- 從擴展清單的貢獻點生成類型
- Visual Studio Live Share 使您能夠與他人即時協作編輯和調試,無論您使用的是什麼編程語言或您正在建構的應用 程式類型.
- 由於 VS Code 支持 TextMate 主題,您可以在此在線編輯器中創建它們,然後使用創建新的 VS Code 包 工具
- 用於在 Visual Studio Code 中打開當前資料夾的 macOS Finder 工具欄應用
- 輕鬆為 VS Code 創建您自己的主題(以及為您的其他工具匹配的主題).
- Visual Studio Code 的此擴展為 Azure 開發人員提供了一些方便的命令,用於直接在編輯器中創建或訪問資源.
- Markdown Preview Enhanced 是一個擴展,它為您提供了許多有用的功能,例如自動滾動同步、數學排版、美人魚、PlantUML、pandoc、PDF 導出、程式碼塊、Demo文稿編寫器等.它的很多想法都受到 Markdown Preview 的啟發Plus 和 RStudio Markdown.
使用 Sublime Text 10 年後, 切換到 VSCode,建構 , and spent over a 1,000 hours perfecting his setup. He has launched a VSCode Power User Course to help you switch today. You can bring all your custom settings from the previous editor and learn the power user workflows for HTML/CSS, Git/GitHub & Open Source, supercharged Markdown, and everything from JavaScript to PHP, Go, Python, C++, C#, ROR. In this course, you'll also learn to install/setup 50+ Extensions.
- 巨大的 5 小時 65 個影片 VSCode 課程.
- 紫色主題的創建者. WP/JS 的核心開發者. OSS 開發倡導者.
歡迎投稿! 閱讀 第一的.
在法律允許的範圍內, 已放棄本作品的所有版權和相關或鄰近權利.
Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories. Feel free to star and fork.
Any comments, suggestions? Let us know!. We love PRs :) Please take a look at the Contributing guidelines before opening one. Follow the awesome list.
means open source, click to open open source repo; means free to use, or free personal license; means App store hyperlink; means hyperlink to a corresponding Awesome list for the item;
Awesome Mac App for macOS. Installers for the latest stable build for Mac can be downloaded here.
Applications to edit text, I suggest the open-source editors
Bootstrap Studio - A powerful desktop app for creating responsive websites using the Bootstrap framework.
Chocolat - Native text editor.
Coda2 - Fast, clean and powerful text editor.
iA Writer - Writing app with an emphasis on simplicity and design.
LightPaper - Simple, beautiful, yet powerful text editor for your Mac.
Marked 2 - This is the Markdown preview with an elegant and powerful set of tools for all writers.
Marxico - Delicate Markdown editor for Evernote. Reliable storage and sync.
MWeb - Pro Markdown writing, and static blog generator App.
Ulysses - The Ultimate Writing App for Mac, iPad and iPhone.
Gooba - Writing app and task managerwith a simple and interactive design.
Inkdrop - Notebook app for Markdown lovers built on top of Electron.
MarginNote - In-depth PDF and EPUB reading, learning, managing and note taking app.
Notable - The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
Notion -Notion is the all-in-one workspace. From notes, tasks, wikis, to database, Notion is all you need. Works great for teams and individuals.
Quiver - The Programmer's Notebook, lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor and live preview Markdown and LaTeX.
Clearview - Tabbed style e-book reader for PDF, EPUB (DRM free), CHM, and MOBI.
Kindle App - Amazon official reading app of kindle.
Leaf - Amazing news reader dedicated to help you enjoy your daily news and easily manage your subscriptions.
ReadKit - Mac read-later client supporting all major providers: Instapaper, Pocket and Readability. Even more, ReadKit is a full-featured RSS reader as well.
PDF Expert - Read, annotate and edit PDFs, change text and images.
SkyFonts - The simplest way to try, install, and manage fonts.
Spillo - Powerful, beautiful and amazingly fast Pinboard client for OS X.
texpad - Great LaTeX editor for Mac with auto-update PDF and autocomplete LaTeX commands.
Espresso - The web editor for Mac is back. For people who make delightful, innovative and fast websites.
AppCode - Smart IDE for iOS/macOS development
CLion - Powerful C and C++ IDE. (Free for Students)
GoLand - Provides ergonomic environment for Go development.
IntelliJ IDEA - Powerful IDE for JVM languages. (Free for Students)
PyCharm - Powerful Python IDE, which has professional version and community version.
Rider - Cross-Platform C# IDE. It is an alternative to Visual Studio by Microsoft with the additional benefit of getting Resharper features that are not available on Visual Studio for Mac.
Spyder - Powerful scientific environment written in Python, for Python.
Bidbar - Manage bash commands from the menu bar and run them with keyboard shortcuts.
Cacher - Cloud-based, team-enabled code snippet manager with Gist sync, VSCode/Atom/Sublime packages and Mac/Windows/Linux/Web clients.
canSnippet - Powerful snippet management tool that works across the whole operating system, always accessible via simple keyboard shortcut.
CodeKit - Web development tool which can automatically compile Less, Sass, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Jade and JavaScript, auto-refresh browsers and much more.
Dash - Awesome API documentation browser and code snippet manager.
Gemini - Intelligent duplicate file finder.
Kaleidoscope - Powerful compare tool for text, images and folders. Works perfectly with git, svn or other version control tools.
PaintCode - PaintCode is a unique vector drawing app that generates Objective-C or Swift code in real time, acting as a bridge between developers and graphic designers.
PushMate PushMate is a MacOS app that solves common push notification problems by ensuring your push payloads are correct.
SecureCRT - Terminal emulation which supports SSH, Telnet or other protocols.
SnippetsLab - Easy-to-use code snippets manager.
Solarized - Clean and beautiful color theme. Works well with iTerm, JetBrains products, Vim etc.
StarUML - Powerful UML app.
Swiftify - Objective-C to Swift code converter and Xcode & Finder extensions.
Visual Paradigm - All-in-one UML, SysML, BPMN Modeling Platform for Agile, EA TOGAF ADM Process Management.
Patterns - Regular expression editor.
Regex - Regular expression testing tool with an emphasis on simplicity.
RegExRX - Development tool for regular expressions.
Paw - Advanced HTTP client.
Charles - HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet.
Little Snitch - Network monitor with a world map for visualizing network connections.
Serial - Full-featured serial terminal for the Mac.
Qt - Cross-platform application framework.
Cornerstone - Powerful version control with a gorgeous interface.
GitKraken - The most popular Git GUI for Windows, Mac and Linux.
SmartGit - Git client with support.
Sublime Merge - Git client, from the makers of Sublime Text.
Tower2 - The most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
Versions - Mac Subversion (SVN) Client.
Parallels - Powerful, easy-to-use VM. No free upgrade for each new Mac OS.
VMware Fusion - Powerful, commercial VM developed by VMware.
Base 2 - Application for creating, designing, editing and browsing SQLite 3 database files.
DBeaver - Universal SQL Client.
Keylord - Desktop GUI client for Redis, Bolt, LevelDB and Memcached key-value databases.
MDB Explorer - MDB tool to open, read, export your MDB files to other formats and databases.
Mingo - Easy to use MongoDB GUI with mind-blowing features.
Mongo Management Studio - Simple MongoDB GUI.
MySQL Workbench - The official MySQL GUI.
Postico - Modern PostgreSQL client for Mac.
SQLPro Studio - Simple, powerful database manager for macOS.
Acorn - Great Mac OS X picture and photo editor, built for humans.
Affinity Designer - Professional graphic design software for Mac.
Affinity Photo - Professional image editing software for Mac.
Amadine - A vector drawing app that has everything a graphic designer needs wrapped in an uncluttered and intuitive interface.
Art Text 3 - This is graphic design software specifically tuned for lettering, typography, text mockups and various artistic text effects.
inklet - Turn your Mac trackpad into drawing board.
MagicaVoxel - Free, lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer.
Nik Collection - Nik Collection by DxO.
Pixelmator - Full-featured image editor for Mac.
Principle - Application for designing animated and interactive user interfaces.
Sketch - Professional digital design for mac.
Sparkle - Pro visual web design.
Tayasui Sketches - Professional drawing software.
Adobe XD (Experience Design) - First all-in-one cross-platform tool for designing and prototyping websites and mobile apps.
Axure RP 8 - Prototypes, specifications and diagrams in one tool.
Balsamiq Mockups - Wire-framing tool that helps you work faster and smarter.
Flinto - Quickly create interactive prototypes of mobile, desktop, or web apps.
Framer - Tool for interactive prototyping.
Justinmind - Prototyping platform for web and mobile apps.
Kite - Powerful animation and prototyping application for Mac & iOS.
Lighten - The best way to clarify thinking, boost productivity, brainstorm, and visualize concepts.
MindNode - Mind-mapping software with an emphasis on simplicity and ease-of-use.
MockFlow - Online prototyping suite for web-design and usability testing.
Mockplus - Prototype faster, smarter and easier.
OmniGraffle - Diagramming and graphic design for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
Origami Studio - Tool for designing modern interfaces, built and used by designers at Facebook.
ProtoPie - Create the most advanced prototypes as easy as Pie.
Scapple - Practical mind-mapping software with free whiteboard-like layout.
SimpleMind - The world leader in cross platform Mind Mapping tools.
WriteMapper - Get from idea to final draft in no time.
XMind - The most popular mind-mapping tool on the planet.
Simple Diagrams - A desktop app for creating hand-drawn-like, fast, clear sketches of problems, processes, workflows, ideas and more!
yGraph Editor - High quality diagrams made easy.
CleanShot - Discover a superior way to capture your Mac's screen.
Frank DeLoupe - Color-picking tool, supports Retina.
Iconset - Free, cross-platform and fast SVG icon organizer and manager for Mac and Windows.
Iconjar - Icon management tool to organize or search your icons.
Mark Man - Measure & Spec Fast.
Nucleo - Icon manager. Import, export, customize and convert icon libraries.
Preset Brewery - Tool to convert Lightroom presets to Adobe Camera Raw.
RightFont - Preview, sync, install and manage fonts on Mac, Dropbox or Google Drive.
Sip - The best way to collect, organize & share your colors.
Snagit - Simple, Powerful Screen Capture Software and Screen Recorder.
Preset Brewery - Tool to convert Lightroom presets to Adobe Camera Raw.
Discord - All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
Gitter - Instant messaging and chat room system for developers as well as GitHub users. Developer friendly with Markdown syntax support.
Krisp - An AI-powered noise cancelling app that mutes background noise during calls.
Muzzle - A simple mac app to silence embarrassing notifications while screensharing.
Skype - Cross-platform application that provides video chat and voice call services. Users can exchange images, text, video and any other digital documents.
Shift - De-clutter your desktop workspace and streamline your accounts, apps, and workflows.
Stack - Open, organize and use multiple web apps on a single screen. Stack your apps by categories or projects.
Telegram - Messaging app with a focus on speed and security.
Airmail - Fast email client. For both Mac OS and iOS.
MailTags - Use tags to organize email and schedule.
Postbox - Powerful, simple and beautiful email client, need to pay for a license.
Flow - Award-winning, beautiful, fast, and reliable FTP + SFTP client.
Transmit - Highly flexible and intuitive FTP client, supports SFTP, S3 and iDisk/WebDAV.
Data Rescue - Comprehensive and professional data recovery tool for most cases.
DiskWarrior - The world’s most advanced repair and recovery tool for Mac.
R-Studio for Mac - Powerful tool for recovering data on disks, even if their partitions are formatted, damaged or deleted.
SuperDuper! - Painless fully bootable disk backups.
Audio Hijack - Record any application's audio, including VoIP calls from Skype, web streams from Safari, and much more.
DaVinci Resolve - Free, cross-platform video editing, color grading, video effects and audio editing software.
Elmedia Player - This media player is a super versatile app for any file format you probably may think of: FLV, MP4, AVI, MOV, DAT, MKV, MP3, FLAC, M4V are all supported as well as many others.
iFFmpeg - Comprehensive Media Tool for macOS. Making High Quality Video Encoding Accessible for Everyone.
ScreenFlow - Screencasting and video editing software.
Stringed 2 - Music practice software designed to help users learn how to play their favorite songs.
Downie - Video downloader for macOS with support for YouTube and other 1200 sites.
Shuttle - Easy Download Manager for any links.
I recommend using online storage with Mac clients
Arq - Cloud storage backup client that supports AWS, GCP, DropBox, and more.
Carbonite - Carbonite can protect your Mac from all of the most common forms of data loss.
ownCloud - Cloud storage.
(Or you could just use the Mac OS built-in dictionary)
Grammarly - Refine your english
Ludwig - Linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English.
Ludwig - Translate in Safari and any app on macOS between 103 languages.
BlockBlock - Me: "Please alert me whenever anything is persistently installed." BlockBlock: "You got it"
Dylib Hijack Scanner - Simple utility that will scan your computer for applications that are either susceptible to dylib hijacking or have been hijacked.
KextViewer - View all modules on that are loaded in the OS kernel.
KnockKnock - See what's persistently installed on your Mac.
OverSight - Monitor mic and webcam, alerting you when the internal mic is activated, or whenever a process accesses the webcam.
RansomWhere? - Generic Ransomware Detection.
TaskExplorer - Explore all processes running on your Mac with TaskExplorer.
What's Your Sign? - Adds menu item to Finder.app to display the cryptographic signing information for any file.
Shimo - VPN Client for Mac.
Tunnelbear - Really simple VPN to browse the web privately & securely. Unblock websites around the world with applications for Mac, PC, iOS, Android & Chrome.
Windscribe - Gives 10gb per month free on the spot and gives limited(on free) location control. Connection also takes very less time.
Bartender - Organize or hide menu bar icons on your Mac.
Hazel - Automated file organization for your Mac. Responsibly and beautifully designed.
AirServer - Most advanced screen mirroring software receiver for Mac, PC and Xbox One.
2Do - Nice todo app.
Fantastical - The calendar app you won't be able to live without.
OmniFocus - Nice GTD app, made by OmniGroups.
Taskade - Real-time collaborative editor for teams.
TaskPaper - Plain text to-do lists.
Things - Delightful and easy to use task manager. (Award-winning App)
Choosy - UI, URL API and a browser extension set for managing rules where and how to open links.
Keyboard Maestro - Automate routine actions based on triggers from keyboard, menu, location, added devices, and more.
Keytty - App to keep your hands on the keyboard. Move, click, scroll, drag and more with a few strokes.
Lazy - Keyboard-driven commands to manage your surroundings directly from your mac.
Mouseless - Master all of the magic keystrokes for your favorite apps & tools.
OmniPlan - The best way to visualize, maintain, and simplify your projects. Project Management made easy.
Qbserve - Time tracking automation: freelance project tracking, timesheets, invoicing & real-time productivity feedback.
RescueTime - Personal analytics service that shows you how you spend your time and provides tools to help you be more productive.
nnScreenshots - a super easy way to keep a visual record of your productivity to make it easier to fill out timesheets or just to help you review the day. Built in timesheet editor.
Timing - Automatic time and productivity tracking for Mac. Helps you stay on track with your work and ensures no billable hours get lost if you are billing hourly.
Ukelele - Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor.
xScope - Powerful set of tools that are ideal for measuring, inspecting & testing on-screen graphics and layouts.
Z - Powerful way to navigate easily by typing only a string of directory name in terminal instead of typing exact location of director.
contexts - Provides more power than the native Mac Dock. Especially when you have multiple screens, it can help you switch more quickly.
Divvy - Window management at its finest with its amazing Divvy Grid system.
Hummingbird - Easily move and resize windows without mouse clicks, from anywhere within a window.
Moom - Allows you to easily move and zoom windows, or to another display—using either the mouse or the keyboard.
SizeUp - Powerful, keyboard-centric window management.
Total Spaces - Provides window management much like ubuntu. Creates hotkeys for workspaces which allows you to easily move around.
1Password - Cross-platform password management tool.
LastPass - Password management tool for Mac OS and browser.
fman - The first dual-pane file manager to integrate features from Sublime Text.
ForkLift - The most advanced dual pane file manager and file transfer client for macOS.
Path Finder - File management app.
TotalFinder - Chrome-styled Finder substitute.
One Switch - Mac menu bar app that adds various switches to the Mac's menu bar.
coconutBattery - Shows live information about the battery in your Mac. Includes: manufacture date, capacity, cycle count, battery status, temperature, discharging power.
Coolant - Menubar app that lets you know when an app is consuming 100% CPU or more than a gigabyte of memory (or any arbitrary limits you choose).
DaisyDisk - Gives a great overview of disk usage. Can also make more disk-space available by cleaning up your disk.
HTML5 Player - HTML 5 video player. Keep your Mac from "burning".
iStat Menus - Advanced Mac system monitor on the menubar.
Monity - System monitoring widget for OS X.
Paragon NTFS - Read/write access to NTFS in macOS Sierra.
Sensei - Sensei is a multi-tool for Mac performance, with features spanning across both hardware and software.
SSH Tunnel - Application for managing SSH connections.
TG Pro - Temperature monitoring, fan control & hardware diagnostics to help keep your Mac cool and healthy.
Tuxera NTFS - Full read-write compatibility with NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac.
Overkill - Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone.
AnyDesk - Provides Remote access across multiple machines.
RealVNC - The original and best software for remote access across desktop and mobile.
Chirper - A simple and tiny menu bar app for Buffer/Twitter that helps you tweet your thoughts without opening anything.
QuicklookStephen - Preview plain text files without or with unknown file extension. such as README、INSTALL、Capfile、CHANGELOG...brew cask install qlstephen
If you come across websites offering pirated software or cracks, please post HERE. We love apps, but only authentic ones. :)
Setapp - The best apps for Mac in one suite.
Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites
MacUpdate Desktop - Simplifies finding, buying and installing apps for your Mac.
Here are some of the major software download sites, there are a number of OSX Mac software sites
alternativeTo - Also a very nice community. If you are looking for some alternative apps FOR Windows or another platform, check this site.
Slant - I personally recommend this. This is a platform where you can compare apps side-by-side, you might get an idea by seeing other users recommendations. Please contribute if you find an application from this list!
App Shopper:http://appshopper.com/
Other sites like MacStories, LifeHacker, ProductHunt are great resources.
Refuse piracy from me. Software vendors can go to these places rights.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 Become a backer
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Atom - Hackable text editor for the 21st century made by GitHub. Atom Plugins.
Bear Writer - Beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose.
Brackets - A modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
CotEditor - Lightweight plain-text editor for macOS.
Emacs - A popular text editor used mainly on Unix-based systems by programmers, scientists, engineers, students, and system administrators.
LightTable - The next generation code editor.
micro - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor.
ONI - IDE powered by Neovim.
Sublime Text - Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance, Sublime Text Plugins.
TextMate - Editor that brings Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors.
Vim - Highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient, Vim Plugins.
Vimr - Refined Vim Experience for OS X.
Visual Studio Code - Microsoft's free & open-source editor, TypeScript friendly, VSCode Plugins.
LibreOffice - LibreOffice is free and open-source software office software. Software is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community.
OpenOffice - Compatible with other major office suites, Apache OpenOffice is free to download, use and distribute.
WPS - Is a cross-platform office software suite.
Pages Documents that stand apart.
Keynote Build stunning presentations.
Numbers Create impressive spreadsheets.
Microsoft Office Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac.
EME - Open-source Markdown editor with an interface like Chrome.
MacDown - Open-source Markdown editor for OS X.
MarkText - Next generation markdown editor, running on platforms of MacOS Windows and Linux.
Marp - Markdown presentation writer with cross-platform support.
TextNut - Rich-format editor featuring Markdown export and Markdown syntax hints.
Typora - Truly minimal Markdown editor featuring seamless live preview.
Agenda - Date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects.
Boostnote - Note-taking app made for programmers.
Dnote - A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync and a web interface.
Evernote - Infamous note-taking app, available on many platforms.
FSNotes - File System Notes is a modern notes manager, native on macOS and iOS.
Joplin - Cross platform open-source notepad with markdown support and todo list manager with synchronisation capabilities.
Notebook Note-taking app.
Notes - Clean, simple note-taking app.
OneNote - Note-taking app by Microsoft.
QOwnNotes - Open-source notepad with markdown support and todo list manager.
Day One - Excellent journaling app using text, photos, video, audio, location data, and more.
Journey - Journaling app with many features and with apps for every platform available.
Calibre - Free and open-source e-book computer software application suite which runs on multiple platforms, allows users to manage e-book collections as well as create, edit, and read e-books.
iChm - Ebook reader for CHM (Microsoft Compiled HTML help) files.
Klib - New way to manage highlights for Kindle and iBooks.
Scribus - Professional layout and publishing software supporting EPS and SVG import/export, and PDF support.
Sigil - Multi-platform EPUB ebook Editor.
Feeds 2 - Keep tabs on your favorite website and RSS feeds from your Mac's menubar.
NetNewsWire - It’s a free and open source feed reader for macOS.
Reeder 4 - News reader for Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler and so on.
Vienna - RSS/Atom reader for Mac OS X.
bindPDF - Combine multiple PDF files into a single PDF file using a friendly UI.
CHM Reader - Read Compiled HTML (.chm) documents on your Mac.
Chmox - Read CHM documents on your Mac.
PDF Reader Pro - You Can view, create, sign, convert and compress any PDF documents.
Skim - PDF reader and note-taker for OS X.
Tad - Application for viewing and analyzing tabular data such as CSV files.
Android Studio - The official IDE for Android, based on Intellij IDEA.
Deco IDE - The best IDE for building React Native apps.
Eclipse - Popular open-source IDE, mainly for Java but with plugin support for a wide array of languages and platforms.
JetBrains Toolbox App - Manage installed JetBrains tools, download new ones and open recent projects.
Haskell for Mac - A Modern Development Environment for Haskell.
NetBeans IDE - Free and open-source IDE, mainly used for Java development, but supports many other languages and frameworks.
Visual Studio Community for Mac - Fully-featured IDE Free for students, open-source and individual developers.
Xamarin Studio - Free cross platform C# IDE. Xamarin Studio supports iOS, Android and .Net development
Xcode - Essential IDE for iOS/macOS development.
BetterRename - The most powerful and complete Mac file renaming application on the market.
Beyond Compare - Compare files and folders using simple, powerful commands that focus on the differences you are interested in and ignore those you are not.
Conduktor - Kafka desktop client.
DiffMerge - Application to visually compare and merge files.
EnvPane - OS X preference pane for environment variables.
FinderGo - Open terminal quickly from Finder.
Finicky - Application that allows you to set up rules that decide which browser is opened for every link that would open the default browser.
Gas Mask - Simple hosts file manager for Mac OS X.
Hex Fiend - Fast and clever open source hex editor.
Hosts.prefpane - System preference pane to manage your hosts file.
iHosts - The only /etc/hosts
editor on Mac App Store.
Integrity - Free website link checker for Mac.
Koala - GUI application for Less, Sass, Compass and CoffeeScript compilation.
LaunchRocket - Brew services management in Mac System Preferences.
Loca Studio - Analyze, review, and edit app translations. Supports Xcode Localization Catalog (xcloc) and XLIFF 1.2 file formats.
Localname - Provide access to your local development server.
MacSystemColors - Mac app that shows all system colors in light and dark mode for Cocoa developers.
MJML - Framework that utilizes a semantic syntax and a rich standard components library, which allow users to easily create responsive emails.
PPRows - Application to calculate how many lines of code you write.
SCM Breeze - Set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git.
Site Sucker - SiteSucker is a Macintosh application that automatically downloads websites from the Internet.
SwitchHosts - Free and open-source app for hosts management & switching.
SYM - GUI Application to symbolicate iOS crash log.
TeXstudio - Integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents.
Touch Bar Simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac.
Woodpecker - View iOS app's Sandbox files, UserDefaults, Keychain items on a Mac.
WWDC - The Mac OS unofficial WWDC app.
zeplin - Collaboration tool for work between designers and developers.
Nib Unlocker - .nib to .xib converter
Cocoa Rest Client - Free, open-source, native Apple OS X app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints.
Insomnia - The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client.
Postman - Powerful GUI platform to make your API development faster & easier, from building API requests through testing, documentation and sharing.
Katalon Studio - Simplify API, Web, Mobile Automation Tests Free. Robust. Cross-platform. Automation testers from 160 countries with YouTube channels, GitHub repositories.
James - Open-source proxy tool for checking and mapping requests with http as well as https.
mitmproxy - Interactive intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
Proxie - HTTP debugging proxy.
Proxyman - Modern and intuitive HTTP debugging proxy for macOS.
Wireshark - The world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
ack - A tool like grep, optimized for programmers.
alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator.
archey-osx - An archey script for OS X.
asciinema - Easily record terminal sessions and replay them in a terminal as well as in a web browser.
autojump - Replace cd
with an intelligent autojump to easily navigate directories from the command line.
bash-it - Shameless ripoff of oh-my-zsh for bash.
bat - A cat(1)
clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
ccat - The colorizing cat which works similar to cat but displays content with syntax highlighting.
cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
cool-retro-term - Good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display.
dark-mode - Control dark mode from the command-line.
Fish Shell - Smart and user-friendly terminal, which is similar with zsh.
fselect - Find files with SQL-like queries.
Glances - Glances is a cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool.
Go2Shell - Go2Shell opens a terminal window to the current directory in Finder.
htop - htop is an interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. It aims to be a better 'top'.
httpie - Modern command line HTTP client – user-friendly curl alternative with intuitive UI, JSON support, syntax highlighting, wget-like downloads, extensions, etc.
hyper - A terminal built on web technologies.
iTerm2 - iTerm2 is an amazing terminal emulator for OS X.
itunes-remote - Software for controlling iTunes via the terminal.
job - JOB, make your short-term command as a long-term job.
kitty - A cross-platform, fast, feature full, GPU based terminal emulator.
lnav - A log file navigator.
m-cli - Swiss Army Knife for macOS.
Mac-CLI - The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. Automatize the usage of your OS X system.
Magic Wormhole - Get Things From One Computer To Another, Safely.
mas - Simple command line interface for the Mac App Store.
Miller - Like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON.
mycli - CLI for MySQL that can do auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
nushell - nushell is a modern, GitHub-era shell written in Rust.
pgcli - Pgcli is a command line interface for Postgres with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
Rebound - Instantly browse Stack Overflow results in your terminal when you get a compiler error.
shallow-backup - Easily create text documentation of installed applications, dotfiles, and more.
silver searcher (ag) - A code searching tool similar to ack, with a focus on speed.
spaceship - A Zsh prompt for Astronauts.
Taskbook - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat.
Terminus - Free terminal tool, built with TypeScript, heavily inspired by Hyper.
Termius - Free terminal tool,comparable to xshell on windows platform.
TextQL - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV.
tmux - "Terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. tmux is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU screen.
tmuxinator - Manage complex tmux sessions easily.
trash - Move files and directories to the trash.
VisiData - Terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data.
Zsh - Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
AppJS - Lightweight JavaScript UI library for creating mobile webapps that behave like native apps.
create-dmg - Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds.
Electrino - Desktop runtime for apps built on web technologies, using the system's own web browser engine.
Electron - Build cross platform desktop application with JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with Angular and open web technologies. One app running on everything.
MacGap - Provides a lightweight JavaScript API for OS X integration, such as displaying native notifications or writing data to a file.
nw.js - Build desktop application with HTML and JavaScript. It lets you call all Node.js
modules directly from DOM and enables a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
React Native for Ubuntu - Build Ubuntu desktop apps using React Native.
React Native macOS - Build OS X desktop apps using React Native and Cocoa.
react-desktop - React UI Components for macOS Sierra.
ReactXP - Microsoft official production, support platform Web, iOS, Android and Windows UWP is still an ongoing work.
Fork - Fast and friendly Git client for Mac.
Git Cola - Powerful, Fast, Lightweight and Friendly Git GUI. For those caffeine adicting users.
Gitbar - Open-source,display Github contribution statistics on your menu bar.
GitFinder - Fast and lightweight Git client for Mac with Finder integration.
GitHub Desktop - The official GitHub GUI.
Hub - Command-line wrapper for Git that makes you better at GitHub.
OhMyStar Beautiful and efficient way to manage, explore and share your Github Stars.
SourceTree - Free Git & Mercurial client for Windows or Mac.
GitUp - A simple & powerful Git client。
Docker - Powerful, performs operating-system-level virtualization.
Vagrant - Tool for building and distributing development environments.
Veertu - The lightest VM on Mac. Responsive, sandboxed & native way to run VM on your Mac.
Virtual Box - Powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product.
Apache Directory Studio - LDAP browser and Active Directory client.
Azure Data Studio - Cross-platform database tool for using on Microsoft family on-premises and cloud data platforms such as MSSQL Server
Bdash - Modern SQL client application, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL (Redshift) and BigQuery.
Chrome MySQL Admin - Powerful Chrome app to manage your MySQL.
Core Data Editor - Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data.
DB Browser for SQLite - Official home of the DB Browser for SQLite.
ElectroCRUD - Modern MySQL CRUD application.
FastoNoSQL - Cross-platform GUI client for Redis, Memcached, SSDB, LevelDB, RocksDB, UnQLite, LMDB, ForestDB, Pika and Dynomite key-value databases.
FastoRedis - Cross-platform professional GUI management tool for Redis.
JackDB - Secure, collaborative environment for your queries and data-driven insights.
Medis - GUI Manager for Redis.
mongoDB.app - The easiest way to get started with mongoDB on the Mac.
MongoDB - MongoDB is a document database with the scalability and flexibility that you want with the querying and indexing that you need.
Navicat Data Modeler - Powerful and cost-effective database design tool which helps you build high-quality conceptual, logical and physical data models.
neo4j - The leading graph database!
pgModeler - is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL.
Postgres.app - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac.
PSequel - PostgreSQL GUI tool for Mac OS X.
RedisClient - Redis client application on mac, windows and linux.
RedisDesktopManager - Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis.
Sequel Pro - MySQL database management for Mac OS X.
SQLight - SQLite database manager tool.
Tableau Public - Free data-visualization software.
TablePlus - Supports: PostgreSQL, MySQL, RedShift, MariaDB... High-end security ensured.
Alchemy - Experimental, open-source drawing application with an emphasis on creating conceptual art.
Blender - Free and open 3D creation software.
Colorpicker - Colorpicker is a complete open-source colors manipulation tool with picking!
Figma - The collaborative interface design tool, for vector graphics and UI prototyping.
FontForge - Free, open-source font editor.
GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Gravit Designer - Full featured free vector design app right at your fingertips.
Inkscape - Professional vector graphics editor.
Krita - Open-source digital painting software for concept artists, digital painters, and illustrators.
macSVG - Designing HTML5 SVG art and animation.
MakeHuman - Powerful and free 3D human modeler.
Monodraw - Powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
Paintbrush - Bitmap image editor.
Pencil2D - A easy, intuitive tool to make 2D hand-drawn animations.
Pixel Perfect - Tool to overlay design images over implementation and make it pixel perfect.
ScreenToLayers- Easily export your screen into a layered PSD file.
Sculptris - 3D sculpting software.
Sketch Cache Cleaner - Deletes hidden Sketch history files that can take a lot of space on your hard drive and that you would probably never use.
Measure Plugin - Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates.
Sketch Toolbox Plugin Manager - Simple plugin manager for Sketch.
User Flows Plugin - Generating flow diagrams from Artboards.
SketchBook - Drawing software for concept design, comic art, and digital sketching.
Vectr - Free graphics editor used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively.
Loremify - Great Lorem ipsum generator.
Marvel - Simple design, prototyping and collaboration.
pencil - Free, open-source tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping.
CloudApp - Work at the speed of sight.
Gifox - Gif Recording and Sharing.
Kap - Open-source screen-recorder built with web technology.
KeyCastr - KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer.
Kyapchar - Simple screen and microphone audio recorder for Mac.
Licecap - Record your screen and export to GIF. You can change the recording area anytime during recording.
Lightshot - The fastest way to take a customizable screenshot.
Monosnap - Make screenshots. Draw on it. Shoot video and share your files. It's fast, easy and free.
ScreenShot PSD - Capture the screen as a layered PSD for easy editing.
Skitch - Screen capture application with a powerful annotation capabilities.
Snip - Application for sharing captured images on QQ Mail.
Snipaste - Simple but powerful snipping tool.
Teampaper Snap - Let your screenshots speak up.
Xnip - Handy Screenshot App.
APNGb - PNG image assembler/disassembler app.
Assetizr - Resizing images and optimising them for web and mobile applications.
Couleurs - Simple app for grabbing and tweaking the colors you see on your screen.
HEIC Converter - Convert HEIC images to JPEG or PNG.
IconKit - App icon generator.
Image2icon - Create and personalize icons from your pictures.
ImageAlpha - Compress images with PNG format and remove transparency.
ImageOptim - Compress images and remove EXIF information.
iPic - Easily upload images with Markdown supported.
JPEGmini - Reduce image size by up to 80%, without compromising quality.
Resize Master - Batch resize and watermark your images fast and easy.
Spectrum - Easily and intuitively creating beautiful color schemes.
svgus - Organize, clean and transform your SVGs.
TinyPNG4Mac - Open-source tool to compress images.
Tropy - Research Photo Management.
PicGo - Support for common cdn image hosting tool.
Assetizr - Resizing images and optimising them for web and mobile applications.
AppIconBuilder - Export icons for multi-platform
uPic - macOS native app, powerful terse image hosting client.
Adium - Free instant messaging application for Mac OS X. Connect to AIM, MSN, SMPP, Yahoo and more.
Caprine - Third-party privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app.
DingTalk - Free, powerful and professional office tool used by over 5 million enterprises and organizations globally.
Franz - Electron based, multi-protocol wrapper for web-based chat. One application, 23 messenger services.
Keybase - Secure groups, files, and chat for everyone!
LimeChat - Open-source IRC client for Mac OS X.
Messenger For Mac - Third-party Facebook messenger for Mac.
Rambox - Messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one.
Riot - Create, share communicate. Chat and call securely.
Signal Desktop - Fast, simple, secure. Privacy that fits in your pocket.
Slack - Awesome tool for team collaboration and communication.
Teambition - Team collaboration tool, including many features like task plan, schedule, file sharing, instant discussion and everything you need when collaborating with other team members.
Textual - Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
WeChat - Official WeChat app for Mac.
WeeChat - The extensible command-line chat client.
WhatsApp Desktop - Available in the Mac App Store, Whatsapp for Desktop.
Foxmail - Fast email client.
N1 - Extensible, open-source mail app, free for developers and $7/month for Pro.
Nylas Mail - Extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
Polymail - Simple, beautiful and powerful email client.
Spark - Fast email client. For both Mac OS and iOS.
ThunderBird - Software that makes email easier.
Cyberduck - Free FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, S3, Backblaze B2, Azure and OpenStack Swift browser.
Fu - Upload images/files to remote server in exchange for url for file sharing.
Adapter - Free audio, video and image conversion software.
Aegisub - Free, cross-platform open source tool for creating and modifying subtitles. Aegisub makes it quick and easy to time subtitles to audio, and features many powerful tools for styling them, including a built-in real-time video preview.
Audio Profile Manager - Allows you to pin input/output devices for each particular combination of connected devices. May suppress HDMI displays from being chosen.
Ardour - Cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
Audacity - Free, open-source, cross-platform audio software for multi-track recording and editing.
Carol - A minimal and beautiful lyrics app for macOS.
Cog - Free, open-source audio player.
Gifski - Convert videos to high-quality GIFs.
HandBrake - Tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.
Hydrogen - Professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming for GNU/Linux.
IINA - The modern video player for macOS. Based on mpv, the powerful media player project.
Kodi - Award-winning free and open-source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more.
LMMS Formerly "Linux MultiMedia Studio", LMMS is a powerful Digital Audio Workstation designed like FL Studio (formerly Fruity Loops).
LosslessCut - Cross platform tool for quick and lossless video and audio trimming using ffmpeg.
LyricsX - Lyrics for iTunes, Spotify and Vox.
Metadatics - Advanced Audio Metadata Editor.
Mixxx - The most advanced free DJ software.
Movie Catcher - Movie movie and online viewing offline download software, with Baidu cloud to make offline download and online playback.
mpv - Free, open-source, and cross-platform media player.
MuseScore - Free, open-source music notation software.
Natron - Open-source compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionality to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
Perian - (No longer under active development) Let QuickTime play all the common formats of free plug-ins.
Playback - Experimental video player.
Popcorn Time - Watch torrent movies instantly, This Popcorn Time service will never be taken down. Download and enjoy.
Shotcut - Free open-source video editor.
Soda Player - Player that can play seed, magnetic links, online video, automatic captions, links and local video files.
Sonora - Minimal, beautifully designed music player.
SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar.
Stremio - Movies, TV shows, series, live television or web channels like YouTube and Twitch.tv - you can find all this on Stremio.
Synfig Studio - Synfig Studio is free, open-source 2D animation software.
VLC - Free, open-source, cross-platform multimedia player as well as framework that plays most multimedia files, DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs and various streaming protocols.
VOX Player - High-definition audio player for Mac and iPhone. Music just sounds better!
XLD - Tool to decode, convert and play various 'lossless' audio files.
MusicPlus - Search, play & download music for free.
aria2 - Lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source command-line download utility.
Deluge - Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client.
FOLX - Free download manager for Mac OS X with a true Mac-style interface.
Free Download Manager - Powerful, modern download accelerator and organizer for Windows and Mac. (FREE)
JDownloader - Free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be.
Motrix - Motrix is a full-featured download manager that supports downloading HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent, Magnet, Baidu Net Disk, etc.
qBittorrent - A project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent.
Transmission - Fast, easy, free BitTorrent Client.
You-Get - Tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from the web.
youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Dropbox - File hosting service that offers cloud storage and file synchronization with collaborative edit features.
Mega - Free cloud service, offers 50GB free storage.
NextCloud - Actively maintained fork of ownCloud, faster and completely open-source
Seafile - Reliable and High Speed File Sync and Share.
Kawa - Better input source switcher for OS X.
Rocket - Makes typing emoji faster and easier using Slack-style shortcuts.
Touch Emoji - emoji picker for MacBook Pro Touch Bar.
Type2Phone - Use Your Mac as Keyboard for iPhone, iPad & Apple TV.
Brave - Web browser with an emphasis on privacy and speed.
Chrome - Chrome, developed by Google
Chromium - Open-source, free web browser project by Google, to provide the source code for Google Chrome.
Microsoft Edge — Microsoft Edge, based on Chromium, but built by MS
Firefox - Meet Firefox Quantum. Fast, free, open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation.
Safari - Native browser for Macs.
TorBrowser - Anonymity Online. Protect your privacy. Defend against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
Vivaldi - The browser that puts you in control.
iTranslate - Translate entire website instantly with its built-in browser or with iTranslate Safari extension into over 40 languages.
macOS Quick Lock - The easiest file encryption tool you'll ever use. Tightly integrated with macOS, and open-source so you can trust it.
LinkLiar - Link-Layer MAC spoofing GUI for macOS.
LockDown - Open-source tool for El Capitan that audits and remediates security configuration settings.
LuLu - is the free macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
MalwareBytes - Malwarebytes crushes the growing threat of Mac malware, so you are protected and your machine keeps running silky smooth. Cybersecurity smart enough for the Mac.
stronghold - Easily configure MacOS security settings from the terminal.
Algo - Personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud.
tigerVPN - VPN Client for Mac.
Lantern - Free application that delivers fast, reliable and secure access to the open internet.
ShadowsocksX-NG - Next generation of ShadowsocksX.
ShadowsocksX - Secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your internet traffic.
SpechtLite - Rule-based proxy app for macOS.
Surge - Web developer tool and proxy utility for iOS 9.
tinc - Secure mesh VPN software.
Tunnelblick - Free, open-source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X.
V2rayU - Macos client based on v2ray.
ClashX - A rule based proxy For Mac base on Clash.
ClipMenu - Clipboard manager for Mac OS X.
Clipy - Clipy is a Clipboard extension app for macOS. Based on ClipMenu.
CopyQ - Clipboard Manager with Advanced Features.
iPaste - Lightweight and efficient clipboard tool.
Paste - Smart clipboard history & snippets manager.
PasteBot - Powerful clipboard manager.
Flycut - Clean and simple clipboard manager for developers.
Anvil - Anvil is a beautiful menubar app for managing local websites. Serve up static sites and Rack apps with simple URLs and zero configuration.
BeardedSpice - Allows you to control web based media players (SoundCloud, YouTube, etc) and some native apps with the media keys on Mac keyboards.
BitBar - Place the output from any script or program right in your Mac OS X menu bar.
Dato - A better menu bar clock with calendar, events, and time zones.
Dozer - Hide MacOS menubar items.
Eye Timer - Take Breaks to prevent Eye Strain timer for Mac.
Hidden - A ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons.
iGlance - macOS System Monitor for the Status Bar.
Itsycal - Tiny calendar for your Mac's menu bar.
Streaker - GitHub contribution streak tracking menubar app.
Vanilla - Hide menu bar icons on your Mac.
BetterZip 3 - Archive tool supports ZIP, TAR, TGZ, TBZ, TXZ (new), 7-ZIP, RAR.
eZip - An easy to use, feature-rich archiver for macOS. Supports popular formats such as RAR, ZIP, 7Z, BZ2, GZ etc. Works great with Mojave dark-mode and QuickLook.
Keka - file archiver for macOS. Compression: 7Z, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ LZIP, DMG, ISO. Extraction: 7Z, ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, LZIP, DMG, ISO, LZMA, EXE, CAB, WIM, PAX, JAR, APK, APPX, CPGZ, CPIO.
muCommander - Lightweight file manager with a dual-pane interface.
PDF Archiver - Nice tool for tagging and archiving tasks.
The Unarchiver - Unarchive many different kinds of archive files.
ControlPlane - Manages configuration profiles for your Mac. Determines where you are or what you are doing based on a number of available evidence sources and then automatically reconfigures your Mac based on your preferences.
DNS Heaven - Unifies macOS DNS so applications using glibc can resolve DNS with the native stack. Mainly for use with VPNs.
HTTrack - Useful tool for downloading a whole website and offline browsing.
Lungo - Prevent your Mac from going to sleep.
Mac Cache Cleaner - Cache cleaner for Mac
MacAssistant - Google Assistant for macOS
Manta - Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates.
Memo - Simple and elegant app. Unlock memos even more quickly using Touch ID.
Numi - Beautiful calculator app for Mac.
SlowQuitApps - An OS X app that adds a global delay of 1 second to the Cmd-Q shortcut.
Torimori Sweeper - MacOS app that lets you declutter your Downloads, one file at a time.
Day-O 2 - Menu bar clock replacement with built-in calendar.
Focus - Beautiful pomodoro-based time manager.
Microsoft To-Do - Microsoft's successor to Wunderlist.
Nozbe - Powerful GTD app for individuals and teams, with support for every Apple device (Mac, iPhone, iPad, Watch).
Todoist - Cross-platform todo list app.
TickTick - Simple and effective to-do list and task manager that helps you organize all aspects of life.
1440 Minutes Left Today - Keep a track of how many minutes you have left until the day is over, right in your menu bar.
Alfred - Award-winning app which boosts efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac.
BetterTouchTool - Great, feature-packed app that allows you to configure many gestures for your Magic Mouse, Macbook Trackpad, Magic Trackpad and also Mouse Gestures for normal mice.
Hammerspoon - Tool for powerful OSX automation with the Lua scripting engine.
HapticKey - A simple utility application for MacBook with Touch Bar that triggers a haptic feedback when tapping Touch Bar.
HazeOver App that dims your background app windows so you can focus more on your main task!
Hungrymark - Useful app to bookmark your files, folders, and webs, quick access your bookmarks through menu bar
Karabiner - Powerful and stable keyboard customizer for OS X.
Mos - Simple tool can offer the smooth scrolling and reverse the mouse scrolling direction on your Mac.
SensibleSideButtons – Use the side buttons on your mouse to move forward and backward in many apps, like in Windows.
skhd - Simple hotkey daemon for macOS.
Strategr – No-fuss time management app. Stategr helps you maximize your productivity, giving you the quickest and most effective way to time-box your day.
Time Out - Easy break reminders, with micro-break and flexible customization if you want it.
Trello - A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into Kanban boards.
Amethyst - Tiling window manager.
chunkwm - Tiling window manager for macOS based on plugin architecture.
Magnet - Window manager that keeps your workspace organized.
ShiftIt - Managing window size and position in OSX.
Slate - Window management application similar to Divvy and SizeUp (except better and free!). (Needs config file)
Spectacle - (No longer maintained) Move and resize windows with simple and customizable keyboard shortcuts.
yabai - Tiling window manager for macOS. A rewrite of chunkwm, it provides a more seamless integration with the operating system.
Authy - Two-factor authentication token manager that backs up and syncs across your devices.
Bitwarden - Open source password management tool for Mac OS, iOS and browsers.
Buttercup - The Password Manager You Deserve
Dashlane - Cloud-based password manager with award-winning design.
Enpass - Cross-platform password management tool with cloud integration.
Keeweb - Free, cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass.
MacPass - Open-source KeePass Mac OS client.
SafeInCloud - Cross Platform password management, low cost app!
QSpace - A clean and efficient Multi-view File Manager.
XtraFinder - Adds tabs and cut to Mac Finder.
CheatSheet - Hold the ⌘-Key to get a list of all active shortcuts of the current application. It's as simple as that.
f.lux - Makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day.
KeyCastr - Open-source keystroke visualizer.
NightOwl - Automatically switch between macOS Mojave's light and dark themes by time of day or with a menu bar or keyboard shortcut.
Shifty - A macOS menu bar app that gives you more control over Night Shift.
Snap - Launch an app in a snap. Ridiculously easy shortcut management.
Amphetamine - Override your energy saver settings and keep your Mac awake.
AppCleaner - Small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps.
Background Music - Automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
Cleaner for Xcode - Helps make your Xcode faster by removing unwanted and deprecated files.
FruitJuice - Will let you know how long to stay unplugged each day to keep your battery healthy.
gfxCardStatus - Unobtrusive menu bar app for OS X that allows MacBook Pro users to see which apps are affecting their battery life by using the more power-hungry graphics.
Gray - Pick between the light appearance and the dark appearance on a per-app basis with the click of a button.
HandShaker - Mac on the management of Android mobile phone content.
iStats - Command-line tool that allows you to easily grab the CPU temperature, fan speeds and battery information on OSX.
Juice - Make your battery information a bit more interesting.
KeepingYouAwake - Alternative to Caffeine with better support for dark mode in Mac.
Mounty - Tiny tool to re-mount write-protected NTFS volumes under Mac OS X 10.9+ in read-write mode.
NitroShare - Cross-platform network file transfer utility.
Noti - Receive Android notifications on your Mac (with Pushbullet).
OmniDiskSweeper - Shows you the files on your drive, ordered by size. It can be used to find and remove unused files.
OnyX - Multifunction utility to verify disks and files, run cleaning and system maintenance tasks, configure hidden options and more.
Porting Kit - Install Windows® Games inside your Mac.
OpenEmu - A great video game console emulator, supports many different emulators in a single application. (e.g. Sony PSP, GameBoy, NDS and so on)
PPSSPP - A awesome PSP emulator for any OS you can dream of!
TeamViewer - Proprietary computer software package for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer between computers.
Flume - A beautiful Instagram experience for your Mac. The free version is good enough if you only want to do the browsing instead of posting.
Cakebrew - GUI client for Homebrew. Install, check or remove apps, no command-line needed.
Homebrew Cask - Command line installation manager which extends Homebrew and brings its elegance, simplicity, and speed to Mac OS applications and large binaries alike.
Homebrew - The missing package manager for macOS.
MacPorts - Open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system.
Mac Power Users - Learn about getting the most from your Apple technology with focused topics and workflow guests.