Tech stacks for building different applications and features.
Awesome Stacks is a community-curated list of tech stacks for building different applications and features. It is open source and inspired by the original awesome list.
Each stack in the list has a name, description, and list of a few of the key tools and technologies. Optionally, it links to a tutorial, starter kit or boilerplate that makes it easy to get started with.
Got a stack you think is a great way to build something? Please edit this file and add it! Check out for more information.
Stacks can be browsed in two places—on the README and on The site, built with Gatsby and React, displays logos and metrics about each tool listed in the README by pulling data from the GitHub and StackShare APIs.
🛠 - StackShare tool profile 🐙 - GitHub repository
A basis for reducing the configuration of your projects with Next.js, best development practices and popular libraries in the developer community.
React Testing Library - 🛠 - 🐙 - react-testing-library is a tool in the Testing Frameworks category of a tech stack.
Redux Saga - 🐙 - is a library that aims to make application side effects (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache) easier to manage, more efficient to execute, easy to test, and better at handling failures.
React Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development built on top of Node.js, Express, GraphQL and React, containing modern web development tools such as Webpack, Babel and Browsersync.
React Starter Kit for Firebase is a popular project template (aka, boilerplate) for building modern, scalable web applications with React, Relay, and GraphQL using serverless infrastructure provided by Google Cloud (Cloud SQL, Cloud Functions, CDN hosting, and file storage).
Create React App - 🛠 - 🐙 - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Material UI - 🛠️ - 🐙 - React components that implement Google's Material Design.
The most complete boilerplate for production-ready PWAs. With focus on performance, development speed, and best practices.
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js.
An ever-evolving and opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI 3.
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js.
Build a simple polling progressive web application with some great modern tech.
Cloud Firestore - 🛠️ - A noSQL cloud database that exposes event listeners for real-time updates.
styled components - 🛠 - 🐙 - A react-specific css-in-js solution.
Contentful - 🛠 - 🐙 - Contentful is a flexible and future-friendly content platform that helps editors to manage and developers to serve content into mobile or web applications. Last but not least a powerhouse when worked with Gatsby.
A Hugo boilerplate for creating truly epic websites. This is a boilerplate for using Hugo as a static site generator and Webpack as your asset pipeline.
Bleeding edge vue template focused on code quality and developer happiness.
Offers a complete setup for both small and enterprise-scale apps.
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
A Nextjs Boilerplate code for creating a blog. The perfect solution to start a blog in React and use Tailwind CSS for styling.
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Lightning fast starter for bloggers, content creators, and really anyone who wants to break free from WordPress.
Create React App - 🛠 - 🐙 - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Use Strapi CMS to maintain and manage your Gatsby static site. Deploy to Heroku.
Strapi CMS - 🐙 - Strapi is the Headless CMS developers love.
Add search to your JAMStack website, through a static site integration or by crawling the content.
gatsby-plugin-algolia - 🐙 - Use GraphQL to specify Gatsby object to index with Algolia (beta).
hugo-algolia - 🐙 - Generate and send indices from Hugo static sites for use with Algolia.
instantsearch.js - 🐙 - JavaScript library for building performant and instant search experiences.
This is a full stack web app boilerplate project with VueJS + ExpressJS + MongoDB.
A Rails/JavaScript-based stack with modern/developer friendly technologies
GraphQL Ruby - 🛠 - 🐙 - Ruby server implementation of the GraphQL specification.
Apollo Client - 🛠 - 🐙 - A powerfully extensible GraphQL JavaScript client.
Learn how to build a full-stack production ready note taking app using Serverless and React on AWS from Step-by-step open-source tutorials with screenshots and code samples included.
Serverless Framework - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A toolkit for building serverless applications.
AWS Lambda - 🛠️ - A compute service that runs your code in response to events.
Amazon Cognito - 🛠️ - Securely manage and synchronize app data for your users across their mobile devices.
AWS Amplify - 🛠️ - JavaScript Open Source Library with React, React Native Extensions.
Amazon CloudFront - 🛠️ - Content delivery with low latency and high data transfer speeds.
Create React App - 🛠 - 🐙 - Set up a modern web app by running one command.
A foundation for scalable cross-platform desktop apps all the way from development to distributing your app.
electron-builder - 🐙 - A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box.
A foundation for scalable cross-platform desktop apps all the way from development to distributing your app using Vue and Electron.
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router is the official router for Vue.js.
electron-builder - 🐙 - A complete solution to package and build a ready for distribution Electron app with “auto update” support out of the box.
Quickest way to get started with CI and Code Coverage.
The best way to create a versatile and scalable PHP Web Application! It sure will make you fall in love with PHP (if not, Laravel). Laravel team has an official collaboration with the Vue, so Vue, Babel and Sass is already integrated before you even started!
Laravel Mix - 🐙 - A build tool built on top of webpack, to easily compile any front end assets. (secret: works with or without Laravel)
FReMP stack is a highly scalable full stack framework, which can be used to build robust and modern web apps using Flask, ReactJS, MongoDB and Python.
Stack used to deploy and manage a cluster of Docker containerized applications using Google Cloud services.
Kubernetes - 🐙 - 🛠 - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management.
Stackdriver - 🛠️ - Stackdriver Logging allows you to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events.
A collection of tools for building decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.
Tools to use to monitor your Rails app in production.
rack-mini-profiler - 🐙 - Profiler for your development and production Ruby rack apps.
Hosted tools to use to analyze user behavior for a web app.
Google Analytics - 🛠️ - Enterprise-class web analytics.
The Kafka-Spark-Cassandra pipeline for processing a firehose of incoming events.
Apache Spark - 🛠 - 🐙 - Fast and general engine for large-scale data processing.
Self-hosted open source devops and collaboration tools, suitable for enterprise.
Bleeding edge Django template focused on code quality and security.
Build, test, and deploy pipelines are configured by default.
Build a simple and robust RESTful API.
Spring Boot - 🛠 - 🐙 - Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".
Hasura is an open source GraphQL engine that deploys instant, real-time GraphQL APIs on any Postgres database. This React Native stack uses Hasura droplets hosted on Digital Ocean.
React Native - 🛠️ - 🐙 - Build native mobile apps using JavaScript and React.
Digital Ocean - 🛠️ - 🐙 - Deploy an SSD cloud server in less than 55 seconds with a dedicated IP and root access.
Unity is a game engine that connects to Plastic SCM to keep version control and large asset and huge repo management clean and frictionless.
Plastic SCM - 🛠️ - 🐙 - PlasticSCM Docker image.
Boost your Productivity with GitHub, Jira and Jenkins.
See for information and guides on how to contribute stacks and tools.
To the extent possible under law, StackShare has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work README
## 內容
Awesome Stacks 是一個社區策劃的技術堆棧列表,用於構建不同的應用程序和功能。它是開源的,並受到原始 awesome list 的啟發。
有一個你認為是構建東西的好方法的堆棧嗎?請編輯此文件並添加它!查看 了解更多信息。
堆棧可以在兩個地方瀏覽——在 README 和。該網站由 Gatsby 和 React 構建,通過從 GitHub 和 StackShare API 中提取數據來顯示自述文件中列出的每個工具的徽標和指標。
#### 傳奇
🛠 - StackShare 工具簡介 🐙 - GitHub 存儲庫
## 前端
使用 Next.js、最佳開發實踐和開發人員社區中的流行庫減少項目配置的基礎。
Redux Saga - 🐙 - 是一個旨在使應用程序端的庫效果(即數據獲取等異步操作和訪問瀏覽器緩存等不純操作)更易於管理、執行效率更高、易於測試並且更擅長處理故障。
##### 資源
React Starter Kit 是建立在 Node.js、Express、GraphQL 和 React 之上的 Web 開發自以為是的樣板,包含現代 Web 開發工具,如 Webpack、Babel 和 Browsersync。
##### 資源
React Starter Kit for Firebase 是一個流行的項目模板(又名樣板),用於使用 Google Cloud 提供的無服務器基礎架構(Cloud SQL、Cloud Functions、CDN 託管和文件存儲)構建具有 React、Relay 和 GraphQL 的現代、可擴展的 Web 應用程序.
創建 React 應用程序 - 🛠 - [🐙](https: // - 通過運行一個命令來設置現代 Web 應用程序。
##### 資源
生產就緒 PWA 的最完整樣板。專注於性能、開發速度和最佳實踐。
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A JavaScript 的類型化超集,可編譯為純 JavaScript。
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router 是 Vue.js 的官方路由器。
##### 資源
使用 Vue CLI 3 的新 Vue SPA 項目的不斷發展和固執己見的架構和開發環境。
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router 是 Vue.js 的官方路由器。
##### 資源
使用一些出色的現代技術構建一個簡單的輪詢漸進式 Web 應用程序。
Cloud Firestore - 🛠️ - 一個公開事件監聽器的 noSQL 雲數據庫 -時間更新。
##### 資源
用於創建真正史詩般的網站的 Hugo 樣板。這是使用 Hugo 作為靜態站點生成器和 Webpack 作為資產管道的樣板。
##### 資源
流血的 vue 模板專注於代碼質量和開發人員的幸福感。
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A JavaScript 的類型化超集,可編譯為純 JavaScript。
##### 資源
用於創建博客的 Nextjs 樣板代碼。在 React 中創建博客並使用 Tailwind CSS 進行樣式設置的完美解決方案。
TypeScript - 🛠️ - 🐙 - A JavaScript 的類型化超集,可編譯為純 JavaScript。
##### 資源
## 全棧
博主、內容創建者以及真正想要擺脫 WordPress 的任何人的閃電般快速入門。
創建 React 應用程序 - 🛠 - [🐙](https: // - 通過運行一個命令來設置現代 Web 應用程序。
##### 資源
使用 Strapi CMS 來維護和管理您的 Gatsby 靜態站點。部署到 Heroku。
Strapi CMS - 🐙 - Strapi 是 Headless CMS 開發人員所喜愛的。
##### 資源
通過靜態站點集成或爬取內容,將搜索添加到您的 JAMStack 網站。
gatsby-plugin-algolia - 🐙 -使用 GraphQL 指定 Gatsby 對像以使用 Algolia (beta) 進行索引。
hugo-algolia - 🐙 - 從 Hugo 靜態站點生成和發送索引與阿爾戈利亞一起使用。
instantsearch.js - [🐙]( /instantsearch.js) - 用於構建高性能和即時搜索體驗的 JavaScript 庫。
##### 資源
這是一個包含 VueJS + ExpressJS + MongoDB 的全棧 Web 應用樣板項目。
##### 資源
基於 Rails/JavaScript 的堆棧,採用現代/開發人員友好的技術
GraphQL Ruby - 🛠 - [🐙]( -ruby) - GraphQL 規範的 Ruby 服務器實現。
Apollo 客戶端 - 🛠 - 🐙 - 一個強大的可擴展 GraphQL JavaScript 客戶端。
##### 資源
從 了解如何使用 Serverless 和 React on AWS 構建全棧生產就緒的筆記應用程序。包含屏幕截圖和代碼示例的分步開源教程。
AWS Lambda - 🛠️ - 運行代碼以響應事件的計算服務。
Amazon Cognito - 🛠️ - 跨移動設備為您的用戶安全地管理和同步應用程序數據.
AWS Amplify - 🛠️ - 帶有 React、React Native 擴展的 JavaScript 開源庫。
Amazon CloudFront - 🛠️ - 以低延遲和高數據傳輸速度交付內容。
創建 React 應用程序 - 🛠 - [🐙](https: // - 通過運行一個命令來設置現代 Web 應用程序。
##### 資源
electron-builder - 🐙 - 一個完整的解決方案,用於打包和構建一個準備分發開箱即用的具有“自動更新”支持的電子應用程序。
##### 資源
從開發到使用 Vue 和 Electron 分發應用程序的可擴展跨平台桌面應用程序的基礎。
Vue Router - 🐙 - Vue Router 是 Vue.js 的官方路由器。
electron-builder - 🐙 - 一個完整的解決方案,用於打包和構建一個準備分發開箱即用的具有“自動更新”支持的電子應用程序。
##### 資源
開始使用 CI 和代碼覆蓋率的最快方法。
##### 資源
創建多功能且可擴展的 PHP Web 應用程序的最佳方式!它肯定會讓你愛上 PHP(如果不是,Laravel)。Laravel 團隊與 Vue 有官方合作,所以 Vue、Babel 和 Sass 在你開始之前就已經集成了!
Laravel Mix - 🐙 - 構建在 webpack 之上的構建工具,用於輕鬆編譯任何前端資產。(秘密:使用或不使用 Laravel 均可)
##### 資源
FReMP 堆棧是一個高度可擴展的全堆棧框架,可用於使用 Flask、ReactJS、MongoDB 和 Python 構建強大的現代 Web 應用程序。
##### 資源
Stack 用於部署和管理使用 Google Cloud 服務的 Docker 容器化應用集群。
Kubernetes - 🐙 - 🛠 - 生產級容器調度和管理。
Stackdriver - 🛠️ - Stackdriver Logging 允許您存儲、搜索、分析、監控和提醒記錄數據和事件。
用於監控生產環境中的 Rails 應用程序的工具。
rack-mini-profiler - 🐙 - 適合您的分析器開發和生產 Ruby 機架應用程序。
用於分析 Web 應用程序的用戶行為的託管工具。
用於處理傳入事件的 Kafka-Spark-Cassandra 管道。
Apache Spark - 🛠 - 🐙 - 快速和大規模數據處理的通用引擎。
##### 資源
自託管的開源 devops 和協作工具,適用於企業。
前沿 Django 模板專注於代碼質量和安全性。
##### 資源
構建一個簡單而健壯的 RESTful API。
Spring Boot - 🛠 - [🐙]( spring-projects/spring-boot) - Spring Boot 可以輕鬆創建獨立的、生產級的基於 Spring 的應用程序,您可以“直接運行”。
#### 資源
## 移動的
Hasura 是一個開源 GraphQL 引擎,可在任何 Postgres 數據庫上部署即時、實時的 GraphQL API。這個 React Native 堆棧使用託管在 Digital Ocean 上的 Hasura 液滴。
React Native - 🛠️ - [🐙]( /facebook/react-native) - 使用 JavaScript 和 React 構建原生移動應用程序。
##### 資源
[Udemy 課程:學習最新最簡單的 React Native Stack]( /?referralCode=E944B7F521E0A6B88CD2)
Unity 是一個連接到 Plastic SCM 的遊戲引擎,以保持版本控制和大型資產以及龐大的 repo 管理的清潔和無摩擦。
##### 資源
使用 GitHub、Jira 和 Jenkins 提高您的工作效率。
##### 資源
[在您的工作流程中集成 Jira、GitHub、Jenkins 和 Slack](你的工作流程)
## 執照
在法律可能的範圍內,StackShare 已放棄本作品的所有版權和相關或鄰近權利 README