We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Public or private harassment
Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at this address. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.
Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.
Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.
Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder.
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/translations.
Awesome AdTech 由 AirGrid 創建和維護,但歡迎社區對此列表的貢獻!只需編輯 README.md(本文檔)並將更改作為拉取請求發送,指南可用 [此處](contributing.md)。
## 內容
📖 閱讀有關 adtech 的所有信息!
AdExchanger - AdExchanger 提供專門針對數據驅動營銷領域的新聞、分析和活動。
ExchangeWire - 跟踪廣告交易和 Exchange 市場。
The Drum - 營銷和媒體行業的新聞,包括故事、求職資源、活動列表。
Digiday - Digiday 創建促進媒體和營銷變革的內容、服務和社區。
✉️ 及時了解直接發送到您收件箱的廣告技術新聞!
AdProfs - 每週日發送一封電子郵件,在 15 分鐘內掌握重要的廣告技術新聞。
🎙️ 所以你是在告訴我你還沒有嘗試過傾聽,並在睡覺時夢想著廣告技術?
ExchangeWire 播客 - ExchangeWire 播客,與他們富有魅力的首席執行官 Ciaran O'Kane。
AdExchanger Podcast - 探索數據驅動的數字媒體和營銷的演變。
👪 通過深入了解廣告技術的人之間的公開討論,探索並學習新事物!
Reddit /r/adops - 一個很棒的 subreddit,有一些精明的討論和超過 13k 的訂閱者。
Reddit /r/adtech - 一個小的 subreddit,有大約 1k 的讀者。
Programmatic Heads - 一個開放的 slack 小組,圍繞 DSP、DMP 等進行了大量討論。
#### 推特
AdExchanger Twitter 目錄 - adtech 相關 Twitter 帳戶的目錄。
展示廣告 - 超過 6 萬粉絲。
## 研究
🔬 通過閱讀最前沿的信息,保持領先地位!
eMarketer - eMarketer 是為需要為未來工作做好準備的商業專業人士尋找數字數據和研究的第一個地方。
OpenSource Mindshare - 目前僅託管一篇關於增強調查數據的研究論文。
LUMA Content - 市場併購活動新聞資源,涵蓋 AdTech 和 MarTech。
🤓 通過從結構化資源中學習來提升您的專業知識!
Jounce Media Black Book - 一套很棒的免費廣告技術入門,但確實需要共享您的電子郵件。
📅 正如任何堅定的行業資深人士所知道的那樣,AdTech 活動主要是關於大量飲酒。下面的列表不是該規則的例外。
💻 AdTech 並不以生產許多開放技術而聞名,但有一些寶石有待發掘!
#### 技術
EdgeKit - 開源、無 cookie 和注重隱私的受眾創建和貨幣化。
Nameles - 基於熵的無效流量檢測和投標前過濾。
Prebid.js - 流行的標頭投標包裝器。
RTB Kit - RTBkit 是一個開源軟件包,允許您為展示廣告創建和部署實時投標人。
Revive Adserver - 世界上最流行的免費、開源廣告服務系統。
BidMachine Ad Exchange - 開源移動廣告交易平台。
#### 數據
Terabyte Click Logs - 訓練大規模學習點擊率 (CTR) 預測模型的 ML 模型。
反事實學習數據集 - 訓練和評估從記錄的用戶交互數據中學習的反事實模型,以構建交互式系統,例如搜索引擎和推薦系統。
Kaggle 點擊預測 - 從小於 50 MB 的數據集預測展示廣告的點擊率。
第三方腳本 - 描述哪些第三方實體對網絡上過度執行 JavaScript 負有最大責任的數據。
## 隱私
🛡️ AdTech 是一個相當侵入性的行業,但目前的趨勢是更加註重隱私的產品和方法。
谷歌隱私沙盒 - 隱私沙盒項目的使命是“創建一個尊重用戶和默認隱私的繁榮網絡生態系統。”
Google FLOC - 最先進的沙盒提案,旨在取代跨站點行為受眾。
A curated list describing the technology behind advertising!
Whilst advertising is a broad field, this awesome list describes specifically the technology behind it. In this list, expect to learn about the software, datasets, and other technology that brands and agencies use to perform their digital advertising activities!
Awesome AdTech was created and is maintaned by AirGrid, but contributions from the community to this list are welcome! Just edit the README.md (this document) and send the changes as a pull request, guidelines are available here.
📖 Read about all things adtech!
AdExchanger - AdExchanger provides news, analysis and events dedicated to the data-driven marketing space.
ExchangeWire - Tracking Ad Trading and the Exchange Marketplace.
The Drum - News for the marketing and media industries, with stories, job search resources, events listing.
Digiday - Digiday creates content, services and community that foster change in media and marketing.
✉️ Stay up to date with ad-tech news sent directly to your inbox!
AdProfs - Stay on top of important ad tech news in fewer than 15 minutes with one email every Sunday.
🎙️ So you're telling me you haven't tried listening, and dreaming about adtech as you sleep?
ExchangeWire Podcast - ExchangeWire podcast, with their charismatic CEO Ciaran O'Kane.
AdExchanger Podcast - Explore the evolution of data-driven digital media and marketing.
👪 Geek out and learn something new, with open discussions between those deeply into ad-tech!
Reddit /r/adops - A great subreddit, with some shrewd discussion and > 13k subscribers.
Reddit /r/adtech - A small subreddit, with ~1k readers.
Programmatic Heads - An open slack group, with plenty of discussion around DSPs, DMPs, etc.
AdExchanger Twitter Directory - A directory of adtech related twitter accounts.
Display Advertising - Over 60k followers.
🔬 Stay ahead of the game, by reading from the bleeding edge!
eMarketer - eMarketer is the first place to look for data and research on digital for business professionals who need to be prepared for the work ahead.
OpenSource Mindshare - Currently hosting just a single research paper on augmentation of survey data.
LUMA Content - The go to resource for market M&A activity news, covers both AdTech & MarTech.
🤓 Level up your expertise, by learning from structured resources!
Jounce Media Black Book - A great set of free adtech primers, but does require sharing your email.
📅 As any hardened industry veteran would know, AdTech events are mainly about copious consumption of alcohol. The list below is not an exception to that rule.
ad:tech - A trade show happening across the globe each year.
Mobile World Congress - Mobile focused event in Barcelona.
Advertising Week - Global event, with strong lienup of speakers and great parties.
💻 AdTech is not known for producing many open technologies, but there are a few gems to uncover!
EdgeKit - Open source, cookie-less and privacy focused audience creation & monetisation.
Nameles - Entropy based invalid traffic detection and pre-bid filtering.
Prebid.js - Popular header bidder wrapper.
Index Wrapper - Header bidder wrapper released for verification by the community rather than usage.
RTB Kit - RTBkit is an open-source software package that allows you to create and deploy a Real Time Bidder for display advertising.
Revive Adserver - The world's most popular free, open source ad serving system.
BidMachine Ad Exchange - Open source mobile ad exchange.
Terabyte Click Logs - Train ML models that learn click-through rate (CTR) prediction models at scale.
Counterfactual Learning Dataset - Train and evaluate counterfactual models that learn from logged user-interaction data, to build interactive systems such as search engines and recommendation systems.
Kaggle Click Prediction - Predict CTR on display ads, from a dataset < 50 MB.
Third Party Scripts - Data describing which third party entities are most responsible for excessive JavaScript execution on the web.
🛡️ AdTech is a fairly intrusive industry, but the current trend has been towards more privacy focused products and methods.
Google Privacy Sandbox - The Privacy Sandbox project’s mission is to “Create a thriving web ecosystem that is respectful of users and private by default.”
Google FLOC - The most advanced of the Sandbox proposals, aims to replace cross site behavioural audiences.
Community name that is currently listed:
Describe the issue: Is there an invite link that is invalid, or notable channels need to be updated?
Expected: What do you want to replace the community with regarding the aforementioned issue?
Additional context:
By participating in this project you agree to follow the contributor code of conduct. From here on, the word server and community will be used interchangeably and will mean the same thing.
To include a community to the list, fork this project and add your server under a section or subsection, or you can include a new section if need be, then create a pull request. Make sure your proposal meets these requirements below, if you've Python installed you can take advantage of this script.
✅ Each community follows this template
✅ Community icon is optimized with WebP, with 75% lossy quality, and at least 128x128
pixel in resolution with moderate PPI
✅ Community name does not contain any emoji (discouraged)
✅ Invite link is permanent, generated from Discord platform itself, or URL whose domain is owned by you that eventually with or without captcha verification redirects to Discord invite page. No third-party URL domain allowed that isn't owned by your community, this includes link shorteners.
Allowed: https://discord.com/invite/123abc
by community A
Allowed: https://b-community.com/discord-invite
by community B when B owns b-community.com
Not Allowed: https://discord-links.com/community-c-invite
by community C when C doesn't own discord-links.com
✅ Badges are properly placed and aligned
If you're unsure about whether a badge applies to your community, leave it excluded. After PR submission, a reviewer will let you know about missing badges, or ask the reviewer.
✅ Notable Channels
contain the most important and active channels, no off-topic or informational channels, and does not necessarily take up too much space.
, #rules
, #roles
, etc., are informational channels and common across all communities, therefore they shouldn't be included.
, #chat
, #tech-talk
, etc., casual conversation channels can be included if they aren't meant for off-topic discussions.
Support channels: #help
, #support
, #beginners
, etc., should be included. If there are multiple support channels with character suffix/prefix, e.g.: #help-1
, #help-2
, #help-3
-- instead of including them all, just enter #help
. But if the suffixes present clear distinction between their topics, i.e., #help-software
, #help-hardware
-- software and hardware represent two different topics, then both of them can be included.
Channels that have barely any activity shouldn't be included, even if they're on-topic. E.g., if #help-software
has regular activity, but #help-hardware
has little to no activity, then only #help-software
should be included.
Off-topic channels: #off-topic
, #water-cooler
, #random
, #memes
, etc., shouldn't be included.
Moderation channels, bot channels, feedback channels shouldn't be included.
Events or events discussion channels can be included.
✅ Language
only contains spoken written languages that the community has active channels for
English: If only English language is encouraged
English, Deutsch, español: If there are active channels for all three languages
Deutsch: If only German language is encouraged
Don't include languages that has little to no conversation activity in any channel
✅ Moderation team is regularly active
✅ Community is active on a daily or semiweekly basis
✅ All public channels follow Discord community guidelines and ToS
Awesome Discord Communities list hosts the server icon images in its own repository. This allows reduced time to cache and faster rendition by the browser. Discord hosts the icon files as png
which can take quite a lot of space and make the README page a lot heavier. Thus, webp
was adopted. You can convert your png/jpg
icon in the any of the following ways:
Easy WebP Conversion: Drop or paste your png/jpg
icon on Sqoosh. Squoosh is open-source and does image compression on the client-side. Once loaded, by default, the original image preview is on the left side of the draggable vertical bar, and the compressed image preview is on the right. From the right 'Compress' sidebar select 'WebP', and drag the 'Quality' slider to 75. You can now download the image.
CLI WebP Conversion: If you prefer command line WebP conversion, you can use native cwebp
by Google. It does require installing the library to your system. Use -q
option with value 75
If you've found an issue with an existing server or have a suggestion to make to improve this list, feel free to file an issue here.
Review policy is meant for reviewers, not necessarily for contributors. There is no real metric provided by Discord that can be used by anyone to evaluate a server. However, a maintainer will manually review the community for a period of time (1-4 days) before it can be accepted.
As an initial requirement, only technical or technology-related communities are considered. A community that is meant for people to hang out with no real active support channel will not be considered as technical. There are certain categories a technical community can be attributed to. Generic, Niche, and Project. There are a few distinct requirements for each of them.
Generic servers try to address multiple-technical-domains-in-one instead of a single specific domain, i.e., a server that offers support for all programming languages vs. a server that offers Java only. These communities are most likely to attract a lot of people in a short period, and more likely to be short-lived as it gets more and more difficult to maintain over time. For this reason, a stricter requirement, a generic server needs to be at least a year old with active moderation and messaging activity on a daily basis (excluding the off-topic channels). This specific precondition affects generic servers only.
Niche servers are the opposite of Generics, they're geared toward a smaller domain. The required minimum age is six months. Communities related to cryptocurrencies are often prone to the risk of getting hacked, for this reason, for now, only open-source owned official cryptocurrency servers will be allowed.
Project servers are part of associated communities of open-source projects or content creators (e.g., Twitch streamers, YouTube creators). Since the activity and growth of the server depend on the creators' contents, they can be accepted as soon as there is daily or semiweekly activity. If you maintain an open-source project you might also be interested in Discord's own open-source recognition.
Icon mockup is made by Darius Dan.
Answers to a few common questions that may come to your mind while exploring this awesome list:
From :
Discord is a proprietary freeware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for creating communities ranging from gamers to education and businesses. Discord specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Discord runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers. As of 21 July 2019, there are over 250 million users of the software.
Or as I once heard from a critique:
Discord is just IRC with extra features.
A server in Discord mainly refers to the community itself.
Neither I nor any part of this project is affiliated with Discord in any way.
A straight-forward starting point for building a great website on the HubSpot CMS.
| |
The is designed to offer developers a head start in the website building process. While the HubSpot CMS Boilerplate represents HubSpot's opinionated best practices, we intend to learn from similar projects and feedback. We hope it offers inspiration and utility for all website projects!
Before getting started, you will need to have installed, the installed, and we strongly suggest that you set up a for your QA/testing environment.
Navigate to the directory that you want to use for your project
Run hs create website-theme <directory>
to create a project from the HubSpot CMS Boilerplate
the local development tools for the portal(s) you'd like to use for your project.
Run hs watch --portal=<portal> src <directory> --initial-upload
to upload all the files in the project and to files in the src
Please reference our and our articles for more information.
Update the name of the directory that you'll be deploying to in your Design Manager in the .github/workflows/deploy.yml
file (the current default dest_dir
is cms-theme-boilerplate
Deploy changes to your Design Manager by pushing to the main
branch of your forked repository
<p對齊=“中心”> 在 HubSpot CMS 上構建出色網站的直接起點。
<p對齊=“中心”> | |
[](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate/commits /主要的) [](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate/圖表/貢獻者) [](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate /觀察者) [](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate /觀星者) [](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate /網絡/成員) [](https://website.grader.com/tests/boilerplate.hubspotcms .com) [](https://developers.google.com/web/工具/燈塔) [](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate/blob/main/執照)
## 目的
旨在為開發人員在網站構建過程中提供先機。雖然 HubSpot CMS 樣板代表了 HubSpot 固執己見的最佳實踐,但我們打算從類似的項目和反饋中學習。我們希望它為所有網站項目提供靈感和實用性!
## 入門
在開始之前,您需要安裝 、[HubSpot CMS CLI](https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/cms/guides/getting- started-with-local-development#install-dependencies) 已安裝,我們強烈建議您為您的質量保證/測試環境。
運行 hs create website-theme <directory>
從 HubSpot CMS Boilerplate 創建一個項目
門戶的本地開發工具( s) 你想用於你的項目。
運行hs watch --portal=<portal> src <directory> --initial-upload
上傳項目中的所有文件並【關注變化】(https://developers.hubspot.com/docs/ cms/developer-reference/local-development-cms-cli#watch) 到 src
請參考我們的__ 和我們的_[本地開發入門](https: //designers.hubspot.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-local-development)_ 文章了解更多信息。
HubSpot CMS Boilerplate 存儲庫和[clone](https://help. github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository) 你的分叉存儲庫到你的計算機
[在您的分叉存儲庫中設置 GitHub 機密以加密敏感信息以防止公開顯示](https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/creating-and-storing-encrypted-秘密)用於HUBSPOT_PORTAL_ID
在 .github/workflows/deploy.yml
文件中更新您將在設計管理器中部署到的目錄的名稱(當前默認的 dest_dir
是 cms-theme-boilerplate
## 時尚指南
## 社區
您可以在 [HubSpot Developer Slack] (https://designers.hubspot.com/slack) 的 #hs-cms-boilerplate 頻道中了解 HubSpot CMS 樣板的更新和討論。
## 執照
Servers are assigned one or more badges that they conform to. Some badges may redirect to external links that the servers own and generally refer to, e.g., a homepage or official repository. A badge doesn't necessarily mean that the server is better than the others; it is to represent a server's validity, activity, and wiki. Badges selected for a server doesn't relate to .
The server is owned or moderated by an established and registered organization, a company, project members with sufficient headcount. The points to its identity.
The server is owned and moderated by moderators of a preexisting forum, though not all subreddit moderators may be involved. The server is officially recognized as an associate community by the subreddit.
Official website of the server, it's a clickable badge. The webpage may contain helpful information about the server, knowledgebase, donation information, social media links, et cetera.
The server has an open git repository, may contain useful resources, Discord bot source code, and other developments. This clickable badge redirects to the hosted repository e.g., GitHub, Gitlab.
Some servers contain these tags. Tags are nothing but a reference to something generic to save content space.
so much more
A community with a wide range of topics, each of them is equally productive in activities. It has so many active channels that it's impossible to squeeze in all of them in Notable channels
It has been raised many times about the , , , and on a national newspaper. As much as I'd like to hate Discord because of this, it's hard to deny the wonderful growing communities that are no less productive than their counterparts in another privacy-focused platform. That alone encouraged me to create this list.
Discord has a spiffy guide for and . Like any other platform, Discord is often targeted for malicious attacks, but with a little caution, you'll be safe as houses.
You may have come around websites that are known for listing Discord communities for showcasing and promotional purposes. This list is not one of them. Each community here is hand-picked, reviewed by a maintainer, and meets , e.g., activity vs. productivity ratio, the support channels dedicated to users, friendliness -- before they can be accepted, whereas the listing websites often require servers to link closed-source bots that may collect user data and no manual review against possible toxic communities.
It was intentional since the very first . Unlike other listings in Awesome lists, Discord communities are much more diverse, asymmetrical, and miscellaneous. E.g., the community and are both independent and prominent, neither of them offers only one type of support. Rather, any general support relating to game development. A one-liner description would seem vague to the users. The differences that stand between the two servers are their channels and the spoken languages that they offer. This is true for 53% of all communities, but the channels don't always necessarily explain "what this community is." It was the biggest challenge to making this list. Instead of a description to define a community alongside its channels, languages, and at the same time to not condense the list -- were adopted, notably, the , which on click takes you to the community-owned website. Other badges serve relevant features as well. Feel free to if a new submission doesn't fit within this structure.
Refer to the page. As for now, the pull requests aren't automated.
If you have found a typo or maybe an invalid invitation link, you can open a new issue , I'll try to fix it soon as possible.
I understand isn't the best open-source license, the only restriction is: it requires the user to attribute the owner. By mentioning the name awesome-discord-communities
(along with its GitHub ) anywhere on a separate attribution page or on the same page where you have used the list is enough and meets the proper validity in my eyes.
the HubSpot CMS Boilerplate repository and your forked repository to your computer
Please reference our and for more information.
For details about the HubSpot CMS Boilerplate's recommended best practices and code formatting, please reference our .
If you’re interested in contributing to the HubSpot CMS Boilerplate, please read and to see how you can report an issue, make a feature request, or make a pull request.
Previous releases and their documentation are available for . To provide transparency into future releases, we create a project board that documents our planning in preparation for each .
You can stay up to date with HubSpot CMS Boilerplate updates and discussions in the #hs-cms-boilerplate channel in the .
The code is available under the
請參考我們的 和_[使用 GitHub 操作文章設置與 GitHub 存儲庫的持續集成](https:// /designers.hubspot.com/tutorials/github-integration)_ 了解更多信息。
有關 HubSpot CMS Boilerplate 推薦的最佳實踐和代碼格式的詳細信息,請參考我們的 。
如果您有興趣為 HubSpot CMS 樣板做出貢獻,請閱讀 和 了解如何報告問題、提出功能請求或提出拉取請求。
以前的版本及其文檔可用於 。為了提供對未來版本的透明度,我們創建了一個項目板,記錄我們為每個 [即將到來的主要和次要版本](https://github.com/HubSpot/cms-theme-boilerplate/projects)做準備的計劃。
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一個精心策劃的 HubSpot 教程、模板、網站和其他資源的列表。
SEO里很重要一個方向是內容行銷,這篇文章是反向連結研究大哥Brian Dean寫的關於內容行銷的建議。
Last updated: October 5, 2020. 了解每個行業的吸金能力。
Open Site Explorer/MozBar外掛。
semrush出品的SEO Chrome外掛。
關鍵詞工具,可以查看一些關鍵詞的月搜索量。也可以用Google Ads的Keyword Planner查看關鍵詞的月搜索量。
反向連結研究大哥Brian Dean的部落格。
httparchive出的關於互聯網HTTP相關的一些重要統計數據的報告。 據的報告。
💎 It’s a hand-picked collection of resources for solving practical marketing tasks, such as:
finding beta testers
growing first user base
advertising project without a budget
scaling marketing activities for building constant revenue streams.
We faced these question when we made our first product (a tool for iOS engineers). It took us almost 2 years to learn how to market our project. 😤 During this time we read, tried and bookmarked many useful things: articles, videos, spreadsheets, podcasts & tools. These resources helped us a lot! Please, learn, adapt and test awesome marketing hacks from our collection & experience. Good luck!
Lisa & Ahmed, founders of , tool to verify iOS app according to the design
For getting needed advice, please:
Go through our Table of Contents. To help you navigate, we`ve added brief overviews of every marketing category. Also, content titles are displayed as clearly as possible (so it will tell you the context and how you can benefit from it).
Search for a keyword or phrase (for example, “Product Hunt”, “Facebook”, “Blog”).
Ask on Twitter.
If you have found some great marketing content or tool, please, contribute to Marketing for Engineers collection. Simply submit a Pull Request with respect to our . We would love you to see your suggestions!
Instagram (coming soon)
User research gives you an answer for whom is your product. Analyzing potential users & customers will help to:
understand users' needs, pains, motivations and decision-making process;
outline product roadmap, key features, UI design and UX scenarios for interacting with your product;
define the right marketing message (positioning) and choose marketing channels to spread this message;
make your marketing & communication strategy.
I hope that I have convinced you that user research is very important. After learning these materials you should be able to make user research, create basic Persona and validate it on real people:
A marketing persona, or buyer persona, is a way to segment target market by common characteristics. It is used to guide media campaigns to target the right audience with the appropriate messaging. Buyer personas usually comes from market research. ... If marketing persona is focused on the WHO, a UX persona is more about the HOW. A UX persona, or design persona, can include all the information in buyer persona, but with additional emphasis on the task-oriented user behavior. What a UX persona wants to uncover is all the steps a target user will take to go from point A to point B.
You need to reach your potential users and validate your Persona & hypothesis. You can get real users insight through surveys, interviews, online & offline meetings, chats, Skype calls, checking existing analytics (Google Analytics, social media data), analyzing competitors' customers, ethical googling your users' emails & names and researching them on social media:
👆 User research is an initial part of the customer discovery process. You should not only research your potential users but also test if what you want to build is needed on the market (it’s called Product Market Fit). If you are not familiar with the Lean Startup approach, I advise you to check these resources. It's more startup-oriented, but still relevant for newbie product makers:
📌 Useful tools:
How is your product better than other solutions? What is unique about your side project, open-source tool or mobile app? What do you understand about your business that other companies in it just don't get?
You should have answers to all these questions. Market research will help you out! Personally, I define Market Research as a combination of User Research and Competitor Analysis. The first part we discussed in the section above. And these guides will explain how to research your competitors, catch trends and validate market opportunity:
coming soon
You will find here a collection of free marketing channels for getting the first users. Most of them will take a lot of time & effort, but it will not cost money to do it yourself. Some channels, like Content Marketing or Influencer Marketing, are comprehensively explained in its own directories below. So, get fresh ideas from these real-life stories and think of what could work for your users:
Content marketing is about promotion via content. You can run a personal blog, guest blog or write at platforms, like Medium (or combine it). Focus on how you can help your users with your content. You don't have to be a professional writer for making cool articles. Just give yourself space to be creative and share your expertise.
I encourage you to start doing content marketing by yourself. Outsourcing it can be very tricky, especially at the beginning. 🤔 Firstly, think how your blog or content is you going to stand out. There are plenty of cool blogs in every industry. How are you going to be different? What unique value can you offer to your users? How can you build an engaged readers community? And the most important question is how you will convert readers into leads. With all those considerations, you should create a content strategy:
Start by creating a blog that not only touts your product but offers helpful recommendations, tips & tricks, links, etc. Check what competitors' blogs are publishing, what is popular in the industry and what your users are interested in. Align your article ideas with the content strategy, you have already defined. To get some inspiration scroll these bits of advice:
If you have skipped articles in the Content Marketing section above, I do encourage you to read them! The first 4 articles have excellent frameworks for getting strategic content ideas.
Pick the most appropriate content format — video, list, long-read. Then think about the right headline for driving interest to your great article:
Craft your blog with SEO focus:
📌 Check your grammar and readability! I use these cool apps:
Medium is an online publishing platform with a huge active community. You can make your blog there and engage with your users and Medium readers. You still need to promote your articles yourself. Medium is a high-traffic community, but you are not the only one who competes for attention.
Basics of writing on Medium. How to write, edit, publish and add your article to publications:
Articles, where you can find what topics, titles, collections, tags, categories and post length are popular for Medium readers:
Publishing on Medium or elsewhere removes all your technology hassles. It's a good place to start implementing your content marketing strategy.
You need to promote content on your own blog, Medium or guest platforms. Some ideas how to spread the word about your great articles and make it more shareable:
Content Marketing is not only about getting people to read your amazing articles (and use your product later). It's also about developing and maintaining relationships with the community.
Influencer marketing is focused on working with opinion leaders to drive company message/product/service to the larger market. 📚 These long guides will be good for the start:
You should not be afraid to reach to the cool people. Be helpful, nice and creative:
Case-studies, which can teach and inspire you:
📌 Useful tools:
Social networks. You can find opinion leaders by checking the keywords search, followers number and engagement level.
📌 Useful tools:
Let's start with the basics, which can be used for any social media platform:
📌 Useful SMM toolbox:
I love Twitter as a tool for personal use. Moreover, Twitter has a huge variety of opportunities to promote your product — personal account, company account, Direct Message Marketing, Chats, Adds. Twitter can be used for sharing your articles, connecting with influencers or looking for competitors' customers. As you see, it's a powerful platform for many marketing activities, depending on your goals.
Your personal account can drive traffic to your product and content. While growing your Twitter followers, you increase the media reach you might get. But don't forget, that Twitter is made for people. To be successful there, you need to communicate with your audience just as you would do offline. If your target audience like your tweets and your personality, there’s a higher chance they will trust you and click on your links:
Taking part in Twitter chats is a great way to attract new followers and actively participate in relevant conversations with people from your industry.
There is nothing wrong with automating your Twitter activities. You can schedule posts, automatically send messages and set up rules for auto-engagement with users. However, using automation only 🤖 will hurt your SMM strategy. So mix it with real-time tweeting and being active & helpful with the community:
Direct Message Marketing is about sending personal, mass or automated DMs to your followers. These articles will show you how to use this tool in the right way:
One more option to consider is Twitter Adds. My experience with Twitter adds was not so positive... especially when I set up the first campaign. So be ready to face poor UX, mysterious errors and bad customer support. Anyway, these guides will help you out:
📌 And these tools help you maximize your Twitter presence, from timing to sharing to the analysis:
Facebook has many marketing options that could fit your company focus, budget, and your current knowledge. To target your users there you can work with Personal Profiles, Pages, Groups, and Ads.
🐣 Facebook Pages & Groups:
Facebook Group can help you gather your fans in one place and encourage them to interact with one another. Groups are useful for building an active community of people talking about your product, giving feedback or ideas. It's a good place to have a discussion on betas, coming feature questions, and bugs.
🐤 The Beginner’s Guides to Facebook Advertising. Here you will find step-by-step tutorials for setting up your first ad campaign. I also included articles about ad design, copywriting and typical mistakes. If you have skipped previous content, it will be useful to check posts on the viral headlines in the Personal Blog section and posts in the Social Media Marketing section.
🐔 Advanced reading on Facebook Advertising. May the Force be with you!
Some more cool hacks:
Reddit is one of the most active internet community with its own unique culture. You can get tons of cool information there, great product feedback and first users. :trollface: However, it's better to learn Reddit rules and basics before you get banned:
Guides on promoting and advertising on Reddit:
📌 Useful tools:
I want to tell you a secret: HRs is not the only people who use LinkedIn. With this platform you can build business partnerships, network online, make direct sales and search for investors. LinkedIn is a perfect place for B2B companies and 👔 business professionals. It's also useful for self-branding. For the promotional purpose, LinkedIn has Personal Pages, Company Pages, Groups, and Ads.
Your LinkedIn profile can be a complete sales and marketing tool. It should communicate the value of your product and your expertise to potential partners. These guides and tips will help you out:
🕴️Use LinkedIn for direct sales and getting partners. You can write people via invitation note, direct message, InMail or Group message. You should have clear objectives and know exactly who you want to connect with. Business outreach is common and popular among LinkedIn members, but it should be done in a structural way:
Please, check also Cold Email Marketing section below. Articles there have awesome templates & advice for cold outreach.
📢 LinkedIn Company Pages & Advertising options:
📌 Useful tools:
Quora is a question-and-answer site, where you can get traffic by helping the community:
Lifecycle emails can help you to accomplish almost any marketing goal: onboard new users, increase sales, grow users' engagement, bring back inactive one or build a long-lasting relationship. It's also known as drip marketing or automated email campaigns. To make it simple: it's a set of emails that will be sent out automatically based on schedule, triggers, or user actions. There are four key components for such email campaigns: the right user, goal-oriented topic, good timing and contextual message.
💻 Let's start with onboarding. The goal of it is to increase the number of users who actually use your product (or free trial) and pay for it later. The onboarding process can be done through in-app messages, live chat messages, product tours, welcome modal windows, well-crafted UX or even phone calls. We will focus on onboarding via emails:
🚀 Subscriber emails are good for announcing new feature releases or sharing blog posts. It's also used for sending educational materials or curated content newsletters. All these emails can be an effective tool for growing your existing user's engagement. With newsletters you can gain many email addresses and turn them into users or partners:
📢 Promotional Emails helps you to grow sales:
You should always A/B test your email campaigns: try different subject lines, texts, message styles, images, CTA buttons. Look at your metrics and measure how well each element works:
📚 Want to learn even more about Lifecycle Email Marketing? Read these comprehensive long guides, that contain all types of emails we talk above with examples, tips & trips and recommended tools:
📌 Useful tools:
Update: After GDPR changes, I won't recommend you working with cold email marketing. Most people hate cold outreach and everything connected with direct sales. However, smart user-oriented cold emails can give you new users, partners or recommendations:
:shipit: Learn from fellow entrepreneurs and makers, who run cold email campaigns:
Some more tips & tricks:
📌 Useful tools:
Communication is the key to building any kind of relationship. Every social community has its own rules. Business people will prefer concise value-driven messages when engineers are more open to deep well-thought-out talk. I encourage you to learn these social rules before writing a single line of LinkedIn invitation:
🔎 How and where to find partners:
Check these guides on building partnerships (both for software & physical products):
If you want to make a deeper dive into the user's brain, I will recommend you to learn disciplines on the intersection of marketing. These articles will be a nice starting point:
Scarcity makes us place a higher value on things that are scarce and, over time, has become the go-to method for increasing desirability. It is powerful because it combines multiple biases (Loss aversion, Social proof and Anticipated regret) and it comes in different forms (Time, Quantity and Access).
The business model is the most difficult part of any side-project. It's hard asking people to pay for the product or service. Usually, it's a long journey to discover the right way to build a sustainable profit over time. But business is about making money. So we all need to learn how to choose the right business model & pricing strategy and charge our users:
Marketing automation is about using software to automate marketing tasks, including emails, SMM, user support, ad campaigns, lead management, CRM, analytics, data flows and much more. It includes a set of tools, integrations, and approaches which help to personalize the experience for users and save time. In this section, we will more focus on tools as they help to build that magic automation.
Guides on analytics:
Lisa Dziuba (lisa@flawlessapp.io)
Ahmed Sulaiman (ahmed@flawlessapp.io)
All great articles, awesome tools and other shiny things for growing your products were done by independent authors and companies. All credentials are included.
We would love to add more awesome content, which will answer on other marketing-related questions:
how to validate the idea, before you start coding
how to make a custom support
how to deal with scaling and growth
how to get funding for your project
and some useful blogs, newsletters, courses.
當有了一定的SEO流量(如月PV達1萬),如何將SEO流量變現是個更重要的課題。一般來說我們可以通過廣告平台如Google Adsense整合,這種英文CPM/CPC一般並不高(廣告CPM/CPC取決於網站的內容/地區,不同內容廣告的CPM/CPC範圍介於$0.3-$2/$0.2-$15之間),而中文站的流量廣告價值更低(相比英文站)。
by optinmonster.
by Greg Ciotti.
: how they are similar and different?
on performing . More good videos & guides on UX personas and research methods: ,
Empathy Mapping is one more technique, which widely used in UX for user research. This and will give you good overviews of this approach.
9-min on creating a Persona, when you already have something to analyze: website, followers for your product on Twitter\Facebook, first users or paying customers.
Simple for conducting a thorough buyer's journey study. It's a bit old article, but it has a nice plan for making user research interviews (study) with current or potential users.
will be in use when you actually start talking to the potential user (😤 you must do this).
+ by Steve Blank.
16-min from Stanford online course on Customer Development and Lean Startups.
video from Coursera course. You can watch it without registration.
Google search ( you will find how to make clever googling with advanced search).
and comprehensive how to use it.
LinkedIn search and brief from the LinkedIn team on how to use their new search (it's very easy!).
helps you to find information about email's owners.
The Buyer Persona Word Doc from HubSpot can help you to make the first hypothesis for your persona.
is an easy-to-use, mobile-optimized form-builder that's great for gathering online surveys. You also can use Google Forms for making online surveys.
by photoslurp team.
Useful tools:
is a competitive audit tool to help you find exactly what you’re looking for :slightly_smiling_face:
is an easy way to search anyone on Twitter.
provides detailed info on different sites & overview of their marketing strategy. A free version is pretty good.
is one of the oldest web analytics tools out there, but it’s still a great option with strong free version.
is a nice free tool, which provides real-time search on brand mentions.
With you can find the most shared content for a given topic or competitor. In a free version you will get the full page of content with many filters.
and allow you to find alternatives to any product.
by Paul Graham. He is a co-founder of Y Combinator, a computer scientist, investor, and entrepreneur. Paul shows how such popular companies as Stripe, Airbnb or Facebook got their first users. It's a more philosophical read for helping your brain to think in the right direction.
by Hiten Shah. It highlights a bunch of different ideas to try.
by amazing Ryan Hoover, co-founder of Product Hunt.
by Sergei Gusev. They sent free products (designer fragrance) to the market influencers and got video reviews. It grew their sales dramatically!
by Alex Turnbull, founder of Groove.
by Rand Fishkin. You can gain attention to your company by sharing meaningful opinions and thoughts. Rand Fishkin made an excellent 9-minute video on using this technique 👌.
How to create and to get users for your product. Very clever marketing tips in these The Startup Chat podcasts!
. Sapph shares many smart ways to find leads and pitch them.
by Tucker Schreiber from Shopify. The post is focused on an online stores industry. But the principles of getting free press attention are applicable to any market.
: a practical guide from Dan Counsell, indie developer & agency founder.
and can give you word-of-mouth growth. For inspiration check . These useful guides were prepared by Brandon Gains from Referral Saasquatch.
via Braveen Kumar. Direct offline exposure via foot traffic would suit physical products and brave founders.
when you have a difficult software product with many use cases. It's a great way to show the benefits of your main offering and increase brand awareness. This post shows how to sell Clearbit API-solution via free easy-to-use tools. You can invest your time and make some free stuff as well — UI kits, browser extensions, funny games or open-source tools.
:bowtie: We used many free marketing channels. To be honest, when we started we didn't have other ways. We wrote cold emails, talked to influencers, manually recruited users at events, posted at Facebook groups, worked with developers & designers via Twitter and did many other stuff. These gave us our first 1000 beta users. So it worth trying out!
Before starting ask yourself: (podcast)
by Crazyegg.
by Tyler Hakes.
by Benji Hyam. This post shows how to make the content strategy for a mobile and web-oriented blog.
by Alex Turnbull. An exciting story of how Groove rebuilt their content marketing strategy with the focus on what could actually help their market.
A case study with the framework on by Brian Dean.
by Benji Hyam.
by Devesh Khanal.
by Emil Shour.
by Ilia Markov.
And don't forget to calculate . Devesh Khanal has divided the cost into 3 categories: costs per article, salary costs and technology costs. You can repeat his calculations for your case and get approximate budgets.
by Emily Triplett Lentz from Help Scout team.
. Robert Katai shows how to use tools 🔎 to find out what people are asking about your industry (via keywords).
from Ed Leake. It’s a mix of many topics to write about. Feel free to scroll it and steal relevant stuff.
. As Marko Saric mentioned, 🙏 the perfect topic is found by interlinking your passion and personality with the demand from the market.
by Steve Rayson from BuzzSumo.
from Buffer team.
via KopywritingKourse.
by Danavir Sarria.
by Sean Bestor.
. Ryan Stewart covers more than just making your blog SEO-friendly. Ryan talks about blog strategy, keywords research, and promotion of your blog via building links to posts.
. Marko Saric keeps focus on SEO optimization for WordPress blogs.
. Rand Fishkin advises on which format should you use for your project.
from Nate Shivar. The article will teach you how to prequalify your content ideas with SEO research.
Browser extensions, like .
To check that your content is unique you can use or online tools. I use this .
to your articles.
via Quora.
by Quincy Larson.
Guide from Medium team on (basically, your blog) and nice tutorial by Elizabeth Tobey.
by Levent Aşkan.
by Elizabeth Tobey.
(timing, some promotional tips) by Ali Mese.
by Quincy Larson.
. Learn about every platform before sharing your content there (or you will become a spammer💩). At the end of the article Shafi Khan mentioned other important rules to follow.
. Benji Hyam talks about community-driven content promotion. It means, that you engage with the targeted community and then share your content so that it adds value.
by Kissmetrics team.
. Sarah Peterson shared methods, that will help readers to easily share your posts.
A useful guide on by Brian Dean.
. It's an interesting experiment! Joshua Hardwick cold emailed writers who tweeted similar posts and asked for a promotional tweet. You can try this too.
by Paul Shapiro. 😯 Have you ever tried to include your blog in the UTM parameters of somebody else blog post? Paul will teach you this smart hack.
by Ryan Battles. Does re-publishing strategy lead to growth or penalties? Ryan Battles made informational podcast & article on the topic.
by Adam Rogers. Nice ideas on optimizing your republished piece of content on Facebook.
by Sarah Peterson.
by Ash Read from Buffer.
by Jason Quey from Sumo.
by Yuval Maoz.
by Alex Turnbull, founder of Groove.
by Sapph. Nice guides & examples for asking promotion, contribution, partnership or review from the influencer. Customize and use them!
😱 by Tim Soulo. Tim shows cool examples of how to email influencers in the right way. Please, read this post before contacting opinion leaders!
by Pieter Levels. People are busy and you should avoid vague messages, which only steals time. Read this brief article to understand what opinion leaders want to see in their inbox.
Good videos on and by 123 Reg team.
by Noam Avigdor.
by Lily Herman.
by Venngage. Don't be afraid to talk to people!
by Noah Kagan, popular IT entrepreneur & influencer. I loved his brief instruction on making it easier for people to say YES to your request.
by Alex Turnbull. Groove team built relationships with influencers for getting the first readers on their blog. Very smart tactics there!
by Benji Hyam.
. Sergei Gusev shows how they scaled influencer marketing with the help of paid influencers marketing platforms. The 1st part of his story is .
. It's free for 10 keyword searches ("skill"). The paid version has more advanced options.
gives detailed info about influencer from his Twitter profile. It can show people who are interacting with the influencer on a regular basis. Those people can become your starting point to get to the top-niche person.
gives a huge database about any Twitter user's network. This free tool shows you info on user followers and people, whom this user follows. So you can find the best time to engage, popular users, location info, etc.
Use RSS apps for getting content from influencers' blogs. You can comment on those posts and share good ones via your social media. is a good RSS app. It's an open-source, so you may dig into its code and customize things.
Product Hunt (PH) is a place to discover, share, and geek out about new products in tech. Submitting your product there is a good way to appear in front of journalists, tech people and fellow makers. After submission, the product will participate in the daily race. The race starts PST 00:00 and finishes PST 23:59. You have to get as many upvotes and comments as you can by the end of the day! The most successful products appear on the Homepage and can get a lot of honest feedback, downloads, users and PR buzz. Please, check success PH stories to decide if PH is the right launch platform for you!
Start with : how to post or comment, how to ask for support, how to get to the homepage. Then read . Join the PH community and feel how it works, before actually starting you launch activities.
Successful PH launch takes a lot of preparation, promotion during the launch (24h++) and follow-up work. These guides will help you:
by Product Hunt team.
from one of the top hunters, Robleh Jama. It's very useful to listen to the launch algorithm from the person, who submit a lot of different products.
from the Russian company, Amplifr. It's a nice tutorial about your product preparation (onboarding, language check, emails and other not obvious stuff).
by SpreadShare team.
by 3D modeling app, who launched on PH in December 2016. These folks have not typical "sweet product for startup audience" and their launch was "so-so" good. I encourage you to think about resources you will invest in PH launch versus possible outcome!
- it's our story of launching on PH. We shared our marketing tactics and all results: traffic numbers, trials installations and sales. Also, we made a talk on Product Hunt meetup, here is from it. Hope, it will help some of you to succeed on Product Hunt!
by Hidden Founders team.
You can find a list of top hunters at or .
A dynamic list of the . It's good to check failed PH launch cases.
, which can show you dynamics of upvote grows on a daily basis.
Product Hunt Analytics: .
allows you to create a Twitter list of all the wonderful folks who upvoted your product. It's a good practice to thank those people for supporting your PH launch via Twitter.
is very useful during your launch campaign when people ask things in a real-time. Such communication can increase conversion at your site and give you a lot of insights. We use the free version of it and it's awesome so far.
by Kevan Lee, Buffer Marketing Director. It's a comprehensive long-read about basic of making your SMM strategy.
Case-study from Hubstaff: .
Guide on Copywriting for social media: .
via Canva.
When you have multiple Social Media accounts, use dashboards & tools for managing them in one place. My favorite ones are and (both have free options). These tools have built-in analytics. So you can pick simple metrics that are meaningful and can be analyzed.
and for fast creating of nice-looking images (both free).
can show you the top content being shared among all your followers on Twitter and Facebook. You can use that content for sharing or as an example. It's a free tool.
for making UTM codes and here is a guide on from Hootsuite.
by Karola Karlson. It's a long read about what, when and how to tweet. Although the main focus is on the marketing industry, the key insights will be useful for tech as well.
by Patrick Whatman.
by Paul Shapiro.
from the Twitter team.
by Tami Brehse. Tami scheduled 60 tweets with her blog posts for one month. Her overall site traffic showed how people actually engage with automated tweets.
by Tara Reed. Tara shared a cool guide on building Twitter strategy and automating your engagement workflow. Clever automation is awesome 👌.
. Jeff Bullas uses Dlvr.it for automation, this tool has a good free plan. Be aware, that simply spamming content to your social networks will not work out.
by Michael Georgiou. Check possible downsides to know how to avoid them.
by Karola Karlson. New accounts suffer from a lack of followers. Follow-Unfollow tools seem like an obvious solution to give you the "first followers". But in most cases, it will be bots or inactive users.
by Paz Segura.
by Melissa Culberson. Melissa proves, that if you send impersonal auto-DM with some spam, that will only annoy your users.
by Nik Nitro. Welcome auto-DMs should be used only when it provides tangible value to a new follower. Nik shows his example.
and for scheduling (were mentioned already).
shows the latest Twitter trending topics (hashtags) throughout the day locally and globally.
is an advanced Twitter Hashtags search engine. It recommends you related hashtags to your keyword, shows several influencers for this keyword and relevant tweets. Very useful free tool for choosing hashtags for your tweets!
allows you to manage your followers (Audience Feature) and scheduled tweets. Statusbrew finds inactive, spammy or not following back accounts. The tool has a very good free version.
gives a huge database about any Twitter user's network. This free tool shows you info on user followers and people, whom this user follows. So you can find the best time to engage, popular users, location info, etc.
provides you detailed info about your Twitter account (or any other). Twitonomy UI is terrible. But it can show analytics of your hashtags usage, daily activity (time & days), followers, retweets statistics. All these insights are available in the free version. Also, this tool is useful for Influencer Marketing research.
and for grabbing website RSS feeds and auto-sharing the content. Free accounts permit several RSS feeds.
,free extension for multi-follow (or unfollow) users on Twitter.
If you want to spend less time reading tweets, you can automatically unfollow people. This from Felix Krause unfollows everybody and puts those followers into a list called "Old Follow".
allows you to download Twitter followers from your public or private lists. Pretty useful!
I mentioned tools, that I personally use. However, there are plenty of other great tools to try: by Kevan Lee from Buffer team.
Many interesting thoughts on content, post types and other beginners questions: by Susan Moeller.
by Alex York.
by Neil Patel. It's a useful read, but be aware of many promotional ads with Neil face.
by Adrienne Branson.
by SocialSpacers.
by Kevan Lee, Buffer Marketing Director. Buffer has put together a comprehensive guide on learning Facebook advertising, from the ad setup to analysis.
Good advice on Ad Copywriting: by Joanna Wiebe.
will help you with copywriting as well.
by Karola Karlson from Kissmetrics.
by Massimo Chieruzzi from AdEspresso team.
by Jon Loomer.
by Karola Karlson.
by Noah Kagan.
from Buffer team.
from Hootsuite team. Facebook pixel is code that you place on your site to track conversions from Facebook ads, optimize ads based on collected data, build targeted audiences for future ads and remarket to qualified leads. We started using Facebook Pixel after 6 months of actively working on . This was a mistake. If we used it earlier, we would collect data from all this time for paid marketing on Facebook.
by Jon Loomer.
by Karola Karlson.
by Kane Jamison.
and by @Mssg.
by Alfred Lua from Buffer.
Good video on . Ryan Stewart talks about the marketing funnel framework and touchpoints that you have to build for your campaign.
by Jon Loomer.
by KlientBoost.
by Massimo Chieruzzi from AdEspresso team.
by Johnathan Dane from KlientBoost.
by Jon Loomer.
by Massimo Chieruzzi.
by Digital Marketer. High five if you have read until this point ✋.
How to retarget on Facebook Ads . And even more advanced Facebook retargeting for your by PixelMe team.
by Grouply team.
by Braveen Kumar.
. Pay extra attention to the "please don't" section.
by Vyper.io team.
by Nate Shivar.
by Ryan Luedecke. It's an old, but super informative tutorial.
by Alex Berman. Spoiler: "we got a clear confirmation that the Reddit community is still Ad-proof and smells/ignores promoted posts".
by Ana Gotter.
Another interesting case: by Nate Shivar.
helps to schedule your posts to Reddit and cross-post your link to other subreddits. The tool has a free option.
. It's a free tool to get insights about subreddits.
is an analytics tool for real-time post tracking, single-user tracking, and other data analysis.
provides Reddit user and subreddits analytics.
is useful for digging up worthwhile subreddits.
converts your text (blog post) to Reddit markdown.
by Larry Kim.
by Aja Frost.
by Melissa Williams.
by Aja Frost.
by Susan Hallam from Hallam.
by Inc.com
LinkedIn can help you get more eyes on your content, and receive feedback from other folks. Contributing to a discussion will make both your profile and your Company Page more visible. If you listen to Rand Fishkin video on you know how to establish yourself & your company as thought leaders:
by Gregory Ciott.
by Paul Shapiro.
by Steve Rayson from BuzzSumo.
by Carly Stec. When you have published your post, tweet it with “tip @LinkedInEditors” message. It will maximize your chances to be featured on LinkedIn Pulse Channels.
. Tony Messer gives a general overview of using LinkedIn with a sales purpose.
by Emma Brudner. The example is kind of formal, but it worth to try out.
by Melissa Williams from Yesware team.
by Mark Williams.
from ShivarWeb staff.
via LinkedIn.
by Hootsuite team.
by AdEspresso team.
by Nate Shivar.
by Tom Whiley.
which can help reach your ideal audience and increase conversion rates. Written by Michael McEuen.
I heavily use LinkedIn. As you remember, we run — a tool for iOS & macOS engineers. A lot of our users spend time on LinkedIn, participate in iOS groups or post articles there. I often post cool stuff in those groups, engage with people via direct messages or share my writings. Unfortunately, I do get spam or some random requests from job seekers\recruiters. But in general, LinkedIn works for me.
If you need to grow your LinkedIn connection base, use this . It will automatically add targeted people from the "People You May Know" section. You only need to choose the keywords.
is another good tool to automatically add LinkedIn connections + send invitations. A free account is not very useful but the paid version is pretty good (worth 15$ a month). It has auto-inviting with personalised messages, auto-messages to 1st-degree connections, downloading your tag-lists with links to profiles.
. With a free account, you only get 100 search results. To get around this limitation you can use X-Ray Searching.
by Ryan Stewart.
by Josh Fechter, the "Top Quora Writer of 2017."
by Nate Shivar.
, an old but very useful article on viral growth.
by Customer.io team.
by Garrett Dimon.
by Customer.io team.
by Alex Turnbull.
by Alli Blum.
by Ty Magnin from Appcues.
via Samuel Hulick. You can work really hard and get a lot of traffic or trial signups. But if your onboarding experience and converting users to customers suck, you will lose the game.
For getting an inspiration for your onboarding and product emails, you can check examples from big companies: , , and .
by Madhav Bhandari.
and by Benchmark Email team.
from Optinmonster team.
by Karolina Jasvinaitė. Besides avoiding these mistakes, you should figure out how to provide a consistent value without making your newsletter a "promotion" list.
by Karolina Jasvinaitė.
via Campaign Monitor.
Now let's focus on launch emails & release notes: by Intercome.
by Appcues team.
by Groove Team.
by Danavir Sarria.
from Kissmetrics blog.
from Zapier blog. * from Emailmonday
by Really Good Emails.
by Luca Longo. Good post to help you choose your CTA button.
by Optinmonster team. Good inspirational examples to try out.
by Jimmy Daly from Vero. The guide has 135 email examples broken down into 5 categories and 41 sub-categories.
by Joe Stych from Zapier. It's a part of , which has 11 more chapters to read. I told you, it's a huge library!
Websites with awesome email examples: and .
is a nice to place to see how other companies build their campaigns. Most of the examples are from software, marketing or informational products.
Look this with many examples of how popular web apps handle their onboarding experiences. The author, Samuel Hulick, made screenshots with explanations of every user's step — from signing to the welcome email.
by Sean Bestor.
by Cathy Patalas. Cathy's article proposes simple actions, that may seriously increase your cold email open & reply rates.
These are very creative! Grab some and personalize it for your target audience. Don't forget to do the research first! You need to really know the person you’re writing.
. One more good tutorial from Yesware team.
📚 Attach.io team prepared email examples from cold outreach to LinkedIn intro messages.
by Cathy Patalas.
by Sapph.
by Dunja Lazić.
by Bryan Harris.
via Salesfolk. It's a case-study of Ambition, YC startup, who used cold email campaign and automation to grow sales.
And here is some inspiring story from Android Programmer at Basecamp, who just cold emailed people: . Written by Dan Kim.
by SEO Sherpa team.
by Ryan Stewart.
by Nate Shivar.
Funny short video with by Grammarly.
by Dmitry Dragilev.
by Cathy Patalas.
by Geoffrey Keating.
for finding emails. It gives you 50 free email searches once you create an account.
for scheduling emails to be sent later and managing your connections. With this tool, you can also see who has opened your email
for cold mass emailing. You can use GMass for free to send 50 emails per day.
will help you to schedule cold emails considering different time zones.
by Andrew Torba.
by Mattan Griffel.
by Romain Serman.
Tips on the and by Aja Frost.
by Cathy Patalas.
from wikiHow.
Guide for finding clients at events from YouTeam.
podcast by Hiten Shah & Steli Efti.
by Hubspot team.
by Braveen Kumar. Recommendations will suit companies, who have physical products.
by Neville Medhora.
by Nick Kolenda.
by Buster Benson.
by David Teodorescu:
by UXmatters.
TED Talks on Psychology of Choice: and .
by Dan Cobley.
by Nick Kolenda.
by TubiK Studio.
by Sarah Peterson
by Alfred Lua from Buffer team.
by Nir Eyal & Ximena Vengoechea.
by Josh Elman.
Mastering work with "micronetwork" can help you achieve virality in your activities. Nick Kolenda made an excellent .
by Phil Haack, GitHub Engineering Director.
or over time, all marketing strategies result in shitty clickthrough rates. This article explains how to deal with it.
Let's start with the basics: video and one more great from Steve Blank.
by Jon Loomer.
by Peter Witham. It's more a philosophical read from my friend, who tries to prevent you from charging the low price for your mobile apps or any other product.
by Nick Kolenda.
by Des Traynor, Intercom co-founder.
by Jordan T. McBride.
by Nico Moreno.
by Matthew Barby.
A 5-chapters overview from Salesforce:
will help you integrate tools for analytics (ex. Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Kissmetrics) and marketing (ex. Mailchimp, Salesforce) via one place, one single API. It's like a “hub” through which all data flows. These 2 videos explain and . Segment also has a nice on their own site, while post shares experience of a startup who implemented it.
Excellent guide from Stripe team on : Understand why SaaS businesses work and how to grow them. The first read you should start with!
Advanced guide on CAC and CPA: (and ).
with Intercom team.
. It can be used for making your sales or analytics funnels right in Spreadsheets.
aims to be an indie dev's definitive guide to building and launching your app, including pre-launch, marketing, building, QA, buzz building, and launch.
is a great resource for independent developers to make money. Done by Joan Boixadós.
is a comprehensive, chronologically ordered list of marketing tactics and ideas that you can try with your next side project. The list was created by a developer, and is .
is a thorough iOS app marketing deck, given at Release Notes 2017, chock-full of references. Includes competitive analysis, content marketing, ASO resources. From designer and marketer Tracy Osborn.
is the complete recipe book of growth hacks (300+ pages of how-to tactics) from Josh Fechter & community. It covers marketing tips for Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Content Marketing, Cold Emails, Backlinks and much-much more!
is the book on bootstrapping your startup the indie way from Pieter Levels – the creator of Nomad List. It's basically an imprint of his experiences creating his products from the past several years. Most of the book content is very practical and approachable, aimed to try things yourself.
or Successful Strategies for Products that Win by Steven Blank.
to running an internet business.
Marketing for Engineers collection is created and maintained by team:
Feel free to recommend us more topics! And please with awesome content.
💎 這是一個精心挑選的資源集合,用於解決實際的營銷任務,例如:
尋找 Beta 測試人員
當我們製作第一個產品(iOS 工程師的工具)時,我們就遇到了這些問題。我們花了將近 2 年的時間來學習如何營銷我們的項目。😤 在這段時間裡,我們閱讀、嘗試並收藏了許多有用的東西:文章、視頻、電子表格、播客和工具。這些資源對我們幫助很大!請從我們的收藏和經驗中學習、適應和測試出色的營銷技巧。祝你好運!
Flawless App 的創始人 Lisa & Ahmed,根據設計驗證 iOS 應用程序的工具
搜索關鍵字或短語(例如,“Product Hunt”、“Facebook”、“Blog”)。
在 Twitter 上詢問Lisa。
概述與產品交互的產品路線圖、關鍵功能、UI 設計和 UX 場景;
如何創建具體的買家角色指南(包含模板、工具、示例、188 個調查問題),作者 optinmonster。
如何創建客戶檔案以覆蓋您的目標受眾Greg Ciotti。
營銷角色或買方角色是一種通過共同特徵細分目標市場的方法。它用於指導媒體活動以適當的消息傳遞定位正確的受眾。買家角色通常來自市場調查。...如果營銷角色專注於 WHO,那麼 UX 角色更多的是關於 HOW。UX 角色或設計角色可以包括買方角色中的所有信息,但額外強調面向任務的用戶行為。用戶體驗角色想要揭示的是目標用戶從 A 點到 B 點將採取的所有步驟。
以設計為導向的視頻,用於從 UX 角度進行基本用戶研究。更多關於用戶體驗角色和研究方法的優秀視頻和指南:為用戶體驗研究創建角色,何時使用哪種用戶體驗研究方法
您需要接觸潛在用戶並驗證您的角色和假設。您可以通過調查、採訪、在線和離線會議、聊天、Skype 通話、檢查現有分析(谷歌分析、社交媒體數據)、分析競爭對手的客戶、合乎道德地搜索用戶的電子郵件和姓名並在社交媒體:
關於創建角色的9 分鐘視頻,當您已經有一些東西需要分析時:網站、您的產品在 Twitter\Facebook 上的關注者、第一批用戶或付費客戶。
當您真正開始與潛在用戶交談時,將在用戶研究、訪談和測試期間提出正確的問題(😤 你必須這樣做)。
👆 用戶研究是客戶發現過程的初始部分。您不僅應該研究您的潛在用戶,還應該測試市場上是否需要您想要構建的產品(這稱為產品市場匹配)。如果您不熟悉精益創業方法,我建議您查看這些資源。它更面向初創公司,但仍與新手產品製造商相關:
📌 實用工具:
Twitter 高級搜索和綜合指南如何使用它。
LinkedIn 搜索和來自 LinkedIn 團隊的關於如何使用他們的新搜索的簡短文章(非常簡單!)。
HubSpot的買家角色 Word Doc Generator可以幫助您為您的角色做出第一個假設。
TypeForm是一個易於使用、針對移動設備優化的表單生成器,非常適合收集在線調查。您還可以使用 Google 表單進行在線調查。
photolurp 團隊如何識別您的競爭對手並超越他們的營銷策略。
Google Advanced Search Operators是一種具有競爭力的審核工具,可幫助您準確找到所需內容:slightly_smiling_face:
Twitter 高級搜索是一種在 Twitter 上搜索任何人的簡單方法。
Social Mention是一個不錯的免費工具,它提供對品牌提及的實時搜索。
Hiten Shah如何以 0 美元的營銷預算發展您的初創公司。它突出了一系列不同的想法可以嘗試。
我們如何讓我們的前 2,000 名用戶做無法擴展的事情,作者是 Product Hunt 的聯合創始人,令人驚嘆的 Ryan Hoover。
我們如何從 0噸這Sergei Gusev 的75,000 MRR,零營銷預算。他們向市場影響者發送免費產品(設計師香水)並獲得視頻評論。它大大增加了他們的銷售額!
我們如何在 24 小時內獲得首批 100 名付費客戶,作者是 Groove 的創始人 Alex Turnbull。
尋找和挖走競爭對手客戶的 5 個地方。Sapph 分享了許多尋找潛在客戶和推銷他們的聰明方法。
黑客攻擊新聞界:Shopify 的 Tucker Schreiber以零預算獲得免費新聞報導的巧妙方法。這篇文章的重點是在線商店行業。但獲得新聞自由關注的原則適用於任何市場。
How to Get Press Coverage for Your App:來自獨立開發者兼機構創始人 Dan Counsell 的實用指南。
推薦營銷和移動推薦營銷可以為您帶來口碑增長。如需靈感,請查看2016 年的 51 個最佳推薦計劃示例。這些有用的指南由推薦薩斯誇奇的 Brandon Gains 編寫。
當您擁有具有許多用例的困難軟件產品時,請使用免費工具來生成潛在客戶。這是展示您的主要產品的好處和提高品牌知名度的好方法。這篇文章展示瞭如何通過易於使用的免費工具銷售 Clearbit API 解決方案。你也可以投入時間製作一些免費的東西——用戶界面工具包、瀏覽器擴展、有趣的遊戲或開源工具。
:bowtie: 我們使用了許多免費的營銷渠道。老實說,當我們啟動Flawless App 時,我們沒有其他方法。我們寫冷郵件,與有影響力的人交談,在活動中手動招募用戶,在 Facebook 群組發帖,通過 Twitter 與開發人員和設計師合作,並做了許多其他事情。這些為我們提供了前 1000 名測試版用戶。所以值得一試!
內容營銷是通過內容進行推廣。您可以運行個人博客、訪客博客或在平台上寫作,例如 Medium(或將其合併)。專注於如何幫助用戶處理內容。您不必成為專業作家即可撰寫很酷的文章。給自己空間發揮創造力並分享您的專業知識。
我鼓勵你自己開始做內容營銷。外包可能非常棘手,尤其是在開始時。 🤔 首先,想想您的博客或內容將如何脫穎而出。每個行業都有很多很酷的博客。你要如何與眾不同?你能為你的用戶提供什麼獨特的價值?您如何建立一個參與的讀者社區?最重要的問題是如何將讀者轉化為潛在客戶。考慮到所有這些因素,您應該創建一個內容策略:
Tyler Hakes 的《如何為每個漏斗階段生成戰略內容創意》。
Benji Hyam通過將內容映射到銷售漏斗,從 0-12k 自然訪問者增長。這篇文章展示瞭如何為移動和麵向網絡的博客制定內容策略。
幕後:我們如何通過內容營銷在 3 年內建立了 500 萬美元/年的業務, Alex Turnbull。一個激動人心的故事,講述了 Groove 如何重新構建他們的內容營銷策略,重點是什麼可以真正幫助他們的市場。
一個案例研究,其中包含由 Brian Dean撰寫的有關創建可產生 400,000 名目標訪問者的內容的框架。
如何在Benji Hyam 的Popups 💰的幫助下直接從您的博客中轉換潛在客戶。
如何使用 CTA 將博客流量轉化為客戶: Devesh Khanal的完整指南。
如何將您博客的感謝頁面變成Emil Shour的潛在客戶生成機器。
內容營銷投資回報率:我們如何衡量 Hubstaff的成功,作者Ilia Markov。
並且不要忘記計算內容營銷的客戶獲取成本。Devesh Khanal 將成本分為 3 類:每篇文章成本、工資成本和技術成本。您可以為您的案例重複他的計算並獲得大致的預算。
我們如何為博客提出想法,作者是Help Scout 團隊的 Emily Triplett Lentz。
如何使用這 3 個很棒的工俱生成內容創意。Robert Katai 展示瞭如何使用工具🔎來了解人們對您的行業的詢問(通過關鍵字)。
來自 Ed Leake 的266 篇博文創意。這是許多要寫的主題的混合。隨意滾動它並竊取相關內容。
找出博客內容的簡單指南。正如 Marko Saric 所說,🙏完美的話題是通過將您的熱情和個性與市場需求聯繫起來而找到的。
如果您跳過了上面內容營銷部分中的文章,我鼓勵您閱讀它們!前 4 篇文章為獲取戰略內容創意提供了出色的框架。
30 多個來自 Buffer 團隊的推文、帖子、文章和電子郵件的終極標題公式。
通過 KopywritingKourse銷售的文案標題(帶有模板和滑動文件)。
Danavir Sarria撰寫 Kickass 博客帖子標題的三步防彈公式。
為什麼撰寫創意標題會損害轉化率:我們從 Sean Bestor分析 150,000 次選擇中學到的東西。
以 SEO 為重點來製作您的博客:
博客 SEO 完整指南。Ryan Stewart 涵蓋的不僅僅是讓您的博客對 SEO 友好。Ryan 通過建立帖子鏈接來談論博客策略、關鍵字研究和博客推廣。
如何在 Google 的首頁上對您的博客帖子進行排名。Marko Saric 一直專注於 WordPress 博客的 SEO 優化。
最適合 SEO 的 10 種內容類型。Rand Fishkin 建議您為您的項目使用哪種格式。
如何使用 11 種以上的免費工具從 Nate Shivar 中查找 SEO 的合格內容創意。本文將教您如何通過 SEO 研究對您的內容創意進行資格預審。
📌 檢查您的語法和可讀性!我使用這些很酷的應用程序:
Medium 是一個在線發布平台,擁有龐大的活躍社區。您可以在那裡創建您的博客並與您的用戶和 Medium 讀者互動。您仍然需要自己宣傳您的文章。Medium 是一個高流量的社區,但你並不是唯一一個爭奪注意力的社區。
在 Medium 上寫作的基礎。如何撰寫、編輯、發布您的文章並將其添加到出版物中:
通過 Medium 與您自己的域發布的優缺點是什麼?通過 Quora。
Quincy Larson如何寫人們會真正閱讀的Medium 故事。
來自 Medium 團隊的關於製作出版物的指南(基本上是你的博客)和很好的教程如何讓你的出版物看起來很棒,伊麗莎白托比。
Levent Aşkan 的Medium 2016 年最受推薦故事。
如何在 Medium 上獲勝(關於標題、文本格式和圖像的建議)作者:Elizabeth Tobey。
Ali Mese發展媒體博客的 35 個可行技巧(時間安排,一些宣傳技巧)。
我從分析Quincy Larson 2016 年排名前 252 的媒體故事中學到了什麼。
在 Medium 或其他地方發布可以消除您所有的技術麻煩。這是開始實施內容營銷策略的好地方。
點擊“發布”後,39 個可免費推廣博客文章的地方。在那里分享您的內容之前了解每個平台(否則您將成為垃圾郵件發送者💩)。在文章的最後,沙菲汗提到了其他需要遵循的重要規則。
內容推廣:我們如何在 5 個月內以零付費流量從 0 位用戶增長到 32,977 位用戶。Benji Hyam 談到社區驅動的內容推廣。這意味著,您與目標社區互動,然後分享您的內容以增加價值。
關於Blogger Outreach 的有用指南:如何讓有影響力的人免費宣傳您的內容,作者: Brian Dean。
我讓 235 個人在推特上發表我的文章,我得到的只是這個令人沮喪的案例研究。這是一個有趣的實驗!約書亞·哈德威克 (Joshua Hardwick) 冷酷地給發過類似帖子的作家發了電子郵件,並要求發布促銷推文。你也可以試試這個。
Paul Shapiro分享其他人的內容並同時推廣您自己的內容。😯 您是否嘗試過將您的博客包含在其他人博客文章的 UTM 參數中?保羅會教你這個聰明的黑客。
Ryan Battles在 Medium 和 LinkedIn 上重新發佈內容的戰略指南。重新發布策略會導致增長還是懲罰?Ryan Battles 製作了有關該主題的信息播客和文章。
讓人們在 Facebook 上閱讀您的博客文章的簡單方法Adam Rogers。優化您在 Facebook 上重新發布的內容的好主意。
如何在莎拉·彼得森(Sarah Peterson)重新發布的內容的大型出版物中獲得特色。
影響者營銷專注於與意見領袖合作,將公司信息/產品/服務推向更大的市場。📚 這些長指南將有助於 開始:
什麼是網紅營銷以及如何找到網紅?by Ash 從緩衝區讀取。
來自 Sumo 的 Jason Quey 的影響者營銷終極指南。
影響者絕對應該得到補償。唯一的問題是尤瓦爾·毛茲 (Yuval Maoz) 的作品。
Groove 創始人 Alex Turnbull用於與 VIP 聯繫的確切電子郵件腳本。
😱我剛剛刪除了您的外展電子郵件,而沒有閱讀。不,蒂姆·蘇洛(Tim Soulo)的《我不感到抱歉》。Tim 展示瞭如何以正確的方式向有影響力的人發送電子郵件的很酷的例子。請在聯繫意見領袖之前閱讀這篇文章!
如果您不能通過電子郵件表達自己,那麼Pieter Levels認為您不值得任何人花時間。人們很忙,你應該避免模糊的消息,這只會偷時間。閱讀這篇簡短的文章,了解意見領袖希望在收件箱中看到的內容。
123 Reg 團隊關於在 Twitter上尋找影響者的好視頻以及在 Twitter 上與他們互動的 6 種簡單方法。
諾姆·阿維格多 (Noam Avigdor)的巴尼·斯廷森 (Barney Stinson) 為冷酷推文影響者編寫的劇本。
與您在 LinkedIn 上欣賞的人聯繫的 4 個技巧,作者 Lily Herman。
Venngage 的26 篇關於如何在會議上與影響者建立聯繫的頭條新聞。不要害怕與人交談!
與他人聯繫:你最近為我做了什麼?由受歡迎的 IT 企業家和影響者諾亞·卡根 (Noah Kagan) 撰寫。我喜歡他關於讓人們更容易對您的請求說“是”的簡短說明。
我們如何在 24 小時內從一篇博客文章中獲得 1,000 多個訂閱者,作者是Alex Turnbull。Groove 團隊與有影響力的人建立了關係,以便在他們的博客上吸引第一批讀者。那裡有非常聰明的戰術!
這位詞曲作者意外地完美地執行了影響力營銷,並通過 Benji Hyam一夜之間獲得了 4 萬觀眾。
網紅營銷如何幫助我們成長 0噸這700k+ 月收入。Sergei Gusev 展示了他們如何在付費影響者營銷平台的幫助下擴展影響者營銷。他的故事的第一部分在這裡。
📌 實用工具:
通過 Klear 查找 Twitter 影響者。10 次關鍵字搜索(“技能”)是免費的。付費版本有更高級的選項。
Twitonomy從他的 Twitter 個人資料中提供了有關影響者的詳細信息。它可以顯示定期與影響者互動的人。這些人可以成為你成為頂級人物的起點。
Followerwonk Analyze提供了一個關於任何 Twitter 用戶網絡的龐大數據庫。這個免費工具向您顯示有關用戶關注者和該用戶關注的人的信息。因此,您可以找到參與的最佳時間、熱門用戶、位置信息等。
使用 RSS 應用程序從影響者的博客中獲取內容。您可以對這些帖子發表評論,並通過您的社交媒體分享好的帖子。Selfoss是一個很好的 RSS 應用程序。它是開源的,因此您可以深入研究其代碼並進行自定義。
從發帖的基本規則開始:如何發帖或評論、如何尋求支持、如何進入主頁。然後閱讀關於 Product Hunt 每個人都應該知道的五件事。加入 PH 社區並感受它是如何運作的,然後才真正開始您的活動。
Product Hunt 團隊如何在 Product Hunt 🚀 上發布。
Product Hunt 101來自頂級獵人之一,Robleh Jama。聽取提交許多不同產品的人的發布算法非常有用。
來自俄羅斯公司 Amplifr的 SaaS 創始人的 Product Hunt 指南。這是一個關於你的產品準備(入職、語言檢查、電子郵件和其他不明顯的東西)的很好的教程。
SpreadShare 團隊發布的 Product Hunt(電子表格)的主要清單。
在 Product Hunt 上發布: 2016 年 12 月在 PH 上發布的 3D 建模應用程序,什麼有效,什麼無效[指南和案例研究]。這些人沒有典型的“適合初創企業受眾的甜蜜產品”,他們的推出是“如此-超好的。我鼓勵您考慮您將在 PH 發布中投入的資源與可能的結果!
Product Hunt 對開發者工具有用嗎?- 這是我們在 PH 上發布的故事。我們分享了我們的營銷策略和所有結果:流量數字、試用安裝和銷售。此外,我們還討論了 Product Hunt 聚會,這是其中的幻燈片。希望它會幫助你們中的一些人在 Product Hunt 上取得成功!
在 Product Hunt 上發布:來自Hidden Founders 團隊的+50 次成功發布的精選清單。
📌 實用工具:
您可以在All-time Leaderboard或Top 500 Hunters 中找到頂級獵人列表。
PH 上 100 個最少投票項目的動態列表。檢查失敗的 PH 發射案例很好。
一張圖表中的每日 PH 前 5 名產品,它可以向您顯示每天的投票動態增長。
Product Hunt 分析:使用 Product Hunt 數據進行每日、每月和每年的分析。
MakerTools允許您創建一個 Twitter 列表,列出所有為您的產品點讚的優秀人士。感謝這些人通過 Twitter 支持您的 PH 發布是一個很好的做法。
當人們實時提問時,Crisp Live Chat在您的發布活動期間非常有用。這種交流可以增加您網站的轉化率,並為您提供很多見解。我們使用它的免費版本,到目前為止它很棒。
Buffer 營銷總監 Kevan Lee 撰寫的如何從頭開始創建社交媒體營銷策略。這是關於製定 SMM 策略的基礎知識的綜合長篇閱讀。
Hubstaff 的案例研究:改進的社交媒體內容策略將訪問量提高了 230%。
社交媒體文案指南:10 種寫出該死的好文案的方法。
社交分享心理學:如何根據人們想要通過 Canva分享的內容來塑造您的內容。
📌 有用的 SMM 工具箱:
Nuzzel可以向您展示 Twitter 和 Facebook 上所有關注者共享的熱門內容。您可以將該內容用於共享或作為示例。這是一個免費的工具。
用於製作 UTM 代碼的Google Analytics 活動 URL 構建器,這裡是使用 UTM 參數從 Hootsuite跟踪社交媒體成功的指南。
我喜歡將 Twitter 作為個人使用的工具。此外,Twitter 有各種各樣的機會來推廣您的產品——個人帳戶、公司帳戶、直接消息營銷、聊天、添加。Twitter 可用於分享您的文章、與有影響力的人聯繫或尋找競爭對手的客戶。如您所見,它是許多營銷活動的強大平台,具體取決於您的目標。
您的個人帳戶可以為您的產品和內容帶來流量。在增加您的 Twitter 關注者的同時,您可以增加您可能獲得的媒體覆蓋面。但不要忘記,Twitter 是為人們而生的。要在那裡取得成功,您需要像線下一樣與觀眾交流。如果您的目標受眾喜歡您的推文和您的個性,那麼他們更有可能信任您並點擊您的鏈接:
如何獲得更高的推文參與度?我們分析了 Karola Karlson 的 23,858 條推文。這是一篇關於推文的內容、時間和方式的長篇閱讀。儘管主要關注的是營銷行業,但關鍵見解對技術也很有用。
增加 Twitter 覆蓋面的8 種策略,作者是 Patrick Whatman。
通過 Paul Shapiro 的Stalking Influencers 獲得更多(高質量)Twitter 粉絲。
使用Twitter 團隊的表情符號增加推文參與度的 5 種方法。
參與 Twitter 聊天是吸引新關注者並積極參與與您所在行業的人的相關對話的好方法。
自動化您的 Twitter 活動並沒有錯。您可以安排帖子、自動發送消息並設置與用戶自動互動的規則。但是,僅使用自動化🤖 會損害您的 SMM 策略。因此,將其與實時推文結合起來,並積極參與社區並提供幫助:
我將推文自動化了 30 天,這就是Tami Brehse發生的事情。Tami 計劃在一個月內發布 60 條推文以及她的博客文章。她的整體網站流量顯示了人們實際上是如何與自動推文互動的。
Twitter Deep Dive: How to Use Social Media to 10x your website Traffic (video) by Tara Reed。Tara 分享了一個關於構建 Twitter 策略和自動化您的參與工作流程的很酷的指南。聰明的自動化很棒👌。
如何使用 RSS 博客提要自動化 Twitter 內容管理。Jeff Bullas 使用 Dlvr.it 進行自動化,這個工具有一個很好的免費計劃。請注意,簡單地向您的社交網絡發送垃圾內容是行不通的。
Michael Georgiou的 Twitter 自動化的利弊。檢查可能的缺點以了解如何避免它們。
“假”推特是否在起作用?通過卡羅拉卡爾森。新帳戶缺乏追隨者。Follow-Unfollow 工具似乎是為您提供“第一個關注者”的明顯解決方案。但在大多數情況下,它將是機器人或不活躍的用戶。
直接消息營銷是關於向您的關注者發送個人、群發或自動 DM。這些文章將向您展示如何以正確的方式使用此工具:
Paz Segura絕對任何人都可以使用的7 種 Twitter 直接消息策略。
為什麼 Twitter 自動 DM 是邪惡的(以及你應該做什麼)作者 Melissa Culberson。Melissa 證明,如果您發送帶有一些垃圾郵件的非個人自動 DM,那隻會惹惱您的用戶。
Nik Nitro實際使用自動 DM 時的案例研究。僅當它為新粉絲提供有形價值時才應使用歡迎自動 DM。Nik 展示了他的例子。
另一個需要考慮的選項是 Twitter Adds。我在 Twitter 上的體驗並不是那麼積極……尤其是當我設置第一個廣告系列時。所以準備好面對糟糕的用戶體驗、神秘的錯誤和糟糕的客戶支持。無論如何,這些指南將幫助您:
📌 這些工具可以幫助您最大限度地提高 Twitter 的影響力,從計時到分享再到分析:
Hashtagify是一個先進的 Twitter Hashtags 搜索引擎。它會向您推薦與關鍵字相關的主題標籤,顯示該關鍵字和相關推文的幾個影響者。非常有用的免費工具,用於為您的推文選擇主題標籤!
Statusbrew允許您管理您的關注者(觀眾功能)和預定的推文。Statusbrew 發現不活動、垃圾郵件或不跟踪回訪帳戶。該工具有一個非常好的免費版本。
Followerwonk Analyze提供了一個關於任何 Twitter 用戶網絡的龐大數據庫。這個免費工具向您顯示有關用戶關注者和該用戶關注的人的信息。因此,您可以找到參與的最佳時間、熱門用戶、位置信息等。
Twitonomy為您提供有關您的 Twitter 帳戶(或任何其他帳戶)的詳細信息。Twitonomy UI 很糟糕。但它可以顯示您的主題標籤使用情況、日常活動(時間和天數)、關注者、轉發統計數據的分析。所有這些見解都可以在免費版本中獲得。此外,此工具對於影響者營銷研究很有用。
Twitter Follower,為Twitter 上的多關注(或取消關注)用戶提供的免費擴展。
如果你想花更少的時間閱讀推文,你可以自動取消關注人。這個來自 Felix Krause 的腳本取消關注每個人,並將這些關注者放入一個名為“Old Follow”的列表中。
Scoutzen允許您從公共或私人列表中下載 Twitter 關注者。蠻好用的!
我提到了我個人使用的工具。但是,還有很多其他很棒的工具可以嘗試:來自 Buffer 團隊的 Kevan Lee的 Twitter 工具大清單:93 個免費的 Twitter 工具和應用程序可以滿足任何需求。
Facebook 有許多營銷選項,可以適合您公司的重點、預算和您當前的知識。要定位您的用戶,您可以使用個人資料、頁面、群組和廣告。
🐣 Facebook 頁面和群組:
關於內容、帖子類型和其他初學者問題的許多有趣想法:Susan Moeller 2017 年 Facebook 參與終極指南。
如何開始您的 Facebook 業務頁面,作者是 Alex York。
如何編寫 Facebook 狀態更新,讓您的觀眾再次光臨,尼爾·帕特爾 (Neil Patel)。這是一本有用的讀物,但請注意許多帶有 Neil 面孔的促銷廣告。
如何通過 Adrienne Branson的精彩 Facebook 封面照片脫穎而出。
SocialSpacers 的Facebook 頁面推廣技巧。
Facebook 群組可以幫助您將粉絲聚集在一處,並鼓勵他們相互互動。群組有助於建立一個活躍的社區,讓人們談論您的產品、提供反饋或想法。這是一個討論測試版、即將出現的功能問題和錯誤的好地方。
🐤 Facebook 廣告初學者指南。在這裡,您將找到設置第一個廣告系列的分步教程。我還收錄了有關廣告設計、文案和典型錯誤的文章。如果您跳過了以前的內容,檢查個人博客部分中病毒式標題上的帖子和社交媒體營銷部分中的帖子會很有用。
Buffer 營銷總監 Kevan Lee 撰寫的Facebook 廣告完整、始終更新指南。Buffer 匯總了學習 Facebook 廣告的綜合指南,從廣告設置到分析。
關於廣告文案的好建議:Joanna Wiebe撰寫 Facebook 廣告的初學者指南。
11 個講故事的公式來增強您的社交媒體營銷也將幫助您進行文案寫作。
Kissmetrics 的 Karola Karlson關於創建情感 Facebook 廣告的實用帖子。
AdEspresso 團隊的 Massimo Chieruzzi 撰寫的專業人士用來創建出色Facebook 廣告設計的16 個秘密。
Jon Loomer 撰寫的廣告不起作用的主要原因和 Facebook 廣告成功的關鍵。
在 16 億次廣告展示和 408 個 Facebook 廣告之後,這是Karola Karlson 的不同做法。
我在諾亞·卡根 (Noah Kagan) 的Facebook 廣告上花費 200 萬美元學到的東西。
🐔 高級閱讀 Facebook 廣告。願原力與你同在!
Facebook 廣告管理器完整指南:如何創建、管理、分析Buffer 團隊的Facebook 廣告。
Facebook Pixel:它是什麼以及如何使用它來自 Hootsuite 團隊。Facebook 像素是您放置在網站上的代碼,用於跟踪 Facebook 廣告的轉化情況、根據收集的數據優化廣告、為未來的廣告建立目標受眾以及對合格潛在客戶進行再營銷。在積極開發Flawless App 6 個月後,我們開始使用 Facebook Pixel 。這是一個錯誤。如果我們更早使用它,我們將收集所有這些時間的數據用於 Facebook 上的付費營銷。
6 種將 Facebook 像素添加到網站的方法,作者是 Jon Loomer。
掌握 101 點指南: Karola Karlson 的Facebook 自定義受眾。
Kane Jamison 的Facebook 廣告定位大指南。
Messenger 作為 Facebook 廣告的目的地(播客)和此工具的插圖指南(帖子),作者為 @Mssg。
Buffer 的 Alfred Lua 撰寫的如何使用 Facebook 洞察和分析來推動社交媒體營銷策略。
關於使用再營銷和有針對性的內容創建從您的 Facebook 廣告中獲得更多轉化的好視頻。瑞安·斯圖爾特 (Ryan Stewart) 談到了您必須為廣告系列構建的營銷漏斗框架和接觸點。
Facebook 網站自定義受眾:再營銷權威指南Jon Loomer。
A/B 測試 Facebook 廣告: KlientBoost 的121 條非凡發現技巧和想法。
Facebook Ads Bidding 101:你需要知道的一切,來自 AdEspresso 團隊的 Massimo Chieruzzi。
來自 KlientBoost 的 Johnathan Dane 的29 個 Facebook 廣告錯誤導致預算流失。
Facebook 廣告轉化歸因:您需要了解的內容 作者:Jon Loomer。
Facebook 廣告評論 101:要遵循的規則,讓您的廣告快速獲得批准!馬西莫·基耶魯齊 (Massimo Chieruzzi)。
數字營銷人員的Facebook 視頻廣告終極指南。如果你讀到這裡,請高五✋。
如何通過 Grouply 團隊從 Facebook 群組成員創建 Facebook 自定義受眾。
Reddit 是最活躍的互聯網社區之一,擁有自己獨特的文化。你可以在那裡獲得大量很酷的信息、很好的產品反饋和第一批用戶。:trollface: 但是,最好在被禁止之前學習 Reddit 規則和基礎知識:
如何使用 Reddit: Braveen Kumar 的初學者指南。
Reddit 上的推廣和廣告指南:
如何在 Reddit 上推廣而不被 Vyper.io 團隊禁止或刪除(影子)。
Nate Shivar在 Reddit 上做廣告的經驗和 9 個想法。
如何使用 Reddit 廣告賺取第一個 1,000 美元,作者為 Ryan Luedecke。這是一個古老但內容豐富的教程。
Reddit 廣告實驗: Alex Berman 花250 美元學到的東西。劇透:“我們得到明確確認,Reddit 社區仍然是防廣告的,並且聞/忽略了推廣帖子”。
如何使用 Reddit 建立熱情的粉絲群,作者 Ana Gotter。
另一個有趣的案例:Nate Shivar 的《如何使用 Reddit 進行 SEO 和內容營銷研究》。
📌 實用工具:
稍後有助於將您的帖子安排到 Reddit,並將您的鏈接交叉發佈到其他 subreddit。該工具有一個免費選項。
來自 After 的 Subreddit 分析工具。這是一個免費工具,可用於獲取有關 subreddits 的見解。
Reddit Insight是一種用於實時帖子跟踪、單用戶跟踪和其他數據分析的分析工具。
SnoopSnoo提供 Reddit 用戶和 subreddits 分析。
RedditList對於挖掘有價值的 subreddit 很有用。
Reddit 轉換器將您的文本(博客文章)轉換為 Reddit Markdown。
我想告訴你一個秘密:HR 並不是唯一使用 LinkedIn 的人。通過這個平台,您可以建立業務合作夥伴關係、在線網絡、進行直接銷售和尋找投資者。LinkedIn 是 B2B 公司和 👔 商業專業人士的理想場所。這對於自有品牌也很有用。出於促銷目的,LinkedIn 擁有個人頁面、公司頁面、群組和廣告。
您的 LinkedIn 個人資料可以成為一個完整的銷售和營銷工具。它應該向潛在合作夥伴傳達您產品的價值和您的專業知識。這些指南和提示將幫助您:
想要有效提升您的 Linkedin 個人資料?遵循Larry Kim 的這些提示。
Aja Frost 的5 個模板將使撰寫完美的 LinkedIn 摘要變得輕而易舉。
梅麗莎·威廉姆斯 (Melissa Williams) 的7 個讓您看起來不錯的LinkedIn 摘要示例。
我如何在 LinkedIn 上獲得 425% 以上的頁面瀏覽量——你也可以, Aja Frost。
使用 LinkedIn:我最喜歡的 7 個技巧,作者是來自 Hallam 的 Susan Hallam。
LinkedIn 可以幫助您更多地關注您的內容,並從其他人那裡獲得反饋。參與討論將使您的個人資料和公司頁面更加顯眼。如果您收聽 Rand Fishkin 關於評論營銷的視頻,您就會知道如何將自己和您的公司確立為思想領袖:
30 天內在 LinkedIn 上的 255,262 次瀏覽:這是我從 Gregory Ciott學到的一切。
我們分析了Paul Shapiro撰寫的 3,000 篇最成功的 LinkedIn 發布帖子。
2016 年最成功的 LinkedIn 頭條新聞和話題,作者是 BuzzSumo 的 Steve Rayson。
如何在 LinkedIn Pulse 上發布: Carly Stec 的初學者指南。發布帖子後,在推特上添加“提示@LinkedInEditors”消息。它將最大限度地增加您在 LinkedIn Pulse Channels 上出現的機會。
🕴️使用LinkedIn進行直接銷售和獲取合作夥伴。您可以通過邀請函、直接消息、InMail 或群組消息來寫人。您應該有明確的目標,並確切地知道您想與誰聯繫。業務拓展在 LinkedIn 會員中很常見,也很受歡迎,但應該以結構化的方式進行:
11 個跡象表明您已經掌握了 LinkedIn。Tony Messer 概述了將 LinkedIn 用於銷售目的。
Emma Brudner對 LinkedIn 偉大銷售信息的剖析。這個例子有點正式,但值得一試。
Yesware 團隊的 Melissa Williams撰寫的如何撰寫值得回复的 LinkedIn InMail。
偉大的 LinkedIn 銷售信息的要素,作者是Mark Williams。
📢 LinkedIn 公司頁面和廣告選項:
LinkedIn 公司/業務頁面最佳實踐以及來自 ShivarWeb 員工的示例。
公司頁面最佳實踐和頁面示例,來自 LinkedIn。
Hootsuite 團隊針對公司頁面的LinkedIn 分析。
LinkedIn 廣告: AdEspresso 團隊的分步教程。
如何有效地在 LinkedIn 上做廣告Nate Shivar。
Tom Whiley 的LinkedIn 轉化跟踪終極指南。
5 種策略可以幫助您吸引理想的受眾並提高轉化率。由邁克爾·麥克尤恩 (Michael McEuen) 撰寫。
我大量使用LinkedIn。正如您所記得的,我們運行Flawless App — 一款適用於 iOS 和 macOS 工程師的工具。我們的很多用戶都會花時間在 LinkedIn 上,參加 iOS 群組或在那裡發表文章。我經常在這些群組中發布很酷的東西,通過直接消息與人們互動或分享我的作品。不幸的是,我確實收到了求職者\招聘人員的垃圾郵件或一些隨機請求。但總的來說,LinkedIn 對我有用。
📌 實用工具:
如果您需要擴大 LinkedIn 連接基礎,請使用此腳本。它將自動從“您可能認識的人”部分添加目標人員。您只需要選擇關鍵字。
Dux-Soup是另一個自動添加 LinkedIn 連接 + 發送邀請的好工具。免費帳戶不是很有用,但付費版本非常好(每月價值 15 美元)。它具有帶有個性化消息的自動邀請、向 1 度連接的自動消息、下載帶有個人資料鏈接的標籤列表。
使用 Google 的 LinkedIn X 射線搜索工具。使用免費帳戶,您只能獲得 100 個搜索結果。要解決此限制,您可以使用 X 射線搜索。
Quora 是一個問答網站,您可以在其中通過幫助社區獲得流量:
增長黑客來自 Quora的1,500 多次訪問,作者是 Ryan Stewart。
“如何在五個月內從 Quora 獲得數千條線索”,作者是“2017 年 Quora 最佳作家”Josh Fechter。
如何使用 Quora 進行 SEO 和內容營銷,作者 Nate Shivar。
K-Factor, “Growth” and Going Viral,一篇關於病毒式增長的古老但非常有用的文章。
Customer.io 團隊對歡迎電子郵件的剖析。
Garrett Dimon 的試用期到期電子郵件最佳實踐。
亞歷克斯·特恩布爾 (Alex Turnbull)從測試數百封入職電子郵件中吸取的 3 個教訓。
Alli Blum 的3 個文案錯誤可能會損害您的生命週期電子郵件。
如何使用 Appcues 中Ty Magnin 的電子郵件將 👻 不活躍的用戶從死裡復活。
User Onboarding 不是一項功能,而是通過 Samuel Hulick 提升您的整個客戶體驗的質量。您可以非常努力地工作並獲得大量流量或試用註冊。但是,如果您的入職體驗和將用戶轉化為客戶很糟糕,您就會輸掉這場比賽。
要獲得有關入職和產品電子郵件的靈感,您可以查看大公司的示例:Pinterest 入職電子郵件、以下是我們在 Drift 發送的所有電子郵件、17 個幫助 Groove 發展業務的電子郵件腳本和6 個可穿戴技術電子郵件營銷示例.
🚀 訂閱者電子郵件非常適合宣布新功能發布或分享博客文章。它還用於發送教育材料或策劃內容通訊。所有這些電子郵件都可以成為提高現有用戶參與度的有效工具。通過時事通訊,您可以獲得許多電子郵件地址並將其轉變為用戶或合作夥伴:
Madhav Bhandari如何通過 5 個簡單的步驟構建和擴展精選的時事通訊。
時事通訊: Benchmark Email 團隊關於增加基於許可的電子郵件列表的一般概述和簡要指南。
14 個高轉換位置,可添加電子郵件註冊表單以從 Optinmonster 團隊構建您的列表。
Karolina Jasvinaitė 的10 個最常見的時事通訊錯誤和修復檢查表。除了避免這些錯誤之外,您還應該弄清楚如何在不使您的時事通訊成為“促銷”列表的情況下提供一致的價值。
Karolina Jasvinaitė 的10 條規則,讓您的電子郵件通訊設計美觀而有效。
Appcues 團隊重新吸引用戶的 20封最佳產品發布電子郵件。
我們的產品更新電子郵件如何獲得Groove 團隊68% 的響應率。
📢 促銷電子郵件可幫助您增加銷售額:
達納維爾·薩里亞 (Danavir Sarria) 無法轉換您的銷售信函的 21 個鮮為人知的原因。
您應該始終對電子郵件活動進行 A/B 測試:嘗試不同的主題行、文本、消息樣式、圖像、CTA 按鈕。查看您的指標並衡量每個元素的工作情況:
A/B 測試初學者指南:從 Kissmetrics 博客轉換而來的電子郵件活動。
A/B 測試您的電子郵件營銷:如何開始、要測試的內容以及來自 Zapier 博客的20 多個幫助應用程序。 * 150 多個電子郵件營銷拆分測試和來自 Emailmonday 的想法
您想通過非常好的電子郵件了解有關電子郵件 CTA 按鈕的所有信息。
Optinmonster 團隊的164 個電子郵件主題行可提高您的電子郵件打開率。很好的鼓舞人心的例子可以嘗試。
📚 想進一步了解生命週期電子郵件營銷嗎?閱讀這些全面的長指南,其中包含我們上面討論的所有類型的電子郵件以及示例、提示和旅行以及推薦的工具:
來自 Vero 的 Jimmy Daly的終極生命週期電子郵件營銷指南。該指南有 135 個電子郵件示例,分為 5 個類別和 41 個子類別。
什麼是滴灌營銷?Zapier 的 Joe Stych 撰寫的滴灌活動、生命週期電子郵件等完整指南。它是電子郵件營銷應用終極指南的一部分,該指南還有 11 章可供閱讀。我告訴過你,這是一個巨大的圖書館!
📌 實用工具:
看看這個令人興奮的 UserOnboard 網站,其中包含許多示例,說明流行的 Web 應用程序如何處理其入門體驗。作者 Samuel Hulick 製作了屏幕截圖,解釋了每個用戶的步驟——從簽名到歡迎電子郵件。
更新:GDPR 更改後,我不建議您使用冷電子郵件營銷。 大多數人討厭冷門外展以及與直銷相關的一切。但是,面向用戶的智能冷郵件可以為您提供新用戶、合作夥伴或推薦:
Sean Bestor的冷銷售電子郵件聖經(模板指南)。
如何在向他們發送冷電子郵件之前預熱前景?通過凱茜帕塔拉斯。Cathy 的文章提出了一些簡單的操作,這可能會嚴重提高您的冷電子郵件打開和回复率。
Melissa Williams 的這11 個冷電子郵件模板和示例非常有創意!抓住一些並為您的目標受眾個性化。不要忘記先做研究!你需要真正了解你正在寫的人。
9冷電子郵件公式,只是普通的工作。Yesware 團隊的另一個好教程。
101 個銷售電子郵件模板📚 Attach.io 團隊準備了從冷外展到 LinkedIn 介紹消息的電子郵件示例。
Cathy Patalas在發送冷電子郵件之前要執行的 14 項可傳遞性檢查。
看起來像您每一封都寫過的大量電子郵件是Sapph回复率的3.5 倍。
:shipit: 向開展冷電子郵件活動的企業家和製造商同行學習:
10 個冷電子郵件提示我曾經通過 Dunja Lazić獲得 60,000 次註冊。
如何獲得Bryan Harris 的3,000 美元月度合同(帶有準確的腳本)。
為什麼每個出站活動都需要通過 Salesfolk發送 8封電子郵件。這是 YC 初創公司 Ambition 的案例研究,該公司使用冷電子郵件活動和自動化來增加銷售額。
這裡有一些來自 Basecamp 的 Android 程序員的鼓舞人心的故事,他只是給人們發了一封冷淡的電子郵件:欽佩某人?給他們寫一封電子郵件,你可能會感到驚訝。由丹金撰寫。
如何查找任何電子郵件地址: SEO Sherpa 團隊的完整策略列表(2017 版)。
Ryan Stewart查找任何人電子郵件地址的分步過程。
如何發送更好的電子郵件和避免電子郵件垃圾郵件觸發詞Nate Shivar。
有趣的短視頻,其中包含11 個清理髒話的技巧,語法上的冗長文字。
80 個讓人們記住你的強大電子郵件結尾,作者 Dmitry Dragilev。
時間就是一切:對講機數據說明了 Geoffrey Keating發送消息的最佳時間。
📌 實用工具:
Norbert用於查找電子郵件。創建帳戶後,它會為您提供 50 次免費電子郵件搜索。
用於冷群發電子郵件的GMass。您可以免費使用 GMass 每天發送 50 封電子郵件。
溝通是建立任何一種關係的關鍵。每個社會社區都有自己的規則。當工程師更願意接受深思熟慮的談話時,商務人士會更喜歡簡潔的價值驅動的信息。我鼓勵你在寫一行 LinkedIn 邀請之前學習這些社交規則:
如何像 CEO 一樣寫電子郵件,作者是 Andrew Torba。
Romain Serman 的《矽谷禮儀》。
🔎 如何以及在哪裡尋找合作夥伴:
Aja Frost關於新 LinkedIn 搜索和編寫 LinkedIn 請求的提示。
除了 LinkedIn 之外,Cathy Patalas 的15 個地方可以找到潛在客戶。
如何從技術會議中產生 91 735 美元的收入:在 YouTeam 的活動中尋找客戶的指南。
Hiten Shah 和 Steli Efti 的《如何使用會議來發展您的創業播客》。
Hubspot 團隊如何通過 5 個簡單步驟創建後續電子郵件。
聯合營銷:如何通過戰略合作夥伴關係吸引新客戶,Braveen Kumar。建議將適合擁有實體產品的公司。
營銷心理學:使用馬斯洛的需求層次, Neville Medhora。
Nick Kolenda 的情感營銷指南。
Buster Benson 的認知偏見備忘單(長篇閱讀)。
用戶體驗中的稀缺性:大衛·特奧多雷斯庫(David Teodorescu)成為常態的心理偏見:
UXmatters 的心智模型和用戶體驗。
TED 演講: Dan Cobley 的《物理學教給我的營銷知識》。
莎拉·彼得森 (Sarah Peterson )的12 種建立社會認同的方法(從頭開始)
營銷心理學:18 種使用社會證明來提升結果的方法,作者是 Buffer 團隊的 Alfred Lua。
Nir Eyal 和 Ximena Vengoechea的發送良好觸發器(電子郵件和通知)的心理學。
Josh Elman的五種類型的病毒式傳播並為您的產品選擇合適的一種。
掌握“微網絡”的工作可以幫助您在活動中實現病毒式傳播。Nick Kolenda 對此做了很好的指導。
GitHub 工程總監 Phil Haack撰寫的如何對軟件的批評不那麼情緒化,對用戶的痛苦更加同情的好帖子。
Jon Loomer關於定價和折扣。
Intercom 聯合創始人 Des Traynor為您的 SaaS 產品選擇定價策略。
為什麼您應該每 6 個月更改一次 SaaS 定價,作者:Jordan T. McBride。
Nico Moreno 的9 種可增加收入的定價策略(由心理學提供支持)。
Hacking Competitive Pricing Analysis with Scraping by Matthew Barby。
來自 Salesforce 的 5 章概述:什麼是營銷自動化?
Segment將幫助您通過一個地方、一個 API 集成用於分析(例如 Mixpanel、Google Analytics、Kissmetrics)和營銷(例如 Mailchimp、Salesforce)的工具。它就像一個“樞紐”,所有數據都流經它。這 2 個視頻解釋了什麼是 Segment以及它如何為您提供幫助。Segment在他們自己的網站上也有一個很好的入門指南,而這篇 Medium帖子分享了實施它的初創公司的經驗。
Stripe 團隊關於SaaS 業務的優秀指南:了解 SaaS 業務的工作原理以及如何發展它們。你應該從第一次閱讀開始!
CAC 和 CPA 高級指南:如何(實際)計算 CAC(和俄羅斯版本)。
與 Intercom 團隊一起在 SaaS 世界中優先發布產品公告。
使用圖表工具、公式和 Apps 腳本在 Google 表格中繪製漏斗圖。它可用於在電子表格中建立您的銷售或分析渠道。
App Launch Guide旨在成為獨立開發者構建和啟動應用程序的權威指南,包括預發布、營銷、構建、QA、嗡嗡聲構建和發布。
Awesome-Indie是獨立開發者賺錢的絕佳資源。由 Joan Boixadós 完成。
Marketing for App Developers是一個全面的 iOS 應用營銷平台,在 2017 年發行說明中給出,充滿了參考資料。包括競爭分析、內容營銷、ASO 資源。來自設計師和營銷人員 Tracy Osborn。
THE BAMF BIBLE是 Josh Fechter 和社區提供的關於增長黑客的完整食譜書(300 多頁的操作方法)。它涵蓋了 Facebook、LinkedIn、Quora、Instagram、Twitter、YouTube、內容營銷、冷電子郵件、反向鏈接等等的營銷技巧!
MAKE是一本關於以獨立方式從 Nomad List 的創建者 Pieter Levels 引導您的初創公司的書。這基本上是他過去幾年創造產品的經驗的印記。本書的大部分內容都非常實用平易近人,旨在自己嘗試。
Stripe Atlas 指導運營互聯網業務。
工程師系列營銷由Flawless App團隊創建和維護:
麗莎 Dziuba ( lisa@flawlessapp.io )
艾哈邁德·蘇萊曼( ahmed@flawlessapp.io )
為行銷人員精心挑選的資源的活文檔(或者,我為太多的東西添加了書籤,以至於忘記了它們在哪個文件夾中)。 我還有另一個很棒的開發者行銷資源列表。
為什麼我要把我的書籤變成公共倉庫?在線行銷相關內容的問題在於,它 99% 都是胡說八道。我嘗試大量閱讀並節省資源。所以我想我不妨把它公之於眾,這樣你就可以節省一些時間來尋找值得閱讀的東西。
增長供應- Ali Mese 關於初創公司和增長的精彩文章
Kevin Indig - 關於 SEO、內容和策略的 No-BS 長篇閱讀 (⭐)
Brian Balfour - 關於增長和行銷的長篇閱讀
HubSoda - 專注於新創 SaaS 的行銷公司,提供獨特的 SEO 服務
十六家企業- 銷售加速和增長行銷職位
Tenten.Marketing 行銷 - 台北行銷公司/ HubSpot 中文代理商
Andrew Chen - Long 閱讀增長和業務 (⭐)
成長駭客社群 (台灣/ 香港)- Ali Mese 關於初創公司和增長的精彩文章
凱文·英迪格 (Kevin Indig) 的 2020 年綜述- 從 2020 年起包含 225 個書籤的 Airtable
內容驅動增長- Lenny 的時事通訊中關於內容驅動增長的精彩文章,重點關注 Hubspot、aHrefs、Intercom 和 Slidebean (⭐)
真正好的電子郵件- 每個電子郵件用例的電子郵件靈感
請不要進行 A/B 測試(⭐)
產品行銷閱讀清單- PMA 的 PMM 書籍閱讀清單
SEO 社區- 用於 SEO 的公共領域項目列表資源 (⭐)
學習 SEO - 包含大量資源的免費 SEO 學習路線圖
搜索引擎優化如何工作?- 關於 SEO 基礎的 G2 文章
2021 年行銷技術堆棧- Intercom 推薦的堆棧
MarTech Base - 用於構建堆棧並查看誰在使用什麼的資源
構建您的 DXP - 適用於 Martech 堆棧的 API 優先工具的社區持續時間列表
不常見的 SEO 知識(⭐)
Kevan Lee 的面試準備- 行銷面試資源列表
Kevin Indig 的好讀物- Kevin Indig 推薦的文章、書籍和視頻列表
獨角獸- 初創公司的洋蔥?
如何找到適合市場的產品- Peter Reinhardt(細分市場)在 Y Combinator 的演講
Tech Marketer: A Job At The Edge Of Technology & Marketing
行銷角色,或稱買方角色,是一種按共同特徵劃分目標市場的方法。它被用來指導媒體活動,以適當的資訊傳遞來鎖定正確的受眾。購買者角色通常來自於市場研究。...如果說行銷角色關注的是 "誰",那麼用戶體驗角色則更關注 "如何"。用戶體驗角色,或者說設計角色,可以包括買方角色中的所有資訊,但是要額外強調面向任務的用戶行為。用戶體驗角色想要揭示的是目標用戶從A點到B點的所有步驟。
👆 用戶研究是客戶發現過程的一個初始部分。你不僅要研究你的潛在用戶,還要測試你想建立的東西在市場上是否需要(這被稱為產品市場適應性)。如果你不熟悉精益創業方法,我建議你查看這些資源。它更偏向于創業公司,但對新手產品製作者仍有意義。
📌 有用的工具。
我鼓勵你開始自己做內容行銷。外包可能是非常棘手的,特別是在開始的時候。 首先,想想你的部落格或內容是如何脫穎而出的。每個行業都有很多很酷的部落格。你將如何做到與眾不同?你能為你的用戶提供什麼獨特的價值?你怎樣才能建立一個參與的讀者社區?而最重要的問題是你將如何把讀者轉化為線索。有了所有這些考慮,你應該創建一個內容戰略。
[How to convert leads directly off of your blog with help on Popups 💰] (https://sumo.com/stories/email-popup-lead-generation) by Benji Hyam.
[How To Convert Blog Traffic Into Customers With CTAs: The Complete Guide] (https://growandconvert.com/conversion-rate-optimization/blog-conversion-strategy/) by Devesh Khanal.
不要忘記計算【內容行銷的客戶獲取成本】(https://growandconvert.com/content-marketing/customer-acquisition-cost/#)。Devesh Khanal將成本分為3類:每篇文章的成本,工資成本和技術成本。你可以針對你的情況重複他的計算,得到大概的預算。
###:太陽鏡。個人部落格 首先創建一個部落格,不僅要吹捧你的產品,還要提供有用的建議、技巧和竅門、連結等。檢查競爭對手的部落格在發布希麼,在行業中流行什麼,你的用戶對什麼感興趣。將你的文章想法與你已經定義的內容戰略相一致。為了獲得一些靈感,請滾動這些建議的碎片。
📌 檢查你的語法和可讀性!我使用這些很酷的應用 程式。
[The Simple Way to Get People to Read Your Blog Post on Facebook] (http://adamrogersuk.com/blog/post-blog-on-facebook/) by Adam Rogers.關於優化你在Facebook上重新發布的內容的好主意。
影響者行銷的重點是與意見領袖合作,將公司資訊/產品/服務推向更大的市場。 📚 這些長篇指南將有利於 開始。
[How We Got 1,000+ Subscribers from a single Blog Post in 24 Hours] (https://www.groovehq.com/blog/1000-subscribers) by Alex Turnbull.Groove團隊與有影響力的人建立關係,以獲得他們部落格上的第一批讀者。這是很聰明的策略!
[Followerwonk Analyze](https://moz.com/followerwonk/analyze/)提供了一個關於任何Twitter用戶網路的巨大資料庫。這個免費的工具向你顯示用戶的追隨者和該用戶所追隨的人的資訊。因此,你可以找到參與的最佳時間,受歡迎的用戶,位置資訊等。
使用RSS應用 程式,從有影響力的人的部落格中獲取內容。你可以對這些帖子發表評論,並通過你的社群媒體分享好的帖子。[Selfoss](https://selfoss.aditu.de/)是一個很好的RSS應用 程式。它是一個開放源碼,所以你可以挖掘它的程式碼和定製的東西。
Product Hunt(PH)是一個發現、分享和研究科技領域新產品的地方。在那裡提交你的產品是出現在記者、科技人士和同僚面前的一個好方法。提交后,產品將參加每日比賽。比賽從北京時間00:00開始,在北京時間23:59結束。你必須在這一天結束前獲得盡可能多的支持和評論!:獎盃。最成功的產品會出現在主頁上,並能獲得大量誠實的回饋,下載,用戶和公關的嗡嗡聲。請查看成功的PH故事,以決定PH是否是適合你的發布平台!
📌 有用的工具。
📌 有用的SMM工具箱。
🐤 Facebook廣告的初學者指南。在這裡,你可以找到建立你的第一個廣告活動的分步驟教程。我還包括關於廣告設計、文案和典型錯誤的文章。如果你跳過了以前的內容,查看個人部落格部分中關於病毒性標題的帖子和社會媒體行銷部分的帖子會很有用。
🐔 關於Facebook廣告的高級閱讀。願原力與你同在!
[How to Use Facebook Insights & Analytics to Boost Social Media Marketing Strategy] (https://blog.bufferapp.com/facebook-insights) by Alfred Lua from Buffer.
[《Facebook廣告審查101:讓你的廣告快速通過的規則!》(https://adespresso.com/academy/blog/facebook-ads-review-rules/) 作者:Massimo Chieruzzi。
Reddit是最活躍的互聯網社區之一,有自己獨特的文化。你可以在那裡得到大量很酷的資訊,偉大的產品回饋和第一批用戶。 :trollface:然而,在你被禁止之前,最好先學習Reddit的規則和基本知識。
[How To Make Your First $1,000 with Reddit Ads] (http://ryanluedecke.com/reddit-ads/) by Ryan Luedecke.這是一個舊的,但內容超級豐富的教程。
📌 有用的工具。
[How I Got 425% More Page Views on LinkedIn - and You Can, Too] (https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-i-got-425-more-page-views-on-linkedinand-you-can-too) by Aja Frost.
如何寫出有價值的LinkedIn郵件](http://www.yesware.com/blog/linkedin-inmail/),作者是Yesware團隊的Melissa Williams。
📢 LinkedIn公司頁面和廣告選項。
我大量使用LinkedIn。正如你所記得的,我們經營著[Flawless App](https://flawlessapp.io/?utm_source=Github&utm_campaign=Collection-Marketing-For-Engineers&utm_medium=Free-Collection)--一個為iOS和macOS工程師提供的工具。我們的很多用戶都在LinkedIn上花時間,參加iOS小組或在那裡發表文章。我經常在這些群組中發布很酷的東西,通過直接資訊與人們接觸,或分享我的文章。不幸的是,我確實會收到垃圾郵件或一些來自求職者/招募者的隨機請求。但總的來說,LinkedIn對我有用。
📌 有用的工具。
[使用Google的LinkedIn X-Ray搜索工具](https://www.lisearcher.com/)。使用免費帳戶,你只能得到100個搜索結果。為了繞過這個限制,你可以使用X-Ray搜索。
💻 讓我們從入職開始。它的目標是增加真正使用你的產品(或免費試用)的用戶數量,並在以後為其付費。入職過程可以通過應用內資訊、即時聊天資訊、產品參觀、歡迎模式窗口、精心設計的用戶體驗甚至電話來完成。我們將專注於通過電子信箱進行入職培訓。
🚀 訂閱者電子信箱適合於宣布新功能發布或分享部落格文章。它也用於發送教育材料或策劃的內容通訊。所有這些電子信箱都可以成為增長你現有用戶參與度的有效工具。通過新聞通訊,你可以獲得許多電子信箱地址,並將他們變成用戶或合作夥伴。
📚 想了解更多關於生命周期電子信箱行銷的知識?請閱讀這些全面的長篇指南,其中包含了我們上面談到的所有類型的電子信箱的例子、技巧和行程以及推薦的工具。
📌 有用的工具。
更新:在GDPR變化之後,我不會推薦你使用冷門的電子信箱行銷工作。 大多數人討厭冷門推廣和與直接銷售有關的一切。然而,聰明的以用戶為導向的冷郵件可以給你帶來新的用戶、合作夥伴或推薦。
[How To Send Better Email & Avoid Email Spam Trigger Words] (https://www.shivarweb.com/9451/email-spam-trigger-words/) by Nate Shivar.
📌 有用的工具。
🔎 如何以及在哪裡尋找合作夥伴。
[Co-Marketing: How to Reach New Customers With Strategic Partnerships] (https://www.shopify.com/blog/195109129-co-marketing-strategic-partnerships) by Braveen Kumar.這些建議適合擁有實體產品的公司。
[GitHub工程總監Phil Haack撰寫的《如何對你的軟體的批評不那麼情緒化,對用戶的痛苦更有同情心》(http://haacked.com/archive/2012/12/17/you-do-not-need-a-thick-skin.aspx/)。
工程師的行銷集由[Flawless App](https://flawlessapp.io/?utm_source=Github&utm_campaign=Collection-Marketing-For-Engineers&utm_medium=Free-Collection)團隊創建和維護。
Lisa Dziuba (lisa@flawlessapp.io) *艾哈邁德-蘇萊曼 (ahmed@flawlessapp.io)
如何為你的項目獲得資金 *還有一些有用的部落格、新聞簡報、課程。
A curated list of awesome Discord communities for developers, game engineers, hackers, hobbyists, mathematicians and tech enthusiasts. at heart, is a community-oriented instant messaging, voice and video call application.
A quick lookup from browser ctrl + f
may help to find communities by a topic
Some Discord counterpart communities to Stack Overflow.
Discussions on the concepts behind modern, and classical computing and its kin.
Discussions on bare-bones circuit boards, microprocessors, and bleeding edge hardware.
From fixing broken parts of various computer hardware to discussions on CPU, GPU, keyboards, mice, phones, tablets, smartwatches, headphones, and other related gadgets.
Programming languages used in embedded systems, web frameworks, automation and mobile apps.
The back-end of web, from single static page to complex web applications; usage of diverse frameworks, modules, linters, components, package managers, builders, Progressive Web Apps (PWA), everything that fuels the modern web.
Sketchbooks for software engineers; IDEs, text editors, modular editors, GUI terminals, emulators, or maybe a development utility so complex that can't be described in simple words?
All about design systems, graphical illustrations, user interface and user experience.
The underlying kernels that are responsible for managing application processes.
Everything red and blue teams are leaglly allowed to do; securty asssessment, reverse engineering, loopholes in networks, vulnerability research and so on.
The open-source development of cryptocurrencies and applications of blockchain.
Computationally model natural or supernatural phenomena using the rigorous laws of physics and mathematics in your favorite application environment.
Making of games, how to rasterize or real time ray tracing, the complexities behind each object movement, everything before publishing in the marketplace.
Developing for virtual, augmented, and mixed reality; the head-mounted displays that stimulate our perception of a whole new world. The applications of VR are endless.
Data manupulation and visualization, machine learning frameworks and artificial intelligence.
Discussions on interview challenges, resume reviews, job opportunities in the field of programming.
5 種低成本游擊營銷策略,來自 Braveen Kumar。 通過人流量直接線下曝光適合實體產品和勇敢的創始人。
Product Hunt (PH) 是一個發現、分享和了解科技新產品的地方。提交您的產品是出現在記者、技術人員和其他製造商面前的好方法。提交後,產品將參加每日比賽。比賽於太平洋標準時間 00:00 開始,太平洋標準時間 23:59 結束。在一天結束之前,您必須獲得盡可能多的點贊和評論! 最成功的產品出現在主頁上,可以獲得大量的誠實反饋、下載、用戶和公關嗡嗡聲。請查看 PH 成功案例,以確定 PH 是否適合您!
成功的 PH 啟動需要大量的準備、啟動期間的推廣(24h++)和後續工作。這些指南將幫助您:
Streak for Gmail用於安排稍後發送的電子郵件並管理您的連接。使用此工具,您還可以查看誰打開了您的電子郵件
by optinmonster.
作者:Greg Ciotti.
+ by Steve Blank.
16分鐘的 來自斯坦福大學關於客戶發展和精益創業的在線課程。
是一個競爭性的審計工具,可以幫助你準確地找到你要找的東西 :slightly_smiling_face:
作者:保羅-格雷厄姆。他是Y Combinator的聯合創始人,電腦科學家、投資者和企業家。保羅展示了諸如Stripe、Airbnb或Facebook這樣的流行公司是如何獲得其第一批用戶的。這是一本比較有哲理的讀物,可以幫助你的大腦朝正確的方向思考。
作者Hiten Shah。它強調了一些可以嘗試的不同想法。
作者是了不起的Ryan Hoover,Product Hunt的聯合創始人。
,作者Sergei Gusev。他們向市場上有影響力的人發送免費產品(設計師香水),並獲得影片評論。這使他們的銷售量急劇增長!
作者:Alex Turnbull,Groove的創始人。
,作者Rand Fishkin。你可以通過分享有意義的意見和想法來為你的公司贏得關注。Rand Fishkin做了一個關於使用這種技術的9分鐘的優秀影片👌。
如何創建和來為你的產品獲得用戶。在這些The Startup Chat的播客中,有非常聰明的行銷技巧!
作者是Shopify的Tucker Schreiber。這篇文章主要是針對在線商店行業。但獲得免費媒體關注的原則適用於任何市場。
:獨立開發者和機構創始人Dan Counsell的實用指南。
和可以給你帶來口碑的增長。為了獲得靈感,請查看。這些有用的指南是由Brandon Gains從Referral Saasquatch準備的。
通過Braveen Kumar。:猴子。通過人流的直接線下曝光將適合實體產品和勇敢的創始人。
,當你有一個困難的軟體產品有許多使用案例時。這是展示你的主要產品的好處和提高品牌知名度的好方法。這篇文章展示了如何通過免費的易於使用的工具來銷售Clearbit API-解決方案。你也可以投入你的時間,製作一些免費的東西--UI工具包、瀏覽器擴展、有趣的遊戲或開放原始碼工具。
在開始之前問自己。 (播客)
作者:Tyler Hakes.
作者:Benji Hyam。這篇文章展示了如何為一個面向移動和網路的部落格制定內容策略。
作者:Alex Turnbull。這是一個激動人心的故事,講述了Groove如何重建他們的內容行銷戰略,重點是什麼能真正幫助他們的市場。
布萊恩-迪恩(Brian Dean)撰寫的關於框架的案例研究。
by Emil Shour.
作者:Ilia Markov。
by Emily Triplett Lentz from Help Scout team.
。Robert Katai展示了如何使用工具🔎來找出人們對你的行業的詢問(通過關鍵詞)。
來自Ed Leake。它混合了許多可寫的主題。請隨意滾動它並竊取相關的東西。
.正如Marko Saric所提到的,🙏完美的主題是通過將你的激情和個性與市場的需求相互聯繫而找到的。
,作者是BuzzSumo的Steve Rayson。
via KopywritingKourse.
作者:Danavir Sarria.
作者:Sean Bestor。
。Marko Saric一直關注WordPress部落格的SEO優化。
。Rand Fishkin對你的項目應該使用哪種格式提出了建議。
from Nate Shivar.該文章將教你如何通過SEO研究來預審你的內容創意。
via Quora.
,作者Quincy Larson。
Medium團隊提供的關於(基本上是你的部落格)的指南和漂亮的教程,作者Elizabeth Tobey。
,作者Levent Aşkan。
by Elizabeth Tobey.
(時機,一些宣傳技巧) 作者:Ali Mese。
作者:Quincy Larson。
。在分享你的內容之前,先了解每一個平台(否則你將成為一個垃圾郵件發送者💩)。在文章的最後,Shafi Khan提到了其他需要遵循的重要規則。
。Benji Hyam談到了社區驅動的內容推廣。這意味著,你與目標社區接觸,然後分享你的內容,使其增加價值。
。Sarah Peterson分享的方法,可以幫助讀者輕鬆分享你的文章。
,作者Paul Shapiro。😯 你有沒有試過在別人的博文的UTM參數中加入你的部落格?保羅將教你這個聰明的黑客。
作者:Ryan Battles。轉發策略是導致增長還是懲罰?Ryan Battles就這個話題做了資訊播報和文章。
作者:Sarah Peterson。
作者是Buffer公司的Ash Read。
,作者是來自Sumo的Jason Quey。
作者:Yuval Maoz。
,作者是Groove的創始人Alex Turnbull。
😱 作者:Tim Soulo。Tim展示了如何以正確的方式向有影響力的人發送電子信箱的很酷的例子。在聯繫意見領袖之前,請先閱讀這篇文章
作者:Pieter Levels。人們都很忙,你應該避免含糊不清的資訊,這隻會搶走時間。閱讀這篇簡短的文章,了解意見領袖希望在他們的收件箱中看到什麼。
123 Reg團隊製作的關於和的良好影片。
作者Noam Avigdor。
作者:Lily Herman。
作者:Noah Kagan,受歡迎的IT企業家和影響者。我喜歡他關於讓人們更容易對你的請求說 "是 "的簡短指示。
作者:Benji Hyam。
。Sergei Gusev展示了他們如何在付費影響者行銷平台的幫助下擴大影響者行銷規模。他的故事的第一部分是。
by Product Hunt team.
來自頂級獵手之一Robleh Jama。聽聽這個人的發布演算法非常有用,他提交了很多不同的產品。
by SpreadShare team.
by 3D modeling app, who launched on PH in December 2016.這些人沒有典型的 "針對新創企業受眾的甜蜜產品",他們的發布是 "一般般 "的好。我鼓勵你考慮一下你將在PH上投入的資源與可能的結果!
- 這是我們在PH上發布的故事。我們分享了我們的行銷策略和所有結果:流量數字、試用安裝和銷售。此外,我們還在Product Hunt聚會上做了一個演講,這裡是其中的。希望它能幫助你們中的一些人在Product Hunt上取得成功!
由Hidden Founders團隊提供。
Product Hunt分析。。
,作者是Kevan Lee,Buffer行銷總監。這是一篇關於制定SMM戰略的基本內容的綜合長篇讀物。
via Canva.
作者:Patrick Whatman。
作者:Paul Shapiro。
,作者Tami Brehse。塔米在一個月內為她的部落格文章安排了60條推特。她的整體網站流量顯示了人們如何真正參與到自動推文中。
作者:Tara Reed。Tara分享了一個關於建立Twitter戰略和自動化參與工作流程的很酷的指南。聰明的自動化是了不起的👌。
。Jeff Bullas使用Dlvr.it進行自動化,這個工具有一個很好的免費計劃。請注意,僅僅向你的社交網路濫發內容是行不通的。
作者:Michael Georgiou。檢查可能的缺點,知道如何避免它們。
作者:Karola Karlson。新帳戶因缺乏追隨者而受到影響。跟隨-取消關注工具似乎是一個明顯的解決方案,可以讓你獲得 "第一批追隨者"。但在大多數情況下,這將是機器人或不活躍的用戶。
,作者:Paz Segura。
,作者Melissa Culberson。梅麗莎證明了,如果你在發送非個人化的自動DM時加入一些垃圾郵件,那隻會惹惱你的用戶。
作者:Nik Nitro。只有在為新的追隨者提供實際價值的時候,才應該使用歡迎自動廣告。尼展示了他的例子。
如果你想花更少的時間閱讀推文,你可以自動取消關注別人。Felix Krause的這個可以取消對所有人的關注,並將這些關注者放入一個名為 "舊關注 "的列表中。
我提到的工具,是我個人使用的。然而,還有很多其他的好工具可以嘗試。,作者是Buffer團隊的Kevan Lee。
🐣 Facebook頁面和小組。 *許多關於內容、帖子類型和其他初學者問題的有趣想法。 作者:Susan Moeller。
作者:Alex York。
,作者Neil Patel。這是一本有用的讀物,但要注意許多有尼爾臉的促銷廣告。
by Adrienne Branson.
,作者是Kevan Lee,Buffer市場總監。Buffer已經把學習Facebook廣告的全面指南放在一起,從廣告設置到分析。 *關於廣告文案寫作的好建議。,作者是Joanna Wiebe。
,作者是Kissmetrics的Karola Karlson。
AdEspresso團隊的Massimo Chieruzzi撰寫的。
by Jon Loomer.
作者:Karola Karlson。
作者:Noah Kagan。
[The Facebook Pixel: What It Is and How to Use It] (https://blog.hootsuite.com/facebook-pixel/) from Hootsuite team.Facebook像素是你放在網站上的程式碼,用於跟蹤Facebook廣告的轉化率,根據收集到的數據優化廣告,為未來的廣告建立目標受眾,並對合格的客戶進行再行銷。我們在積極開展工作的6個月后開始使用Facebook Pixel。這是個錯誤。如果我們早點使用它,我們就能收集到所有這些時間的數據,用於在Facebook上進行付費行銷。
,作者是Jon Loomer。
作者:Karola Karlson。
by Kane Jamison.
and [an illustrated guide to this tool (post)] (https://chatbotsmagazine.com/an-illustrated-guide-to-facebook-messenger-destination-ads-dd543d2659d0) by @Mssg.
關於的良好影片。Ryan Stewart講述了行銷漏斗框架和接觸點,你必須為你的活動建立。
,作者Jon Loomer。
,作者是AdEspresso團隊的Massimo Chieruzzi。
作者:Johnathan Dane,來自KlientBoost。
作者:Jon Loomer。
作者:Digital Marketer。如果你已經讀到這一點✋,請擊掌。
如何在Facebook廣告上重新定位。還有PixelMe團隊為你的[Medium Readers]提供的更高級的Facebook重新導向服務(https://medium.com/pixelme-blog/how-to-retarget-your-medium-readers-with-facebook-ads-c63bc7c8089d)。
by Grouply team.
by Braveen Kumar.
。要特別注意 "請不要 "部分。
by Vyper.io team.
by Nate Shivar.
by Alex Berman.Spoiler:"我們得到了一個明確的確認,Reddit社區仍然是廣告防線,聞到了/忽略了推廣帖子"。
作者:Ana Gotter。
另一個有趣的案例。 作者:Nate Shivar。
,作者Larry Kim。
作者:Aja Frost。
作者:Melissa Williams。
作者:Susan Hallam from Hallam.
LinkedIn可以幫助你在你的內容上獲得更多的關注,並從其他朋友那裡獲得回饋。對討論的貢獻將使你的個人資料和你的公司頁面更加明顯。如果你聽了Rand Fishkin關於的影片,你就知道如何把自己和自己的公司打造成思想領袖。
Gregory Ciott。
作者:Paul Shapiro。
作者:BuzzSumo的Steve Rayson。
作者:Carly Stec。當你發表了你的文章,在推特上寫上 "提示@LinkedIn編輯 "的資訊。這將最大限度地提高你在LinkedIn Pulse頻道上的報道機會。
作者Emma Brudner。這個例子有點正式,但它值得一試。
作者:Mark Williams。
from ShivarWeb staff.
via LinkedIn.
by AdEspresso team.
by Nate Shivar.
by Tom Whiley.
,可以幫助達到你的理想受眾並提高轉化率。作者:Michael McEuen。
如果你需要增長你的LinkedIn連接基礎,使用這個。它將自動從 "你可能認識的人 "部分添加目標人物。你只需要選擇關鍵詞。
by Ryan Stewart.
,作者是 "2017年頂級Quora作家 "Josh Fechter。
作者:Nate Shivar。
##病毒式行銷 ,這是一篇關於病毒性增長的老文章,但非常有用。
by Customer.io team.
作者:Garrett Dimon。
作者:Alex Turnbull。
作者:Alli Blum.
作者:Ty Magnin from Appcues.
,作者:Samuel Hulick。你可以非常努力地工作,獲得大量的流量或試用註冊。但如果你的入職體驗和將用戶轉化為客戶的過程很糟糕,你就會輸掉比賽。
為了獲得入職和產品郵件的靈感,你可以查看大公司的例子。, , 和 .
by Madhav Bhandari.
and by Benchmark Email team.
作者:Karolina Jasvinaitė.除了避免這些錯誤之外,你應該想辦法提供一個穩定的價值,而不使你的通訊成為一個 "促銷 "名單。
,作者:Karolina Jasvinaitė。
通過Campaign Monitor。
現在讓我們把注意力集中在發布郵件和發行說明上。 by Intercome.
by Appcues team.
作者:Danavir Sarria。
來自Zapier部落格。 * 來自Emailmonday
by Really Good Emails.
by Luca Longo.幫助你選擇你的CTA按鈕的好文章。
作者是來自Vero的Jimmy Daly。該指南有135個電子信箱例子,分成5個類別和41個子類別。
,作者是Zapier的Joe Stych。它是的一部分,其中還有11個章節需要閱讀。我告訴過你,這是個巨大的圖書館!
看看這個,裡面有許多流行的網路應用 程式如何處理他們的入職經驗的例子。作者Samuel Hulick對每一個用戶的步驟都做了螢幕 截圖的解釋--從簽名到歡迎郵件。
作者:Sean Bestor。
作者:Cathy Patalas。Cathy的文章提出了一些簡單的行動,這些行動可能會嚴重提高你的冷門郵件打開率和回復率。
📚 Attach.io團隊準備了從冷門推廣到LinkedIn介紹資訊的電子信箱例子。
Cathy Patalas著。
作者:Dunja Lazić.
作者:Bryan Harris.
by Salesfolk.這是一個關於YC新創公司Ambition的案例研究,他使用冷淡的電子信箱活動和自動化來增長銷售。
這裡是Basecamp的安卓 程式員的一些鼓舞人心的故事,他只是向人們發送了冷門電子信箱。。作者:Dan Kim。
by SEO Sherpa team.
作者:Ryan Stewart。
by Grammarly.有趣的短影片。
作者:Dmitry Dragilev。
作者:Cathy Patalas。
作者:Geoffrey Keating。
by Andrew Torba.
作者:Mattan Griffel。
作者:Romain Serman。
和的提示,作者Aja Frost。
,作者Cathy Patalas。
from wikiHow.
播客:Hiten Shah & Steli Efti.
by Hubspot team.
,作者Neville Medhora。
作者:Nick Kolenda。
by Buster Benson.
作者:David Teodorescu。
by UXmatters.
,作者Dan Cobley。
作者:Nick Kolenda。
作者:TubiK Studio。
作者:Sarah Peterson
作者:Alfred Lua 來自Buffer團隊。
作者:Nir Eyal & Ximena Vengoechea.
作者:Josh Elman。
掌握 "微網路 "的工作可以幫助你在活動中實現病毒性。Nick Kolenda做了一個很好的。
讓我們從基礎知識開始。影片和Steve Blank的另一個偉大。
,作者Jon Loomer。
作者:Peter Witham。這更像是我朋友的哲學讀物,他試圖阻止你為你的移動應用 程式或任何其他產品收取低價。
作者:Nick Kolenda。
,作者Des Traynor,Intercom聯合創始人。
作者:Jordan T. McBride。
作者:Nico Moreno。
作者:Matthew Barby。
將幫助你通過一個地方、一個單一的API來整合分析工具(例如Mixpanel、Google Analytics、Kissmetrics)和行銷工具(例如Mailchimp、Salesforce)。它就像一個 "樞紐",所有數據都通過它流動。這兩個影片解釋了和。Segment在自己的網站上也有一個很好的,而的帖子分享了一個創業公司實施它的經驗。
旨在成為獨立開發者建構和發布應用 程式的權威指南,包括髮布前、行銷、建構、QA、製造話題和發布。
是獨立開發者賺錢的一個偉大資源。由Joan Boixadós完成。
是一份詳盡的iOS應用行銷手冊,在Release Notes 2017上給出,充滿了參考。包括競爭分析、內容行銷、ASO資源。來自設計師和行銷人員Tracy Osborn。
是Josh Fechter和社區的增長黑客的完整食譜(300多頁的戰術方法)。它涵蓋了Facebook、LinkedIn、Quora、Instagram、Twitter、YouTube、內容行銷、Cold Emails、反向連結和更多的行銷技巧。
是Pieter Levels--Nomad List的創建者--關於以獨立方式啟動你的創業公司的書。它基本上是他在過去幾年中創造產品的經驗的印記。書中的大部分內容都是非常實用和平易近人的,旨在自己嘗試一下。
或Steven Blank的Successful Strategies for Products that Win。
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, #programming
, #support
, #other-commodore-machines
, #other-classic-computers
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #amigashell
, #next-gen
, #emulation-and-fpga
, #hardware
, #multimedia
, #coding
, #accessory-port
Language: English
Notable Channels: #langdev
, #programming
, #projects
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #haskell
, #tooling
, #lisp-beginners
, #clojure
, #dependent-types
, #agda
, #coq
, #idris
, #scala
, #elm
, #f-sharp
, #elixir
, #purescript
, #type-theory
Language: English
Notable Channels: #rust
, #assembly
, #c-lang
, #c-cpp
, #wasm
, #compilers
, #embedded
, #game-dev
, #hardware
, #os-development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #x86
, #arm
, #z80
, #6502
, #jvm
, #mips
, #m68k
, #brainfu*k
, #nand-nor
, #other
Language: English
Notable Channels: #assembly
, #c-language
, #gpu
, #audio
, #build-systems
, #cpp
, #embedded
, #learning
, #security
, #tooling
, #2d-graphics
, #clion
, #catch2
, #qt
Language: English
Notable Channels: #cpp-questions
, #help
, #advanced
, #gamedev
, #project-showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #c_general
, #cpp_general
, #assembly
, #code_review
, #gamedev
, #graphics
, #audio
, #programming_environment
, #collaboration
, #unix
, #other_langs_help
, #math
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general_csharp
, #beginner_questions
, #projects
, #code-review
, #career-talk
, #web
, #gui
, #game-dev
, #database
, #architecture-and-tooling
Language: English
Notable Channels: #projects
, #mentors
, #learning-discussion
, #questions
, #architecture
, #code-review
, #web
, #python
, #ui-ux
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #variants
, #unity
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #development
, #showcase
, #showcase-discussion
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #clojure
, #clojurescript
, #emacs
, #editors
, #interop-therapy
, #boot
Language: English
Notable Channels: #new-to-css
, #intermediate-users
, #blog-posts
, #less
, #sass
, #scss
, #native-css-feature
, #tailwind
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #tailwind-css
, #core-dev
, #plugins
, #docs
, #tailwind-ui
, #design
, #development
, #showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #elixir
, #erlang
, #ecto
, #nerves
, #phoenix
, #absinthe
, #alchemy
, #frontend
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #golang
, #job-market-only
, #go-art-only
, #go-news-only
, #discordgo
, #disgord
, #dca
, #arikawa
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #show-your-work
, #tools
, #flixel
, #heaps
, #kha
, #nme
, #haxepunk
, #react
, #haxe-ui
, #lix
, #coconut
Language: English
Notable Channels: #question-of-the-week
, #share-knowledge
, #community-jam
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #geek-speak
, #java-help
, #android-help
, #framework-help
, #c_cpp_help
, #algorithms_help
, #architecture-help
, #code_review
, #ui_ux_help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #help
, #dev
, #rust-libs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #electron-builder
, #electron-forge
, #electron-packager
, #fiddle
, #security
, #reactjs
, #vuejs
, #jobs
, #projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tsc-meetings
, #general
, #help
, #lookwhatimade
, #developers
, #season-of-docs
Language: English, 日本語
Notable Channels: #general
, #beginners
, #nodejs
, #web-dom
, #react
, #vue
, #gatsby
, #webassembly
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #reasonconf
, #native-development
, #bucklescript
, #job-openings
, #react
, #ocaml
, #reason-dojo
, #reason-core-dev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #collaboration
, #code-review
, #help
, #react
, #angular
, #vue
, #svelte
, #jquery
, #gatsby
, #node
, #graphql
, #electron
, #threejs
, #webgl
Language: English
Notable Channels: #clojure
, #common-lisp
, #emacs-lisp
, #racket
, #scheme
, #lisp-gamedev
, #beginner-questions
, #algorithms
, #compiler-theory
Language: English
Notable Channels: #scripting
, #creations
, #roblox
, #gmod
, #wow
, #fivem
, #luajit
, #lua-c
, #terra
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #lua
, #luvit
, #luvi
, #luv
, #lit
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chitchat
, #support
, #extensions
, #extend
, #internals
, #docs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #theming
, #development
, #documentation
, #plugin-requests
, #social
, #testing
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #cashier
, #envoyer
, #forge
, #help
, #homestead
, #horizon
, #hype
, #internals
, #lumen
, #meetups
, #nova
, #passport
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #brewery
, #coding
, #support
, #internals
, #multi-tenant-support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #python-virtual-labs
, #azure
, #data-science
, #iot
, #postgres
, #vscode
Language: English
Notable Channels: #python-discussion
, #careers
, #help
, #async
, #computer-science
, #database
, #data-science
, #dev-ops
, #discord-py
, #game-development
, #security
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #your-projects
, #dev
, #python-for-android
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #suggestions-for-improvements
, #users-gallery
, #kivymd-studio
Language: English, русский
Notable Channels: #beginners-chat
, #project-ideas
, #help
, #devops
, #code-review
, #frontend
, #backend
, #rails
, #sinatra
Language: English
Notable Channels: #resources
, #drones
, #space
, #general-aviation
, #rtos
, #osal
, #splice
, #godwit
, #ideas
, #books
, #conferences
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #code-review
, #dev-tools
, #black-magic
, #macros
, #async
, #crypto-and-security
, #games-and-graphics
, #lang-dev
, #net-and-web
, #os-dev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #webview
, #didathing
, #help
, #gamedevs
, #app-devs
, #vue-cli-plugin
, #testing-core
, #documentation
, #community-projects
, #working-groups
, #cli-node
, #core-rust
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginners
, #contribute
, #community-team
, #rustbridge
, #design
, #compiler
, #wg-grammar
, #wg-async-foundation
, #type-theory
, #wg-wasm
, #wg-gamedev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tokio-users
, #tokio-dev
, #tokio-docs
, #ecosystem
, #butte
, #hyper
, #h3
, #kube
, #mio
, #prost
, #reqwest
, #tonic
, #tower
, #tracing
, #warp
, #loom
, #rdbc
, #metrics
Language: English
Notable Channels: #scala-users
, #scala-contributors
, #scala-js
, #scala-native
, #tooling
, #events
, #jobs
, #akka-users
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wwdc
, #general
, #swift
, #swiftui
, #firebase
, #xcode
, #general-ios
, #general-macos
, #general-watchos
, #interview
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ts-discussion
, #help
, #vue
, #angular
, #react
, #language-design
, #compiler
, #architecture
, #tooling
, #devops
, #site-localization
, #deno
, #meetups
, #projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #v-development
, #v-chat
, #help
, #bugs
, #syntax
, #ideas-and-suggestions
, #documentation
, #js-backend
, #x64-backend
, #v-ui
, #volt
, #gitly
, #vid
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 中文, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский, tiếng-việt, italiano
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #built-with-assemblyscript
, #development
, #community-group
, #as-pect
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #beginners
, #cg
, #jobs
, #events
, #summit
, #wasm
, #wasi
, #web
, #standalone
, #generic
, #emscripten
, #javascript
, #rust
, #go
Language: English
Notable Channels: #docusaurus-users
, #docusaurus-dev
, #docusaurus-2-dogfooding
, #docusaurus-2-dev
, #docusaurus-zeit
, #docusaurus-algolia
, #docusaurus-1-to-2-migration
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ember-jobs
, #help
, #ember-clie
, #ember-data
, #topic-a11y
, #topic-addon-development
, #topic-backend
, #dev-meta
, #dev-ember-learning
, #ember-addons
Language: English, français, Deutsch, português, pусский, español
Notable Channels: #discussion
, #documentation
, #advanced-questions
, #articles-videos-podcasts
, #showcase
Language: English, español, 中文, русский, português, italiano, Türkçe, Українська
Notable Channels: #general
, #discussion
, #need-help
, #bugs
, #feature-request
Language: English
Notable Channels: #watercooler
, #get-help
, #sprint
, #flask
, #jinja
, #click
, #werkzeug
, #flask-sqlalchemy
, #flask-rebar
, #wtforms
Language: English
Notable Channels: #svelte
, #support
, #sapper
, #examples
, #updates
, #meetups
, #future
, #showcase
, #nativedev
, #internals
, #gl
, #jobs
, #language-tools
, #sveltesocietyday2020
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #i-made-this
, #ideas
, #uikit-4
, #development
, #html-css
, #less
, #js
, #documentation
Language: English
Notable Channels: #vapor
, #leaf
, #fluent
, #auth
, #async
, #security
, #meetups
, #showcase
, #today-i-learned
, #apple-events
, #deployment
, #red
, #cloud
, #aws
, swift
Language: English, čeština, español, русский, Deutsch, 中文频道, Nederlands, 日本語, français, italiano, українська, 한국어
Notable Channels: #proposals
, #articles
, #showcase
, #general-v5
, #auth
, #database
, #deploy
, #testing
, #validation
, #view
, #websocket
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #nestjs-core
, #nestjs-config
, #nestjs-graphql
, #nestjs-mongoose
, #nestjs-swagger
, #nestjs-testing
, #nestjs-typeform
, #nestjs-cli
, #internals
Language: English
Notable Channels: #bundle-dev
, #core-dev
, #design
, #typescript
, #polymer
, #vue
, #react
, #general
, #post-your-work
, #looking-for-dev
Language: English, 日本語
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #i-made-this
, #news-and-links
, #libraries
, #ops
, #react
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ideas
, #help-blitz
, #help-react
, #help-prisma
, #help-typescript
, #blitz-content
, #blitz-libraries
, #built-with-blitz
, #dev-general
Language: English, 中文, español
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #showcase
, #development
, #starter-kits
, #jobs
, #graphql
, #vuejs
, #data-sourcing
, #markdown
, #drupal
, #craft-cms
, #dato-cms
, #cockpit-cms
Language: English
Notable Channels: #notifee
, #apple-authentication
, #general
, #i-need-help
, #i-made-this
, #contributing
, #news
, #modules
Language: English
Notable Channels: Notable Channels: #help-react
, #react-native
, #js
, #styling
, #backend
, #graphql
, #code-review
, #react-router
, #redux
, #react-bootstrap
, #formik
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #feature-request
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #documentation
, #showcase
, #development
, #starter-kits
, #plugin-releases
, #graphql
, #vuejs
, #platforms
Language: English
Notable Channels: #articles
, #general
, #showcase
, #documentation
, #proposals
, #nuxt
, #axios
, #pwa
, #webpack
, #middleware
, #apollo
, #plugins
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, português, русский, italiano, 中文,
Notable Channels: #i-made-this
, #ideas
, #jobs
, #conferences
, #upgrading
, #app-extensions
, #components
, #cli
, #spa
, #ssr
, #pwa
, #umd
, #cordova
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, français, Türkçe, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Notable Channels: #vuex-store
, #vue-router
, #code-help
, #vue-cli
, #vue-i18n
, #vuepress
, #composition-api
, #vue3-discussions
, #vue2-internals
, #vue-testing
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Notable Channels: #general
, #need-help
, #bugs
, #ideas
, #i-made-this
Language: English
Notable Channels: #i-made-this
, #issues
, #ideas
, #ssr
, #design
, #discord-help
, #bugs
, #pull-requests
, #responsive
, #proposals
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #beginner-questions
, #bug-reporting
, #updating-versions
, #tooling
, #testing
, #nuxt
, #premium-theme-support
, #women-who-vuetify
, #frontend
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Notable Channels: #app-architecture
, #hooks-and-style
, #devel
, #support
, #showcase
, #documentation
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #development
, #support
, #showcase
, #fetch
, #functional
, #router
, #ssr
, #gloo
, #malvolio
, #trunk
, #ybc
, #yewprint
, #yew-state
, #yew_styles
Language: English, 中文
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #help
, #contribution-guidelines
, #docsify-themeable
, #plugins
, #docsify-labs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #ream
, #saber
, #poi
, #cac
, #bili
, #sao
, #codepan
, #docup
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #reactivity
, #ssr
, #tooling
, #typescript
, #articles
, #jobs
, #showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #maintenance
, #design
, #presets
, #documentation
, #addons
, #jobs
, #frameworks
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #dom
, #react
, #react-hooks
, #native
, #cypress
, #vue
, #angular
, #svelte
, #preact
, #preact-hooks
, #pptr
, #testcafe
, #nightwatch
, #playground
Language: English
Notable Channels: #contributing
, #prs
, #issues
, #support
, #general
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #gutenberg
, #hosting-discussion
, #themes
, #plugins
, #woocommerce
, #ecommerce
, #professional
, #marketplace
Language: English
Notable Channels: #security
, #general
, #devops
, #plugin-development
, #theme-development
, #coding-questions
, #css
, #wp-cli
, #seo
, #beginner-help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #themes-and-fonts
, #shortcuts
, #tips-and-tricks
, #general
, #dev
, #design
Language: English
Notable Channels: #troubleshooting
, #how-do-i
, #cli
, #emacs-lisp
, #protips
, #project
, #org-mode
, #latex
, #keyboards
, #themes
, #operating-systems
, #hardware
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #design
Language: English
Notable Channels: #configuration
, #docker
, #drone-integration
, #reverse-proxies
, #develop
, #helm-chart
, #tea
Language: English, Deutsch, português, 中文, français, español, Nederlands, русский, Czech
Notable Channels: #general-os
, #ideavim
, #intellij-idea-community
, #kotlin
, #mps
, #appcode
, #clion
, #datagrip
, #datalore
, #dotcover
, #phpstorm
, #pycharm
, #resharper
, #rider
, #rubymine
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #ide-development
, #newocr-development
, #share-your-projects
, #java
Language: English
Notable Channels: #discussion
, #terminal-setups
, #tech-support
, #code
, #suggestions
, #wiki-rewrite
Language: English
Notable Channels: #work-in-progress-critique
, #photoshop
, #premiere-pro
, #after-effects
, #illustrator
, #animate
, #indesign
, #xd
, #lightroom
, #other-programs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chat
, #feedback
, #collaboration
, #fydo-tiles
, #pixel-art
, #palettes
, #voxel-art
, #low-poly-3d
, #textmode
, #chpitune
, #programming
, #in-game-builds
, #events
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #pixelart
, #gamedev
, #pixel-challenges
, #featured-gallery
, #art-gallery
, #gallery-discussion
, #pixelart-feedback
, #animation-feedback
, #tutorials
Language: English
Notable Channels: #challenge
, #design
, #illustration
, #ui-ux
, #photo-film
, #animation
, #dev
, #3d
, #general-one
, #client-area
, #collab
Language: English
Notable Channels: #the-spotlight
, #discussions
, #critique
, #showcase
, #tech-help
, #resources
, #inspiration
, #traditional
, #illustration
, #photography
Language: English
Notable Channels: #osdev
, #programming
, #beginner
, #bootloader-dev
, #wiki
, #projects
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #rom
, #general
, #flutter
, #kotlin
, #firebase
, #dependency-injection
, #rx
, #design
Language: English
Notable Channels: #root
, #custom-roms
, #theming
, #development
, #magisk
, #twrp
, #substratum
, #support-room
Language: English
Notable Channels: #beginner
, #intermediate
, #general
, #android
, #ios
, #web
, #desktop
, #app-showcase
, #hiring
Language: English
Notable Channels: #android
, #whatphone
, #tech-support
, #phone-questions
, #themes
, #phonetography
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-tech
, #help
, #development
, #theming
, #devices
, #google-general
, #huawei-general
, #oneplus-general
, #samsung-general
, #nokia-general
Language: English
Notable Channels: #hackintosh-help
, #laptop-prebuilt
, #smbios
, #macos
, #linux
, #windows
, #retro-gaming
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #big_sur_discussions
, #development_discussions
, #b550_development
, #install_support
, #post_install_support
, #gpu_support
, #networking_support
, #hardware_discussion
Language: English
Notable Channels: #releases
, #general
, #ios
, #ipados
, #macos
, #watchos
, #tvos
, #xcode
, #development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #barrykn-patcher
, #bensova-patcher
, #dosdude1-patchers
, #big-sur
, #catalina
, #mojave
, #high-sieraa
, #sierra
, #el-capitan
, #yosemite
, #mavericks
, #mountain-lion
Language: English
Notable Channels: #apple
, #purchase-advice
, #shot-on-iphone
, #homescreen
, #ios-ipados
, #macos
, #watchos
, #xcode
, #services
, #jailbreak-info
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #common-issues
, #jailbreak
, #general
, #themes
, #legacy
, #unc0ver
, #tvos-jailbreaks
, #checkra1n
, #chimera
, #flex
, #ncontrol
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #app-fixes
, #hackintosh-help
, #benchmarks-and-desks
, #hack-art
, #linux
, #useful-files
, #coding
, #efi-database
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #shorcut-sharing
, #help-and-support
, #shortcast-info
, #shortcasts-content-suggestions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-chat
, #insiders-chat
, #tech-support
, #purchase-advice
, #development
, #it-pros
, #servers
, #surface
, #office
, #unix
Language: English
Notable Channels: #home
, #dev-random
, #support
, #unixporn
, #programming
, #media
, #hardware
, #gaming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tech
, #customization
, #programming
, #support-linux
, #support-distro-installs
, #support-games
, #support-discord
, #support-non-linux
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tips-and-links
, #news
, #tech
, #de-and-customization
, #programming
, #linux-support
, #support-other
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linux-news
, #general
, #linux
, #gaming
, #suggestions
, #developers
, #themes
, #support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #ricing-theming
, #tools
, #wallpapers
, #tech-support
, #programming
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #news
, #home
, #arch-support
, #other-distros
, #programming
, #ricing
, #wallpapers
Language: English
Notable Channels: #home
, #man-pages
, #silverblue-containers
, #server-rhel-centos
, #arm-raspberry
, #showcase
, #gaming-general
, #hardware-for-linux
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chat
, #support
, #screenshots
, #general-development
, #ebuilds
, #resources
, #containers
Language: English, 日本語
Notable Channels: #support-mint
, #support-lmde
, #support-other-os
, #support-nos
, #general
, #tech-talk
, #user-created-content
Language: English
Notable Channels: #kde
, #xfce
, #gnome
, #manjaro-arm
, #help-general
, #help-installation
, #programming
, #customizations
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #chat
, #project
, #packaging
, #factory
, #admin
, #artwork
, #docs
, #gnome
, #xfce
Language: English, français, Deutsch, italiano, polski, español, Nederlands
Notable Channels: #tech-talk
, #coding-cave
, #system-installation
, #software-installation,
, #hardware-drivers
, #networking
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #support
, #working-programs
, #working-hardware
, #debugging
, #teaching-room
, #reactos-youtube
, #git-highlights
Language: English
Notable Channels: #chromeos
, #chromium
, #crostini
, #purchase-advice
, #dev-mode
, #enterprise
, #android
, #gaming
, #support
Language: English
, discussions on network management and infrastructure, IT homelab, containers, APIs, Kubernetes and applications that run on them.
Notable Channels: #sysadmin
, #help
, #security
, #scripting
, #microsoft
, #linux
, #career-advice
, #networking
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-aws
, #aws-rage
, #ask-for-technical-help
, #cloud-automation
, #cloud-security
, #getting-hired
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #show
, #help
, #career
, #data-science
, #architecture
, #cloud
, #databases
, #etl-workflow
Language: English
Notable Channels: #opensource
, #first-timers
, #help
, #livestream
, #hackathons
, #careers
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #labpics
, #homelabquotes
, #code
Language: English, Deutsch, français, Nederlands
Notable Channels: #general
, #show
, #help
, #career
, #data-science
, #architecture
, #cloud
, #databases
, #etl-workflow
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #graql
, #grakn
, #grabl
, #build
, #buildbuddy
, #troubleshoot
, #workbase
, #biograkn
, #kglib
, #nlp
, #ideas
, #events
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #maintainers
, #account
, #users
, #database
, #storage
, #web
, #flutter
, #react-native
, #ios
, #android
, #servers
, #unity
, #electron
Language: English
Notable Channels: #showcase
, #feedback-suggestions
, #commands
, #api-support
, #public-development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #graphql-engine
, #new-to-graphql
, #contrib
, #look-what-i-built
, #preview
, #3factor-apps
, #deployment-help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #contributions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #cryb
, #getting-started
, #support
, #tech-support
, #updates
, #community
, #interests
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general-support
, #docker-support
, #heimdall
, #linux-chat
, #other-support
, #hardware
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #software
, #hardware
, #media-suggestions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #devel
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #customization-theming
, #groups
, #organizr-support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #tech
, #share-your-setup
, #pi-hole-setup
, #other-support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #infosec-general
, #technical-chat
, #student-zone
, #blue-team-zone
, #ctf
, #malware-phishing
, #cyber-threat-intel
, #digital-forensics
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support-labs
, #challenge-labs
, #ctf
, #technical-help
, #red-teaming
, #networking
, #cryptography
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: Will open on August 5-8, 2021 Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #hacking-resources
, #questions-and-answers
, #hacktivity
, #hackthebox
, #mother-ctfs
, #h1-2006-ctf
, #ctfs
, #a-little-something-to-get-you-started
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #questions
, #programming
, #hacking
, #webdev
, #opearting-systems
, #ctf
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #windows-os
, #unix-family
, #mac-os
, #ethical-hacking
, #ctf-discussion
, #job-discussion
, #networking
, #cryptography
, #mobile-devices
, #web-dev
, #python
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #ctf
, #starting-out
, #mobile
, #exploits-and-vulns
, #hardware
, #malware
, #tools
, #software-protections
Language: English
Notable Channels: #web-app-course
, #zero-to-hero
, #red-teaming
, #reverse-engineering
, #linux
, #web-apps
, #htb
, #tryhackme
, #forensics
, #job-postings
Language: English
Notable Channels: #cyber-news
, #hacking
, #mac-os
, #windows
, #linux
, #ios
, #android
, #hardware
, #coding
, #malware-analysis
, #training
, #c-re-arm-x86-help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #development
Language: English, русский
Notable Channels: #general
, #issues
Language: English
Notable Channels: #core-crypto-dev
, #layer-2-dev
, #any-dev
, #eth-dev
, #web3-dev
, #solidity-dev
, #vyper-dev
, #evm-dev
, #tools-and-resources
, #events
, #jobs
, #bounties
, #contribute
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #light-client
, #abigen
, #clef
, #puppeth
, #rinkeboy
, #progpow
, #firefly
, #devp2p
, #mobile
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #ideas-and-feedback
, #content
, #help
Language: English, język polski, Rumanian, 한국어, Deutsch, 中文, italiano, português, 日 本語, français, español, Türkçe, Nederlands, русский, हिन्दी, বাংলা, Czech, bahasa Indonesia, Pilipino
Notable Channels: #general
, #learning
, #trading
, #yoroi-general
, #yoroi-support
, #daedalus-general
, #daedalus-support
, #dev-general
, #cip
Language: English, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, Nedarlands, português, español, Czech
Notable Channels: #egem-chat
, #sfrx-chat
, #mn-talk
, #docker-mn-talk
, #otc-market
, #trading-talk
, #mining
, #zero-coin
, #dev-talks
, #bounties
Language: English, português, 中文, français, Deutsch, русский, 日本語, 한국어, español
Notable Channels: #metrix-discussion
, #day_trading
Language: English, Nederlands, עִבְרִית, 日本語, 中文, 한국어, Deutsch, português, español français, italiano, 한국어, русский, Türkçe, język polski
Notable Channels: #general
, #documentation
, #development
, #decentralization
, #graphic-design
, #business
, #events
, #integration
, #protocol
, #roadmap
, #support
Language: English, español, русский, bahasa Indonesia, italiano, Deutsch, 中文, français, português, Türkçe, Tiếng Việt
Notable Channels: #general
, #trading
, #marketing
, #development
, #mining-help
, #mining-rig-discussion
Language: English, 한국어, русский
Notable Channels: #3blue1brown
, #manim-help
, #python-help
, #math-discussion
, #manim-dev
, #projects
, #docs
Language: English, español, português, français, Deutsch, русский
Notable Channels: #rapier
, #bevy_rapier
, #rapier-js
, #parry
, #salva
, #nalgebra
, #simba
, #nphysics
, #simba
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #xpl-res
, #dev-chat
, #lua
, #c-cpp
, #microsoft-flight-simulation-dev-chat
, #modeling-texture
Language: English
Notable Channels: #help
, #aviation-chat
, #hardware-chat
, #a32nx-chat
, #a380x-chat
, #dev-support
, #atsu-api
, #lighting
, #modeling
, #sound
, #your-controls
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tutorials_and_articles
, #unity
, #programming
, #mobile
, #code_optimization
, #shaders
, #game_jams
, #art
, #audio
, #game_design
, #marketing
, #collaboration
Language: English
Notable Channels: #events
, #unity
, #unreal-engine
, #gamemaker-studio
, #open-source
, #löve-dev
, #monogame-and-libgdx-dev
, #godot
, #web-dev
, #cryengine-dev
, #vr-dev
Language: English
Notable Channels: #gamedev-talk
, #career-advice
, #gamejam
, #work-in-progress
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #gamemaker
, #stride-xenko
, #roblox
, #ui-ux
, #3d-modeling
, #sound
, #looking-for-work
Language: English
Notable Channels: #osu-lazer
, #osu-framework
, #osu-dev
, #difficulty-osu
, #difficulty-taiko
, #difficulty-catch
, #difficulty-mania
, #osu-wiki
, #modding
, #mappers-guild
Language: English
Notable Channels: #gamedev-general
, #show-off-your-stuff
, #unity
, #unreal
, #godot
, #lhtml5-javascript
, #c-cpp-csharp-java
, #opengl-vulkan
, #gamemaker
, #retro
, #audio
, #visuals
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #digital-game-design
, #tabletop-game-design
, #game-development
, #music-and-art
, #find-people
, #get-found
, #current-projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #mathematics
, #questions
, #ray-tracing
, #techniques
, #directx
, #gpu-compute
, #opengl
, #unity-unreal
, #vulkan
, #web
, #algorithms
, #bikeshed
, #engine-dev
, #low-level
Language: English
Notable Channels: #cgi-general
, #resources
, #3d-printing
, #animation-rigging
, #coding
, #grease-pencil
, #materials
, #modeling
, #physics
, #rendering
, #roblox
Language: English, Deutsch, português, español, Nederlands, suomi, Magyar, svenska, dansk, हिन्दी
Notable Channels: #shader-programming
, #beginners
, #mathematics
, #showcase
, #live-coding-streams
, #resources
Language: English
Notable Channels: #business
, #game-design
, #math
, #mechanics
, #playtesting
, #visual-design
, #world-design
, #writing
, #game-critique
, #mechanics-critique
, #projects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #logic
, #art
, #showcase-team
, #gamejam
, #engine-general
, #bikeshed
, #review-request
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #editor
, #rendering
Language: English, Deutsch, français, 日本語, русский, 中文, dansk
Notable Channels: #armory
, #armor-paint
, #general
, #armory-dev
, #haxe
, #logic-nodes
, #showcase
Language: English, français
Notable Channels: #general
, #help
, #code-review
, #showcase
, #tutorials
, #dev-general
, #assets
, #audio
, #documentation
, #ecs
, #ui
, #rendering
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #feedback
, #ask
, #js
, #tips
, #tools
, #job-offers
, #addons
, #effects
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support
, #licensing
, #general
, #showcase
, #ask-for-help
, #coding
, #art-and-assets
, #animation-and-physics
, #audio
, #shaders-and-rendering
, #vfx-visual-effects
, #jobs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #gamedev
, #technical
, #game-design
, #3d_in_gamemaker
, #shaders
, #netcode
, #beta_2_3
, #help
, #gamemaker_showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wip
, #art-and-assets
, #finished-games
, #game-jam
, #general
, #quick-questions
, #engine-development
, #javascript
, #extension
, #wiki
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, português, русский, italiano
Notable Channels: #general
, #showcase
, #beginner-help
, #help
, #programming
, #visual-script
, #shaders
, #networking
, #engine
, #mobile-dev
, #gnative-dev
, #plugins
, #xr
, #3d
, #ui
Language: English, عربي, español, polski
Notable Channels: #general-unity
, #game-jams
, #completed-projects
, #unitytips
, #general-code
, #editor-extensions
, #dots
, #shaders
, #mobile
, #machine-learning
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #development
Language: English
Notable Channels: #renpy
, #ontopic
, #todayidid
, #social
Language: English
Notable Channels: #central-planning
, #sugarcube
, #harlowe
, #chapbook
, #snowman
, #twine1-formats
, #compilers
, #general-twine-talk
, #writing-discussion
, #testing-and-released
, #resources
Language: English, Deutsch, español, français
Notable Channels: #unity-help
, #general-programming
, #advanced-programming
, #physics-maths
, #networking
, #art-2d
, #art-3d
, #ui-design
, #audio-engineering
, #projects-showcase
, #udc-jam-week
Language: English
Notable Channels: #unreal-engine
, #design-chat
, #game-jams
, #work-in-progress
, #graphics
, #animation
, #audio
, #cinematics
, #level-design
, #paper2d
, #visual-fx
, #niagra
, #blueprint
Language: English
Notable Channels: #dx-developer-day
, #dx12-developers
, #dx9-dx11-developers
, #pix
, #showcase
, #bug-reports
, #feature-requests
, #dx-gaming-questions
, #getting-started-guides
Language: English
Notable Channels: #wordedit
, #worldguard
, #craftbook
, #commandbook
, #enginehub
, #api
, #dev-team
, #git-log
, #showcase
Language: English
Notable Channels: #fawe-support
, #fawe-developer-chat
, #ps-developer-chat
, #hv-general-chat
, #is-web
, #programming
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linuxgsm
, #linux
, #game-server
, #general
, #battlestations
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #madewithraylib
, #help
, #game-design
, #raspberry-pi
, #raylibtech
, #rayfork
, #raylib
, #raygui
, #rres
, #challenges
, #raylib-bindings
Language: English
Notable Channels: #rpcs3
, #help
, #development
, #media
Language: English
Notable Channels: #srm_discussion
, #parser_support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #technical-help
, #scripting-help
, #content_discussion
, #bug_reports
, #development
, #suggestions
Language: English
Notable Channels: #d3d9-users
, #d3d9-dev
, #d3d11-users
, #d3d11-dev
, #wine
, #proton
, #vkd3d-users
, #vkd3d-dev
, #winehackers
, #trivial-anti-cheetah-users
, #easy-anti-lobster-dev
, #builds
Language: English
Notable Channels: #linux-gaming
, #proton-steamplay-gaming
, #wine-gaming
, #cloud-streaming-stadia
, #tech-support
, #emulation
, #developer-stuff
, #hardware
, #vr_and_ar
, #your-content
Language: English
Notable Channels: #support-general
, #support-hardware
, #support-gaming
, #new-to-linux
, #tech-general
, #coding
, #unixporn
, #original-content
Language: English
Notable Channels: #news
, #general
, #irc
, #requests_and_feedback
, #lutris_support
, #linux_support
, #installer_creation
Language: English
Notable Channels: #protondb-website
, #proton-game-support
, #proton
, #linux
, #linux-support
, #general-game-support
Language: English
Notable Channels: #build-planning
, #northstar3-2
, #jenson-redesing
, #triton
, #exii-raspberry-pi
, #cad
, #eye-tracking
, #calibration
, #steamvr
, #mechanical
, #firmware
, #troubleshooting
Language: English, Deutsch, français, español, 日本語, 韓國語
Notable Channels: #udon-questions
, #vrchat-development
, #avatars
, #avatar-rigging
, #animation
, #shaders
, #3d-modeling
, #worlds
, #world-lighting
, #oculus-quest-development
Language: English, Deutsch, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ, français, 汉语, español, 日本語, dansk, 한국어, português, polski, русский
Notable Channels: #vr-dev
, #tech-advice
, #oculus-quest
, #oculus-rift
, #oculus-go
, #valve-index
, #pimax-vr
, #htc-vive
, #windows-mixed-reality
, #playstation-vr
, #vr-flightsims
Language: English
Notable Channels: #quick-questions
, #machine-learning-projects
, #resources
, #math-questions
, #programming-questions
, #andrew-ng-coursera-machine-learning
Language: English
Notable Channels: #questions
, #machine-learning
, #deep-learning
, #reinforcement-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #systems-neuroscience
, #computer-vision
Language: English
Notable Channels: #__main__
, #help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #tf-general
, #ai-ethics
, #tensorflow-javascript
, #tensorflow-python
, #convolutional-neural-network
, #recurrent-neural-network
, #generative-adversarial-networks
Language: English
Notable Channels: #general
, #machine-learning
, #math
, #programming
, #career
, #visualization
, #resources
, #colab
, #papers
Language: English
Notable Channels: #q-and-a
, #need-help
, #general
, #dev-talk
, #dev-docs
Language: English
Notable Channels: #dataviz
, #datascience
, #looking-for-help
Language: English
Notable Channels: #machine-learning
, #natural-language-processing
, #analytics
, #programming
, #data-engineering
, #visualizations
, #community
Language: English
Notable Channels: #big-n-discussion
, #experienced
, #resume-review
, #career-questions
, #ask-a-manager
, #students
, #meetups
, #programming-challenges
Language: English
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