與 Notion 相關的精彩內容的精選列表。
Engine.so - 將 Notion 文檔變成為您的客戶提供的公共自助知識庫。
Notion Blog - 使用Next.js 將Notion 生成為靜態博客網頁的工具。
Notablog - 從 Notion 表生成簡約博客。
Next.js Notion Starter Kit - 使用 React Notion X 構建到帶有 Next.js 的 SSG 的入門工具包。
React Notion 博客 - Notion 博客樣板使用 React Notion 通過 Next.js 構建到 SSG。
Notion Dog - 使用 Notion 構建簡單、強大的網站的最簡單方法。
Super.so - 將 Notion 頁面變成具有自定義域、自定義路徑、字體、分析等功能的快速、實用的網站。
Potion.so - 在幾分鐘內創建自定義網站。具有自定義域、樣式和出色的 SEO。
Notelet - 用 Notion 編寫,發佈到網絡。自定義域、分析、主題等。
Popsy - 免費使用 Notion 創建網站
Oopy - 用 Notion 編寫,這是你的網站
Notion Enhancer - 對 Notion 的擴展,添加了許多高度要求的功能,例如選項卡、自定義寬度頁面和主題。
Notion Web Clipper - Chrome 擴展程序,可讓您將任何網站添加到 Notion 中。
Notion Boost - Notion Enhancer 中的 Chrome 擴展。
Notion Charts - 通過與穀歌表格文檔鏈接,創建針對 Notion 優化的可嵌入圖表。
Notion Icons - Notion 頁面的可嵌入自定義圖標列表。
NotionAI-MyMind - 這個 repo 使用 AI 和美妙的 Notion 使您能夠將網絡上的任何內容添加到您的“頭腦”中,而忘記其他一切。
Notion Backups - 將您的 Notion 工作區備份到您選擇的存儲提供商。
SparkleForms - 表單和 Notion 表之間的橋樑。
Notion Tweet - 適用於 Notion 用戶的 Twitter 一體化工具。
Notion2Sheets - 您的 Notion 數據庫與 Google 表格同步。
Joey - 8 個強大的塊來提高 Notion 頁面的參與度。
Notion Draw - 在 Notion 中畫東西
Integromat - 自動化使用 Notion 所涉及的重複性任務,讓您的工作更輕鬆。
notioncharts.io - 來自 Notion 表格的精美圖表。
Evergreen Notes (for Notion) - Notion 的側邊欄擴展,使其更好地作為個人知識庫。
Notionlytics - 找出誰訪問了您的 Notion 頁面。
Wunderpresentation - 立即創建和運行交互式演示幻燈片
Whalesync - Whalesync 是面向建設者的無代碼數據工具。在 Airtable、Webflow 和 Notion 等工具之間自動創建雙向同步。
Notion.so Faster & Responsive Popup - 擁有更好的 notion.so 體驗,更少的轉換和響應
NotionQL - 為您的 Notion Workspace 部署 GraphQL API
Notion Metrics - 您最重要的指標, 住在 Notion 頁面中
Notion Quotes Widget - 每次打開 Notion 時都會獲得新的報價
小部件框 - 為您的概念頁面定制的小部件
Float - 完全在 Notion 中構建課程。
Noggin - 使用 Notion 在幾分鐘內構建您的課程。
Notionvideo - 在此處根據您的興趣或需要快速訪問視頻
Apption - 查找和學習概念友好的可嵌入小部件應用程序
Snackthis - 從 Notion 創建漂亮的演示文稿。
The:gist - 自動化 Notion 工作流程的最簡單方法
異想天開 - 協作文檔、流程圖、線框圖、便箋和思維導圖。
Indify - 使用小部件升級您的 Notion 文檔。完全可定制,無縫設置。
NotionIntegrations.com - 社區製作的 Notion 集成和即將發布的集成版本的編譯。
r/Notion - Notion subreddit 擁有超過 76k 的 notion 用戶。
Facebook - Notion Made Simple - Notion facebook 群組
Discord - Notion 社區 - Notion discord 群組,用於獲取幫助、討論 Notion 並分享您的創作。
Slack - Notion Hacks - Slack 社區為 Notion 討論、收集和創建各種 hack。
Notion Everything - 共享和瀏覽 Notion 模板的網站。
Notion Pages - 分享和發現新的 Notion 模板。
Facebook - Notion for Students - 一個學生可以互相學習如何最好地使用 Notion 的地方。
Notion Hacks - 為 Notion 收集、討論和創建各種 hack 的社區
Notion TO (slack) - Notion Canada slack group
Notion New York - 紐約的 Notion 社區
Notion Answers - 從其他 Notion 用戶那裡獲得幫助
Notion UK - 英國 Notion 聚會小組
高級 CRM - Notion 中的高級 CRM,它試圖模仿 Salesforce 等更高級 CRM 的結構。
幫助中心 - 公司內部常見問題解答和幫助中心的模板。
數據科學組合 - 幫助構建和加速構建數據科學組合的模板。
團隊同步模板 - 在 Notion 中構建儀表板,捕獲指標、討論點以及您需要的所有其他內容,以實現高效的團隊同步.
Notion Wizard - Notion 模板、提示、技巧和生產力技巧的一站式商店。
Notionery - 發現最好的 Notion 模板、產品等。
The NBA in Notion: A Practical Example of Databases - 一篇討論 Notion 數據庫的文章以 NBA 數據庫為例。
產品主導的增長型 CRM in Notion - 建立強大的 CRM 並推動產品主導型增長的指南概念。
將分析引入 Notion - 如何在 Notion 數據庫上構建圖表並將您的分析和講故事集中在一個地方.
Red Gregory - Notion.so 欣賞博客。
概念棱鏡圖標 - 概念棱鏡圖標
Notion Icons 4.0 - 目前該包包含 272 個圖標。所有圖標都有 8 種不同的顏色可供選擇。
React Notion - Notion 頁面的 React 渲染器。將 Notion 用作博客、文檔或個人網站的 CMS。
React Notion X - react-notion 項目的擴展版本。支持更多的筆記塊並提供更多功能,例如暗模式。
Vue Notion - Notion 頁面的 Vue 渲染器。將 Notion 用作博客、文檔或個人網站的 CMS,從 React Notion 移植到 vue。
The Official Notion API - Private beta - 官方 Notion API,仍然是一個私有 beta 版本。
notion-py - Notion.so 的非官方 Python API 客戶端。
notionapi - Notion.so 的非官方 Go API。
ketion-so/go-notion - Notion.so API 的非官方 Go SDK
notion-ruby - Ruby 的非官方 Notion 客戶端。
KNotion API - 非官方 Notion.so API 包裝器,用 Kotlin 編寫。
Notion API Worker - 私有 Notion API 的無服務器包裝器。
Notion Client - 用於非官方 Notion API 的強大 TypeScript 客戶端。
Notion-Api (Node.js) - Notion.so 的非官方 Node.js API 包裝器。工作正在進行中。
notion-sdk-deno - Deno 的非官方 Notion 客戶端。
laravel-notion-api - 與 Laravel 的輕鬆 Notion 集成。對 Notion API 的簡單訪問。
Notion Page to HTML - 將公共概念頁面轉換為 HTML 的 NodeJS 工具。
notion2md - 將你的 Notion 文件轉換為 markdown - 建立在 notion-py 之上。
notion4ever - Python 工具,用於使用官方 Notion API 導出 Notion 頁面的所有內容。包括:所有嵌套的子頁面、markdown 文件和 HTML、漂亮的 url。
notion-sdk-php - 官方 Notion API 的 PHP 庫。
notion-exporter - 用於從任何 Notion.so 頁面導出 .md 和 .csv 文件的 CLI 和庫。
The Authority Site System 3.0
Design with better way
A curated list of awesome Notion related things.
- Turn Notion docs into a public self-serve knowledge base for your customers.
- It is a tool that uses Next.js to generate Notion as static blog web pages.
- Generate a minimalistic blog from Notion table.
- A starter kit using React Notion X to build into SSG with Next.js.
- Notion blog boilerplate using React Notion to build into SSG with Next.js.
- The easiest way to build simple, powerful websites with nothing but Notion.
- Turn Notion pages into fast, functional websites with custom domains, custom paths, fonts, analytics, and more.
- Create custom websites in minutes. Featuring custom domains, styles and great SEO.
- Write in Notion, publish to the web. Custom domain, analytics, themes and more.
- Create websites with Notion for free
- Write in Notion, It's your website
- Extension to Notion that adds numerous highly requested features such as tabs, custom width pages, and themes.
- Chrome extension that lets you bookmark any website into Notion.
- Chrome extension in the vein of Notion Enhancer.
- Create embeddable charts optimized for Notion by linking with google sheets documents.
- A list of embeddable custom icons for your Notion pages.
- This repo uses AI and the wonderful Notion to enable you to add anything on the web to your "Mind" and forget about everything else.
- Back up your Notion workspaces to a storage provider of your choice.
- A bridge between your forms and your Notion tables.
- Twitter all-in-one tool for Notion users.
- Your Notion database synchronized with Google Sheets.
- 8 powerful blocks to boost engagement for Notion pages.
- Draw thing in Notion
- Automate repetitive tasks involved in using Notion and make your work easier.
- Beautiful charts from your Notion tables.
- Sidebar extension for Notion that makes it better as a personal knowledge base.
- Find out who visits your Notion pages.
- Create and run interactive presentation slides in no time
- Whalesync is the no-code data tool for builders. Automatically create a two-way sync between tools like Airtable, Webflow, and Notion.
- Have a better notion.so experience, less transitions and responsiveness
- Deploy a GraphQL API for your Notion Workspace
- Your most important metrics, live in Notion pages
- Get a new quote every time you open Notion
- Customizable Widgets for your Notion Pages
- Build courses entirely in Notion.
- Build your course in minutes— with Notion.
- Quickly access videos based on your interest or need here
- Find & Learn Notion friendly Embeddable Widget Apps
- Create Beautiful Presentations From Notion.
- The easiest way to automate your Notion workflows
- Collaborative docs, flowcharts, wireframes, sticky notes, and mind maps.
- Level up your Notion docs with widgets. Fully customizable, and seamless to set up.
- Compilation of community-made Notion Integrations and upcoming integration releases.
- Notion subreddit with over 76k notion users.
- Notion facebook group
- Notion discord group to get help, discuss Notion, and share your creations.
- Slack community to discuss, collect and creat various hacks for Notion.
- Website for sharing and browsing Notion templates.
- Share and discover new Notion templates.
- A place where students can learn from one another on how to best use Notion.
- Community to collect, discuss, and create various hacks for Notion
- Notion Canada slack group
- Notion community in New York
- Get help from other Notion users
- UK Notion meetup group
- An advanced CRM in Notion that tries to mimic the structure of more advanced CRMs such as Salesforce.
- A template for your company's internal FAQ and help center.
- Templates to help structure & accelerate building data science portfolios.
- Build dashboards in Notion, capture metrics, discussion points and everything else you need for a productive team sync.
- Your one-stop-shop for templates, tips, tricks and productivity hacks for Notion.
- Discover the very best Notion templates, products, and more.
- An article discussing how Notion databases work using an NBA database as an example.
- A guide to building a robust CRM and driving product-led growth in Notion.
- How to build charts over Notion databases and keep your analytics & storytelling all in one place.
- A Notion.so appreciation blog.
- Notion Prism Icons
- Currently the pack contains 272 icons. All icons are available in 8 different colors.
- A React renderer for Notion pages. Use Notion as CMS for blog, documentation or personal site.
- Extended version of react-notion project. Support for more blocks of notes and provides more features, such as dark mode.
- A Vue renderer for Notion pages. Use Notion as CMS for blog, documentation or personal site, ported to vue from React Notion.
- Official Notion API, which is still a private beta version.
- Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so.
- Unofficial Go API for Notion.so.
- Unofficial Go SDK for
- Unofficial Notion Client for Ruby.
- Unofficial Notion.so API wrapper, written in Kotlin.
- A serverless wrapper for the private Notion API.
- Robust TypeScript client for the unofficial Notion API.
- Unofficial Node.js API wrapper for Notion.so. Work in progress.
- Unofficial Notion Client for Deno.
- Effortless Notion integrations with Laravel. Simple access to the Notion API.
- NodeJS tool to convert public notion pages to HTML.
- Convert your Notion file to markdown - built on-top of notion-py.
- Python tool for export all your content of Notion page using official Notion API. Includes: all nested subpages, markdown files and HTMLs, nice urls.
- PHP library for the official Notion API.
- CLI and library for exporting .md and .csv files from any Notion.so page.
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the first.